The Late Night Train

Chapter 24: The second story Dangerous Building (23)


The old madman saw through Ren Zhifei's thoughts and said calmly: "Don't worry, they can't enter a room without a door."

Ren Zhifei didn't say it clearly, but he didn't believe what the old madman said. Looking at the man in black gradually approaching the window, all Ren Zhifei can do now is pray.

A strange thing happened. The leading man in black walked around outside for a few times, and finally said to the others: "They are gone."

The other men in black didn't question it at all and simply turned around and left.

"How could this happen?" Ren Zhifei breathed a sigh of relief, but was puzzled.

"It's strange, isn't it." The old madman didn't care how dirty the ground was, he lay down easily and said leisurely: "This is the experience I have accumulated from many years of escape. These people seem to have very rigid thinking. As long as there is no door, they will think it is Dead end.”

Ren Zhifei couldn't understand and had no energy to think about it anymore. He sat down on the ground and kept breathing. The old man and the young man remained silent in this dark space, except for two gentle or heavy breathing sounds.

After a while, Ren Zhifei finally regained his breath, and he saw the old madman's burning eyes. Only at this moment did he realize that it was very dangerous to be alone in a closed space with a madman. However, the old madman did not make any drastic move, but asked: "Tell me the truth, that dangerous building... have you ever been in it?"

Ren Zhifei could only nod.

The old madman asked again, "Do you still remember what happened inside? No! You must remember, because you have... "

"What's there?" Ren Zhifei discovered that the old madman had said the key point and asked quickly.

The old madman shook his head, "It's better that you don't know."

"No! I must know!" Ren Zhifei said anxiously, "My friends are trapped inside, and the others don't know whether they are alive or dead! I must save them!"

The old madman paused and immediately said in a concealed manner: "They will be fine. At most, they will lose their memory of the dangerous building. As for the people trapped inside, they can't get out."

Ren Zhifei had determined that the old madman must have had the same experience as him, but the other party was very covert and refused to reveal the truth. When he wanted to ask again, the old madman suddenly asked: "Have those men in black touched you or taken anything from you?"

Ren Zhifei shook his head blankly.

The old madman sighed and whispered: "That's good."

"What's good?" Ren Zhifei asked.

The old madman suddenly went crazy again and shouted sternly at Ren Zhifei: "Get out of here! Forget everything that happened, and live like a normal person from now on!"

The old madman's temperament changed drastically, which shocked Ren Zhifei.

Seeing that Ren Zhifei didn't move, the old madman kicked him over. Ren Zhifei had no time to dodge and was kicked in the stomach, bending over in pain. Then, Ren Zhifei felt the old madman lift him up by his collar. When he reacted, the old madman had already lifted him up and was about to force him out of the window.

Ren Zhifei panicked and shouted: "Why are you crazy! Those men in black will catch me!"

The old madman ignored Ren Zhifei's resistance, pushed him hard and threw him out. Ren Zhifei was frightened and wanted to hide back in the basement, but was blocked by the old madman and couldn't get in at all. The old madman looked at Ren Zhifei coldly and said, "Those men in black will give up if they don't catch you this time. They won't remember your appearance at all, unless..."

The old madman didn't want to reveal too much, but his tone softened, "Go back quickly, you can't do anything about these things! Forget all this and live like an ordinary person. Otherwise, you will be like me!"

Ren Zhifei was furious and cursed at the old madman: "Coward! Do you want to hide in this dark doghouse for the rest of your life! If you don't want to help me, I can do something about it!"

The old madman didn't want to talk to Ren Zhifei at all, so he retreated to the basement to take a nap.

Ren Zhifei was still upset and turned around and said loudly: "I'm going to call the police right now! I will definitely be able to..."

Halfway through his words, the old madman suddenly came out of the window like a ghost, grabbed Ren Zhifei's collar, and was so strong that he lifted up Ren Zhifei's entire body.

"Don't call the police!" The old madman's expression was more serious than ever before. "Calling the police will only alert them! Even the police will come to arrest you!"

