The Late Night Train

Chapter 49: Third Story Seed (48)


As soon as she got off work, Xu Jinghao hurried back. She wanted to go back and destroy Wen Yufan's mobile phone as soon as possible. A person suddenly blocked her way. Xu Jinghao looked up and saw that it was Du Xian.

Du Xian mustered up the courage to look directly at Xu Jinghao and asked, "Why?"

Xu Jinghao knew what Du Xian meant, but she could only choose to remain silent.

Du Xian looked around to make sure there was no one else, and asked in a low voice: "I can see that you have been in a bad mood recently. Did you encounter something difficult? Is it Lao Luo who is threatening you?"

Xu Jinghao was frightened. She had to stop Du Xian from thinking like this. Even if she was in trouble, she still didn't want Du Xian to be involved. In Xu Jinghao's heart, Du Xian is pure, and she cannot let her dirty secret tarnish this purity. Xu Jing gritted her teeth and finally looked Du Xian in the eyes.

Those eyes were black and clear, as if they were bottomless pools. Xu Jing was almost shaken before she even said her good words.

"Tell me!" Du Xian asked, "No matter what happens, I am willing to do my best to help. As long as it can make you happy, I am willing to give everything!"

Xu Jinghao felt that her eyes were hot, and a stream of heat was about to spurt out. She couldn't let Du Xian see her tears, she was afraid that Du Xian would be in danger because of her.

So, Xu Jinghao spoke.

"Stop being so sentimental!" The voice didn't seem to be her own, with a sneer of contempt in her sarcastic tone. Xu Jinghao pushed her acting skills to the limit. "What can happen to me? Did you become delusional after being rejected by me? If that's the case, you should go to the hospital to have a look."

"I know a doctor. He is said to have good medical skills. You should get to know him. Oh, by the way, he specializes in mental illness." Xu Jing was thinking of all kinds of vicious words, and she used them all to attack Du Xian. , but she was suffering double the pain in her heart. But Xu Jing didn't dare to hold anything back. She wanted to use this to dispel any thoughts of Du Xian exploring the truth. Only in this way would he be uncontaminated and the safest.

However, no matter how hard-hearted Xu Jinghao was, she was still a woman. As she spoke, she felt that she could hardly hold back her tears, and even her voice began to lose its shape. Xu Jinghao knew that she could no longer hold on.

"Anyway! Don't harass me anymore!" Xu Jing turned around and left quickly before she finished her good words, leaving Du Xian standing there dumbfounded. She didn't dare to look back, for fear of letting the other person know her vulnerability, and fear of seeing the scarred appearance of the other person.

The elevator door closed, and she was alone inside. Xu Jinghao finally burst into tears.

"If there really is a God, please let him forget me." Xu Jinghao prayed devoutly for the first time in her life.

After an unknown amount of time, the lights in the entire office building were turned off, and Du Xian walked out in despair. He felt as if his heart was being stabbed severely by countless sharp knives, and Xu Jinghao's vicious words rang in his ears, drowning him like a flood. Du Xian felt that he was almost out of breath, and had no choice but to lean against the trees on the roadside and gasp for air. But the more this happened, the more difficult Du Xian felt to breathe, and his face turned red from suffocation.

The night wind came slowly, rustling the leaves, and a bit of crystal light fell on Du Xian vaguely. Du Xian suddenly felt his body alternately hot and cold, and then coughed violently. It was this cough that made Du Xian's breathing return to normal. He shook his dizzy head and felt that he seemed to have symptoms of a cold, so he stood up again and walked towards home. So the swaying back gradually faded away and merged into the vast night.

When the lights of the city come on, the bustling and mechanical scene repeats itself, as if the world is full of chaos but nothing new.

West of the city, suburbs.

Ji Qiuhong and Feng Ye walked in the street, looking around from time to time, as if they were looking for something. They deliberately changed into regular uniforms for fear that someone would recognize them as police officers.

"Is this here?" Feng Ye asked in a low voice.

Ji Qiuhong said: "According to the investigation, the mysterious caller used a public phone and his location is on this street."

Feng Ye raised his head and looked around, and said dejectedly: "It's a really nice place, but there's no surveillance. You can just do this kind of thing yourself, why did you drag me along?"

Ji Qiuhong smiled, handed Feng Ye a can of iced drink, and said, "You have become angry because of the case these days. Anyway, the case has not made much progress so far, and the existing information has been sorted out. It’s better to come out and get some air.”

Feng Ye couldn't say anything else. He could only pour himself a drink and accidentally choked.

"Keep your voice down!" Ji Qiuhong suddenly lowered her voice.

Feng Ye noticed the change in Ji Qiuhong's expression and desperately covered his mouth to prevent himself from coughing. He followed Ji Qiuhong's finger and saw a middle-aged man walking quietly towards the public phone booth. This is the phone booth where the call was made to the police station.

"Listening to the recording at that time, the person who called the police was a middle-aged man. Judging from his way of speaking and tone at that time, the man should have received higher education and was suffering from some kind of anxiety." Ji Qiuhong pulled Feng Ye into hiding and analyzed in a low voice. With.

Feng Ye looked at the man. He had a middle-aged appearance, eyes, and looked around from time to time. His expression was very uneasy, which was very consistent with Ji Qiuhong's description. I have to say that Ji Qiuhong is indeed a talent for being able to analyze so many things from a simple phone call.

Feng Ye looked at the man and saw him stopping in front of the phone booth and picking up the phone. Feng Ye almost held his breath, and then he clearly saw that the man pressed twice on the first key of the phone, and then pressed once on the middle key of the last row.

"This is..." Feng Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, "I didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as I went out! No matter whether he reported a false alarm or for other reasons, don't even think about escaping from my Wuzhishan!"

In the phone booth, Lin Zhenchi was holding the phone receiver. After much hesitation, he pressed the number.

"Hello, this is 110."

Hearing the familiar voice, Lin Zhenchi was no longer as flustered as he had been a few days ago. He had already decided to warn them. Otherwise, what he was worried about might happen. After so many days, maybe everything has already happened!

Lin Zhenchi opened his mouth, and just when he was about to spit out the first word, a thick man appeared in front of him. His first reaction was to run away, but when he saw the other party flashing his police badge, he smiled in relief.

"Hello, I am Feng Ye, the chief of the Criminal Division, and this is my assistant Ji Qiuhong. We have some information that we need to know, please..."

"I'll go with you!" Lin Zhenchi said immediately before Feng Ye finished speaking.