The Last Slag

Chapter 193


Tang Ming couldn't feel Jiang Yu's despair at all.

In the plot, it took at least three months for Jiang Yu to return to his original appearance. Before that, Jiang Yu used the image of a little white wolf to accompany the heroine to cultivate feelings.

But now, because Jiang Yu's wound healed earlier than in the original plot, and the living environment has been much better than the original, eating well and sleeping well, the recovery of strength will naturally be earlier.

Without knowing anything about it, Tang Ming opened the command lock on the bathroom door.

After all, it is a high-tech world. Of course, there will be situations where the key is lost or cannot be found. In this case, a command lock is needed. The password will be changed every time the command lock is used, and the password will be sent to the terminal of the owner. Because it would be very troublesome to check the password every time, the existence of the door card is still retained.

There is also a key to the bathroom, but Tang Ming has looked for it, and the key to the bathroom is missing for some reason, so facing this situation, she can only use the command lock to open the door forcibly.

After she entered the last digit of the code, the door finally opened.

The bathroom was filled with thick fog, and no one knew who had turned on the shower. The scorching air blasted her face. Although she couldn't see the situation in the bathroom clearly, she could still discern the blurred direction.

Tang Ming walked towards the bathtub. Who knew who had adjusted the water temperature to the highest level. When she reached out to turn off the shower, she accidentally got scalded.

After turning off the shower, Tang Ming was about to turn on the exhaust fan. Before she could touch the button of the exhaust fan, she was held down by a person who appeared at an unknown time.

Tang Ming didn't even have time to react, her whole body was pressed against the wall of the bathroom, her hands were clasped tightly behind her back by a hand bigger than hers.

She was just about to turn around when a hand covered her eyes.

"do not move."

A man's voice sounded from her ears. He needed to clasp her hands and use the other hand to cover her eyes, so the distance between the two was unavoidably too close.

The body of the man behind him was a little hot, and Tang Ming noticed that he didn't seem to be wearing any clothes.

"You... who are you?" Although she had an answer in her heart after hearing this voice, in this case, she still had to pretend to be stupid, "...what do you want to do?"

When the matter developed to this point, Jiang Yu was also very helpless.

Although he could have left the bathroom while she was in the bathroom, but after he got out of the bathroom? His current ability is not stable, and being able to transform into a human form is completely unexpected. Now whether he wants to change back to a little white wolf or change into a beast form, he still can't do it, so he can't just go out naked like this.

Holding Tang Ming hostage is completely a last resort.

"Don't move around, I won't hurt you." He comforted.

The girl who was blindfolded by him seemed to still want to struggle, but no matter how she moved, she would touch him. Jiang Yu had deliberately distanced herself, but it was impossible not to touch him at all.

After he finished speaking, she really settled down.

Jiang Yu took her out of the bathroom, keeping her blindfolded and clasping her hands to restrict her movement.

This is the room prepared for the students of the Imperial Academy. Jiang Yu easily found the ropes in some places where the training props were stored. He turned off the lights in the room, and the room was suddenly dark.

Jiang Yu let go of her hands covering her eyes, tied her hands with a rope in the dark, and then tore off a piece of thick cloth and folded it to cover her eyes.

In order to prevent her from falling, Jiang Yu turned on the light and picked her up and put her on the bed in the bedroom.

The girl sitting on the bed was blindfolded, and her hands were tied behind her back with a rope. Jiang Yu couldn't take his eyes off after one glance. He always knew that she was good-looking, but the most beautiful pair of eyes now After being blindfolded, the moist cherry lips that were still moist when she came out of the bathroom just now were even more impossible to ignore.

He wanted to take off her terminal, so he inevitably needed to get close to her. He endured for a long time before he could stop looking at her. He would never do this kind of act of taking advantage of someone's danger.

Tang Ming felt that the target of this attack seemed more daring than imagined.

Because she knew he wouldn't hurt her, Tang Ming didn't resist much. It wasn't the first time she encountered this kind of horn that could switch between animal and human forms. The reason why Jiang Yu did this was when he blindfolded her. At that moment, Tang Ming already understood.

She waited for a long time and didn't see Jiang Yu speak, but felt that the bed was sunken, and he was untying the terminal she was carrying, and the distance at this moment made the scorching breath seem to be right next to her ear.

Tang Ming subconsciously turned her face to the side, and felt as if her lips had rubbed something accidentally.

After Tang Ming paused, Jiang Yu also froze.

"Hey..." Tang Ming was a little embarrassed, "Sorry."

Tang Ming didn't know exactly where she touched it. According to the touch, it should be the face

She felt that the breath of the person beside her seemed a little unsteady.

Although many of the raiding targets Tang Ming has encountered are not herbivores, most of them are normal people. Only this one around him is a complete carnivorous animal.

"You, you'd better not do anything strange to me!" After finally realizing that the person beside her was a wolf, Tang Ming hurriedly made amends, "Do you know who my target is!"

Her words stopped Jiang Yu's sudden impulse in time. He suppressed the restlessness in his heart and asked patiently, "... who is it?"

"It's Admiral Jiang Yu! So you'd better..."

Before she finished her remaining words, she was interrupted by Jiang Yu's uncontrollable muffled laughter for a while. Tang Ming continued unconvinced: "What are you doing! Don't you believe me!"

"I believe you."

She choked on his answer.

Jiang Yu felt that it was too dangerous to keep a distance from her under such circumstances.

He walked out of the bedroom and closed the bedroom door. Tang Ming's terminal was already in his hand, and he used her terminal to contact a trusted friend.

After waiting for about half an hour, Jiang Yu successfully got his clothes from the friends who came here specially.

Tang Ming was lying on the bed bored, her hands were tied, her eyes couldn't see anything at this moment, and she was in a state of extreme boredom.

I don't know when Jiang Yu can get it done, and will he come to help him untie it after it's done

But she has already heard his voice, and in such a short period of time, even a dull person can hear the similarity of the voice, so Jiang Yu probably won't come to untie her personally, he might let others Come.

Sure enough, as Tang Ming expected, Jiang Yu really didn't come in person, but found someone else.

When the rope in his hand was cut, Tang Ming immediately pulled down the black cloth covering his eyes.

"Eh? Instructor Dong...?"

Seeing that the person tying him and cutting the rope in front of him turned out to be Dong Fu, Tang Ming felt that the world was a bit unfriendly.

Tang Ming couldn't tell what he was thinking from Dong Fu's cold face, but he was sure that Dong Fu must have been called by Jiang Yu, "Instructor Dong..."

"The person who attacked you is already being tracked down. He is a wanted criminal that the empire has been chasing all along. With your authority, it is impossible to find his information." After confirming that she was not injured, Dong Fu said in a businesslike manner, " We will deal with the next thing, if you are not injured, don't get involved in this matter."

Dong Fu and Jiang Yu are not particularly familiar. Although he is also an imperial general, Dong Fu's focus has shifted from the front line of the battlefield to cultivating new emperors, so what is his opinion of Jiang Yu? What I’m watching now is "A Scum to the End [Quick Transmigration]" 125|The Ninth Scum to the Seventh is only half a chapter. To read the full version, please search on Baidu: Xiangmanlu Romance and then search again: A Scum to the End [Quick Transmigration]