The Last Slag

Chapter 58


For a moment neither of them spoke.

Tang Ming was waiting for him to speak, but he didn't know whether he should speak or not.

He put his eyes on the girl in front of him, and she was still the same as before, looking at him with such trusting eyes as always, and there was a bit of a joke in her words, without the disgust and hatred he imagined, and there was no response to him. Why did he abandon her questioning.

Selux was silent.

She has already recognized him, and admitting the wrong person at this time is just giving him a choice whether to face her or not.

Thinking of her distressed appearance in the dark forest, Selux didn't have the courage to speak up, but he chose to come forward this time because of a very important matter.

Tang Ming saw him standing there tangled for a long time, sighed lightly, reached out and took his still cold hand.

"Xiao Sai, I miss you."

These words touched more than one of his heartstrings.

Selux grabbed her wrist and forcefully dragged her into a dark alley. The moment they stepped into the shadow of the alley, the space seemed to be reversed. The figures of the two were not affected by anything. What people perceive disappears in place.

Originally, seeing Tang Ming recognized her from the side face, a certain little religious who came out to buy something and wanted to talk to her saw Tang Ming being dragged into the alley by a strange man, and was so scared that he dropped a bag of fruit in his hand. on the ground.

He hurried into the alley, but saw no one.

Ruined! Miss Tang Ming was kidnapped!

You have to tell Lord Anos about this!

The little believer hurriedly turned around and rushed towards the direction of the Holy See.

Tang Ming only felt that the picture in front of her flickered, and when she could see her surroundings clearly, she found that she was taken to a strange place.

Although it is dim, it is different from the original underground palace. It looks like a house where ordinary people live. There are still a few rays of light from the loose windows, which shows that the house is on the ground, and it is not in the dark. inside the forest.

Without outsiders, Tang Ming took off the cloak covering his head.

Seeing the girl in front of him who seemed to have become more beautiful after leaving him, Selux felt even more hesitant.

His hesitation didn't last long, the girl skillfully put her hand on his body, and the golden light came from her palm and slowly transported into his body.

Light is a kind of power that is so warm that it seems to be able to heal everything, but at this time, the place touched by her does not feel any healing at all, but has the illusion of pain like a burn.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away, frowning, angry at her self-assertion.

"Do you know why the potion suddenly fails...?" His eyes became so dark for the first time, as if looking at an ignorant idiot, with a bit of sarcasm and self-deprecating.

Tang Ming was taken aback, and looked up at him.

It was no longer the ordinary face that was so ordinary that it was almost impossible to find it in the crowd. That face was so handsome that it was suffocating, but the only pair of purple eyes that had not changed were gloomy and terrifying.

"Because my strength is already unstable." She replied naturally.

Even the transformation potion is based on the stability of the energy in the body of the person who drinks it. People without magic talent will have no effect if they drink it. Similarly, the imbalance of internal power will also make the effect of the drug invalid.

Unexpectedly, she answered so naturally, Selux suddenly lost his voice.

In fact, Tang Ming had already discovered her problem, but she never brought it up.

Continuously transmitting energy to Selux can indeed make her light power stronger, but this kind of power only refers to the amount of light power in her body, not the quality.

Sending energy into someone else's body is different from using light spells. Every time she sends out a little bit, the light power in her body will become thinner, just like pouring water into milk tea. It looks like it has increased overall, but the taste But faded.

So her hair was not as dazzling as before. Perhaps it was because her long hair looked sick to the elves that Selux asked her to cut it.

At that time, he probably couldn't stand it anymore.

Other elves may mostly use natural power as their source, but for Tang Ming, whose source is light power, the thinner this power becomes, the weaker her vitality will be, and the weakening of vitality will directly affect her lifespan in the end.

When she uses up the last bit of power in her body, she will become an ordinary person. For the long-lived elves, the lifespan of an ordinary human is no different from dying soon.

The same is true for Selux, who has lived for thousands of years. The lifespan of a human being of less than a hundred years is really too short.

Seeing the complicated expression on Selux's face, she laughed instead, "You made yourself into the look you hate the most, but now you regret it?"

