The Late Night Train

Chapter 21: The second story Dangerous Building (20)


After Ren Zhifei was called over by Teacher Li, nothing actually happened. He just asked about the current situation. He knew that he had been acting strangely this morning and, to put it bluntly, looked like a psychopath. Faced with Teacher Li's insidious questions, Ren Zhifei carefully concealed his true thoughts. He knew that if he was really considered mentally ill, he would probably lose the chance to explore the truth.

In order to find the truth, he must conceal the truth.

The school bell rang, and the suspicion in Teacher Li's eyes faded, allowing Ren Zhifei to leave the office. This is the first time he has lied to a teacher, and it is also the first time he has realized that things in the world can be so contradictory.

The campus was quiet and peaceful in the afternoon, everything was as usual. Going to class, finishing class and finishing school regularly, like a wheel rolling forward, endless reincarnations. Ren Zhifei returned to the classroom just in time for the math test. The last two classes of the day were spent quietly in the dizzying formulas.

Ren Zhifei and Wu Xiaofeng took the lead in completing the test. After waiting at the school gate for more than ten minutes, Lang Zhijia also came out. According to Lang Zhijia, the brothers Cheng Peng and Zheng Xiaojun had only answered half of their exam papers.

Seven days have passed since the last school break, and Ren Zhifei once again saw the sunset on the campus. Lang Zhijia glanced at Ren Zhifei pretending to be relaxed and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

This sentence meant that Lang Zhijia had recognized himself, which made Ren Zhifei very happy. He felt that his plan was successful, so he couldn't wait to start the next step. Ren Zhifei thought for a while and said: "Next, I hope you can recall your experience in Dangerous Tower. According to my speculation, Zhang Yi disappeared after exploring Dangerous Tower."

Lang Zhijia and Wu Xiaofeng looked at each other. As they expected, it was probably the dangerous building that triggered Ren Zhifei's fantasy.

"I have an idea..." Wu Xiaofeng suggested, "Why don't we go explore the dangerous building again today..."

"No!" Ren Zhifei objected immediately. He vaguely felt that there was a mysterious power hidden in the dangerous building that they could not resist.

"What are you afraid of? I'm here! And this time we are prepared and we will definitely find clues!" Lang Zhijia was adding fuel to the flames, but what he was thinking about was the discussion before the math test.

During the break and before the math test, Ren Zhifei was in Teacher Li's office. Lang Zhijia expressed his inference: "Is it possible... Zhifei became curious about the dangerous building, so he went into it alone to explore, and then encountered something unknown and was frightened, so he had hallucinations."

Lang Zhijia's inference was recognized by everyone, and they began to discuss how to help Ren Zhifei get out of his mental disorder. Wu Xiaofeng touched his chin and said: "Don't we often see that scene on TV? Helping people with amnesia to revisit their old places can restore their memories."

"Zhifei didn't lose his memory, he was hallucinating!" Cheng Peng objected.

Zheng Xiaojun said: "Absolutely?"

Lang Zhijia nodded: "Amnesia and hallucinations are both mental reasons. Returning to his old place can allow him to re-understand the experience at that time. Maybe everything is just a psychological effect. How can there be such a supernatural thing in this world!"

Lang Zhijia's words were unanimously agreed by the four-person group. Without further ado, everyone decided to take Ren Zhifei to visit their hometown after school.

Ever since, there was the conversation just now.

When Ren Zhifei heard Lang Zhijia's suggestion, he immediately felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what it was. At this time, Cheng Peng and Zheng Xiaojun finally finished their answer sheets and were running here.

As soon as Cheng Peng saw each other, he said in a confused manner: "How are you, are you ready to explore the dangerous building? Oops!"

It was Zheng Xiaojun who attacked Cheng Peng, but it was too late.

Ren Zhifei glanced at everyone with suspicious eyes, and he already knew it in his heart. The feeling of being isolated came back again, forcing him to take a few steps back, pointing at everyone and asking: "Have you already discussed this?"

Wu Xiaofeng glared at Cheng Peng reproachfully. Seeing Ren Zhifei's reaction, he felt sorry for himself and explained bravely: "We have good intentions..."

