The Last Slag

Chapter 249


Tang Ming took a sip of tea to relax, and she looked at the man opposite who always did not lose his demeanor. At this time, his smile was gentle and calm, as if he could tolerate her in anything.

With such a person around, it is really not easy for Ye Linyu to hook up with so many little girls.

If she was allowed to choose, she would definitely like Xiao Shuo more, and being able to call him so flirtatiously by his name is also a level.

"Xiao Shuo." As if in response to him calling her name earlier, she called him first, and after getting his response, she said, "You don't seem to want to kill Bai Hao that much?"

This question brought the original relaxed atmosphere back to reality in an instant. He didn't answer her immediately, but asked instead: "Why do you think so?"

"You're pretty obvious."

If it weren't for that, he probably wouldn't have discussed those things with her at all, let alone told her all those things. The struggle vaguely shown on his face couldn't deceive anyone.

Although he said that all sects and factions want Bai Hao's debts to be paid in blood, Xiao Shuo did not show any animosity related to it. He was more like a person standing in a neutral position. Do not follow the charter.

But what kind of friendly relationship can Xiao Shuo and Bai Hao have? They are basically two nodding acquaintances who just know each other's name, they can't be called strangers but they are just a little bit better than strangers.

"You can tell me quietly, I won't tell others." She whispered, as if discussing some little secret.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Shuo couldn't help but smile, but the smile didn't last long, "So I was acting obvious? That's right, I always..."

He didn't finish his sentence, and he didn't intend to speak, leaving only this ambiguous half.

Just like what he said, Xiao Shuo found that he always seemed to relax involuntarily in front of her. Sitting in his current position, it was naturally not that easy. No matter who he was dealing with, he had to be calm enough. face and attitude.

Looking at the woman who was so close at hand but seemed so far away that he couldn't catch her, Xiao Shuo pursed his lips and said, "Indeed, I have no intention of killing him."

He admitted it directly, which was unexpected.

Before Tang Ming could respond, Xiao Shuo went on to say: "As I said before, Bai Hao is the orphan of that clan. Back then, he was looking for the treasure map, and even more for the rumored medical secret book that can heal the dead. That family was wiped out."

Of course Tang Ming didn't forget.

He didn't look at her when he said this, his slender index finger tapped the wooden tabletop, seeming a little uneasy.

"Different from now, when I was just born, I was weak and sickly. No matter where I got the doctor from, I once asserted that I would not live to be ten years old, but who would be willing to let their child grow slowly like this with the passage of time? What about waiting to die?"

"So they also participated in that incident and took away the lives of innocent people, just for the possibility of prolonging the life of their own son for a few years."

If it fails, she probably won't be able to see him now, that is to say...

"As you can see, my life has been built on the bones of countless people since I was a child. Even if Bai Hao comes to take my life now, I have nothing to say." He picked up the cup full of tea Cup, "What right do I have to have the idea of killing him? It's only right and proper to pay blood with blood."

Seeing him like this, Tang Ming somehow remembered the scene in the original plot where he was finally killed by Bai Hao, and the plot that seemed a little funny to her suddenly became heavy.

Seeing that her expression was not as relaxed as before, Xiao Shuo smiled, "Then do you still think that only I am qualified to learn that martial arts secret book?"

The martial arts cheats have long been snatched away by Bai Hao, and his words are more like making a harmless joke, just to make the atmosphere less dignified.

But Tang Ming didn't get his point of adjusting the atmosphere. She raised her head and reached out to hold his face, and said seriously: "That's right, I still think so."

"There is nothing wrong with blood debts, and there is nothing wrong with you wanting to give Bai Hao back his life." She stared at him with a sincere expression that had never been seen before, "But I don't want you to die."

He was taken aback by her actions, but he didn't back away. After he was taken aback, his eyes darkened, "It's really embarrassing for me to be like this."

His answer seems to confirm Tang Ming's conjecture. Even if he really fights with Bai Hao, the one who can't fight is probably not Tang Ming but himself. Xiao Shuo never thought of going to fight Bai Hao. Hao, it is better to say that he seems more willing to use his own life to repay what his parents did.

But the leader's duties conflict with his own wishes, so he feels troubled and entangled.

She pinched his face, and quickly withdrew her hand before he could react, "Is it because everyone wants to be able to continue to live, but you are troubled by such a thing?"