At this time, Tang Ming had a little sense of reality with Selux's favorability degree of 70 points. Before that, he always acted too plainly, almost indifferently. Even if he threw her away, Tang Ming would not Think he no longer needs her.

In order to improve his favorability, she will send all the energy to him every time. Every time the energy in her body is emptied, her source will be damaged. Although a small amount of delivery can slow down the damage of the source, but in this case It will appear as if she knows something.

Besides, Tang Ming didn't care about the elf's short lifespan. She was used to being a human being. If the clone copied all of her in the future, she might not be able to bear the elf's long lifespan.

Now that she sees Selux again, she can be sure that when he threw her into the dark forest, it was the favorability that played a role. useless.

Because although most of his appearance has recovered now, traces of decay can still be vaguely seen at the base of his neck, which means that he has not completely become a 'normal person' as he wanted.

"Your strength is becoming more and more unstable, and it will collapse completely in a short time. By then, not only will the potion have no effect on you, but even your strength will disappear." He said and let go of her hand , "The only way to make up for it is to regain your lost roots."

"But isn't this something you already knew?" Tang Ming asked back, "If you do this now, your hard work in the past few years will be in vain, and you will go back to the old way, and maybe you will be separated from the already fused The power of light will make you retaliate, isn't it putting the cart before the horse."

Selux was silent for a while, hugged her to the bed, and said, "It's okay."

It is not so easy to make up the original source. He needs to extract the power from his body and send it back to her body. At the same time, he kneads the separated power and her original source again. The process will be a bit painful. Lying down may will be better.

Before he could move, he was suddenly pushed away by Tang Ming.

During the time in the Holy See, she was not idle all the time, because her physical condition was getting worse every day, so she read a lot of related books in the Holy See, and she also knew this kind of behavior of forcibly pulling out the absorbed power at once. one two.

"If you do this, don't talk about the skin, do you want to become a skeleton?"

"No problem."

Selux didn't believe what she said to him, but even though he knew it was impossible, he was still touched by her easy words.

But how could she want to stay with him all the time

, how could it be possible... to like him

The four years of getting along has caused him a lot of suffering. He thought about it for a long time that night, and finally decided to send her back to the place where she should live. Figured it out.

He thought so.

In the end, not only did she not return to the elves, but she was almost killed in the dark forest. He didn't know how he resisted the panic in his heart and didn't show up to take her away. Maybe it was because just when he wanted to A second before the shot, a teenager reached out to her before him.

It was a boy who was completely different from the gloomy him, but he suited her very well.

Watching her enter the Light God Sect and live a peaceful life like an ordinary girl, but her problems have not been resolved, Selux broke into the territory of the light elves for this reason, and made a big fuss Afterwards, there were no related gains.

The elves can't solve the problem of damage to the source, the only thing that can make up for it is to refill the lost power. Others can't do it, only what she lost originally can.

Selux hesitated about this, and this hesitation disappeared after seeing her standing on the street, because her energy was so unstable that even the potion failed.

It was just to make up for the mistakes he made due to his temporary greed.

"come over."

"No." Tang Ming immediately refused, "You were so ugly to me before, but I still like your face better now."

"..." He couldn't answer her words for a while, although he felt a little sad at being rejected, Selux still insisted, "I won't appear in front of you again after the end, so I won't be ugly. it's your turn."

"But I want to see you."


Perhaps it was because Selux's face had returned to his former appearance at this time, so Tang Ming was able to see some signs of redness on his fairer than ordinary people's face.

"It doesn't matter if you let me give you strength, or you want to give it back to me now, Xiao Sai, you always talk to yourself." She stretched out her hand and pinched his handsome face, which is a bit too much, " You have never told me why you want to repair your body, is it because you want to go out and pick up girls?"

"... I didn't." He never thought about picking up a girl. Since he 'died' once, the person who stayed by his side the longest was her, except that she thought he had no contact with anyone else.

"Then what do you want to do?" Tang Ming was a little curious. "After all, my life is also costing me. Although you want to make up for it now, at least let me know your original intention."

