The Last Slag

Chapter 19


Chen Shaoze didn't know how he spent this time.

Ever since he was rejected by Tang Ming in the hospital that day, his whole heart seemed to be completely shattered. She said that he was not qualified to say that he liked her at all, and she said that he had never liked her.

How can this be

Once completely lost, many past memories suddenly came to my mind. They grew up together, so naturally there are many precious memories that only belong to the two of them.

When she was a child, she couldn't finish her homework, so he did it for her. When she was scolded, it was he who took the blame for her. And the first time he was cheated out of money by making friends with cronies, it was she who found someone to secretly help him get back the place. .

She has been tougher than all the girls since she was a child, and Chen Shaoze once thought that she didn't need protection from others.

It wasn't until she had someone she liked, she showed the sweetness and loveliness of a girl, and even made him feel unspeakable, then he realized that she didn't need protection from others, but she hadn't met her yet. The one who wants to be protected.

And that person is not him.

Chen Shaoze sorted out the things in the room, he had already decided to go abroad, the place where he stayed for so many years, at first glance, there was nothing worthy of his nostalgia.

What he was nostalgic for already belonged to another person.

Tang Ming didn't take the entrance exam to X University as she said, she was admitted to Y University with Shan Ziqian, it was a university with a higher score than X University, originally he thought that she was going to enter X University's announcement was just casual talk , but never thought that she would work so hard for the person she likes.

At this moment, he understood what kind of treasure he had lost.

Because of his affection for Bai Xueqing, his relationship with Tang Ming was icy. After that time in the hospital, he never answered a call from Bai Xueqing, and even when he met her, he was like a stranger.

I only hope that Tang Ming can see what he has done, he already knows that he is wrong.

But it was useless, he still couldn't save anything.

His estrangement made Bai Xueqing fully aware that he would no longer be moved by her, and soon the school flower Bai Xueqing was with the famous rich second generation from the school next door. Chen Shaoze only found it funny.

Recently, I got the news that Bai Xueqing is going to study abroad with that rich second generation. The rich second generation Chen Shaoze also knows him, but he is the son of a nouveau riche. He is young but old-fashioned. Dare to compliment.

He also understood that Bai Xueqing approached him for his own money. Now that he thought about it, she had indeed mentioned the matter of studying abroad countless times, but he didn't take it to heart at that time.

The gap between the two sides made him smile bitterly.

Shan Ziqian, who didn't come to class for thousands of years, has become a good model student with perfect attendance every time since that time. Occasionally passing by their classroom, he will see Tang Mingsheng lying on the table without love, Shan Ziqian is helpless and pampered The scene where she knocked on her head with a pen to make her get up and do the problem.

The rest of the class seemed to have gotten used to their high-profile show of affection, and they all calmly did their own thing.

Only he couldn't let go of the smile on Tang Ming's face.

That was obviously the smile that should only belong to him. Whether it was before or in the future, why did the person who occupied such an important position in his life suddenly disappear like this.

There was a book in the drawer. Chen Shaoze couldn't quite remember why it was put here. He might not come back after going abroad this time, so he opened it and read it.

There is a photo inside, which is a photo of him and Tang Ming hooking up together when they were young, and it was taken by the elders in the family.

He turned the photo over, and sure enough, he saw the mark in his memory, which was the oath they wrote immaturely to be together forever with pens of different colors.

[We want to be together forever? ][ Shaoze big idiot! When we grow up, we will get married separately, so we will be separated! ][Then as long as we get married, wouldn't it be fine? ]

Unprepared, his eye sockets became moist, Chen Shaoze pinched the photo in his hand, and sat on the ground in a panic.

He remembered.

But it was too late.

... ... ...


The feeling of embracing death is not scary.

Before his consciousness gradually disappeared, Tan Ruiguang thought this way, maybe it was because he was for the person in his heart, or maybe he could still have her company before he died, which somewhat made him feel at ease.

Everything around turned into darkness.

In the darkness, he heard her say swearingly—

"You're not going to die."

She actually likes him a little bit, right? What a duplicity guy, but it's a pity, I'm afraid he really has to confess this time, but at least he can reluctantly accept this way of death.

In the end, he couldn't feel anything, only the warmth in his hands remained.

"Doctor! Come and see! His heartbeat is back!"

"Every index is on the rise!"

"Quick! Prepare for the second operation immediately!"

Everyone said that it was a miracle that he survived, because he had stopped his heartbeat on the operating table at that time, and all the indicators showed that he was completely dead, but just when everyone lost hope and prepared to inform his family about the funeral At that time, he came back to life.

He regained consciousness the night after the surgery.

It was his parents who saw him in the ward. The two people seemed very disappointed when they saw him wake up, and they pretended to shed two tears.