"With a clear conscience, it's natural to live comfortably, but I'm not a good person, so I can't have a clear conscience." Xiao Shuo shook his head.

"There are a lot of happy villains in this world..." Tang Ming wanted to say something, but finally stopped, "If you die, wouldn't I be able to have a clear conscience?"

He was a little puzzled when he heard the words, "Why?"

"Bai Hao got the treasure map because of me. No matter what, I should bear the blood debt of those who were killed. If you lose your life because of this, then I will be the culprit."

Xiao Shuo couldn't agree with her point of view, "This is different."

Tang Ming felt that if Xiao Shuo insisted on thinking that he was a bad person, then there might not be any good people in this world anymore.

"So just don't let anyone die," she said.


He answered casually, as if he was just responding to her casually, and didn't really take these words to heart.

"It would be great if no one had to die."

Tang Ming looked at him, "Anyway, you won't die."


"I won't let you die." She said, "Bai Hao too."

Xiao Shuo couldn't help but look at her seriously, even though he knew it was not a good time to talk about such a topic, but today Japan came out to relax, and those things that are not suitable to say on weekdays can only be said today, "As far as you are concerned, Who is more important, me or Bai Hao?"

If he had asked who she would save when he and Bai Hao fell into the water, Tang Ming would definitely have answered him. After all, he was the one who saved her when she was pushed into the water.

"Why do you ask that?"

"I would like to know."

Ever since he took the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, Xiao Shuo seemed to have never compared himself with anyone. Even before that, he couldn't afford to compare himself with anyone, because he didn't think it was meaningful.

But for the first time, he wanted to know who was more important in her heart, he or Bai Hao.

He just wanted an answer, he had no other extravagant wishes.

Tang Ming looked at the rapport level that had been filled up after this day's play and the conversation just now, and said silently, "It's probably Bai Hao."

[Congratulations~ I successfully rejected the designated target and got 2000 points, so far I have a total of 3000 points~ Please make persistent efforts~]

is the expected answer.

Xiao Shuo couldn't say that he was disappointed, after all, he knew this a long time ago, and she didn't intend to lie to him, which at least showed that she was honest with herself.

However, even so, it was still so uncomfortable.

"You make me a little sad," he said.

"Would you like some pastries?"

He smiled, "OK."

As expected, Xiao Shuo brought her with him when all sects and factions assembled.

This is the first time Tang Ming has seen a scene that seems to appear only in TV dramas. The sects operate independently, but because there is no master, they are all led by a few senior uncles and elders who are quite prestigious in the sect.

It is said that they found Bai Hao's residence and planned to take him down in one fell swoop.

Tang Ming felt that they couldn't take it down.

When she was by Bai Hao's side, Bai Hao didn't have much time to practice because he had to take care of her. Now that she is gone, Bai Hao has much more time to practice. Obviously, he is not at the level he was at that time.

As long as you don't tell her that he has established a foundation or cultivated into a golden core or a nascent soul in just a few days, everything will be fine.

Still no one questioned her existence. It seemed that as long as they stayed by Xiao Shuo's side, the others would unanimously agree with her. They seemed to have a high level of trust in this martial arts leader.

After seeing too many settings that even the leader of the martial arts alliance will be guarded by various sects and sects and secretly make troubles, now this battle is a clean one.

Just like at the very beginning, she wore the mask she used to ride, rode the horse Xiao Shuo had prepared for her, and followed the large army all the way to the place that was about to become a 'battlefield'.

The more she walked in, the more she knew where they were going.

After all, she had escaped from here before.

Passing through the dense woods, you can see the fragrance of birds and flowers. Under the background of plants that do not match the seasons, everything is peaceful and peaceful, and people don't want to destroy it. This place is like a paradise.

And in this place, the only one that can live in is that small wooden house.

"Hmph, the devil will enjoy it."

"Soon he won't be able to enjoy it anymore, I'm going to let him taste the suffering that the sect master and the masters and uncles have suffered!"

There were too many people, so Tang Ming couldn't tell exactly who said the words, but it didn't matter even if he couldn't, because it must be the voice of everyone present.

"The devil! Hurry up and die quickly!"

Originally this was Ye Linyu's title, but it was pressed on Bai Hao's body at some point, and no one expressed any objection to this title. To them, Bai Hao, who kills without blinking an eye, is indeed more like a devil .

