The Last Slag

Chapter 176


Before she could turn around, she heard the human say: "Don't panic, it's me."

How could you not panic! Fang is dead!

She didn't feel anyone approaching at all, except that Bai Hao's inner strength is deeper than hers, there is only another possibility, that is, in this place, all perception will disappear, otherwise it cannot explain her complete absence Pay attention to Bai Hao's approach.

It looks like he didn't hide his aura on purpose, so there is only the latter possibility, it's too scary, which means that it's not that she didn't have any creatures along the way, it's just that she didn't notice their existence .

Awesome, my God Chiya.

Although the bottom of the cliff is pitch black, and one cannot perceive anything around it, it can be said that it is a place where people can feel fear in vain just by staying, but the two people present don't seem to have much feeling.

Especially Bai Hao, with the faint light of the translucent firefly, she unexpectedly saw his calm face quite clearly, and remembering that Xiao Shuo was also like this before, she just deliberately analyzed their current situation, but There was no worry or panic in his tone.

Should it be said that it is the male lead and the villain? He is really calm when encountering things.

"Are you injured?" She could only roughly see that at least there should be no injuries on his face, and the clothes on his body seemed to be in better condition than Xiao Shuo, but there was no guarantee that there were no scratches or anything.

Seeing Bai Hao looking at her, it took her a while to realize, "Ah, I forgot that you are a doctor yourself."

Bai Hao hadn't heard anyone call him doctor for a long time. His gaze was set on the lake. The quiet lake surface was illuminated by those fireflies, giving off a cold luster.

"The secret book may be under here."

Tang Ming searched for it along the way, and only this lake was lit. According to the direction of the rpg, it is indeed very likely that it is below this. In this respect, it is the same as the law of jumping off a cliff, "Then we Go back and find Xiao Shuo first, both of you are somewhat injured, you should come here to have a look after two days of recuperation."

In fact, she left Xiao Shuo to look for Bai Hao. She had two concerns. One was because she also fell to Chiya this day. Although Xiao Shuo suffered more injuries because he had to protect her, there was no guarantee. Bai Hao didn't have it, and on the other hand, she didn't want the martial arts secret book to fall into Bai Hao's hands.

Tang Ming is not a person who is afraid of chaos in the world. She doesn't know what Bai Hao plans to do after getting the martial arts cheats. In the original book, it was because of the death of the heroine that made him discouraged and retreated into the world. She can't follow suit. The heroine came to escape, let him change from evil to good.

If the martial arts cheats are really that powerful, she can't guarantee whether she can still beat Bai Hao who has learned the cheats. Sometimes the strength of this world really determines a lot. In Linyu's case, it is estimated that he has already embarked on the old path of a heroine.

Bai Hao's ferocity is no less than that of Ye Linyu, but Ye Linyu is like a little sheep in comparison.

"President Xiao was injured?" His tone didn't change, but when his eyes touched her almost intact state, he had an epiphany, "Oh, what an infatuation."

"Why, are you planning to make a promise with your body?"

The words are full of jealousy.


"you like him?"

This was the first time he had asked her this question so seriously.

Tang Ming looked away.

Her reaction seemed to him more like a kind of acquiescence, and he no longer entangled in this issue, "I won't go to him, you can go back to him by yourself, or stay with me."

This is what made her take a stand.

She lowered her eyes, "Then take care of yourself."

After saying this, she didn't even dare to look at his expression. She turned around and was about to leave. She was completely defenseless in this place. When she grabbed and dragged her into the water, she didn't react at all.

The torch she was holding in her hand also fell on the grass.

She suddenly fell into the water, which was also bitingly cold, but this time she was dragged down by someone.

Tang Ming's water quality is not particularly good. She opened her eyes and saw the shimmering lake surface, but the source of this luster was very strange. How could the brightness of fireflies illuminate such an effect.

She wanted to turn around and see what was going on below the lake, but she was dragged into the water so suddenly that she wasn't even prepared to hold her breath, and within a minute she couldn't take it anymore.

In the absence of oxygen, she opened her mouth uncontrollably, and the second before the lake water poured in, her mouth was blocked.

Tang Ming stared blankly at the man in front of him who was still calm even in the water, he backed away after breathing for her, and thanks to this breath, she finally recovered a bit.

There are indeed some lights on the bottom of the lake, and those lights seem to illuminate the underwater path for them. From here, one can see that there is a cave in the depths of this not-so-big lake.

If it were Tang Ming, she would definitely not be willing to swim in, but at this time she had to be dragged in by Bai Hao.

Poor water quality is really a flaw.

She was basically dragged in the water the whole time. Once she entered the cave, it was pitch black. It was unknown how long it took, until she was about to feel dizzy due to lack of oxygen, and they left the bottom of the water.

Even leaving the water, she was carried out by Bai Hao.

