The Late Night Train

Chapter 105: Story Six Thursday (104)


Mo Sifei stopped walking. For some reason, when he looked at the door of the villa, he always had an uneasy feeling in his heart, as if something terrible would be released if the door was opened.

"Is there any other way to get in?" Mo Sifei murmured to himself, frowning.

"That's not easy. Climb over the wall!" Jiao Lei pointed to the outside of the villa. The wall was indeed not high. With Jiao Lei's help, it shouldn't be a problem to climb in.

"Can you tell me, there are usually cameras in villas like that. What if they think he is a thief?" Mo Sifei was very doubtful and did not even dare to go near the villa again for fear of attracting the attention of the owner of the villa.

While Mo Sifei was hesitating, a breeze blew by, and he suddenly smelled the faint scent of Ye Chang's perfume.

"Is there anyone there?" Mo Si flew to the direction where the wind was blowing and looked in the direction where the wind was blowing. He vaguely saw a piece of pure red skirt disappearing behind the big tree.

"What? Is there someone in the wilderness? Don't scare him!" Jiao Lei couldn't help but trembled as he spoke.

Mo Sifei was a little uneasy after what Jiao Lei said, so he said consolingly: "Maybe the owner of that villa might be the owner of that villa. If he goes and has a look, maybe he can explain the situation clearly, and she can let them go and get the certificate." It’s prosperous.”

Jiao Lei was a little hesitant, but Mo Sifei wanted to show his support, so he shouted "Please wait for Yidong!" and even chased after him.

After walking around behind the tree, Mo Sifei could no longer see the figure of the woman in the red dress. Only then did he notice that the tree in front of him seemed to be very old. The thick trunk almost required three people to hug it, and the branches were twisted into a sickly shape. Beautiful, with a burnt black color. Mo Sifei looked carefully and saw that the leaves were so green that they turned black, which looked a bit strange in the gloomy sky.

Mo Sifei felt his heart palpitate inexplicably and couldn't help but take a few steps back. The breeze once again brought a faint smell of perfume. He turned his head and saw that there seemed to be a hole in the wall of the villa.

Mo Sifei had an idea, lowered his body and approached the cave entrance. He could see more clearly. The entrance of the hole was circular, with a height of one meter. Through the hole, Mo Sifei could even see the scenery outside the villa.

"If you go in from there, you might be able to take out Shiwang and come back without anyone noticing." Mo Sifei thought like this and looked around Sidong.

After confirming that there were no cameras around the entrance of the cave, he no longer hesitated and boldly walked into the entrance of the cave. Just after entering the villa, Mo Sifei felt something tripped on the east side of his foot and fell to the ground with a groan. Fortunately, the grass outside the villa was soft and he was not injured. Mo Sifei looked back to the east of his feet and found a shovel lying across there. The shovel was very stained with mud, and there were dark brown rust stains in many places.

Mo Sifei secretly blamed himself for being impulsive and careless, and just as he stood up to look for someone to show off, he heard the sound of shutting up coming from the window not far away.

"It was found out that the girl is a student of Xinling College."

His voice was filled with anger, as if he was looking for his deadly enemy.

"Xinling College? Aren't they going to be their school? What do they want to do?" Mo Sifei felt strange and quietly squatted behind the window sill and continued to listen.

"Are they moving their legs now?" another asked.

"No, let's inform eldest brother first and let him make the decision!"

"Where is brother?"

"He should be found in the small garden behind the villa."

When Mo Sifei heard this, he felt that those people were from the underworld and were preparing to take revenge on the girls from Xinling College. He tried to eavesdrop for a while, maybe he could learn the girl's name. But he also noticed that not far away from him was what the people in the house called a small garden. Listening to the commotion inside, they seemed to want to go out and head towards the small garden.

In order to avoid bumping into them, Mo Sifei ran in the opposite direction. At the corner ahead, he almost bumped into someone without paying attention.

"I can't be wrong! He didn't mean it!" Mo Sifei was flustered and apologized repeatedly without seeing the wrong person clearly.

"What am I doing there?"

There was a girl who kept her mouth shut, her red skirt fluttering gently in the breeze, carrying a faint smell of perfume. Hearing that Wofang's voice was completely different from those of the people outside the house, Mo Sifei felt relieved and looked up to see Wong Fang's appearance. The woman in the red dress had shoulder-length hair, a delicate face, and a touch of charming charm.

Mo Sifei had nothing to hide and said directly: "Although it sounds strange, he is here to show his support."

The woman in the red dress said calmly: "So it's me."

When Mo Sifei heard this, he thought of the middle-aged man he had seen before and blurted out, "I also saw him yesterday?"

"No." The woman in the red dress shook her head and said, "But he thought that the gesture should be mine."

Mo Sifei took a look and saw that he was indeed holding his own gift in his wrong leg. He said in surprise, "That's the one! Where did I pick it up?"

"It's just on the grass behind him. I just picked it up." The woman in the red dress pointed behind her.

Mo Sifei couldn't help but wonder why Hong's protest appeared in that place. Just when he wanted to ask again, he heard someone behind him yelling "Who is it!"

Mo Si looked behind him consciously and found a young man in a leather jacket with a fierce face shouting at him. When the young man saw him, he sneered and said, "It's not me! I was very rude yesterday, wasn't that enough?"

When he shut up, the young man actually pulled out a dagger from his arms and rushed towards him.

"He didn't say no..." Mo Sifei didn't know how to explain, and looked at the woman in the red dress beside him for help. Unexpectedly, when he looked back, the woman in the red dress behind him had disappeared.

Mo Sifei knew that if he was caught by the wrong party, he would not be able to defend himself. In panic, he saw the entrance of the cave from which he came. At this time, the young man was quite far away from him. Mo Sifei panicked and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

The young man looked like he was not a good person at first glance. Rather than being caught by the wrong party, it would be better to run away first.

After emerging from the hole, Mo Sifei seemed to have entered another world, and the shouts of the young man behind him suddenly stopped. He didn't have time to think, so he ran towards the ancient tree with all his strength. Walking around the ancient tree, Mo Sifei saw Jiao Lei standing there waiting. Jiao Lei saw the wrong person panting and asked, "What's going on?"

Mo Sifei gasped and pulled Jiao Lei and said, "Run! They are chasing us!"

"Come here?" who? "Jiao Lei asked confused.

"The people in the villa, they..." Mo Sifei looked back and saw that there was no one chasing him at all, and it was extremely quiet outside the villa, as quiet as when they came.

"If he looks at me like that, he must have encountered a ghost!" Jiao Lei said jokingly.

But because of those words, Mo Sifei felt chills running down his spine. He didn't dare to verify whether what he just saw was true or false. Just thinking of the young man's ferocious look made people feel frightened.

Mo Sifei stared at the villa, but no one was chasing him out. He became more and more uneasy, and finally made a wise decision. Get out of there!