The Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 510: Layout (grand finale)


"Report?" Malha squinted his eyes and carefully studied Zhu Youjian's words. Zhu Youjian's question today is a bit special. So far, he hasn't interrogated him for his motives for assassination.

"Marha, Barmond sold you the rifle, is there no reason?" Seeing that Marha was thinking, Zhu Youjian immediately enlightened him, "Could it be that Barmond instructed you-if you are an accessory, the crime will be lighter. Are you willing to carry all the crimes for others? If you don't think about yourself, are you willing to let your wife and children endure the pain of lateness or skinning?"

"My lord..." Malha suddenly fought a cold war. When he stabilized his figure, he felt a faint green light in Zhu Youjian's eyes, just like when a hungry wolf first saw the food, he shivered quietly. : "Bamond..."

"Marha, if you are coerced by Barmond, or if he uses your family to threaten you, and boldly speak out, we will call the shots for you-the accomplice will be lighter and the family will not be affected. We will punish them severely. It's the mastermind!" From Malha's eyes, Zhu Youjian felt that this "Li Daitao stiff" plan was about to succeed.

"My lord..." Malha understood. It turned out that this lord had repeatedly hinted to him that it was Barmond that they would severely punish. For whatever reason, this is the best time to get rid of sin, as long as he can To escape the disaster of home destruction, what about the sacrifice of Barmond? Now that the Portuguese army has left Malacca, Barmond no longer has the capital to bully himself. When he thinks of bullying, Malha is so angry that when he sells muskets, it is more expensive than others. Thirty percent, she still covets her own woman. If the Ming army drove away the Portuguese army, her own woman would not be able to keep it...

"Master, as long as the villain confesses truthfully, can he get forgiveness from the adult?"

"That's not necessarily true." Zhu Youjian stared at Malha with his eyes. "The conspiracy to assassinate the imperial imperial officer is extremely heinous, and the mastermind must be punished severely, so that the accomplices can be dealt with lightly," Zhu Youjian's expression softened, and there was still a faint expression. Some encouraging smiles, "The one who can forgive you is first of all yourself. If you can explain the crime in detail, let us bring the mastermind to justice in time, and then we will be forgiven by this lord." Zhu Youjian motioned to the soldiers and gave them first. Malha let go.

"The villain understands, the villain understands!" Malha rubbed his sore arms and thighs, and knelt down in front of Zhu Youjian with a "poof". …" All the dirty water was sprayed on Barmond, adding fuel and vinegar, out of nothing, referring to the deer as a horse, nothing was impossible, only unexpected, Malha went out, and even the fact that Barmond looked at his women a few more times was in the court Confessed.

Malha is exactly like a victim. Under the coercion and temptation of Parmond, he had no choice but to commit such a rebellious act as conspiracy to assassinate the imperial mission.

Although Malha’s confession is somewhat illogical, the soldier in charge of recording has been properly sorted out under Zhu Youjian’s instruction. What Zhu Youjian wants is only a fact, "Marha, you can guarantee that everything is Fact? Will never retract the confession in the future?"

"What the villain said is true, how can the villain dare to deceive the adults?" Malha chuckled, "Even if Barmond is here, the villain dare to confront him."

"Mahar can wake up and take the initiative to confess the mastermind behind the scenes, which is considered to be saving himself," Zhu Youjian asked Malha to sign at the end of the confession, and then put it in his sleeve. "Mahar, you can't go back for the time being. Wait until the case is complete. Understand, you will be forgiven if the mastermind gets the punishment he deserves," he turned his head and said to the soldier behind him: "Take Malha down and offer delicious and delicious offerings, don't neglect!"

"Yes, my lord."

Malha kowtowed to Zhu Youjian to thank him, and then went out with the soldiers.

When Zheng Zhilong returned to the barracks with Wang Mujiu, Zhu Youjian had already tried Bamond for the first time. At the beginning, Bamond denied all kinds of denials, but Zhu Youjian and the soldiers performed a wonderful double act. In order to escape from crime, Barmond had to point the culprit to the original Governor of Malacca Mano Di.

"Master, what happened?"

"Zhilong, the man behind the plot to assassinate Mu Jiu is indeed Manotti. It seems that Manotti is unwilling to lose the Malacca waterway. Fortunately, you will treat him as a friend of Da Ming and sign a contract with him. Who can bear it? Unbearable," Zhu Youjian sent the confession of the two to Zheng Zhilong and Wang Mujiu to circulate, "Zhilong, immediately send additional manpower to assist Zhang Zhu, who entered the West earlier, to quickly take down Ceylon controlled by the Portuguese as a punishment! "

"Lord, if Manuodi sends someone to ask him, how should his subordinates respond? The contract signed by the subordinate and Manuodi, the ink hasn't been done yet!" Zheng Zhilong smiled slightly, knowing that Zhu Youzhen was feigning anger. This is what they have agreed long ago. They only wait for the Portuguese to get the bait. If the Portuguese don't get the bait, they will complete the process of continual planting.

"Zhilong don't need to worry. Since Manuo Di sent an assassin to Daming, do the two sides still have the sincerity basis for cooperation? There is no need to execute the original contract." Zhu Youzhen's face is not red and heartbeat. After going to Ceylon, if the Portuguese wake up, they can re-conclude the contract," he paused, and said: "The contract can be concluded, but Manotti must make more concessions, especially on the route to the West. "

"Yes, the subordinate understands, the subordinate will arrange the manpower now!" Zheng Zhilong turned around and was about to pay the bill.

