The Last Slag

Chapter 177


Now it's really a bit of a headache.

If it was an ordinary martial arts secret book, it would be fine, as long as it stayed within the normal range, it would be controllable, but it happened to be a cultivation secret book.

Regarding Xiuxian, Tang Ming's understanding is very limited. Even when she reads novels, she can only read a general idea. For her, these settings of Xiuxian are too troublesome. It is enough that one stage will be more powerful.

Even people without a little common sense know that there is a huge gap between cultivators and mortals.

How big this gap is, I am afraid it will exceed a galaxy.

But it also has a more troublesome point, that is, it takes a long time. Basically, the male protagonists in the comprehension novels are not over three digits in age and are too embarrassed to come out and take away their female protagonists, but even so, these The head of the hero is also covered with a halo of extraordinary talent.

Cultivation is not something that can be researched and achieved in a short period of time.

But in the original book, it didn't take too long for Bai Hao to go from being equal in strength to beating all kinds of heroes. Originally, when Tang Ming didn't know what the martial arts cheats were, it wasn't a problem , but when the martial arts secret book is actually a cultivation secret book, the speed of progress makes people feel a little strange.

Unless he somehow turns a day into a year.

It's useless for her to think wildly here now. She is actually familiar with this place. After all, every time she checks the plot, she can clearly and intuitively see the whole picture of this area.

If you want to escape, it's not impossible. What's more, she is here alone now, with no one guarding her, and Bai Hao is not around here.

It's just that Tang Ming stared at Bai Hao's dangerous favorability at this time, and felt that he would not let her go so easily. He left her here alone so generously. It was not so much reassuring for her as it was More like some kind of temptation.

But what to test? To test whether she will escape

Normal people would run away.

Tang Ming thought of this, then walked out of the room to pick some flowers, returned to the room and put the flowers in the empty vase inside the room, the color of the flowers added to the room, which added a bit of vitality.

She only went out that time, and since then she stayed in the house and stopped running around.

There are some medicinal herbs in the room, all of which Tang Ming knows. She is bored identifying these medicinal herbs, while consolidating her knowledge, while killing time.

Soon the sky became dark. There are candlesticks in this room, but there is no fire pocket. The fire pocket on her body has fallen to nowhere. It may be washed away by the current when she entered the water. .

There was no way to start a fire, and she didn't even want to start a fire, allowing the light in the house to gradually dim.

But even in the middle of the night, relying on the moonlight in the sky, the house is still much brighter than the one from Tianchiya. Perhaps it is because he is used to the darkness under Tianchiya, so even if he is surrounded by night, Tang Ming is fine. Too big a reaction.

She sat on the edge of the bed, resting her chin and looking at the sky.

Then only the sound of the wooden door being pushed open was heard.

"Why don't you light the lights?"

At the same time as his cold voice sounded, the candlestick on the table was lit by him, and the room lit up instantly. Seeing her sitting by the window with her chin resting in boredom, his expression suddenly became a little complicated.

"Why don't you run away?"

He gave her a chance to escape, even if he couldn't guarantee whether he would catch her back.

"Even if you run away, you will catch me back." She was a little absent-minded, she didn't turn her head to look at him, but said lightly: "I said before, I want to get to know you, and this has never changed. But you never really gave me that chance."

"Is it because you want to get the martial arts secret book? Then you have it now, what are you going to do next?"

Her attitude was not so much that she wanted to hear something from him, but rather that she didn't care anymore. This appearance made Bai Hao somewhat uncomfortable, "Do you hate me?"

"Will you be upset if I say I hate you?"

Bai Hao was silent for a while, "Probably yes."

The atmosphere between them was far from being tense. Perhaps Bai Hao originally thought they would be like that, but in fact they didn't. She was still talking to him in the same tone as before, but it was still different from before. of.

She is not the first woman who wants to know him, but her "understanding" is different from other people's so-called "understanding". At that moment, Bai Hao clearly realized that she knew his hidden The dark side under the skin.

know, and are willing to accept.

Bai Hao didn't quite remember what his mood was like at that time, but he clearly remembered how happy he was when she kept saying that he didn't like her that day.

Originally, he didn't intend to expose himself so early, he wanted to wait until everything was over, and then let her see her real self, to see if she would still stick to her original choice at that time.

But he didn't expect that she knew it from the beginning to the end.

She has never been misled by him, she has always looked at the most authentic him.

I am afraid that there is nothing that can make him more happy than this. Thinking about it now, even the joy brought by the martial arts secret book falling into his hands is far inferior to what she said at that time. satisfy.

