The Late Night Train

Chapter 28: The second story Dangerous Building (27)


"'Run!' Li Feng shouted, but he ran upstairs. I quickly grabbed him to run back, but Li Feng broke away from me with all his strength and still ran upstairs. I thought he was worried about the black cat, so I pulled him again He grabbed him and shouted, "It's already this time, why do you care what the black cat is doing!" Li Feng said with a frightened look, "I can't get out! I have been touched by a prisoner and I am already trapped here. Only by finding the black cat can I We have a glimmer of hope.' Just when we were in a stalemate, the scavenger had already caught up. Li Feng blocked the scavenger's electric baton for me. I watched helplessly as he was torn apart like those people, and his body gradually Broken. Before disappearing, Li Feng suddenly thought of something and used his last strength to shout to me, 'That's right! There is still a chance. You have been scratched by a black cat and there are traces of the black cat on your body! You must catch the black cat. Cat, only then can we have hope!' Before I understood what Li Feng meant, the scavenger's electric baton had already hit me. I passed out from the electric shock, thinking that my ending would be the same as Li Feng's. Who knew when I woke up? When I arrived, I was lying on my bed at home.”

"Later..." The old madman showed painful memories, "I found that Li Feng disappeared. Not only the traces of his existence, but also everyone's memory of him disappeared. I was too frightened at first, so I thought of calling the police, but the result What attracted them was the scavengers. I escaped their pursuit once, but not the second time. When I was caught by the men in black for the second time, I managed to escape, but I found that everyone had forgotten me. .My home and traces of my existence disappeared along with their memories. I lost everything and became an old madman wandering the streets. At that time, I saw the black cat again, and at the same time I remembered I understood what Li Feng said to me."

"From then on, I started an endless struggle with this black cat."

After telling the story of the old madman, Ren Zhifei still had many questions, but he also understood that the black cat was the key to everything.

"Does Li Feng mean that the black cat can unlock the secrets of the dangerous building and maybe save those who disappeared?" Ren Zhifei asked tentatively.

The old madman shook his head, "I don't know, I can't even catch the black cat now, and I can't tell what happened next."

As the old madman spoke, he took out a stack of paper from his pocket, spread it out and saw that it turned out to be a huge city map. There were several red dots marked on the map, and the old madman told Ren Zhifei that this was the location where the black cat had appeared. Although the old madman looked crazy, he didn't expect to be so precise in his work.

Ren Zhifei looked at the map carefully and suddenly said, "The black cat's route of action seems a bit strange."

The old madman looked closely at the map and looked at it again and again, but he didn't know what Ren Zhifei was referring to.

Ren Zhifei pointed to the map and said, "I once saw the footprints of Lang Zhijia after putting a GPS on his cat. The lines were very messy, but the cat would always return to the starting point no matter how far it went. But look, the black cat's But his actions were very regular, as if he was walking along a predetermined route.”

Having said this, Ren Zhifei couldn't help but ask the old madman: "Are you sure you will mark the location of the black cat every time?"

The old madman thought about something, touched his chin and said: "I have marked them all, and it is exactly as you said. After recording for a while, I found that black cats will only appear in these places, and then on the map The red dot has never been updated. That’s right! I didn’t expect that the black cat’s actions would be so regular!”

"You are just a fan of the authorities. According to common sense, the tracks of wild cats cannot be so regular, but this black cat is obviously not an ordinary wild cat." Ren Zhifei pointed to the red dot on the edge of the map and asked: "When the black cat appears here , where did it go?"

The old madman thought about it carefully and replied: "I only saw it there once in a while. It appeared out of nowhere and got into the waterway."

"Sewer?" Ren Zhifei had an idea and said, "If this speculation is correct, maybe we can catch the black cat tomorrow."

For the next whole day, the old madman and Ren Zhifei spent the rest of the time hiding in the basement except for going out to find food. The old madman told Ren Zhifei that the black cat would only appear at dusk until midnight. This was another strange pattern. Ren Zhifei kept it secretly in his mind and had a premonition that this news would play an important role at some point.

The difficult day finally passed. At dusk, the two of them arrived at the place marked on the map early and waited for the arrival of the black cat. Looking at the edge of the city, a red sun slowly sets in the west. Ren Zhifei got a little impatient and asked the old madman, "Are you sure this is where it is?"

"It's not wrong! I have a good memory. As long as the black cat gets into the trap we have set, and we block the entrance of the hole, we won't be able to catch it." The old madman laughed proudly, and he fought with the black cat. For the first time in a long time, he felt victory was in sight, and he couldn't help but get carried away.

The old madman wanted to say something else, but suddenly he felt a cramp in his abdomen and farted loudly uncontrollably. Ren Zhifei covered his nose and kicked the old madman several times in a row, trying to push the old madman away. The old lunatic apologized awkwardly and ran to a small mound of dirt aside to squat down to solve his physical problem.

"Stay away! Once you take off your belt, is there anyone alive within ten meters? What if the black cat gets away!"

As soon as Ren Zhifei mentioned the black cat, the old madman immediately became more obedient and ran to the tree beside the road. He looked over here and made sure that it was more than ten meters away from the sewer, and then he squatted down with peace of mind. Ren Zhifei stopped caring about the old madman and returned his gaze to the sewer entrance. According to speculation, it will take some time for the black cat to appear, and you need to be patient for a while.

There were rapid footsteps behind him, and the old madman ran over here holding up his pants, shouting: "XXX's! Those men in black have appeared!"

Ren Zhifei was very nervous. The terrain here was open and there was nowhere to escape. The old madman ran over and shouted: "What are you still doing? Get into the sewer!"

Ren Zhifei suddenly realized that according to the behavior of the men in black, they would definitely not get into the sewer to catch them. Having seen several figures appearing on the horizon in the distance, Ren Zhifei immediately jumped into the sewer. As soon as I entered, a big net came over my head. Ren Zhifei struggled to stand up, but the old madman jumped down again and sat on him.

Ren Zhifei was in so much pain that he wanted to curse, but he heard the old madman curse something, and then screamed in pain. Ren Zhifei squinted his eyes and found that the old madman's foot was tightly bitten by a mousetrap. The confusion between the two triggered more traps, which were originally designed to deal with the black cat, but they ended up shooting themselves in the foot.

There was a lot of commotion in the sewers. Fortunately, the behavior of the men in black was too rigid and did not attract attention. Otherwise, they would have become turtles in the jar this time.

Ren Zhifei and the old madman struggled for a long time and finally got out of the trap. Ren Zhifei wanted to stick his head out to see what was going on outside, but he heard a cat meowing, which made his nerves tense. A black shadow fell from the sky, landed on Ren Zhifei's shoulder and then moved downward.

"Black cat!" Before the old madman could reach out to grab him, the black cat emerged from under his crotch and ran towards the depths of the sewer.

Anyway, the man in black is also outside, so the two of them have no choice but to hunt down the black cat. Fortunately, the sewer was quite spacious, and the two of them used the faint light from the distance to carefully identify the direction in which the black cat was escaping.

"Strange." Ren Zhifei frowned, "I originally thought that the black cat's route of action was from the dangerous building to the sewer, and then from the sewer back to the dangerous building, thus completing a cycle."

The old madman also discovered the problem and said, "But the black cat's current direction is clearly running outside the city. In this way, it will quickly escape from the water outlet to the open area, which will make it harder to catch it!"

Ren Zhifei still had some questions in his mind, but now was not the time to think too much. Seeing that the front was getting brighter, he knew that the water outlet was coming. After turning a corner, the figure of the black cat appeared in front of us. It jumped out with ease and disappeared in mid-air.