Tang Ming dismounted,

Mix in the crowd.

A group of people yelled for a long time, probably because they were decent people, so they didn't mean to break into the wooden house directly, they just yelled outside, waiting for the person to come out by himself.

What if Bai Hao is not at home, haven't they considered it?

Such an embarrassing thing would naturally not appear in a serious martial arts novel.

It didn't take long for the wooden door to be pushed open, and the crowd fell silent in an instant, and the sound of the man's footsteps on the wooden floor when he came out was very clear.

"It's really noisy." His voice was a little cold, but it was Tang Ming's familiar tone.

There were too many people, so Tang Ming couldn't see clearly.

She looked for an angle and squeezed, and then saw Bai Hao standing on the opposite side of the crowd, as if separated by a world.

It has only been a few days, but he is completely different. This difference does not refer to the difference in mood, but is very simple and rude. Even the appearance is different. Tang Ming once said that although the appearance of the target of the Raiders in this world They are all more or less beautiful, but Bai Hao's beauty is different from everyone else.

He has the kind of appearance that feels like he will go to cultivate the truth every minute. Even if he is not wearing white clothes, he still gives people a sense of immortality. The black hair has turned white for some reason, and the eyebrows are still the same, but the eyes can see some red from a distance.

This kind of him is not so much like a fairy, it is better to say...

"Demon... demon!" Suddenly someone said.

"It must have been practiced by an evil sect! You have gone mad!"

"It is inevitable to have a wrong mind and go crazy."

"Today, I will do justice for the sky!"

Tang Ming saw Bai Hao's lips curled up, and seemed to have listened to their words. In the past, he always had a frosty face and occasionally smiled, which made people dazzled, but now his smile makes people feel cold Shivering all the time, no one can focus on the beauty anymore.

"Do justice for the sky?" He repeated their words slowly, as if he thought it was amused, "Then you can try."

If there are more people, you will be more courageous. Even if you know that the opponent is a ruthless character who easily killed the heads of the various sects, but because there are so many people present, when there are more people, they will not be so afraid.

So as soon as the words fell, a group of people rushed forward without anyone organizing.

At this time, they forgot that they were a decent family, and they didn't pay attention to fairness. Everyone had only one goal, which was to kill him, avenge their own head, and maybe get the devil's skills by the way.

Let's not talk about what each of them has in mind, but it seems that there are so many people and so much power that it doesn't seem to have any effect under such a situation.

In an instant, the ground fell to the ground.

Or tossed in pain or simply fell into a coma, but no one died.

Xiao Shuo, who originally planned to make a move, also couldn't help but pause because of this strange situation, but under such circumstances, as the leader of the martial arts alliance, he obviously couldn't do nothing, even if he didn't do anything, someone would force him to do it.

"Leader Xiao, this devil must have learned some evil technique, please be careful."

"Leader, my faction will fully assist you!"

"Leader Xiao..."

Xiao Shuo smiled wryly. Bai Hao didn't kill those ordinary disciples, which meant that even if he went mad, he still kept a part of his persistence, or this could be called conscience.

But he didn't know if he could stick to his own.

Bai Hao obviously also noticed the commotion here, his eyes fell on Xiao Shuo, his dark red eyes could not conceal the malice, "Mr. Xiao is also here? Speaking of which, can the leader of the martial arts be regarded as one of them?" Is it the palm of one faction?"

"This is to leave you out, it's really disrespectful."

Xiao Shuo was taken aback for a moment, but in this almost negligible fraction of a second, he had arrived in front of him at some point, Xiao Shuo quickly raised his hand to defend himself, barely catching his slap .

Xiao Shuo once thought that no matter how overbearing the legendary martial arts secret book is, it is just a secret book, and it takes time to practice, and no matter how talented a person is, he will not be able to understand it thoroughly within a year or so.

But he underestimated.

Obviously stopped.

A fishy-sweet smell came up.

Seeing that the lord was slapped and vomited blood by the opponent's palm, everyone felt the difference in strength between the two sides, and they all felt frightened. Opportunity, try a sneak attack!

But the attacks of the other people were like mosquitoes to Bai Hao. Although they were annoying, they couldn't do anything to him.

Compared with these people, he obviously wanted to get rid of this one earlier.