He almost fell for her.

But it's not too late now, she is already by his side, and she can't go anywhere.

Thinking of this, his eyes softened a lot, even if she might say something like disgusting him in the next second, it would not change his mind.

He won't do anything to her, because he doesn't have the confidence to find another her.

"How's Xiao Shuo?" Just like he avoided her question, she also didn't answer his question.

It's like trying to compete with him.

Bai Hao didn't care, "He returned to the position of leader three days ago."

His words finally caused Tang Ming to react unplanned, "How long have I been unconscious?"

"Three days," he replied.


She remembered that she was just knocked out? ! It's not like he's been drugged!


Tang Ming stared at Bai Hao delicately for a long time, "Did you drug me?"

"Well, it's a medicine that can speed up your recovery." He was very calm. "Maybe it's the injury you got when you fell off the cliff, and you don't seem to notice it yourself?"

She turned on a pain shield, if she didn't directly bleed, she really didn't notice it.

If he said this, she would have no way to blame him for this. Among the few strategy characters, the best strategy and the worst strategy person are probably Bai Hao. No matter what he does They all give people the feeling that there is a good reason. Even now, Tang Ming feels that there should be some reason for him to be so persistent in wanting to obtain the treasure map.

But no matter how good the reason is, it is not a reason to become a villain.

"I won't thank you." She didn't look at him anymore, but wanted to pour herself a cup of tea, but when she lifted the teapot, she realized that she had finished the last cup of tea in the teapot.

She was a little dejected, and put the teapot back on the table, with a lonely expression, "You don't want me to hate you, but you trap me here, and after using it, you don't even give me an explanation that can be regarded as a difficulty, you What kind of result do you want?"

What kind of result do you want

Bai Hao also asked himself this question in his heart. Without her, his ending would have been planned by him long ago, but now that there is one more of her, he wants to have her in his future. .

"I want you to stay here with me." He said, "You don't have to worry about worldly troubles. I will keep you safe and won't hurt you. No matter what happens in the outside world, it has nothing to do with you. From then on, only We are together."

What he said was too idealistic. If Tang Ming was really the little girl who liked him and pursued him for three full years, she would probably be confused by such a confession.

Tang Ming didn't even know if this could be regarded as a confession, he just let go of a promise.

A unilateral promise to keep her here.

She lowered her eyes, tapped the table with her fingers unconsciously, and said after a while: "Only us? You say that like you like me."

"It's not like."

Even if she didn't look at him this time, she could hear the undisguised tenderness in his tone, as well as a certain suppressed emotion.

This feeling is quite subtle. After becoming a victim of being used in a certain sense, the way they get along seems to have changed a little bit. At least her own personality has changed.

What kind of reaction should a girl with a glass heart take advantage of by her beloved at such a time

"Then tell me that you like me." She turned sideways, her gaze fell directly on his face, but her expression did not show any expectation for this.

This is not a request that needs to be struggled. It is not difficult to say such words. He looked at her with soft eyes and a hint of nostalgia, "... I like you."

When she heard the words, she seemed to find it funny and chuckled, "I don't believe it."

The genius doctor who has always been cold and inhuman and only showed tenderness to her alone turned pale for the first time because of a single word. Words can be the most direct weapon. He didn't take it seriously before, but now he felt a bit painful .

He slowed down, "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it."

Tang Ming was noncommittal.

In the following days, as Bai Hao said, no matter what she said or did, he never hurt her, and he didn't even take the initiative to touch her again, as if to re-train her He has a general sense of trust in him and gives her full space and respect.

It's just that he seems to be more obsessed with making her believe that he likes her than he thinks, so he tells her that he likes her almost every day, and her answer has never changed.

She didn't plan to change it, and he didn't care.

"You remind me of the past." She said suddenly, "At that time I always ran after you, but no matter how many times I said I liked you, you still didn't respond."

Now I didn't expect it to be the other way around.

Bai Hao lowered his eyes, he didn't show any regret, on the contrary, there was a hint of warmth in his eyes because he remembered something, he took out a sewn purse that was very rough no matter how you look at it, "I Always keep it."

That poor-looking purse seems to have been well protected by its owner. It was what it was when it was sent, and it is still what it is now.

Tang Ming looked at the purse held in his hand, which was completely inconsistent with his dusty temperament, and stretched out his hand to take it back, but since arriving here, the man who has been following her has not this time. Backing down did not let her succeed.

"What are you doing with such an ugly purse?"

