The Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 509: Maritime merchant Barmond


"Master Commander, this is a complete misunderstanding. The villain is not an assassin, let alone daring to assassinate an adult!" The native speaker was fairly fluent in Chinese.

Zheng Zhilong pointed with his hand, "Then what's the matter with the musket in your hand?"

"Master Commander, this is a musket that a very young man bought before. There are many worshippers today. The young man is afraid of being insecure, so he brought it with him. Just now he was crowded and the young man felt wrong, so he took it out to have a look. Has it been squeezed... My lord, the price of this musket is not cheap..." The native stopped struggling and turned to Zheng Zhilong who was looking for help, expecting Zheng Zhilong to be confused for a while, and let him go.

"Sophistry!" Zheng Zhilong took the gun from the "people" and saw that the barrel was filled with ammunition.

It happened that Wang Mujiu squeezed over, "Commander Zheng, what happened?"

"The imperial commissioner, the subordinate is guilty," Zheng Zhilong bent down to apologize to Wang Mujiu, staring at the assassin native, "found... an assassin was found!"

"Assassin?" Wang Mujiu frowned. He glanced at Zheng Zhilong. Didn't he say that the assassin was arranged on the return journey

Zheng Zhilong shook his head, his gaze clearly told Wang Mujiu: This assassin was not arranged by us, "The assassin was brave and dared to plan to assassinate an adult, Lord Wang, since there are assassins among the people, then today's worship activities..."

Wang Mujiu raised his eyes and scanned the surrounding people, and saw that the people were anxious, because the assassin’s bullet was not released in time, and most of the people still don’t understand what happened.

The hundreds of soldiers brought by Zheng Zhilong were worried that something would happen again. They all pulled out their knives, drove the people around, protected Wang Mujiu, and used their bodies as a physical shield.

Seeing the soldiers flashing their shining knives, the common people backed away in fright, "What's the matter? Why did the guards of the imperial envoys show us their knives? Could it be..."

Wang Mujiu hesitated for a while, then shouted, "Everyone, there is an assassin in the crowd, but the assassin has already been arrested, everyone, go ahead, don't be upset by this Xiao Xiaoxiao."

"Master Wang..." Zheng Zhilong is worried, who knows how many assassins are in the crowd? "There are assassins hidden among the people. Should the worship activities be rescheduled?"

"Commander Zheng, haven't the assassins been captured?" Wang Mujiu recovered calmly, "It's rare to have so many people accompanying today, how can I block the trip because of this Xiaoxiao?" He lowered his voice and said to Zheng Zhilong, "Master left Jingshi Day. For a long time, the affairs of Nanyang will end soon, so we can go back soon!"

"Master Wang... In case..."

"Commander Zheng, don't worry, there are so many assassins?" Wang Mujiu interrupted Zheng Zhilong's words, and raised his head and shouted to the surrounding people: "Mr. Sanbao is the pioneer of Ming's journey to the West. The next official envoy Daiyan Province, he should go there. Worship, there are soldiers and so many people's escorts, the officials do not believe, and the assassins dare to show up..."

Zheng Zhilong had no choice but to send four soldiers to escort the assassin back to the barracks, awaiting trial.

When Zhu Youjian saw the assassin tied up with five flowers, he was surprised and delighted. What was surprised was that Malacca City really planned to assassinate the assassin, and what was delighted was that Wang Mujiu was safe and sound, and the assassin arranged by Zheng Zhilong did not need to show up.

With this assassin, he can make a fuss in Malacca.

While Zhu Youjian ordered all the city gates to be sealed off, he personally interrogated the hapless assassin.

"My lord... my lord, the villain is really not an assassin!" The assassin was tied up and kneeled in front of Zhu Youjian with his head on his head. He wanted to knock Mingzhi, but the ropes on his body were too tight, and his forehead was no matter what. Not on the ground.

"What's your name?" Zhu Youzhen asked coldly.

"The villain was originally called Madilha, but now he changed his Chinese name to Marha." Marha saw Zhu Youyuan sitting on the wooden chair motionless, his face as plain as water, and stopped crying for the time being.

"Marha, you said you weren't an assassin, so why did you carry the gun? Why did you take it out in public? According to the officer's inspection, the barrel was filled with gunpowder. What's your explanation?"

"My lord..." Malha's face was full of drops of water, not knowing whether it was a cold sweat or tears of regret. "The villain was worried about the unsafe number of people on the road, so he carried a gun... The gunpowder in the barrel, the villain really didn't know. Maybe it was from the last hunting fashion..."

Zhu Youzhen's voice tightened and he suddenly shouted: "Marha, who sells your musket?"

"Yes... No, the villain bought it from the Grape Soldiers before!" Malha's expression changed, and he cried, knowing he couldn't tell anymore.

"How many people are there in your accomplices?" Zhu Youzhen secretly laughed, as long as the musket originated from the grape man, that was enough, and the next step was to ask the assassin to confess according to his own requirements.