There were too many reasons why he wanted to kill him, no matter which one it was, he wanted to make him disappear as soon as possible. For Bai Hao, the leader whom everyone trusted and respected was really an eyesore.

It was really difficult to block the opponent's attack, and Xiao Shuo barely supported it. He could feel that the opponent was not exerting all his strength, and it was more like playing with a plaything.

Suddenly he didn't want to resist any more, and dying at Bai Hao's hands could be regarded as repayment for the sins committed by his parents.

But in his mind, he couldn't help but think of that night, when she said to him 'I don't want you to die', if he died like this, it would seem to trouble her.

Perhaps bringing her here would be the thing he regretted most in his life.

"Don't hurt her."

At the end, he said to him.

It is absolutely impossible to survive the opponent's palm without the slightest resistance. Bai Hao's attack on him is different from other people's. It was a cold snort.

But his palm failed to land after all, or it should be said that it was intercepted halfway.

The figure standing in front of him was so slender that Xiao Shuo seemed a little stunned, while Bai Hao looked at the mask for a while, as if he didn't recognize her immediately, but felt that she could easily block his attack rather surprised.

After all, it is not the same mask that Tang Ming is wearing. The mask Tang Ming asked Xiao Shuo for now is more in line with the aesthetics of people in this world.

None of this is the point.

The point is that she found that she seemed to be able to deal with Bai Hao.

The system's inner strength mentality combined with her own sss-level spiritual power level qualifications is indeed to the point where she can beat everyone in this world, but she is still a little short of the cultivation cheats.

Fortunately, just as Tang Ming expected, although the secret book was a secret book of cultivation, Bai Hao did not reach the realm of cultivation in the true sense.

His state of mind is too messy, no matter how talented he is without guidance, it is useless.

It is already a relatively good result to be insane like now.

However, just in case, Tang Ming spent points to exchange for time-limited items in the system mall. Most of the items in the system mall are very cheating, but only some time-limited items are not bad.

Because there is a time limit, the price is still acceptable, and those items that are permanently valid are things that Tang Ming can't afford at present, and probably won't be able to afford them in the future.

It seems that there is no future.

What she bought was a name from the system mall. The name was too curious, so Tang Ming had seen it before and skipped it. It wasn't until she flipped through it one by one that day that she noticed it.

This skill has a little bit of similarity with the inner strength method she directly exchanged. It is also determined by the host's own qualifications, and the key is that the ratio it refers to is based on the strength of the cultivation. The formulated one cost a total of 2000 points and the time is one week.

Although Tang Ming didn't feel any difference after using it, logically speaking, her current level should be sss level in the cultivation world.

However, she is probably just a layman, she neither sees through the world of mortals, nor has the idea of creating a small world by herself, probably because the system does not have the function of piercing the void in order to prevent the host from secretly returning to her own world.

To sum up, it is invincible, and there is no other feeling other than that.

Although she didn't have any real sense, Tang Ming felt that these points were quite useful when she easily received Bai Hao's attack, but if she didn't know that there would be no other worlds, she probably wouldn't use it like this. Find some other more convenient way.

"Bai Hao." She called out to him.

He actually took a whole step back, with a look of disbelief, and some imperceptible embarrassment.

"The people you want to kill have already been killed. Is it necessary to destroy their foothold?" She asked. If it continues, it will only become an obsession that can never be resolved."

Tang Ming felt that he was not suitable for making chicken soup, and Bai Hao obviously wouldn't listen to her making comparisons.

"Are you even going to hinder me?" When he faced her, his expression would warm up, but the moment of tenderness disappeared instantly after she finished speaking, "I thought at least you would On my side, I'm disappointed."

"Really." Tang Ming has been paying attention to his expression, until now she finally confirmed that his mood is not stable, "I will not stand by your side."

Her words completely angered him, and he smiled angrily, "Okay! Okay! Then there is nothing to say."

The crowd who had almost lost hope saw that the woman who appeared out of nowhere was able to block the blow of the devil, and immediately had hope again, but the other party was just a woman, and the previous palm might just be a coincidence. indefinite.

But soon they discovered that it was no coincidence at all!

Not only was she able to block his attack, but she even directly suppressed him. In front of her, it was so easy! To see the full version, please search on Baidu: Xiangmanlu Romance, and then search: A scum to the end [Quick Wear]