The Last Slag

Chapter 178


Tang Ming was probably the only one who was safe and sound in the martial arts leader's room in the early morning.

She took off the valance and put it aside casually, and then lighted up the candlestick in the house. The bright candlelight evenly illuminated the entire room, and there was no longer any line of sight between the two of them.

Xiao Shuo watched her all the way through all this. She didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, and she was still the same as before. It's not that he hasn't tried to find her these days, but Bai Hao hid her so well that he didn't There is no way to start.

Thankfully, she was in no danger.

"I don't think it's proper to stand and talk, why don't we sit down first?" His gaze didn't make her feel any uncomfortable, because before that, Bai Hao looked at her with more concentration than this, she Already got used to it.

"Okay." Xiao Shuo nodded.

During this embarrassing period of time, there will naturally be no hot water in the teapot. Although I sat down, there was no tea to drink, so Tang Ming brewed for a while, and asked straight to the point: "Is there any time during this period?" Nothing happened?"

When she was silent, Xiao Shuo had guessed a lot about what happened to her disappearing during that time, and when she asked such a question, it directly confirmed some of his guesses.

At least what is certain is that she was unable to contact the outside world during that time, presumably Bai Hao took her to a place isolated from the world, and she escaped.

Then she probably didn't know what Bai Hao was doing.

"A lot of things have happened during this time." He lowered his eyes, as if he was thinking about how to tell her, "The heads of various factions have been killed one after another, and today is already the seventh."

Because the current development is quite different from the original book, although there are some guesses, Tang Ming is still a little uncertain, "The murderer is..."

Xiao Shuo glanced at her, although he didn't say anything directly, but she understood.

Tang Ming could say that she had never seen Bai Hao practice the secret book of self-cultivation. Could it be that he had already learned something before she saw it? This speed is unbelievable without the assistance of external forces.

Thinking back to the cave where I got the secret book, there must not only be a simple secret book of cultivation, or there must be a method that can speed up cultivation in the secret book of cultivation.

"Do you know that there used to be a family famous for their medical skills in this world?"

Hearing Xiao Shuo's sudden words, Tang Ming shook his head blankly.

She is not really a person of this world, and she is saying that even if she really lived in this world since she was a child, she may not be able to understand so many things that sound mysterious.

Xiao Shuo told her a story about getting into trouble because of a treasure map.

In fact, just by listening to the beginning of Xiao Shuo's sentence, she already guessed something. The so-called family famous for their medical skills must have some relationship with Bai Hao, but what she didn't expect was that this matter was not only related to Bai Hao is related, and even related to the treasure map.

"That family has a unified surname, so I have never associated Bai Hao with them. Now that I think about it, his surname should not be Bai." Xiao Shuo said, "The killing that happened in order to win the treasure map back then is too much. Too much, and countless people have their lives ruined because of it, but most of them don't have the ability to take revenge, so they can only let it go."

"But I didn't expect that the people who were robbed of everything would finally get the cheats, and then end their lives with the martial arts that they dreamed of learning."

In this way, Tang Ming understands. The general meaning is that Bai Hao was originally born in a particularly remarkable medical family, but because someone in the family held a treasure map, he was slandered and plotted against by a decent family. Lost his life, only he survived.

That's why he wanted to get the treasure map so much, the purpose was to use what those people wanted most to avenge those dead compatriots.

Tang Ming asked tentatively: "Who else does Bai Hao want to take revenge on?"

"I'm afraid it's all that's left." Xiao Shuo sighed, and the young martial arts leader couldn't help showing a little embarrassment when he thought about it, "Although I was young when the incident happened, if my investigation didn't If it is wrong, the participants in that incident seem to be the entire Wulin."

"The value of that family is far more than a treasure map, do you understand?" He seemed not to want to elaborate any further, so he stopped talking here.

Tang Ming thought of Bai Hao's medical skills that were spread to the outside world that were almost against the sky. He was probably just a child who survived at that time, and now he can have such accomplishments. One can imagine how many people in that family are unknown to the world. secret.

"There is nothing to say about revenge and complaints, but what he wants to destroy is not those who have enmity with him, but the sect that those people are trying to protect. Naturally, the head is killed soon. There will be a successor, and the successor has not been let go."

The old head died, and the new head was killed less than three days after taking office. After so many times, no one dared to take the position of head.

