The Late Night Train

Chapter 13: The first story Death Confession (12)


"Jin Shuang once asked him to hide the box in a place where no one knows." Luo Yan looked at the river and said, "Isn't that the best place to bury it?"

Ai Yun looked at Luo Yan with an uncertain expression.

"Just throw it into the river, and he can wait for death with peace of mind." Luo Yan shut up and asked to throw the death notice out, and Ai Yun suddenly stretched out his legs to block it.

Luo Yan was stunned when he saw the indescribable expression on Ai Yun's face. Then he felt pain in his leg and wrist, and the wrong party had taken away the box.


Ai Yun did not explain to Luo Yan, but pushed him into the east water.

"The death report belongs to him, so don't come with me!" Ai Yun warned Luo Yan, then threw a lifebuoy at him and rowed towards the center of the river alone.

Luo Yan's mind turned red, and his body seemed to have been drained of all its strength. He was allowed to drift helplessly on the river with the lifebuoy. The wind and rain hid Ai Yun's figure, but the first thing Luo Yan saw was that Ai Yun was holding the death notice in his leg.

The storm became more violent, and the whole world entered darkness early. Luo Yan looked at the center of the river. In the direction where Ai Yun was leaving, a sudden bolt of lightning connected the sky and the earth and fell vertically in the center of the river. Luo Yan felt as if he had also been struck by lightning. His heart suddenly felt an unbearable pain, his eyes went black, and he lost consciousness.

Luo Yan smelled hydrogen peroxide. Opening his eyes, he saw a red ceiling, and a man in red wearing a mask came into view.

"I finally woke up." The nurse said happily.

"Is there... a hospital?" Luo Yan turned around blankly.

"That's right, I've been in a coma for three whole days. The wound on my shoulder was filled with water but it didn't get infected. I'm really lucky!" the nurse kept talking.

Hearing this, Luo Yan suddenly stood up from the bed, grabbed the nurse and asked loudly: "What did I just say? How long has he been unconscious?"

The nurse was frightened by Luo Yan's expression, but she replied: "Three days, what's wrong?"

"What's the date tomorrow?" Luo Yan asked again.

"October 15."

Luo Yan had an expression of disbelief on his face. Eight days have passed since he heard the death call, and he is actually very alive!

The bell rang for the demonstration. Luo Yan's first reaction was that it was Fu Aiyun who called. He took the token and saw Fu Yanxin's name displayed on it.

"Luo Yan, am I awake?" Yan Xin said eagerly, "What happened? Why did it happen?"

"What am I talking about?" Yan Xin's words puzzled Luo Yan.

"I don't know?" Yan Xin hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Ai Yun died on the day I fell into coma."

Yan Xin's words made Luo Yan feel like he was struck by lightning. He stayed on the hospital bed without saying a word.

Yan Xin's voice came from the demonstration: "He had been talking to her on the phone very often before. Who would have thought that suddenly..."

"She talked to me on the phone before?" Luo Yan vaguely felt that the call was of great importance, so he asked, "What did she say?"

Yan Xin replied: "She asked him if he had ever opened a music box."

Luo Yan started to breathe heavily and asked, "Have I heard the voice in that box?"

The moment he got Yan Xin's affirmative reply, Luo Yan came over. Jin Shuang had opened a death notice once, but the one Cui Benshan heard was not opened by Yan Xin. Luo Yan finally knew what the so-called "test" was.

The so-called test is to ask the cruel person to sacrifice for the wrong party in exchange for the opportunity for the wrong party to escape alive. Ryan passed the test and exchanged his life for his wife's life, while Leah exchanged her life for the chance for Ryan to escape alive. Or she didn't expect that Ryan would also die for her.

Gu Jun tried to ask Liu Wen to die for him, but failed because only ruthless people can pass that test. Jin Shuang successfully passed the test and exchanged his own life for Yan Xin's.

Luo Yan finally understood why Cui Benshan begged the wrong woman and said "I can't afford to be wrong" because he wanted to beg that woman to die for him. On his deathbed, Cui Benshan finally realized in his conscience that he did not want to let the cruel test continue to the east, so he chose to remain silent.

But no, Ai Yun didn't know it at the last moment, so she snatched the death notice and accepted the test.

Luo Yan didn't know when he hung up the phone. He walked away from the hospital bed, looking extremely lonely.

Yang Su heard that Luo Yan was awake and rushed to the hospital quickly.

"Good news! All members of the Green Wolf Club have been arrested. From now on..." Yang Su shouted as he rushed through the door, and was stunned when he saw Luo Yan's expression. Yang Su asked carefully: "I already know Ai Yun..."

Luo Yan looked at Yang Su and smiled sadly, and said, "Now, he can tell me everything."

After hearing Luo Yan's story, Yang Su couldn't believe it at first, but in the face of the facts, he couldn't refute it. The ward fell into silence, and the two of them walked separately, each with their own thoughts.

A news item is playing on the TV in the ward.

"After months of salvage, they finally found the wreckage of the lifeboat that was struck by lightning in the middle of the river..."

The news content Yidong attracted the attention of the two people. Just behind the host, a staff member found a small box in the wreckage. Luo Yan couldn't help but widen his eyes and murmured: "That thing is actually there..."

Yang Su also held his breath and asked: "Is that box..."

"Death report! There was no damage at all when struck by lightning!" Luo Yan's voice trembled.

The staff member stared at the box and slowly opened it uncontrollably. The key turned automatically, and familiar music came from the TV.

Luo Yan heard the familiar voice again. That time he was not afraid, but smiled.

Death is the most sincere confession.

Ai Yun, he is here.