The other end of the cave is a completely empty cave, which doesn't look like a place under the Tianchi Cliff, but more like in the Tianchi Cliff. She just took a rough look at the new environment around her, and she became a little conscious. blurred.

Fainting at this time is simply

seek death.

Tang Ming pinched herself, and then managed to hold on to her consciousness. She tugged on Bai Hao's skirt, trying to let him put her down, but she didn't know what was wrong with this place. Her internal strength was completely exhausted. No, she is no match for Bai Hao in strength alone.

She can't use her internal energy, so Bai Hao shouldn't need it either.

This is probably the test under Tian Chiya? On this day, Chiya still has the effect of shielding people's internal energy? Very strong.

Before Tang Ming had time to complain silently in his heart, Bai Hao had already found the mechanism of the cave, and the relatively hidden stone door opened automatically, and the dusty cheats were placed on the huge boulder in it openly.

It's like waiting for someone else to take it, it's too suspicious.

Sure enough, Bai Hao also felt that this thing was weird, so he didn't act rashly immediately.

"Let me get it for you." She whispered.

Bai Hao looked at her for a long time, as if he was weighing something, and he let her go after a while.

As soon as she landed, her legs were a little weak, and before he reached out to support her, she had already supported the wall and stood firm.

She was right.

Even if it is 90 points of favorability, to Bai Hao, it is not as good as a book of martial arts cheats.

So he would be willing to let her try to get it in such a dangerous situation. Bai Hao probably also found out that there is no way to use internal force here. Before she finds a way out, she can't escape without internal force. .

As Tang Ming walked towards the martial arts cheats, he was thinking of a way in his heart.

Before she took two steps, she was stopped by him, "Wait."

etc? What are you waiting for

She smiled a little, but she was a little amused by his temporary hesitation and repentance, and seeing that he was frowning at this moment, he was really worried about her, but this worry now seems a little insignificant, "Since it was already decided, why did you suddenly go back on it? Or, do you still expect me to love you as always?"

Since you want to be a bad person, then you should be thorough, and don't expect others to like you.

Startled, he let go of his hand.

Tang Ming walked up to the martial arts secret book, stretched out his hand and picked it up without any hesitation. There was no mechanism or trap, no danger occurred, and everything was calm as usual.

Because this safety made Tang Ming a little suspicious, she made sure there was nothing wrong after a while, and then she set her eyes on the cover of the book, but the words on the cover made her stunned for a moment, even It's because I forgot that I was still thinking about retreating.

The pain in the back of her neck, just the few seconds of daze, caught her off guard and knocked her out.


Xiao Shuo was waiting for her at the same place as she said, but the feeling of waiting in vain was not very good, so he stood up after waiting for a short time.

It was pitch black outside, and nothing could be seen.

Such a spectacle is probably not seen above.

Xiao Shuo picked a wooden stick in better condition from the fire to serve as a torch for lighting. The wounds on his body were just some scratches, and it was not a serious problem to him.

On the contrary, the environment in this place is very strange. Although the internal force is not useless, it has no effect. In the past, he could clearly feel some troubles, but now he is like an ordinary person who has never practiced martial arts.

He walked out, this is a forest, as long as one walks through the forest, there will be some traces left behind, not to mention that she didn't deliberately clean up the traces she walked along the road, so Xiao Shuo didn't spend too much time. After a lot of effort, I followed these traces to find the lake that was completely different from the surrounding area.

In fact, before he found the lake, he had already noticed it.

Because it's brighter there than anywhere else.

If you ask why, because the trees over there are on fire.

The torch dropped by someone was the source of the fire, but the flame did not spread wildly, only a single tree was burned, but it also made the place brightly lit.

Xiao Shuo walked to the edge of the lake and picked up a jade pendant that had fallen on the edge of the lake.

It was given to her by him when he was traveling with her in Qingshan Pai Shanxia Town.

He looked at the lake and came to a conclusion in his mind.


Tang Ming didn't know what was going on in this world.

When she opened her eyes, she was no longer under Tianchi Cliff, and when she got up from the bed, she could see the sunlight coming in from the window, it was so bright, and when she opened the door, it looked like a paradise outside.

She knew this place.

This is the place where the heroine jumped off the waterfall and reunited with Bai Hao. In other words, this is a certain residence of Bai Hao.

Are they back up there

What about Xiao Shuo

Tang Ming didn't have much confidence that she would be able to jump off Chiya again, but she definitely couldn't leave Xiao Shuo there alone, she said 'I'll be back soon'.

Isn't she the same as the original heroine's ending? Bai Hao got the treasure map, and what's next.

And that she should be thankful that she wasn't abolished by him

Tang Ming covered her head with a headache. With such cheats, even if her martial arts were not abolished, he would think it would be fine.

So why does a world of martial arts have secrets of cultivation.

Not compatible at all, okay?