The Late Night Train

Chapter 113: The sixth story Thursday (under 111)


"We agreed to send him back, but why did those two people run away first?" Lou Yuqing was furious. Yuanji couldn't see the two of them, and he didn't know whether he should wait where he was or go back by himself.

Lou Yuqing thought for a long time and decided not to wait there for a while before talking. The thin light from the street lamp in the distance illuminated a small area ahead. The location where Lou Yuqing was standing was not an area beyond the reach of street lights. There were layers of shadows and faint sounds coming from nowhere. The quiet streets made those small sounds extremely clear. Gradually, Lou Yuqing heard the familiar voice.


Familiar footsteps!

"The stalker appeared again!" Lou Yuqing suddenly panicked. She didn't care about waiting for the two of them, and ran towards the rental house.

For some reason, Lou Yuqing's hearing became very sharp at this time. She clearly heard the footsteps becoming more rapid, as if they were chasing her.

After running across a street, Lou Yuqing was already out of breath. With her physical strength, she wouldn't have been like this, but fear caused her to waste most of her energy, and it was now difficult to continue. Even though she stopped, the footsteps behind her did not. Lou Yuqing was at a loss at this time and was struggling to escape again when she heard the warning sound.

Lou Yuqing picked up the demonstration as if grasping a life-saving straw. The voice coming from the other end of the demonstration made her eyes flash with hope. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, but Lou Yuqing regained her composure and continued running forward.

"Stop!" The stalker behind him shouted loudly.

Of course Lou Yuqing would not stop walking, but she felt that the voice sounded familiar. But the current situation did not allow her to think too much. She stared straight ahead and did not dare to slow down at all. Finally, Lou Yuqing arrived at the familiar street in front of her. It was exactly the place she had heard about in the demonstration.

After crossing the intersection ahead, Lou Yuqing felt that her physical strength was exhausted, and she finally fell to her knees uncontrollably. She slowly turned her head and saw the silhouette of the stalker through the hazy moonlight. At this time, the stalker no longer seemed to care about his identity being revealed, but instead seemed to be even more afraid of running towards him. But no, there was no fear on Lou Yuqing's face, but a mysterious smile.

"Hold me!" "A shout sounded at the entrance of the street, and two figures rushed out. Lou Yuqing knew at a glance whether they were Mo Sifei and Jiao Lei who had just left.

It turned out that Mo Sifei saw the backpack that had been turned over before and guessed that the stalker would escalate his actions, so he and Jiao Lei deliberately left, arranging a scene to lure the snake out of its hole. Sure enough, the stalker didn't find what he was looking for in the backpack, and lost his patience. He asked for a needle but missed Lou Yuqing's east leg. Mo Sifei and Jiao Lei had already prepared and lurked in the alleys beside the street, so they appeared in time at this time.

Jiao Lei took the lead, regardless of whether Bu Shen was in danger or not, he directly jumped at the pursuer. The pursuer was caught off guard and was knocked into his arms. When he reacted and tried to struggle, Mo Sifei appeared from the side again. Mo Sifei found a rope from somewhere and tied the man up without saying a word, making it even harder for the wrong person to break free. Jiao Lei stepped out at this time and worked together with Mo Sifei to tie up the wrong party tightly and tie the rope into a tight knot.