The Last Slag

Chapter 203


Not long ago, Tang Ming felt that Edward's worries were unnecessary. Although Annie always liked to play some small pranks in class, no one would get angry. It was nothing more than some harmless little jokes.

It wasn't until she saw the despair on the little gray wolf's face that she realized how lethal Anne was to the little animal.

"Annie, this is Admiral Jiang Yu's younger brother, not a puppy."

Hearing her words, the little gray wolf immediately nodded his head.

"The general's younger brother? But no matter how you look at it, it's just a puppy." Annie obviously didn't believe it. She lifted the wolf's paw and stared at him for a long time, "The wolf should be more handsome, right? "

Putting these words in the ears of the little gray wolf, it hurts his self-esteem too much.

It was already approaching the age at which orcs could transform into human forms, but it just couldn't figure it out. Now that it was stimulated by her, it didn't know what happened, and it broke free from Annie's grasp in a blink of an eye.

"Of course my uncle is very handsome! It's because you have bad eyesight!" This was quite powerful, but the person who said it was a head shorter than Annie.

The original little gray wolf turned into a little boy about ten years old. Unlike Jiang Yu, his hair was as gray as his original fur color. His back was facing Tang Ming, so she saw I don't know the color of his pupils, but presumably they are also green.

Fortunately, it was two weeks ago that Jiang Xun transformed into a human form for the first time. At that time, he had already been put on clothes by the servants at home, so this long-lost transformation would not be an embarrassing scene.

Annie tilted her head, as if she was puzzled by the fact that the puppy in her hand had suddenly turned into a little boy, but combined with what Tang Ming said before, she believed that it was just a matter of the young master of the Jiang family.

It's such a pity, it's such a cute puppy.

Anne liked dogs, but when the puppy wasn't a puppy, her interest dropped a lot.

Remembering that they were going to have lunch, Annie suddenly felt hungry. She wanted to go to Tang Ming and ask her to take her to dinner, but she didn't expect that she just took a step forward. Her boy took a step back.


Annie took another step, and he took another step back as expected.

Apparently, Anne had cast a deep psychological shadow on him.

In the end, he simply ran behind Tang Ming and hid, only showing a dusty head staring at Annie who hadn't done anything yet.

This kind of feeling has a sense of sight of playing with children in kindergarten.

Because Annie has been acting like a child at all, Tang Ming has never felt this way, but now after seeing Jiang Xun, she realizes that Annie's age is actually only the same as Jiang Xun who is hiding behind her. I'm two years old.

"Sister Xiaoming, I'm hungry." Annie glanced at her gray head, walked up to Tang Ming on her own, and held her hand, "Let's go eat."

Jiang Xun might have just wandered around here on his own, since he has been coming to Jiang's house during this period of time, so Tang Ming still understands the young master's behavior pattern, and he probably got rid of the servants around him. Sneaked out, and I'm afraid I haven't eaten yet.

No matter how Jiang Xun is also the young master of the Jiang family, Tang Ming still asked, "Xiao Xun, do you want to come together?"

Jiang Xun raised his head when he heard the words. He looked at Annie holding Tang Ming's hand, and then angrily grabbed Tang Ming's other hand, "Go!"

This was the first time that Jiang Xun took the initiative to sit at the dinner table honestly. When he saw that his grandfather was there, he immediately wanted to slip away, but it was too late.

After a meal, Jiang Yu just came back.

He was taken aback when he saw Jiang Xun who had turned into a human form. When he saw Annie who was visiting for the first time, he understood a little bit.

Xiao Xun has never had any friends of the same age, probably because he was too excited to meet his peers, so he was able to successfully transform back into a human form again.

There's nothing wrong with being too excited.

In order to make people of the same age get along more harmoniously, Jiang Yu simply brought Jiang Xun to the training room.

Jiang Xun was about to explode. He always thought that his brother was very handsome and he heard from other family members that he seemed to be an important figure in the empire, so he looked forward to him very much.

But! Brother, what do you want to do!

Let him share a room with this demon! No! It's a witch!

Jiang Xun trembled, he had never been thrown around like this before, and Anne's actions caused great harm to his young heart.

Although he was a little restless, after a long time, he found that Annie didn't seem to want to talk to him or do anything to him at all, and was just writing and writing in a notebook the whole time.

With a little dangerous curiosity, Jiang Xun sneaked up on it, he wanted to see what she was doing up there.

Although he still can't control the method of transforming into a human form very well, he still knows a few ordinary interstellar characters, definitely more than this little girl!

He glanced at it with confidence.