"You still don't believe me!" Ren Zhifei interrupted rudely, "In other words, you still think I'm sick?"

"That's right!" Lang Zhijia couldn't hold back and told everything about the previous discussion, "We believe that you were frightened in the dangerous building, so you had hallucinations. Anyway, you also want to know what is in the dangerous building. Instead of following us If you ask, why don’t we go and find out together!”

"You can't go to the dangerous building, there must be danger there!" Ren Zhifei suppressed his anger and still tried to stop him.

"Why not! If you want to prove that you are not afraid of dangerous buildings, come with us!"

Ren Zhifei knew that since no one believed in him, any more arguments would only deepen the suspicion. When things got to this point, entering the dangerous building was the last option. In the final analysis, only in a dangerous building can he find the answer.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

In this way, a group of people marched toward the dangerous building.

Ren Zhifei suddenly felt ridiculous about the previous quarrel. Because he discovered that no matter which side wins, they will end up here. Maybe many things in the world are like this. The process of the argument is not important, and even the result is not important, because the ending is the same.

Ren Zhifei thought like this, the dangerous building was approaching. This building that exuded a decayed and dilapidated atmosphere was unexpectedly tall. It blocked the light of the setting sun, shrouded everyone in darkness, and exuded a suffocating sense of oppression. As soon as the few people entered the shadows, they suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature dropped by about ten degrees, as if this place was already another world.

Standing at the foot of the dangerous building, Ren Zhifei looked at the dark door and felt that it was like a cunning giant beast with its mouth wide open, quietly waiting for food to go into its belly. He composed himself and looked back at everyone. Perhaps it was the first time to observe a dangerous building up close (the first time in everyone's memory), and everyone's face showed a trace of uneasiness. Only Ren Zhifei knew that their uneasiness was just because they were unfamiliar with the dangerous building, and he himself was very sure that there was something dangerous in it.

"Let's go!" Seeing everyone's hesitation, Lang Zhijia stepped into the door first. When Ren Zhifei saw Lang Zhijia's back disappearing into the darkness, his heart tightened and he followed him through the door. The others remembered the purpose of their trip, put away their hesitation, and quickened their pace to catch up.

The first floor of the dangerous building is a wide space. Sunlight shines in from the broken windows, forming a row of slanted light pillars. In the center, cement pillars support the roof. Many of the pillars have cracks, as if they may break at any time, causing the entire dangerous building to collapse. The wind raised the dust on the ground, which was as high as a person. Against the dark and unclear background in the distance, the dust was like a ghost wandering on the floor.

Lang Zhijia was a little lucky to have entered the dangerous building in the evening. If it were night, this scene would have been enough to scare him. He looked at the beam of light coming from the window, hoping to draw a moment of warmth and the courage to continue walking. He also realized that as the sun set in the west, the light would eventually disappear.

Ren Zhifei carefully observed everything around him and never said a word. Wu Xiaofeng looked on and asked with concern: "Did you remember anything?" This was actually what Ren Zhifei wanted to say to others.

The answer is the same. Everything in the dangerous building seemed so unfamiliar that they wandered on the first floor for a long time before they found the stairs to go up. Diagonally across from the main door, there are no windows in the entire corridor, and only a few steps at the top of the stairs can be seen clearly.

"Don't be discouraged, it's only the first floor." Lang Zhijia's comfort made Ren Zhifei feel uncomfortable. From another perspective, others did not recall their experience in the dangerous building. As Lang Zhijia said, this is the first level and everything has just begun. Gradually they got used to the gloomy atmosphere on the first floor, and many people couldn't bear this feeling. It was precisely because of this that they easily started to climb up to the second floor.

Everyone's relaxation made Ren Zhifei feel nervous. He was convinced that Zhang Yi's disappearance was related to the dangerous building, so he always had a premonition that something bad would happen if he continued. I don't know if it was the dark side of his heart, but for a moment, Ren Zhifei felt a little hopeful. At this time, his mood was extremely complicated. When he came to his senses, everyone had already entered the corridor. Ren Zhifei put aside his distracting thoughts and was about to follow, when he heard a slight sound coming from outside the stairs.