The Last Slag

Chapter 250


This time is different from before.

After finishing the mission, she did not return to the system space. After her eyesight was restored again, she saw a film set that was almost unfamiliar. Perhaps it was because she had the experience of being an actor in a certain world, so although she was unfamiliar, she was also somewhat kind. .

Really, it's back.

There is no final level or final trial, so she returned to this original world easily.

Tang Ming took out her mobile phone and turned on the front camera. She finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the familiar face on the screen. Her appearance would change slightly in every world. Still can't be called exactly like her.

This is what she really looks like.

Looking around the set, she slowly remembered some things, for example, she was here because she applied for the assistant of a certain little heavenly king, and because she dumped the president, the president followed him, and also contracted the play.

Her system hasn't left.

Tang Ming clicked on the favorability interface. Except for her family and some friends, the names of those who had been emotionally connected with her were all removed from this interface.

Not having a name means that their relationship has returned to the state when they did not know each other, and everything is reset to zero, and they will not appear in the favorability list again unless they get in touch again.

The system is very trustworthy.

Probably because there are more worlds to wear, Tang Ming can't even remember exactly why she came to be Little Heavenly King's assistant. Anyway, her urination is only a few reasons, but what is she doing now? Little Heavenly King lost interest.

Not to mention Little Heavenly King, she felt that she didn't want to be in a relationship any time soon.

Tang Ming decided to quit this job, take a break and find another job.

On the system interface, all the abilities she had redeemed had disappeared, and the system mall was also locked. The only thing left was the words "Chairman Wen, Mistress Halo" on it, which was very conspicuous.

[After all, this is your own thing, it will not disappear. ] The system said aloud.

Tang Ming felt a little headache when she saw this halo, and when she heard the system say this, she said weakly, "System, why don't we live together."


"Look, after the task is completed, the protagonist finds that an inseparable relationship with the system has developed, and the system can be materialized because it has accumulated enough energy. In the end, one person and one system are happily together. Is it common?"

[Sorry, there is no such setting. ]


[Your task has been completed, and all the wishes I promised to fulfill for you have also been fulfilled. If there is nothing else, then let’s say goodbye. ]

"See you."

[goodbye. ]

The system left two short words, and there was no more sound.

At the same time, the system interface also disappeared. Even if she wanted to open it as usual, it would not help. In the past, even if she was alone, she would never feel lonely because of the existence of the system, but now she felt unexpectedly empty. of.

Such a cold and ruthless system that doesn't even come to sensationalize the final parting, she is still a little bit reluctant


The system was gone, and she seemed to be back on track.

The only difference is that now she knows that she has always had something called the president's halo.

Speaking of president.

She looked up for a while, and quickly and easily found the man who was different from everyone present. He was sitting there at this moment and seemed to be examining the actor who was preparing for the camera, but in fact, his expression seemed to be There are doubts about something, and the attention is obviously not on the actors.

He didn't notice her, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't know her.

Tang Ming immediately felt very safe. She got up and found her agent, and found some reasons to express that she found that she was not suitable to work with Little Heavenly King on the set, so she resigned the job very sorry.

The agent expressed some regrets, but he was not reluctant.

Because Little Heavenly King had a very bad temper, the assistants changed one after another. This little girl was probably disappointed because of the huge contrast between Little Heavenly King and others.

Brokers are used to it.

After leaving, Tang Ming took out his mobile phone and flipped through the map to prepare to go home.

It's been a long time since she returned to her own world, and she doesn't even know where her home is.

As a CEO who has never been involved in the entertainment industry, Li Ye doesn't quite understand why he somehow contracted a movie that he might not even be interested in stepping into the cinema.

Besides, he came to the set to supervise in person. Is he free

There is always a subconscious mind in his mind telling him that there is a reason for him to do this, as if someone else forcibly deleted it, which has a sense of violation that makes people very concerned.

So much time has been wasted, Li Ye doesn't intend to continue wasting time on this meaningless set.

He stood up, ready to leave.

The assistant quickly prepared the car for him. It took nearly half an hour to return to the company building from the set. He didn't relax a little until he returned to the president's office. In addition, there are many documents that have not been processed in time, and they have accumulated a lot. It seems that he was busy with other things some time ago, and even the work of the company was delayed.

[cough, that...]

[hello? ]

It wasn't until the second time that strange voice sounded that Li Ye clearly realized that it was not his hallucination, someone was indeed talking, but he was the only one in this office.

Could it be that he is too tired recently

After all, he has been so delirious recently that he can't even remember when he contracted a movie and why the company's work has accumulated so much. It seems normal to have a little auditory hallucination.

Go to the hospital tomorrow for a checkup.

[Hello. ]

[Don't ignore me? Give some feedback, my friend. ]

[Do you now feel that your body seems to be hollowed out, and your memory seems to be missing a piece? ]

The man who didn't react at all suddenly took it in his hand? What you are reading now is "A Scum to the End [Quick Time Travel]" 182|The final scum is only half a chapter. To read the full version, please search on Baidu: Xiangmanlu Romance and then search after entering: A scum to the end [quick travel]