Selux struggled, he never seemed to think of telling her the reason, because it was his own selfish desire, even if he said it, she would only be disgusted by her, she would know how selfish he is man, and stay away from him.

"Did you know that people who have entered the kingdom of death will not die a second time?"

Tang Ming was taken aback by what he said, she didn't expect such a beginning.

However, under the narration of Selux, Tang Ming finally understood why Selux wanted to use the power of light to reshape his body.

People who have entered the kingdom of death will not die a second time. Those who have entered the kingdom of death refer to those who have been killed by necromancers. They will be sent to the kingdom of death and become undead.

And these undead are summoned by the necromancer to sign a contract, and death will not really perish in the battle against the enemy. They will only return to the kingdom of death again, recover slowly and wait for the next call, so for these undead In other words, there is no such thing as death.

This is the so-called not dying a second time.

Selux's situation is quite special. He has entered the kingdom of death, was almost devoured by the undead, but finally devoured the undead, and returned to his own body in a state of neither human nor ghost, and became what he is now.

But the chance to escape from the kingdom of death is not available every time. As long as he dies again, he will be completely trapped in that world and become an undead waiting to be summoned. Between this world and the kingdom of death.

Selux wanted to escape this fate.

And in the millennium, he found a way to get rid of his current state, that is to use the purest power of light to reshape his physical body, cleanse his soul, and thoroughly cleanse the part of the body that is related to the undead. After being covered with light, he is able to transform into a normal human being.

There will be no endless lifespan, nor the power of the undead.

Even if he dies, he will never return to the kingdom of death.

As long as there is death, that is real death.

Now he plans to withdraw part of his fused power again. After the withdrawal, he will not have a second chance to fuse, because the source of the undead cannot withstand the second baptism of light, which means he has given up. .

After Selux finished speaking, he waited for the girl's reaction. His reasons were too selfish and cruel, even if he was completely hated, it was extremely normal.

He lowered his eyes, somewhat unable to bear to see her disgusted expression.

After waiting for a long time before she could say a word, Selux looked at her again, but she threw him fiercely. A mage with extremely fragile physique is no better than a knight. He was almost thrown down by her, and he managed to stabilize himself. After seeing her, I saw her eyes glowing, and her face also had a happy look.

"Xiao Sai~ let's get married~!"

It was the first time for Tang Ming to see a completely stunned expression on Selux's face. He seemed to think he heard something wrong, and asked hesitantly: "... What did you just say?"

"Get married!" Tang Ming repeated decisively again, "I don't want my strength to be unstable all the time, and I don't want Xiao Sai to become an undead. Xiao Sai, you want to become an ordinary person, so why don't we become ordinary people together? Already~"

"There is nothing wrong with human beings. We can always be together. Although it is only a few decades, it is enough to visit all the places we want to go. The Ryan Continent is so big. We can walk around and look around. Find a place to settle down, isn’t it good to live like this~ In fact, I have always felt that elves’ lifespan is too long and I can’t bear it, if Xiao Sai is with me, then every day will definitely be very happy~”

Selux was obviously stunned by her words. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if the beautiful idea in her mouth was realized. Apart from thinking that she was too stupid, he also felt that he was too stupid. Some shakes that cannot be ignored.

"No elf thinks he lives too long," he said.

"That's me~ Every day without Xiao Sai is very long."

The last struggle in his heart was completely destroyed.

He never thought that someone would be willing to give up almost endless life for him, just to be with him, and Selux couldn't help thinking of what Tang Ming had said to him back then.

Was she joking, but he abandoned her because of this.

"Do you really want to..."

Before he finished speaking, he only felt a bright aura that was completely different from Tang Ming's that disgusted him was rapidly approaching. Selux stood up, hugged Tang Ming in his arms, and raised his arms. The hand erased the mark that hadn't been dealt with before.

The person who left the mark on her is probably the guy who came to them now. If his feeling is correct, it should be the boy from the Guangming God Sect who saved Tang Ming back then.

It actually left a trace of tracking on the girl's body.

What a pervert.