Ren Zhifei was choked by his collar, but the old madman still refused to let go and warned him repeatedly. It was not until Ren Zhifei nodded repeatedly with a blue face that he was freed. The old madman threw Ren Zhifei down and left without looking back, leaving only Ren Zhifei kneeling on the ground alone.

When I got home, the whole room was dark. My mother must have gone to accompany my father who was working overtime again. Ren Zhifei was a little lucky that they didn't see him in such a mess. He secretly washed all his clothes, took a hot bath, and finally regained his energy.

Ren Zhifei lay on the bed tossing and turning, still unable to sleep. What happened today kept popping up in front of his eyes. Ren Zhifei hoped that this was just a nightmare. He tried to close his eyes and lied to himself that everything would be back to normal when he woke up. Gradually, he finally believed his lies and fell asleep.

The night is dark and the moon is high.

Under the dangerous building, several men in black were wandering around. A man walked under the window, looked down and saw something. He knelt down and picked it up. It was a group photo. In the photo, four people were giggling at the camera, but in the center of the first row and in the lower left corner, there seemed to be missing people. The missing people were Zhang Yi and Lang Zhijia.

"I found a photo." The man in black said coldly, and several men in black gathered around him, "We have a new mission."

Early in the morning, Ren Zhifei woke up and found that his parents had not returned yet. In his confusion, he didn't think much about it. He washed his face and brushed his teeth as before, and then went to school with his schoolbag on his back. Maybe it was because he was too tired yesterday. After walking on the road for a long time, Ren Zhifei still felt sleepy. His head was so dull that he wanted to think about anything. All his actions were driven by his subconscious.

Halfway along the road, a dangerous building suddenly came into view. Ren Zhifei suddenly woke up, and then he realized how valuable his previous ignorance was. The memories of yesterday flooded into him, and Ren Zhifei shivered uncontrollably. After one night, Ren Zhifei understood that what happened in the dangerous building was beyond his understanding. What can he do as a student who has not graduated from high school? The more Ren Zhifei thought about it, the more frightened he became. As he walked, the dangerous building got closer and bigger. Ren Zhifei lowered his head and quickened his pace to escape from the dangerous building.

He kept walking like this with his head down, and unknowingly he had arrived at school. Ren Zhifei slowed down his pace. He could almost predict that there must be another empty seat in the classroom, and that was Lang Zhijia's seat. Wu Xiaofeng and the others will lose their memory of Lang Zhijia and live a careless life as before. The pain of losing friends and the secret that cannot be understood will be borne by Ren Zhifei alone.

"Forget all this and live like a normal person!" The old madman's words rang in his ears, "Otherwise, you will be like me!"

The lonely and miserable image of the old madman made Ren Zhifei's heart palpitate. Maybe it was too late to give up now. At least he still had the care of his parents and the few remaining good friends.

"If you can, find a way to rescue us from the dangerous building. If not, at least remember us!" This is what Li Changhong said to him. Ren Zhifei believed that he could not save them from the dangerous building. The only thing he could do now was to remember them. Keep the lost friends in your heart forever.

Ren Zhifei finally found some comfort for the future and felt better. When he looked up, he had already reached the door of the classroom. The sound of reading came from inside. Ren Zhifei took a few deep breaths and walked in.

The classroom fell silent all of a sudden. More than thirty pairs of eyes were staring at Ren Zhifei, making him a little overwhelmed. Ren Zhifei noticed that Lang Zhijia's seat was indeed empty. He just didn't understand why everyone looked at him like a monster.

"Is there something on my face?" Ren Zhifei said to himself.

A classmate asked: "Who are you looking for?"

"Who am I looking for? I'm Ren Zhifei!" Ren Zhifei replied, his heart beating wildly.

"Who are you?"

Ren Zhifei's ears were ringing and he was dumbfounded.

"How can this be?"

At this moment, Wu Xiaofeng walked into the classroom. He and Ren Zhifei looked at each other with surprise and confusion in their eyes.

"Who are you looking for?"