The small notepad is full of various numbers, and there are different symbols between numbers and numbers. There are some words, but not many. Jiang Xun found that although he could understand those numbers, he didn't know her at all. What the hell are you writing.

"What are you writing?" He asked curiously.

There are various notepads available on the market, and each notepad has a different appearance, which can meet the needs of people with different aesthetic preferences. However, the internal structure of these notebooks is the same, and they are all made of one piece. An electronic screen for writing.

Annie divided the data she used to record into several different notebooks, each of which recorded different contents, and the mecha weapon manufacturing alone was a separate record.

This will also be quite convenient when looking for data alone.

Tang Ming's attention was attracted by the unilateral interaction between the two children on one side, and Jiang Yu caught the one who didn't pay attention. He leaned against her behind her and whispered in his ear, "Be careful."

Originally, Annie didn't plan to talk to Jiang Xun. She was only interested in dogs, and she was not interested in kids of the same age.

But seeing that Tang Ming's training was also affected, a lot of useful data could be obtained after recording this round, but now it has also been interrupted.

"This is today's statistic." Annie put the notebook in front of Jiang Xun and explained to him, "Look here, Sister Xiaoming hit Admiral Jiang Yu five times today, and two of them hit the oblique side Muscle, which shows what part of General Jiang Yu is not good at defense, and sister Xiao Ming's weak points can also be calculated in the same way."

"Look." She pointed to the center of the training ground with a pen, "Now Admiral Jiang Yu's left side is undefended, but from the data just now, it can be seen that he left that area just because he can use the offensive at any time. To turn the weakness into an advantage, in other words, he deliberately exposed it, and Sister Xiaoming also saw this, so she may choose to falsely attack the left side to find other breakthroughs."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Xun looked up at the two people who were practicing. As she said, Tang Ming attacked Jiang Yu's left side, but just when he thought he was about to kick it, the situation There was a sudden reversal, and the previous offensive was just to cover up her next move.

"However, Admiral Jiang Yu has practiced with Sister Xiaoming for a long time, and I'm afraid he also knows Sister Xiaoming's habits very well, so this time Sister Xiaoming will not succeed." Annie said.

As if she suddenly thought of something, she buried her head in her notebook and started writing something again, but this time she was explaining to Jiang Xun who was sitting next to her while writing.

After it was over, she looked at a kid with a dazed face, and asked with an innocent smile, "Do you understand?"

At this moment, Jiang Xun's young self-esteem was hurt.

He ran away in despair.

Annie can finally make her own records quietly. In fact, during this period of time, she has already made most of the prototypes of the mecha, but now the more important thing is to deal with the details. This part alone may take nearly half a year.

After half a year, if it goes well, Tang Ming should have entered the Imperial Army, and Annie hopes that the mecha she uses for the first time is made by herself.

In order to make the ideal mech faster, Annie applied to the school for day study, and Edward drove her to school every day, and Edward sent her back at night, so she could feel more at ease when she returned home. The mechs are made in the room.

Mr. Jiang found the little gray wolf curled up in a corner and crying.

Hearing the crying of his little grandson, he realized that something must have happened.

The youngest daughter of Colonel Michelle's family is quite famous in their circle. She is a well-known genius. Her intelligence level is different from her mental power. Mental power is fixed and will not increase, but her intelligence will change with time. increasing with age.

Annie is only 12 years old, and her intelligence is at the ss level. I'm afraid it is not impossible for her to reach the sss level when she truly becomes an adult.

It's completely normal to be defeated in front of such a little monster, but Mr. Jiang didn't mean to feel sorry for his grandson at all. Instead, he said to him: "Even a strong person will have weaknesses. If you lose once You only know how to cry here, what kind of Jiang family’s children are you!”

Jiang Xun listened.

He began to run behind Annie without fear of death. At the beginning, he still maintained the appearance of a little gray wolf. Every time, she tossed him to the point that he couldn't do it. After a month.

at the same time! He finally found Anne's weakness!

On this day, with the pocket money he had saved for a long time, he bought a whole box of the most popular and popular candy in the empire, and ran to find Annie holding it in his hands. Annie was wearing a pink dress that day, and What is Tang Ming talking about.

"An, Anne!" He mustered up the courage to call out her name.

Annie looked back in a daze. In fact, she didn't think he was so annoying during this period of time. He was quite cute when he turned into a little gray wolf, bully? You are watching "A Scum to the End [Quick Transmigration]" now 135| The ninth and seventeenth scumbags only have half a chapter. To read the full version, please search on Baidu: Xiangmanlu Romance, and then search again: A scumbag to the end [Quick Transm]