The Last Slag

Chapter 191


"Did you just say you were going to resign?"

I did say that not long ago. Although it was unexpected to be heard, there is nothing difficult to admit. Her resignation is a certainty and will not be changed due to any factors.

"Yes, I want to take the entrance test a week later." Xia Duo originally thought that the girl in front of her would question her decision. After all, many people have laughed at her because of this, thinking that a girl like her is not good at all Even if an outstanding imperial student successfully enters the school, he will be eliminated in the year of graduation.

But to her surprise, this Ms. Tang didn't look down on her words in any way, "Well, I will also take the entrance test a week later, cheer each other up, maybe we will be classmates in the future."

Xia Duo suddenly raised her head and looked at her in surprise, trying to see any joking elements from her face.

Until she turned and left, Xia Duo couldn't believe it.

No one would believe that the eldest lady of the Tang family wanted to enter the imperial school? After thinking about it, she felt that maybe this was just a kind of mockery from Miss Tang to her. Although not being favored made her feel a little down, Xia Duo still cheered herself up.

After all, it was her own decision to join the army, how could she give up easily because of the disapproval of others! What other people think doesn't matter to her at all!

After resigning from her position, Xia Duo embarked on the road to the first district alone.

During these times, she barely earned enough for two years of tuition fees, and she could save some other expenses naturally. Compared with expensive airships, she chose a slower, but relatively more affordable way.

So after Xia Duo arrived in the first district, it had been three days since she left the Tang family, barely meeting the deadline for registration.

What Xia Duo didn't expect was that at the entrance test site a few days later, she actually saw Tang Ming who came to take the test. She was holding the little white dog in her hand, just standing there casually and easily has attracted the attention of many people.

Xia Duo could even hear the undisguised discussions of the people around her.

"Hey, really, isn't that the eldest lady of the Tang family?"

"The Tang family actually agreed to her coming to take the military academy test."

"Could it be that the Tang family is going to reach out to the army? That's not good."

"That's not right. If this is the case, Tang Ershao should be allowed to come. How could such a weak and weak girl be allowed to come?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people. Although they had worked in the Tang family for a while, the relationship between Xia Duo and Tang Ming had always been very cold. Tang Hao, the second young master of the Tang family, always made things difficult for herself, which even made it impossible for her to get close to other people.

So although Xia Duo was very curious about the reason why Tang Ming took the entrance examination, she didn't have that identity to ask her. Miss Tang is different from her. Miss Tang can attract other people's attention even if she doesn't do anything. Absolutely dazzling presence.

Soon the entrance examination began. A man in an imperial uniform led them into a room full of tables and chairs. Both the walls of the room and the colors of the tables and chairs were completely white. Such an environment was inexplicable. A sense of tranquility.

There is no suspense, the first entrance test is a written test.

After finding her seat and sitting down, Tang Ming picked up the test paper that had been placed on the table early in the morning, saying that the test paper was actually a transparent glass plate, and after she pressed the switch, the transparent material suddenly turned into a white background Exam paper in black.

In this era, no one uses paper anymore. The scarcity of trees is part of the reason, and the development of technology has made this type of data board more practical and convenient.

The side of the stylus for writing.

Jiang Yu was put on the table by Tang Ming. He is an ordinary beast now, and no one is worried that he will help candidates cheat, so taking advantage of this, he leaned forward to join her without any hesitation. Take a look at the exam questions.

At the beginning, there were some routine questions, and then there were views on the empire and the reasons why you wanted to join the empire. The more difficult questions should be those questions about the history of the empire's war. It is impossible for people who never care about these people to answer them.

Who is your most admired soldier

Tang Ming picked up a pen and wrote down Jiang Yu's name without hesitation. The little white wolf in her hand flicked his tail a little embarrassedly when he saw it.

After she wrote down the name, a series of questions related to Jiang Yu were immediately refreshed under this question, and there was even a question asking when Admiral Jiang Yu officially enrolled.

Because the name Jiang Yu was mentioned by many candidates in this question, the question asked was quite tricky. Even Jiang Yu felt a bit pained when he read it himself. He was a little worried about whether Tang Ming would be able to pass this competition.

His worries were naturally superfluous. Tang Ming filled in her answers without changing her face. After she wrote a few points, Jiang Yu remembered that this really seemed to be the case. She knew him better than he imagined. There are even more.

After answering the question about Admiral Jiang Yu, the next question was obviously to test her understanding of the imperial army. On the test paper, she was asked to write down the second most admired soldier besides Jiang Yu.

Second reverence...

Tang Ming paused at this question.

The plot of the system only has information about the hero and heroine, and other emperors seem to have only the villain to some extent, but writing the name of the villain here is not to add to the trouble of the hero

For the first time, Tang Ming showed a somewhat bewildered expression. Even if she wrote the villain's name here, she didn't understand the villain's life record at all.

She looked around the examination room, and when she accidentally caught the eye of the invigilator, she immediately lowered her head in a panic, and wrote the word Dong Fu in the answer to this question.

Dong Fu, the invigilator who had introduced himself at the beginning, hadn't paid attention to the examinee who was looking around and obediently lowered his head to answer the paper.

These answer boards are all special materials. Except for the candidates who are facing the test papers, the rest of the people cannot see the papers from different angles. As long as they don't communicate with each other, it is naturally impossible to get other people's answers.

After filling in Dong Fu's name, there were many questions about him on the test paper as before.

Originally, Jiang Yu, who was a bit apprehensive because Tang Ming actually had other objects of admiration, watched her write down a series of don't know after those questions without even reading the titles.

When asked why he admired him at the end, Tang Ming paused for a moment before writing that he was good-looking.

Jiang Yu remembered that in his question, she wrote the same question because he was a hero of the empire, there was nothing wrong with being well-behaved, but...

Jiang Yu looked at Dong Fu who was standing at the front of the room and inspecting the examination room. Dong Fu was not a beastman, but a complete human being. As a human being, his physique was obviously excellent, his face was resolute and serious, and his personality was also the same. Almost inhuman to the point of being a little unhuman.

As far as he is good-looking, he is indeed not ugly. As a calm man in military uniform, he should not lack charm.

Could it be that in her eyes, Dong Fu was prettier than him

After Tang Ming finished writing other questions that could be answered, she found that the little white wolf lying on the table was slapping the table with its tail angrily. She was so focused on the test paper just now that she didn't realize what happened to him in the first place. What happened to suddenly feel bad.

After submitting the test paper on the electronic board, Tang Ming got up to go to the next test.

Because everyone's answering speed is different, as long as you finish answering the questions, you can go to the next test on your own. Tang Ming was the first to hand in the paper, and also the first to go to the next test.

This inevitably makes her a bit eye-catching.

Dong Fu watched her walk towards the gate of the second test, and at the same time, the first completed test paper came from the personal terminal he put on the table.

The speed of answering questions is so fast, I think it should be quite sure.

What you are watching now is "A Scum to the End [Quick Transmigration]" 123|The ninth and fifth chapters are only half a chapter. To read the full version, please search on Baidu: Xiangmanlu Romance and then search again: A Scum to the End [Quick Transmigration]