"You don't need to rush for a moment to settle the affairs of Malacca, and he will also leave Malacca with the fleet and go to Daguang." Zhu Youjian was originally uncertain about whether he was going to Myanmar Province by sea or land. Since he wanted to send an additional squadron of the South China Sea Fleet to support Zhang Zhu, he decided to go west with the fleet.

"Is he going to personally direct the battle of Ceylon?" Zheng Zhilong knew that although Zhu Youjian grew up in the deep palace, he was a martial emperor. Maybe he would return to the capital after he killed the Portuguese in Ceylon by the way.

"No, the Lord will land in Daguang, and the war will be left to Zhang Zhu." Zhu Youjian wants to control the general trend. He really has no interest in this kind of local war, and he has no time to personally direct it. It has been long enough to leave the capital. He will go north through Myanmar, Yunnan, and Sichuan, and go straight back to the capital, "Zhilong, Aceh, I will leave it to you!"

"Master, rest assured that his subordinates will end the war in Aceh as soon as possible, free up manpower, and take control of Nanyang as soon as possible." Zheng Zhilong's face was fierce, and Zhu Youjian has instructed that if necessary, the slaughter will also take the entire Asia. Qi.

Wang Mujiu said slowly: "The Lord is going to return to the capital as soon as possible. We have been away from the capital for several months. The officials of the Third Academy and the Ten Departments didn't even know that we were in Nanyang, thinking they were still in Guangdong!

Zhu Youjian passed through the Andaman Sea with the squadron sent by Zheng Zhilong. He stood alone on the deck, letting the sea breeze wrinkle his hair, and the waves on the sea evoked his infinite reverie.

After several years of painstaking efforts, Daming has now moved towards modernization. Whether it is the five northern provinces, the five central and southern five provinces where the capital is located, it is rapidly emerging. As long as it does not cause huge internal friction, Daming will Will follow its own trajectory to achieve the pace of catching up with the Western Ocean.

The establishment of slaves that threatened Daming for decades has been wiped out in his Northern Expedition. The Mongolian ministries that have plagued Daming for hundreds of years have gradually widened the distance between them. The two sides are no longer on the same level. The opponent, the Mongolian cavalry, who had once frightened the Ming Dynasty, had fallen behind in front of the flintlock and artillery.

Starting from Horqin, the Mongolian ministries have developed towards naturalization in the Ming Dynasty. Heshuote who fled to Tibet and Tibet have been completely annihilated, and the remaining Chahar, Tumote, and Wala's Junggar tribes have been completely annihilated. Although he maintains relative independence for the time being, as long as he returns to the capital, the next step is to use the Korchin Ministry as a template. In the face of the huge population advantage of the Han people, these oriental Mongols who have disrupted the world for hundreds of years, It is very likely that, like the Huns, they will be annihilated forever in the long river of history.

The Southeast Asian states have been the eternal pain of the Central Empire in later generations, but in the hands of Zhu Youjian, they have become several provinces of the Ming Dynasty. The Portuguese and Spanish navies that first entered the South Seas have been completely driven out of the South Seas, Zheng Zhilong’s South China Sea Although the fleet maintains a strategic balance with the Dutch for the time being, Zhu Youjian believes that with Daming’s current development speed, it will be Daming that will break this balance in the future, not the land of bullets.

The imperial court is saving, and Zhu Youjian is planning. He believes that before Britain, France and other countries enter the South China Sea, Daming will completely control the South China Sea and make the South China Sea the South China Sea and the inner lake for the fishermen of the Ming Dynasty to fish at will.

Zhu Youjian looked ahead, the bright light was still far out of sight, and there was only a vast wave of smoke on the sea. Because the sun was blocked by the clouds, the brightness of the sea was not enough. From a distance, the front was hazy, like a mirage. , But he has seen a brand new Da Ming through the heavy fog.

But Daming has been tied to the chariot of the times, and the road ahead is still long.

In the five provinces outside the customs, except for Liaoning, which is close to Shanhaiguan, the Han people in the other four provinces do not have the advantage in numbers. It is still a long way to be fully naturalized. In these extremely cold places, the imperial court needs to invest a large amount of food and payment every year; Nanyang provinces , Daming just took over. Although Daming made a steady profit here, it would take a long time for him to completely become Daming's mellow soil.

On the far east coast of the Pacific Ocean, Westerners are setting off a new round of carve-up craze, even small islands. The vast Africa not only provides the West with gold and silver, sugar cane, grasslands, black slaves, but also It is the market where they dump their products.

All these hotspots, if there is no Da Ming's participation, or even dominance, it is not a real world order. Zhu Youjian will make Westerners realize that if you ignore Da Ming, sooner or later you will pay the corresponding price!

On the deck of this Guangzhou ship, Zhu Youjian has lifted the fog of history, and for the rest of his life he has only one way to go.

"Hey, tomorrow noon, the ship will be able to reach Daguang!" I don't know when, Wang Mujiu climbed up from the ship's gangway and stood silently behind Zhu Youjian's side.

"Yeah!" Zhu Youjian answered softly. He doesn't care much about Daguang, a fine Indian Ocean port. His heart has already flown back to the capital. No matter when, only the core ruling area of the Han nationality is prosperous and prosperous. Only by getting up can we have the strength to stick to the frontier and expand strategically important places.

The Guangzhou Ship, carrying Zhu Youjian, and countless soldiers, was steadily sailing to the familiar and unfamiliar sea ahead.

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