The Late Night Train

Chapter 27: The second story Dangerous Building (26)


The old madman nodded and continued talking, "Strange to say, the dangerous building is not far from where he lives. He would even pass by it when he was at work. But that was the first time he discovered the dangerous building that day. Exist! But Li Feng was different. After meeting him, he told him that he had been paying attention to the dangerous building for a long time. Li Feng said that there was a huge secret buried in that dangerous building! "

"What secret!" Ren Zhifei became nervous. His current situation was all caused by the dangerous building, and he would naturally not let go of clues about the dangerous building.

The old madman pressed his legs in the air to signal Ren Zhifei not to be in a hurry. He recalled carefully and shook his head before, "If he didn't say it, just tell him and you need his help to get the secret." He said At that time, he didn't pay much attention to the secret Li Feng said, just taking it as a joke, but something he brought over attracted his attention. That was a cat, a black cat with pure black fur and green eyes."

"Black cat?"

"I'm definitely wondering what a black cat has to do with a dangerous building. But have I ever thought about why they all forgot about my friends, but I only remember them so well?"

The old madman's words stopped Ren Zhifei. Ren Zhifei originally thought that it was because of his poor memory, but later he discovered that it could not be explained by memory at all. Even because his memory was different from theirs, he once fell into deep self-doubt.

The old madman stretched out his legs and arms covered with black mud to show Ren Zhifei. He frowned as soon as he came closer. At first, Ren Zhifei pinched his nose and reluctantly took another look, responding to the old madman's question with a confused look on his face. Not only was the old madman's legs and arms covered, but his whole body was extremely dirty, and there was a strong stench when he got close. The old madman looked at his legs and arms, spat on them, and then rubbed them vigorously with the other leg, making Ren Zhifei almost want to vomit.

A large amount of mud was rubbed away from the legs and arms, and the real skin was finally exposed. Ren Zhifei saw that the old madman had three long, invisible scars on his legs and arms.

"The scratches of the black cat. Because of that, I will remember the friend who was erased."

Ren Zhifei took a look at the back of his leg. The scar had faded. It looked like it had never scabbed, and it was almost invisible to the touch. He also felt that the scars were a bit strange, but he never thought that Ju Qunqiu would be that bad!

"The scars on his legs and arms were from when he first met the black cat. It was in the cage at the time. Li Feng stared at the dangerous building without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking. He felt When he got bored, he took the black cat out of the cage and wanted to tease it. That move aroused Li Feng's great reaction. He shouted at him, "Put it back quickly!" He was frightened by Li Feng. , I didn’t expect the black cat to be violent, screaming and grabbing his legs and arms. His legs hurt, and he accidentally let go of the black cat. As soon as the black cat touched the ground, he ran away towards the dangerous building. "

"Li Feng became so angry that he didn't even have time to scold him. He chased the black cat and rushed into the dangerous building. Seeing that the situation was a bit strange, he followed. Is what happened next too weird? He is still very confused now. The memory is still fresh.”

Ren Zhifei cheered up, knowing that the old lunatic Qiu was getting to the point.

"They entered the dangerous building and chased them all the way to the third floor. They found countless corpses lying on the ground! He was so frightened that he could hardly stand, but Li Feng was not affected at all and said, 'Those are no. It's just an illusion.' He didn't know what he meant, so he watched him walk through the corpses on the ground and walk to the east corridor. Unexpectedly, halfway through, the corpse on the ground suddenly stood up and pounced directly on him and Li Feng !”

"Ah!" Ren Zhifei was fascinated by the sound and couldn't help shouting.

The old madman smiled and said, "Those are nothing, the people who come from the east are the important thing." One of the people jumped on him, and his first feeling was that the person's body was surprisingly cold, like a big ice cube. Same!"

"Like... Li Changhong?" Ren Zhifei couldn't help but interrupt the old madman and said.

"Li Changhong?" The old madman shook his head, "I don't know him."