"My lord, the villain is really not an assassin, where's his accomplice?" Malha was tied up, just like a chicken pounding rice. He wanted to knock his head but couldn't knock, so his head had to be messed up in the air.

"Marha, you don't even recruit, right? Do you think that the Ming court will only show mercy to you? You are wrong. To the assassins, Da Ming will never be courteous," Zhu Youjian turned to the soldier next to him and said: " Tell him how many penalties Daming has for criminals to surrender!"

"Yes, Lord," the soldiers approached Malha two steps, dragged Malha up from the ground, and circled Malha again, "Marha, I don't know how many punishments there are for Daming, I will first Let’s talk about Ming’s most insidious punishment, Ling Chi, have you ever heard of it? That is, before the execution, the prisoner confessed to him in a delicious and delicious way. Don’t get hungry and lose weight.”

Malha kept staring at the soldier, and when he heard this, an imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Soldier, since he is going to be executed, why do he even offer it deliciously and drunk?"

Zhu Youjian was calm and calm, with a kind smile on his face.

"If the prisoner is hungry and thin, there won't be enough knives to count, because when the torture is executed, one thousand and one knives must be cut, and the prisoner must be guaranteed not to die." The soldier also laughed, and he stopped in front of Malha with his hands. Signed, "Every time a knife is cut, a piece of meat will be cut, but blood must not be bleed, and the prisoner must not be allowed to die from the bleeding. You have to live and get enough of one thousand and one knives," the soldier looked at Zhu Youjian and continued. : "During the execution, there will be a group of wild dogs around, every piece of meat thrown down, these wild dogs will fight for these bloodless pieces of meat, and even bite each other..."

"Wow..." Malha seemed to be at Ling Chi's scene in person, and he was the target of Ling Chi, and he rolled inwardly, "You..."

The soldier seems to be telling a story that has nothing to do with him, "Sometimes the criminals are very sinful, and people watching the excitement around them will line up in between the executions of the executioners and give birth to the criminals’ flesh and blood, and bite off a piece of meat. A bite of blood..."

"You... don't say anything..." Malha's body began to tremble, and if it weren't for the rope, he couldn't stand still.

"Haha, this is only the last penalty, you listen to the next one," the soldier smiled, seeing that his own narration had a little effect, and continued: "There is another penalty, called skinning, which is stripping the prisoner naked. , Opened from the heel, and went down with a knife... The prisoner has a complete piece of skin peeled off, but his eyes will blink and his nose will breathe. It will take at least an hour before the prisoner will slowly die."

"You... You Daming people are too vicious, wow... wow..." Malha shook violently and was obviously unsteady. While he was throwing up, his body shook suddenly and desperately fell in front of the soldiers. , "You can't kill but nod, why are you... why are so vicious?"

"Marha, my lord has already said that for ordinary Ming people, we will let them have food, clothing, and housing, but we are opposed to Da Ming, and even those who seek to assassinate high officials from him, we will never Will be soft," the soldiers helped Malha up, lest he lay on the ground like a dead dog, breaking the jar, "there is a third penalty, called intestines..."

"Stop talking, I'll do it!" Malha glared at the soldier with blood-red eyes, but when he met the soldier's more fierce gaze, he hurriedly lowered his head, fearing that he would be the target of intestines.

The soldier's expression changed and he smiled at Malha, "Do you want to make a decision after listening?"

Malha ignored the smile on the soldier's face and shook his head like a rattle playing in the hands of a child.

"Say early!" Zhu Youjian held up the teacup and sipped gently. "The first question, where did the musket come from? This is not Da Ming's musket."

"It was sold to the villain by a Portuguese named Barmond." Malha was like a chicken, with his neck drooping, his chin almost touching his chest.

"Bamond? The Portuguese?" Zhu Youjian was overjoyed. He was planning to plant the Portuguese, but now the pie fell from the sky. "Who is Bamond? Where does he live now?"

"Bamond is a Portuguese maritime merchant who now lives in Ruxing Commercial Bank in the east of the city."

Zhu Youjian recruited another soldier, whispered a few words, and immediately rushed out.

"Marha, why did you seek to assassinate Daming's imperial mission? Are you instigated by others?"

"The adult is a clear lesson, the villain did not plan to assassinate the adult, the villain just see if the musket has been squeezed by the crowd." Malha looked bitterly, wishing to kowtow to show his thoughts, but his whole body was tied tight by a rope. I can't kneel down even if I want to kneel.

"Marha, since you have already confessed, why don't you tell the truth?" Zhu Youjian's face was stunned and interrupted Malha's words, "Do you know that if you try to assassinate Da Ming's imperial commission, you will be delayed, skinned, or otherwise Pumping your bowels, even your family, can't escape the end of prostitution and slavery."

"My lord..." Malha shivered, "My family didn't get involved in this case."

Zhu Youjian did not explain, he gave Marha a chance, "Marha, if you are instigated by someone, the crime will be lighter. If the prosecutor is meritorious, it is not impossible to even be exempt from punishment."