The Last Slag

Chapter 224


What Ye Linyu said was a bit sudden. The agreement between her and him was based on the premise that her personal freedom was restricted, but what he meant was to take her out.

Does this mean...

He developed feelings for her too

of course not.

It's not convincing at all to barely reach 50 points of favorability until now! Tang Ming felt that according to Ye Linyu's personality as a playboy, 50 favorability points should be his highest point for those girls who were teased by him and gradually fell in love with him.

But it was enough.

During this period of time, Ye Linyu's attitude towards her was very gentle, to the point where people couldn't help but want to be pampered and proud. He would follow her in whatever she wanted, except for the request to leave here, other than his request He will be satisfied, and no matter what she does, he will not be angry. Even the other Demon Cultists think that she is already the default leader's wife.

If it's a girl who doesn't have a system and doesn't know the plot of the original novel, she will definitely ask 'Why is he so nice to me? ', but they don't know, this is Ye Linyu's attitude towards all the women he likes. He knows that women will feel that they are pampered only when they are pampered. It is no wonder that so many women know that He is a member of the Devil's Cult, but they still rush to his side like moths to a flame, because they all feel that they are different.

Tang Ming never felt that there was anything special about her performance, so now Ye Linyu's proposal to take her out has only one purpose.

This is to throw her away.

But why Bai Hao

To Ye Linyu, her hesitation had another meaning, "What? Don't you want to meet your old friend?"

Naturally, I want to see it. After all, the favorability has to be swiped in turn, and some external stimulation is needed when necessary.

But Tang Ming didn't quite understand why Ye Linyu suddenly mentioned Bai Hao's name. There were many excuses to lure her down the mountain, such as her father or mother, or her own sister Tang Yueyao.

When Ye Linyu mentioned Bai Hao at this time, he felt jealous. After all, anyone who has investigated the Tang family for a while would probably know that the second miss of the Tang family fell in love with that white genius doctor for three years, but the Bai genius doctor was completely unmoved.

Jealousy is definitely not, but there is a bit of rivalry.

Just because she once hugged him and called Bai Hao's name

Tang Ming's expression suddenly turned slightly subtle.

This is too narrow-minded.

Tang Ming felt that what she had shown during this time was that of an ignorant girl who loved and hated evil forces, struggled constantly, but finally fell helplessly into the sweet trap woven by the leader of the Demon Cult.

Even she almost believed that she fell in love with him, so Ye Linyu naturally wouldn't doubt it.

So this narrow-minded and vengeful leader wants to prove his charm at the end of teasing the girl, and compete with the girl's "first love" to see who she cares more about now

OK, I'll help you.

"I don't want to see him." When he asked, she seemed to have figured it out.

Ye Linyu is very good at pretending, so it is difficult for Tang Ming to see his true inner thoughts from his face under normal circumstances. At this time, he was very surprised when he heard the words, "Oh? I thought that You'll be happy to meet your sweetheart."

As soon as the word 'sweetheart' came out, Tang Ming knew that his guess was right.

She immediately retorted anxiously and annoyed: "What kind of sweetheart? Miracle doctor Bai has such accomplishments at a young age. I just admire him very much. To me, he is like an older brother."

[Ye Linyu's favorability degree: 55. ]

During this period of time, it took so long to show off cuteness and only added 10 favorability points in total. Now she just casually said that she didn't love Bai Hao and added 5 points. It can be seen how much Ye Linyu cared about her shouting at that time. Bai Hao's name.

It is also very powerful for men to be careful.

Ye Linyu was clearly in a good mood enough to increase her favorability, but he didn't show the slightest bit, on the contrary, he looked like he didn't believe her, "The fact that the second miss of the Tang family loves Miracle Doctor Bai, even the servants in the Tang family You all know, it’s not a secret, you don’t have to hide it.”

When her words were questioned, she subconsciously explained: "How can I hide it? I already have someone I like!"

As soon as the words came out, she realized that something was wrong, and immediately shut up.

The room fell silent for a moment.

"Go pick out a beautiful dress, dress up, and I will take you to the temple fair tomorrow night." After a while, Ye Linyu broke the silence first, "Stay here even if you are a god. It will be boring."

"No... I think it's okay." She whispered.

Ye Linyu got up and walked in front of her, stretched out his hand and brushed the sideburns that were close to her cheeks behind her ears, "It's like going down the mountain with me to relax."

He was obviously afraid that she would be too boring staying alone in the Demon Cult, so he specifically thought of taking her down the mountain to relax.

He could be said to be a man who occupies half of the sky in Jianghu, but he is so gentle and considerate in order to take into account her feelings.

Tang Ming blushed meaningfully, "Then, then I'll accompany you to have a look."