"Seeing things and thinking about people." He didn't know whether he was serious or just casually said this answer.

After all, she sighed, showing a helpless expression for the first time, she put her hand on his, leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his, "Say it again."

Although their way of getting along these days is harmonious, they are only slightly better than strangers. This sudden intimacy made Bai Hao feel a little overwhelmed. He hadn't seen her at such a close distance for a long time.

This look can no longer be taken back.

At such a close distance, it is inevitable that people will have some undue expectations, but even knowing that the final result will not be different, he still said: "... I like you."

She closed her eyes and sighed, "I see."

This was the first time she had affirmed his feelings.

In fact, even if we let her know that he really likes her, so what? What can he get? Get her forgiveness? No, he didn't need her forgiveness.

Bai Hao himself didn't know what result he wanted, but at this moment, he still looked at her tenderly because of her words.

It seems that this is like a key, a key that unlocks a certain key.

Their way of getting along naturally began to change, and it was different from the previous one like strangers, becoming more like before, but more intimate than before.

This is extremely abnormal, but none of the parties felt that it was wrong.

Tang Ming has been the second young lady of the Tang family since she was a child. Apart from practicing martial arts, her ten fingers do not touch the spring water. She is easy to learn to wash clothes, but she is definitely not good at cooking, so Bai Hao cooks every day. .

She was used to the busy figure of the man in white clothes fluttering in front of the stove, and she no longer had the sense of disobedience at the beginning. As a share, she would occasionally help with laundry and so on, but these were not enough. Bai Hao did more.

Perhaps this kind of daily life is very in line with Bai Hao's ideal state, and the stagnant favorability has also begun to rise slowly.

The only thing that puzzled Tang Ming was that Bai Hao seldom left her sight. Even if he had something to do, he would leave for a day at most, and he would definitely come back before night because he had to prepare dinner for her.

Under such circumstances, Tang Ming really couldn't imagine that he still had time to practice the secrets of self-cultivation.

Since the martial arts cheats are the secrets of cultivation, there is no guarantee that there would not be some artifacts of cultivation in that cave at that time. She stayed here and didn't know what happened outside, and she didn't even know that Bai Hao had done some during the days when he left. What.

Random guesses are pointless.

When Bai Hao said he was going to leave for a long time, Tang Ming decided to slip away.

Before he left, he seemed a little worried about her. He tidied her hair with his fingers, and finally scraped gently on her cheek, "Don't run around, wait for me to come back."

She looked up at him and nodded obediently.

In the past, she was also like this before he left for a while, but this time Bai Hao felt a little uneasy, "If you ran away..."

What he hadn't finished was interrupted by her hug in an instant, she let go of her arms and put them around his neck, pulled him down, and quickly kissed him on the face, "Come back soon. "

Bai Hao didn't speak for a while, he resisted the sudden thought of not wanting to leave, gently pinched her face, with a smile on her face that he might not even notice, "Okay."

The system's notification tone sounded at this time, with the system's unique congratulations.

Congratulations on reaching full value.

Tang Ming didn't know whether Bai Hao was determined that she couldn't escape at all, or whether he was confident that even if she escaped, he would be able to catch her back. In the past two months, he had left her there alone dozens of times. If she wanted to If he had escaped, he might have already escaped.

After Bai Hao left for an hour, Tang Ming tidied up his things and prepared to leave.

In fact, she didn't have anything to prepare, after all, she didn't bring anything.

Fortunately, I still have a little bit of silver on my body, which can be used for spending on the road.

Because Tang Ming has seen the whole picture of this area in the plot of the system, it did not take much effort for Tang Ming to return to the populated place from this paradise, but it was not easy, after all, Bai Hao was so relieved to put She threw it there for a reason.

In the first town she came to, she bought a bonnet to cover her face.

Then she asked as she walked, and finally, before the next morning, she drove all night to find the location of the martial arts leader.

She didn't have the time to knock on the front door, so she climbed over the wall and entered the yard, and then lifted the bricks and tiles from the roof one by one to see if the person inside was Xiao Shuo.

She didn't deliberately cover up her movements, and soon Xiao Shuo was woken up from her sleep by this "thief" who didn't care much.

During this period of time, he had already suffered from severe headaches, and now he couldn't even sleep well.

"Your Excellency came to visit late at night, what's your business?"

"Now is the ugly time."

Xiao Shuo, who was still rubbing his temples because he was woken up, couldn't help but pause when he heard the sound.

His eyes fell on the woman's face covered by the hood, and he felt as if even his breathing had froze in an instant.

"you… "