The Late Night Train

Chapter 11: The first story Death Confession (10)


Ai Yun warned from the back seat. Cui Benshan and Luo Yan quickly came to their senses, only to hear the car horn blaring in front of them, and the entire field of vision was shockingly white. It was Cui Benshan who was not frightened at this critical moment. He turned the steering wheel without hesitation, and the screeching brakes added to the chaos. The three of them felt the whole car shake violently at the same time. At that moment, they felt that their lives were so small, as if a candle in the strong wind was about to perish at any time.

After the white light, there is dead black.

Luo Yan opened his eyes and saw the sky full of stars, and for a moment he forgot that he was in a mess. Ai Yun struggled to get up from the back seat and dragged the distraught Luo Yan out of the car.

"Cui Benshan!" Luo Yan regained consciousness and saw the car hit the guardrail, the windshield shattered to the ground, and Cui Benshan lying on the roadside slope, his body twisted unnaturally. When the car hit the guardrail, Cui Benshan did not put on his seat belt and the airbag did not deploy. The strong momentum caused him to rush out of the car. However, Luo Yan and Ai Yun did not follow in their footsteps because of their seat belts. Ninja Luo Yan was in severe pain and struggled to reach Cui Benshan. Cui Benshan slowly opened his eyes, blood foaming from his mouth.

"Unexpectedly, it's still hard to escape." Cui Benshan's eyes were distracted, and he didn't know whether he was talking to Luo Yan or talking to himself. Even if Ai Yun knew first aid, he was helpless at this time and could only watch Cui Benshan's life passing by.

Luo Yan forced himself to calm down, took out his cell phone with trembling hands and dialed 120.

"Don't bother..." Cui Benshan said weakly. He was sure that he would die and had no will to live. For a moment, emptiness and despair enveloped his heart. Cui Benshan thought about his life and suddenly had the idea of repentance. Looking back, he opened his eyes wide and said to Luo Yan: "Go to... Qingshi Pier... tell her... I'm sorry for her... "

Cui Benshan's words puzzled Luo Yan. Ai Yun thought of something at this time and asked quickly: "Tell us how to lift the curse!"

Cui Benshan struggled to maintain his last breath and pointed at Ai Yun. When he was about to speak, he suddenly hesitated. Cui Benshan frowned and thought about something, and finally sighed and closed his eyes.

Luo Yan was deeply saddened, and sat slumped on the ground. Ai Yun stepped forward, hugged Luo Yan tightly, and kept comforting him: "You will never die! No way!"

The phone rang again. Luo Yan picked it up and saw that it was still Yang Su.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yang Su's anxious voice came, "Luo Yan? It's great that you're okay. I contacted the police in City B and found that the Qinglang Club appeared in Wenhui Community and a gunfight broke out. You now where?"

Luo Yan looked around blankly, not knowing where he was.

"It seems that you are really being targeted by the Green Wolf Society. I suggest you contact the local police for protection. I know you are hiding something from me, but I believe you will never be a bad person."

These words made Luo Yan feel warm. He wanted to tell Yang Su everything, but he couldn't explain it all. He just said: "I still have unfinished business, believe me, when this is all over, I will tell you everything exactly!"

Yang Su was silent for a moment and only said four words: "I believe you!"

Luo Yan and Ai Yun supported each other and stood up, looking at the messy scene on the road. An ambulance siren sounded in the distance, and they knew that the police would soon follow, but they had no time to explain to the police and could only leave the scene in a hurry.

City B is a city along the river. If you take a boat down the river, you can still reach the city where Luo Yan lives.

There were not many people at the Bluestone Pier in the early morning. The sun was hidden in the heavy fog, making the buildings along the river appear hazy gray. Luo Yan walked on the road at a loss, and he remembered that Cui Benshan did not tell the other party's appearance at all, nor even his name. Such a search is like looking for a needle in a haystack, with little to gain.

Ai Yun bought two tickets to go back. There was no point in staying in City B. He might encounter the Green Wolf Society again. Even if you are waiting to die, it would be better to go back and die in a foreign land. Luo Yan thought like this and made up his mind that if they couldn't find the person Cui Benshan was talking about, they would have no choice but to go back.

After Ai Yun bought the boat ticket, he stayed with Luo Yan quietly. Luo Yan looked at Ai Yun and recalled Cui Benshan's expression before his death. An idea flashed in his mind and he realized that the other person was probably a woman. He looked up and looked around, only to find a slim and long-haired woman standing facing the river, as if waiting for something.

Luo Yan walked slowly, and the woman turned around, looking alert.

"Are you from the Qinglang Club?" the woman asked in a deep voice.

Luo Yan knew that he had found the right person and explained: "I am Cui Benshan's..."

friend? Although they had experienced life and death together, Luo Yan could not define whether he and Cui Benshan were friends. After thinking about it, he said: "Cui Benshan asked me to bring you a message."

"Why doesn't he come to see me by himself!" The woman didn't trust Luo Yan.

"He... is dead." Luo Yan finally said it.

Women still don’t believe it, or don’t want to believe it. Luo Yan felt embarrassed and said bravely: "He wants to tell you that he is sorry for you."

The woman's eyes turned red. She took a deep breath and asked, "What else did he say?"

Luo Yan shook his head.

The woman raised her head slightly, trying to smile contemptuously, which sounded like a sigh, "I should have known better. He has told so many lies, and this time will be no exception."

Ai Yun came closer and saw the woman extending her hand to Luo Yan: "Bring it here."

Luo Yan didn't know what the woman was talking about. She frowned and said, "He invited me over and said he had something to give me. Did you swallow it all to yourself?"

Luo Yan was confused and could only explain that Cui Benshan didn't give him anything.

The woman seemed to have seen through Luo Yan's ugly face and sneered: "Cui Benshan said that this thing is priceless. If not, how could he lose his life! You must have taken it all for yourself, maybe you killed him because of your wealth. Got it!"

Luo Yan couldn't help but admire this woman's imagination, but also hated Cui Benshan's unclear explanation of her last words, which put her in an embarrassing situation. Ai Yun reminded him that the ship was about to leave. Luo Yan knew that the explanation was unclear, so he shook his head and left. The woman did not give up and still persisted. Ai Yun was furious and knocked him unconscious without saying a word.

Noticing Luo Yan's dumbfounded expression, Ai Yun's face became hot and he turned around and said, "She will wake up soon, let's go."

Sure enough, as Ai Yun said, the woman woke up within a few minutes. Looking at the passenger ship offshore, she saw the figures of Luo Yan and Ai Yun. "Don't even try to take away what I can't get!" The woman said bitterly and took out her mobile phone.

"Brother Chen?" The woman's voice suddenly became flattering, "They're on the boat... yes, that's the boat!"

"Thank you, Brother Chen!" The woman felt a little excited when she heard the other party's approval, so she asked carefully: "Since Cui Benshan is dead, can I... regain my freedom?"

After receiving a positive reply from the other party, the woman nodded and quickly left the dock.