The Late Night Train

Chapter 26: The second story Dangerous Building (25)


"Why is this child crying!" The mother felt distressed. She squatted in front of Ren Zhifei, held his hand and asked with concern: "Are you lost? Auntie will take you to find the police uncle..."

"Don't call the police!" Ren Zhifei was shocked and quickly broke away from his mother and ran out. He just poked his head out from the counter and saw the man in black walking past the front of the store. Oddly enough, there was already quite a commotion in the clothing store, and several customers gathered around to watch the excitement. Anyone who is interested can tell that something is going on just by taking a look inside the store. However, the man in black seems to be only paying attention to the street and has no interest in even taking a second look elsewhere. Even so, Ren Zhifei knew he couldn't go out yet, so he had to retreat back into the counter.

Only then did he realize that his move had knocked his mother to the ground, and she still hadn't recovered yet. Ren Zhifei regretted his impulse just now and stepped forward to help his mother up.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Ren Zhifei apologized softly.

The mother regained her kind smile and comforted Ren Zhifei softly, but she did not remember that the child in front of her was her son. Ren Zhifei felt the familiar maternal love, but his mood was extremely complicated, and his tears could hardly stop flowing. The mother felt distressed and wanted to comfort her, but the more she comforted the child, the harder she cried. In the end, she squatted on the ground and cried with her head covered. Ren Zhifei was afraid of being discovered and did not dare to cry loudly. He could only cover his head with his hands. Even so, there were still whining sounds like small animals coming from the gaps between his arms, which made the surrounding customers feel uncomfortable.

The owner of the clothing store was a hard-hearted person. She thought she had seen the clues. No matter how much Ren Zhifei cried, she asked loudly: "Are you a thief? If you are so afraid of the police, you must be a thief!"

"I'm not!" Ren Zhifei argued loudly with a cry.

"Only the police can tell you clearly!" the boss said, picking up his cell phone and threatening, "Get out of here! Otherwise I will call the police now!"

This time Ren Zhifei was really caught in his weakness. Under the pressure of his boss, he could only walk out in tears. Fortunately, the man in black was gone and the disaster was finally avoided. Standing outside the door, he saw his mother's familiar yet unfamiliar expression of concern, and felt that his heart was stabbed hard by a needle, with waves of pain.

The old madman is actually not crazy, and even his actual age is far less old than he looks. Perhaps it was because he was too slovenly, or because of the devastation of a miserable life of sleeping in the open air, which made a man in his thirties look more than fifty years old. No one knows the old madman's name, and no one will ask him. He is like a rat living in the darkness of the city. People who see him are afraid to avoid him and are not willing to take another look at him.

No one knows how long the old madman has been wandering around the city, what he does for a living, or where he sleeps at night. But if you pay closer attention, you will find that the only interest of mice in this city is cats.

It's not a precious breed, just a wild cat, a wild cat with pure black fur.

The old madman has an unusual obsession with black cats. He is often seen wherever black cats appear. The black cat is very cunning. Every time the old madman tries to catch it, it always escapes cleverly. Over time, this seems to have become a game for the black cat, and he never tires of it. Whenever the old madman failed, the black cat would always bark at him from a distance, seeming to be both mocking and provocative. The old madman never gave up because of this, but continued his business of catching cats over and over again. As for what he wanted to do to the black cat, only he himself knew.

A few days ago, the old madman quietly ambush where the black cat appeared as usual. He was confident that the trap he set this time would be able to capture the black cat. He crouched in the corner for an hour, and as expected, the black cat appeared. The old madman was ecstatic and watched with bated breath as the black cat approached the bait. Just when the black cat was about to fall into the trap, a boy appeared from behind and bumped into his back.

The young man shouted, and the old madman knew something was wrong, and watched the black cat get frightened and run away. What's even more annoying is that the black cat fled to the end of the alley and turned around to scream strangely, which was full of mockery and ridicule in his ears. The old lunatic was so furious that he slapped the young man's head and cursed him.

The young man was so frightened that he was trembling all over. The old madman was tired after scolding him for a long time. He knew that there was nothing he could do about the child, so he had to let him go. But just as the young man left, the old madman suddenly discovered three familiar scars on the back of his hand. It was a scratch from a cat, but what was different from ordinary scratches was that the color of the wound was so bright that it almost glowed in the dark.

This is the scar scratched by a black cat! The old madman perked up and grabbed the young man to ask. Unexpectedly, this young man was so timid that he was so frightened that he broke away and ran away. The old madman has been catching black cats for so many years, but he hasn't even touched a hair on it. This kid can actually be caught by a cat! The old lunatic's mind got hot and he forgot about his situation. He just wanted to catch up with the young man and ask him clearly.

I don't know whether he is really old or whether the young man's legs and feet are too fast. He chased him for three or four streets, but the old madman failed to catch him. Not only that, but he also attracted the man in black. The old madman had witnessed the methods of the man in black and immediately gave up on the young man and ran away. The old madman scolded the young man as he ran away. He had already run out of energy after chasing him all the way, and was almost caught by the man in black. It was also his luck. He thought he had escaped into a dead end, but he accidentally found a basement window. He was already familiar with the movement pattern of the man in black and got in decisively. Even if the man in black wanted to break in, he had to find the door first. After entering, the old madman found that this place was a natural refuge. The only door was sealed, which meant that it was impossible for the man in black to break in. After escaping this disaster, the old madman finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What the old madman didn't expect was that soon he would meet the young man again.

This kid was the bane of the old madman. When the two met for the second time, he scared away the black cat again and attracted the man in black. Fortunately, the old madman was alert and had already thought of an escape route, and took the young man to hide in the basement he had discovered earlier. Judging from what happened to the young man, he must have broken into a dangerous building and was lucky enough to escape. Unfortunately, the boy still remembers what happened in the dangerous building, which will shadow him throughout his life.

The old madman drove the young man away because he knew that the young man still had a chance to return to his original life. The phenomena that occurred in the dangerous building were beyond the comprehension of normal people. If the young man insisted on pursuing the investigation, he would only end up with the same fate as him. It's still too late, at least the man in black didn't catch him this time, and he will ignore the young man's existence in the future. Next, as long as the boy is willing to forget what happened in the dangerous building, everything will pass.

But when the old madman met the young man for the third time, he knew that what he was worried about had happened.

It was late at night the next day after the teenager was driven away, and the old madman returned to the abandoned basement to prepare for a rest. He lit a candle, and the weak candlelight illuminated the basement, allowing him to discover a dark shadow in the corner. The old madman braved it and took a closer look. It was the young man again.

The young man may have been too tired to notice the approach of the old madman. With a little dim light, the old madman saw two clear tear tracks on the young man's sloppy face.

"They've all forgotten me!"

This was the first thing the boy said after waking up. The old madman looked at the young man, whose clothes were in tatters and looked slovenly, like a little beggar. The old madman finally found out the name of the little beggar today - Ren Zhifei.

The flickering candlelight illuminated the entire basement, making people feel as if they were caught between the underworld and the human world. The old madman frowned and thought for a long time, then sighed slowly and told Ren Zhifei his story.

"My name is... No one has mentioned it for so long, and I almost forgot my name. Just call me old madman. About a year ago, a friend of mine, Li Feng, suddenly called me and said he had made a new discovery. . I didn’t know the details at the time, I just rushed to the place agreed with him. Do you know where it was? "

Ren Zhifei guessed, "Could it be... a dangerous building?"