Xiao Shuo's brows were filled with lingering sorrow. Tang Ming understood his worry. After all, a gang without a leader could not last, and a world without a gang would not be a world. Bai Hao alone will turn this martial arts prose into an ordinary ancient Chinese prose.

Tang Ming patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, he was slightly taken aback, and then

She smiled, but the smile was not as relaxed as it was at the beginning, "Speaking of which, there is a person who has been looking for you these days."

His topic suddenly changed, and Tang Ming couldn't react.

"You once told me that Ye Linyu said that he has no interest in you, but now it doesn't seem to be the case to me." When he said this, he observed her expression very carefully, wondering if she had anything to do with it. He responded, "He thinks that I must have hidden you, and he has been looking for me for someone these days."

"I haven't been able to find you. He seems to be going crazy."

Xiao Shuo never exaggerated. Since he said so, it meant that Ye Linyu was really emotionally unstable just because he couldn't find her.

The medicinal effect of Qinghunlu is very strange, because it is based on the basic favorability and the time of meeting and contact to determine the effect of the medicinal effect. They haven't seen each other for such a long time. According to the time, Tang Ming thought he should just forget it. Force yourself, at least take the antidote.

Even if he subconsciously resisted taking the antidote, he could still order his confidants to force-feed him when needed.

Things have developed to this point, but she doesn't feel much guilt. After all, he was the one who gave her the medicine first. If she didn't happen to have the points left by the previous world to exchange for the antidote, then she is probably already It's a waste.

She had been in a coma for three days before, and during these three days, even if there was a reminder of her favorability, she still couldn't hear it, because the system didn't make a sound after that, so she didn't pay special attention to other people's favorability.

Xiao Shuo's favorability has not changed, but Ye Linyu's has unknowingly reached 95.

"Perhaps people always like what they can't get." She randomly found a reason as her answer to him.

something you can't get.

Xiao Shuo looked at her, wondering what he was thinking, and asked after a while, "Do you like him?"

Tang Ming glanced at him and said casually, "I like you better."

Xiao Shuo laughed, although he knew that he couldn't take what he said casually to heart, but he couldn't help but feel happy, he straightened his expression and said: "All sects and factions have organized together to discuss how to deal with Bai Hao If something happened to him, would you feel distressed?"

It turned out that he was referring to Bai Hao.

This is also a matter of course, even if it is a decent family, it is impossible to stand like this and not fight back.

The problem is that if they fought back, they might not be able to beat him.

Tang Ming felt that this plot was really painful. With crooked views like her, she didn't think there was anything wrong with Bai Hao's desire for revenge. It's not that if you kill all those people at the beginning, it's over. He no longer distinguishes between good and evil, right and wrong. As long as you sit in the head of those people's sects, you will be damned.

Tang Ming has never felt that people in these worlds are fictitious, nor that they are just a few lines written by someone. In her view, everyone she contacts is real and has her own past. Has its own character and ideas.

Just like her.

If you really want to say, isn't she just a certain character in a book with the aura of the president and heroine on her head

There is no difference between them.

If it continues like this, she really has no doubt that after a while Bai Hao thinks it's too troublesome to catch and kill them one by one, so he simply starts to solve them all at once, and a bloodbath party will come.

Some people deserve to die, but some people are innocent.

At least Bai Hao shouldn't have become like this.

"What are your plans? Can I join you?" she asked.

Xiao Shuo gave her a deep look, but did not answer.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow. It's almost dawn. I'll arrange a guest room for you. Go and have a good rest first."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Tang Ming didn't force it.

As the leader of martial arts, Xiao Shuo's home is often visited by various people, so his guest room is always arranged properly, and it is very convenient to open the door and check in.

It was also too tiring from the long journey, she fell asleep almost immediately after lying down, and slept until morning.

Nothing happened, no night raids, no bed thumping, it was perfect.

She was almost used to being attacked at night every time she changed a map, and it was not easy to sleep so peacefully.

This thought only existed in the first second when she just woke up.

She wanted to get up, but in the end she put her hand on something that was obviously not the touch of the bed. She turned her head to look at the inside of her bed with a blank expression, and then silently took her hand back from the exposed skin of the person. .

Since the other party's clothes were disheveled, Tang Ming pulled the quilt and covered him tightly.

Is she too tired to hallucinate or she is too tired to hallucinate.

The plot has reached this point, now should be the time for a serious drama, right

So why did Ye Linyu appear on her bed.