"He is a murderer who has been on the run for many years and is now trapped in a dangerous building. He has been in contact with him before and always feels that he is not as vicious as the legend says." Ren Zhifei recalled, "But according to the story I told, it seems that it is not true. Are those people deliberately ambushing us?"

The old madman shut up and was interrupted. He frowned and explained, "It's not like that. Later he found out that their target was not them. After those people caught them, they suddenly shouted, and they said , 'We don't deny the scavengers!' That sounded very strange, but he finally knew that they didn't intend to harm them."

Ren Zhi begged to ask again, but he couldn't help it. He knew that the old madman would explain clearly when he came to the east.

The old madman nodded with satisfaction and took the initiative to explain, "The so-called scavengers are men in black. As for the reason, I will find out if I listen to you."

"After Li Changfeng was caught, his reaction was far greater than what he asked for. He broke away as if he had encountered a ghost. He shouted in panic, 'Don't touch him!' Li Feng stepped aside, trembling with nervousness. However, The person who attacked Li Feng did not take a step forward, but went to where he was. Li Feng asked, "It's really a scavenger! Then if I meet him, wouldn't it be..." Seeing that the situation was a bit strange, he went to get away from those people. 'Corpse' stood together with Li Feng. As soon as he got closer, he heard Li Feng muttering to himself, 'I was careless! If I were touched by them, wouldn't I become a prisoner!' He felt that Li Feng was hiding many secrets. But he couldn't find any reason to question. Li Feng's expression became serious, and he said to him, 'They have that one chance, they must catch the black cat.'"

"He thought Li Feng loved the black cat too much and asked those people if they had seen the black cat. Those people shook their heads and shut up while the black cat's cry was heard upstairs. Li Feng and those people, He hurried towards the building without thinking. Of course, he chased after him. He accidentally looked back and found those people lying on the ground pretending to be dead bodies again. In the corridor, Li Feng told him that those people were not prisoners. "

"As soon as they showed up on the fourth floor, they saw the black cat running through the corpses on the floor again and running towards the building. He and Li Feng carefully walked around the corpses and continued to chase. He was so tired that he wanted to give up. , but Li Feng insisted on chasing eastward, as if the black cat was made of gold. He couldn't walk anymore, and he had a lot of questions in his heart, so he simply had a stalemate with Li Feng. Li Feng sighed and finally relaxed. "

"Li Feng did not explain it directly to him, but asked him a question first, 'Have I been to places outside the city?' That question was as weird as Li Feng's previous behavior, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that he It seemed that he had never left that city. Even if there was an opportunity to go out before, it was canceled due to an accident. He answered Li Feng truthfully, but did not know the purpose of his question. Li Feng said that it was related to a big secret in the dangerous building. But the black cat didn't hold the key to unlocking the secret. And just when he was begging to continue asking the question, footsteps came from the corridor."

"Scavenger, those men in black suddenly appeared. He didn't remember which floor he was on, but those men in black suddenly ran from the corridor. Li Feng was very nervous when he saw the men in black, and took him with him. He ran to the other side, but who knew that there were men in black appearing on the other side. When the men in black saw them, they took out electric batons from their legs to see if they wanted to hit them. When he was panicking, the prisoners on the ground suddenly He jumped up and pounced on the man in black. A strange scene happened. As soon as the prisoner and the scavenger came into contact, they both became transparent and finally disappeared."

"Other scavengers became alert and attacked the attacking prisoners with electric batons. The prisoner was hit by the electric batons, and his body was torn in half as if it were made of paper, and then the pieces shattered and disappeared into the air.' He It was wiped out by the scavenger.' Li Feng explained to him, pulling him to hide behind a pillar. It will be over soon, so I pray that one party will be wiped out, and the other party will leave. I hope that it will be wiped out. Which side is the scavenger?"

"Hey, Li Feng's wish was in vain. The fierce and strange battle ended quickly, and there was a scavenger who stayed in the east. The scavenger did not leave there, but he turned to look at them!"