Although he kept saying that there was a temple fair at the foot of the mountain, this place was Changqu Mountain, not to mention wild beasts everywhere, and it was also a gathering place for demons, let alone a temple, and no one even dared to build a town near it.

So the temple fair that Ye Linyu pointed out was actually held in a town some distance away from here, because the distance was a bit far away, and their departure time had to be earlier.

Tang Ming seriously dressed up for the first time, and chose a fresh and refined plain dress full of white lotus scent to change into. After she was done, she studied for a while with the ancient rouge gouache that was readily available in the room. Found that it doesn't work at all.

Points are no longer an integer after buying daily necessities, so she simply bought some modern cosmetics from the system.

I don't know whether it's because the system's internal strength and mental method are very useful, or the ancient air is good. The skin condition of Tang Ming's body is also very good. What she has to do is to make her whole complexion look better. There is no need to add superfluous things to the outside world.

When she tossed herself seriously and stood in front of Ye Linyu, Ye Linyu was stunned.

He prepared all kinds of accessories for her, and even the clothes would add one more piece every two or three days on average, but he had never seen her wearing them, and he took care of his basics on weekdays, and never put on makeup.

He used to think she should pay more attention to her appearance like other women.

Ye Linyu's eyes fell on Tang Ming who was standing proudly in front of him. She seemed to be very satisfied with her achievements, and she was proudly showing off her high-level taste in dressing.

"How is it?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Tang Ming, who was still full of confidence, suddenly felt a little uneasy, "Isn't it good-looking?"

She pursed her lips, and looked at him with a little anxiety in her clear eyes. Only then did Ye Linyu notice that she seemed to have stained her lips with some lip balm. In the blink of an eye, there is a touch of charm that is not common.

It seems that there is not much change, but it seems that all the remaining tenderness faded away overnight.

"Why don't you talk?" Tang Ming felt that she was doing well today, but Ye Linyu's lack of response made her feel a little nervous.

Being stared at by her like this, Ye Linyu looked away unnaturally.

Finally, he had someone find a veil and put it on for her.

Although she covered half of her face, when she blinked her exposed eyes and looked at him, she seemed to be even more seductive. Ye Linyu can be said to have seen all kinds of beauties, even the legendary beauty Ruo Tianxian's Miss Shen family couldn't make him feel this way.

"... let's go."

Because the distance was not close, Ye Linyu found a carriage. He changed into the clothes that were so arrogant that he was afraid that others would not know that he was a member of the Demon Cult, and covered the upper half with a silver-white mask. face, long hair tied up, wearing an ink-colored long gown embroidered with elegant gold patterns, holding a folding fan in a personable manner, looks like a real gentleman like jade.

Tang Ming played with the fan that the maid had prepared for her, but didn't speak.

The temple fair was held in a small town. Originally, Tang Ming thought that according to Ye Linyu's statement, it should be a small temple fair, but after getting off the carriage, she realized that she was wrong.

Facts have proved that the population problem has been serious since ancient times.

Ye Linyu helped her get off the carriage and then let go, but Tang Ming grabbed his sleeve the second he let go, and when he looked at her, she explained: "There are too many people I'm afraid I'll get lost."

This temple fair was held very miraculously. In Tang Ming's impression, a temple fair under normal circumstances was more like a lively market, and the participants were ordinary people, but after walking for a while holding Ye Linyu's sleeve It was discovered that there were not many ordinary people in this town, and the participants in the temple fair were all martial arts practitioners.

The difference between ordinary people and martial arts practitioners is very obvious. It can be seen from the clothes alone. It is precisely because there are so many martial arts practitioners present that they don't look too abrupt when one of them is wearing a veil and the other is wearing a mask.

But even so, among this group of people, they are still the most outstanding.

Every household is decorated with lanterns and festoons, even if there are many martial arts people, it can't cover up the extraordinarily festive atmosphere. If those martial arts people are blocked, this temple fair is almost the same as Tang Ming imagined.

Since it is a temple fair, there are naturally temples nearby. The only temple near this town is called Taitong Temple. temples visited.

She also finally understood why Ye Linyu had so vowed that Bai Hao would appear here as well.

Because the treasure map in Bai Hao's hand in the original book was obtained from the abbot of Taitong Temple.

The original book uses interludes to tell the story, and she hasn't sorted out the timeline very much. Thinking about it now, Bai Hao should have gotten the treasure map today, as you can see in "A Scum to the End [Quick Time Travel]" 156|Tenth There are only half a chapter of the scum sixteen, if you want to read the full version, please search on Baidu: "Xiangmanlu Romance" and then search: A scum to the end [Quick Transm]