The Late Night Train

Chapter 109: Story Six Thursday (108)


"Who is that person?" Mo Sifei asked.

Jiao Lei answered without thinking, "That man's name is Fang Qinwei, he is a member of the drama club, he plays the role of the King of France, the one who married Cordelia!"

"My face-blind person actually remembers it so clearly!" Mo Sifei was a little surprised.

"The impression he made on him is deep in his bones!" Jiao Lei said bitterly.

Before Mo Sifei could ask further questions, Jiao Lei continued: "He has seen the rehearsal of the drama club, and the kid's acting skills were so bad that he wanted to die. Originally, the drama club was not willing to accept him at all, but because he paid a lot of money, No, I didn’t refuse. The money for that performance was basically provided by that playboy.”

"Dandy kid? He's very good at writing!" Mo Sifei said with a smile, "Am I jealous that my partner's family is rich?"

"Who do I think he is?" Jiao Lei glanced at Mo Sifei and said, "He impressed him not because he was rich, but because he..."

Jiao Lei frowned, as if he was thinking hard about what words to use to describe it. Fang Qinwei was not idle, and he didn't know if he was talking to himself, so he said loudly: "The backstage of the theater is such a sacred place, and anyone can come in. Isn't the atmosphere of the drama club too loose recently?"

No one responded, Fang Qinwei still laughed to himself, and glanced at the two of them from time to time.

"Obscene!" Jiao Lei suddenly shouted, "He remembered, what he wanted to say is not obscene!"

Mo Sifei also deliberately raised his voice and asked, "Oh? Why are you so obscene?"

Jiao Lei heard Xian's intention and replied with the same volume: "That person's acting skills are poor, and he was originally not interested in the performance. Can you force the president to be bribed to play the King of France? Do I know why?"


Jiao Lei said with a smile: "I want to know if the King of France can be Cordelia's husband, and the person who plays Cordelia is their beautiful lady Lou Yu Qing Lou! Does he want to change his mind when he plays that role? It’s just taking advantage of Yuqing’s house!”

"No way!" Mo Sifei exclaimed, pretending to be shocked: "How can there be such a wretched person?"

Mo Sifei glanced at Fang Qinwei from the corner of his eye, and Fang Qinwei's face already looked a little ugly.

"It's more than just that!" Jiao Lei didn't intend to shut up, but said even more fiercely: "In the past, when Liu Wenjing was still around, that kid took advantage of the family's money and stalked Liu Wenjing, using all kinds of methods. He chased the front lady of the drama club to his knees. The local people had already seen through the wretched nature of that boy and refused every time. After pursuing him several times to no avail, he actually did something."

Mo Sifei saw that Fang Qinwei's face had turned red and seemed to be angry. It seemed that Jiao Lei had really touched on the wrong point. He didn't want the matter to get too big, so he suppressed Dong's curiosity and whispered to Jiao Lei, "Just let it go as soon as you can."

Jiao Lei, on the other hand, was an ignorant person. He was so excited that he couldn't control his mouth and opened his mouth to say: "Liu Wenjing's dormitory was suddenly stolen. All the items missing were coats, stockings and other intimate clothing. Afterwards, someone discovered that those things were not quilt… "

"We are not done yet!" Fang Qinwei finally couldn't help but cursed loudly, "You actually came here to spread rumors. What bastard didn't have the foresight to let us in!"

While cursing, Fang Qinwei picked up the prop sword on his waist and rushed to hit Jiao Lei. Jiao Lei originally looked down on Fang Qinwei. He would not show weakness when he saw this. He also raised his fists and said provocatively: "Want to fight? Come on! Whoever is a coward can be a grandson!"

Mo Sifei usually didn't mind watching the fun, but he wasn't stupid and knew that it was their territory. If they made trouble like that, he was afraid that neither he nor Jiao Lei would be able to get anything to eat. Mo Sifei wanted to stop the two from causing trouble. When he came to his senses, he found that many people followed Fang Qinwei and surrounded the two of them.

Fang Qinwei was small and thin. Seeing Jiao Lei's strong body, he didn't dare to go in front of him, but he kept inciting everyone in the drama club to be hostile to the wrong party: "Come on, someone is making trouble there!"

With more and more people surrounding him, Mo Sifei couldn't tell whether he would open his mouth a few more times. Seeing everyone staring at him eagerly, he and Jiao Lei wanted to be the target of public criticism.

At that moment, Lou Yuqing's voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

"It's so lively! What is everyone doing?"

Lou Yuqing's voice seemed to have some kind of magic power, and everyone made way to reveal a young woman in gorgeous costumes. Lou Yuqing is beautiful in her own right, and her gorgeous costumes add to her graceful and noble temperament. Mo Sifei's eyes can't help but light up when he sees her.

"So beautiful!" Jiao Lei's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, almost begging to drool.

Lou Yuqing calmly walked towards Mo Sifei and Jiao Lei, and said as if no one else was watching: "Where are we? He couldn't find us after changing his costumes. He made us wait for a long time, right?"

Mo Sifei screamed inwardly. Lou Yuqing must have seen what happened. That sentence not only helped the two of them get out of the situation, but also did not cause a direct conflict with Fang Qinwei. With one sentence, most of the tense atmosphere on the scene was resolved. Jiao Lei's IQ was a little above the level at that time, and he probably knew whether Lou Yuqing was helping them, so he finally came quietly and looked at Lou Yuqing with a silly smile. Mo Sifei stood calmly. Although he was in the middle of the game, he always felt a sense of detachment from the situation.

"The performance time is coming soon, are you all ready?" Lou Yuqing reminded everyone, remembering the important event of the performance, they dispersed one after another to make the initial preparations in front of the stage. Nadong, are Mo Sifei and Jiao Lei completely safe

"Thank you, Miss Lou, for helping them out." Jiao Lei stepped forward to thank her.

"That's nothing. I have something to trouble us later on." Lou Yuqing replied with a smile, but looked at Mo Sifei.

Fang Qinwei also didn't expect that the two people were brought in by Lou Yuqing. He didn't want to conflict with Lou Yuqing, so he glared at them angrily and walked away.

Mo Sifei looked at Fang Qinwei's back and sneered in his heart, but saw a girl in a red dress not far away, and faintly smelled the familiar perfume again.

"Is it her?" Mo Sixin thought of the girl who gave the gift to him yesterday, and also recalled the strange text that appeared on the show last night, "She has been in contact with the show, maybe she knows something."

Mo Sifei was eager to clear up the doubts in his mind, and walked towards the girl in the red skirt without even caring about what to say to Lou Yuqing.

"Where am I going!" Jiao Lei saw that Mo Sifei looked good and chased after him.

Mo Sifei seemed not to have heard anything and stared at the direction in which the woman in the red dress was leaving. Mo Sifei hurried to the door and found a women's locker room. He stopped and hesitated whether to knock on the door.