After saying a few words, he left.

He glanced out the door as they left.

she is not here.

The next morning, all the employees in the company came to visit him. These guys who usually dare not speak out against him held large bouquets of flowers and fruit baskets, which almost filled the entire ward.

Except for some people who wanted to take the opportunity to build a good relationship with him, there were some people who sincerely congratulated him for his safety. He remembered all these people, and he had something to do when he returned to the company.

As for Mu Xiaofan, because she deliberately attempted murder in public, she has been arrested by the police now. Although the verdict has not yet come down, as long as he is around, he has plenty of ways to make her go in and never come out for the rest of her life.

There was no one in the middle of the night, and the room was filled with flowers, which made it even more deserted. Tan Ruiguang was thinking about whether to find someone to throw away all these things.

A day passed.

She still didn't come.

His health recovered very quickly. Even the doctors estimated that it would take three months for him to be discharged from the hospital, but on the third day he was able to move around freely. After the examination, there was no serious problem, and it is reasonable to say that he can be discharged from the hospital.

There was nothing in the ward that he needed to tidy up.

After changing into the clothes sent by his subordinates, he went through the discharge procedures directly. The doctors advised him to stay in the hospital for observation, but he knew his body best, and he was sure that he had no problems.

But no problem is the biggest problem.

Who would recover from such a serious car accident in three days

For some reason, he remembered the words Tang Ming said before he lost consciousness. He thought it was just comforting him, but now it seems to have another meaning in retrospect.

I don't know if it's because of his narrow escape. Now he understands the preciousness of life even more, and in this precious life, he doesn't want to have any regrets.

So he wants to see her.

more than ever.

He returned to the company and used all his contacts and channels, but he couldn't find any trace of Tang Ming. How is this possible

Can a person disappear for no reason

He thought of the man named Chu Han, both Mu Xiaofan and Tang Ming were always around this man, but he was able to know Tang Ming thanks to him, to be precise, he should also thank him.

After checking, I found out that Chu Han no longer worked at the Cowherd's shop, but it was easy for Tan Ruiguang to find someone's mobile phone number.

The other end of the phone fell silent after he announced his name, and finally they made an appointment at a coffee shop.

When the two faced each other, Tan Ruiguang finally understood why the man in front of him was favored by two women he was interested in. Although he always thought that his appearance was outstanding, he was still slightly inferior in front of the other party. There's more to a man than looks.

Although he didn't know what Chu Han was like in the past, the man in front of him is far inferior to him now, whether it's his demeanor or his own temperament. .

"I haven't seen Tang Ming since that day, she seems to have gone abroad." Chu Han casually stirred the coffee in front of him, and said, "I thought she would tell you, after all, she rejected me but chose you .”

What he said made Tan Ruiguang slightly startled, and then he smiled clearly: "Maybe it's the way she speaks that easily misunderstood you, maybe you don't know, the reason she came to me is because of you."

Hearing this, Chu Han's expression became a little moved, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and then quickly dimmed again.

"She told me that my love came too late." Maybe it's because of Mu Xiaofan. If he could understand his intentions to stay away from Mu Xiaofan earlier and tell Tang Ming that he likes her, wouldn't he? too late

Seeing that the other party had no news of Tang Ming, Tan Ruiguang had no choice but to let it go. When the two parted, he was the only one who said goodbye. Chu Han didn't say anything. But it's like a child abandoned by an adult.

He will not be like him.

Because he was sure to find her, no matter how long it took.

It doesn't matter a month, a year, even ten or twenty years.

As long as he was alive, he would find her.

He couldn't find Tang Ming's whereabouts through the channels in his hand, so he began to travel abroad continuously. Whenever he came to a new country, he looked around people with different skin colors and hair colors from him, always looking forward to being able to find Tang Ming in a strange place. The city I met that familiar person.

But three years have passed, and he has no news of her at all.

At a banquet at a foreign fashion exhibition, Tan Ruiguang shook the wine glass in his hand a little bored, watching the mellow red wine in the quilt swaying along the glass body.

Surrounded by people who wanted to come forward to chat with him, if it wasn't because the designer was an acquaintance, he would never have come to such a banquet.

Seeing that the banquet was coming to an end, Tan Ruiguang was going to go back first.

But as soon as he took a step, a person seemed not expecting him to move suddenly, bumped into him suddenly, and spilled the red wine in his hand.

He was already in a bad mood and was about to have an attack, but he was taken aback when he saw the person in front of him.

The person who was also affected by the red wine quickly wiped the paper towel on the table. She was about to raise her head to say something, but when she saw the face of the person she hit, the words finally became...

"...what the hell?"