The Late Night Train

Chapter 54: Third Story Seed (53)


"Who!" Xu Jing became alert and even her mind became clearer.

"It's me!" The voice of the speaker was weak, but Xu Jinghao still clearly recognized the speaker's identity, it was Du Xian!

"Why are you here?" Xu Jinghao could hardly believe it.

Du Xian stood up from the ground with difficulty, coughed violently, and his body heaved violently with the cough. It was obvious at a glance that he was seriously ill. Xu Jing saw it and felt her heart twitch. Unfortunately, she was very weak now and couldn't do much to help.

Fortunately, Du Xian calmed down. He looked at Xu Jinghao and said, "Grandma told me that you were here, but you left without entering the door."

Xu Jing didn't know how to explain her mood at that time, so she just pursed her lips and her eyes turned red.

Du Xian had a serious cold and it was difficult to even speak, but he continued: "I suddenly had a bad feeling at that time. I was afraid that after you leave, I would never see you again!"

Xu Jing listened carefully and felt that these were the sweetest words in the world. She supported her weak body and walked towards Du Xian, choking and hugging him tightly. At this moment, there is no need to say anything more. The misunderstandings and conflicts in the past are all vulnerable to this embrace.

The lamp in the corridor did not have the patience to appreciate this rare warm scene, and it went out after a while.

"Boss! Found it!" Ji Qiuhong's voice sounded outside the office, and then she saw him appear.

When Feng Ye saw Ji Qiuhong, his expression showed abnormal excitement, and he stood up from his seat. Ji Qiuhong gasped and threw the documents on the table, and kept talking: "I... I found out in the hospital... In the past few months, it is indeed... as we said before... "

Feng Ye nodded and said, "So, what Lin Zhenchi said is true."

"It's more than that!" Ji Qiuhong finally recovered, opened the file, pointed at one of the lines and said, "Look at this!"

Feng Ye followed Ji Qiuhong's fingers and read out the familiar name: "Hello Xu Jing! It's true!"

late at night.

Xu Jinghao finally recovered from her dizziness. She was sitting in the living room, looking towards her bedroom. Hearing the even breathing coming from inside, Xu Jinghao had a sweet smile on her face. She and Du Xian had completely resolved their knot, and the obstacles in front of them had disappeared. Xu Jinghao already felt that happiness was right in front of her. She walked closer to the room, looking at Du Xian's face in his sleep, imagining the bright future between them.

Xu Jinghao touched the back of her head, and her hand bounced away as if she was electrocuted. After devouring Lao Luo this time, she has been able to completely control the monster lurking in the back of her head. As long as she is willing, the man-eating flower will always lie dormant in her body and will never appear in the world again. Xu Jing really believed that as long as Du Xian was around, she would be able to overcome any difficulties in the future.

A violent cough interrupted Xu Jinghao's fantasy. She looked at the man on the bed, her expression tense.

Twenty-four hours ago, in the interrogation room.

Feng Ye and Ji Qiuhong stood against the wall, while Lin Zhenchi was still sitting at the table. Lin Zhenchi recalled while saying: "During the period of being parasitized, some abnormal conditions occurred in my body. Looking back now, it should be a reaction caused by the fusion of the seed and the host. The seed took root in the body and replaced the body with its own tissue. Part of the organs are hidden in the human body because of this. Those vines and flowers look very big, but in fact they are also very light. The tissue structure is like a sponge and can be perfectly retracted into the human body. Under normal circumstances, it is not visible at all. The difference between ordinary people and hosts.”

Feng Ye heard a key point from Lin Zhenchi's words, so he asked: "What is the abnormal situation you are talking about?"

"The body is weak, the immunity is reduced, and the consciousness is intermittently blank..." Lin Zhenchi thought for a while and added, "During the time when the seeds were integrated with the body, I felt like I had experienced an extremely serious cold."

"Cold?" Ji Qiuhong fell into thinking.

Du Xian coughed violently again, and he also woke up. Seeing that Xu Jinghao was by his side, he gave her a comforting smile, but it was quickly covered up by a cough. Xu Jinghao hurriedly tried to help, but unfortunately she was not born to take care of others and had no idea what to do. Du Xian didn't care. When he stopped coughing, he said gently: "Pour me a cup of hot water."

Xu Jing immediately ran to the kitchen as if she had received an order. Only then did she realize that at the end of the day, she had not yet boiled hot water. Xu Jinghao ran back to the bedroom and said submissively like a little woman: "There is no hot water in the house... I... I will heat it now!"

Du Xian smiled nonchalantly, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if I wait for a while."

Xu Jinghao nodded and ran back to the kitchen to boil water. This virtuous yet clumsy look would have shocked others if they saw it. The magic and greatness of the word "love" can be seen from this.

Hot water was poured into the cup, and Xu Jinghao carefully carried it to the bedroom. When she entered the door, Du Xian fell asleep again. She was about to put the water glass on the bedside table when she suddenly heard a familiar voice.


Lin Zhenchi said with a stern face: "After a cold, the body will be extremely weak. At this time, the seeds are beginning to take shape, and it is extremely necessary to consume a lot of nutrients!"

"You mean..." Ji Qiuhong covered her mouth.

"The monster will come out of the back of the head uncontrollably and devour any living thing in sight!" Lin Zhenchi clenched his fists, seeming to recall the unsightly scene.

The water cup fell to the ground, and scalding water and debris spread all over the floor. Xu Jing looked ahead in horror. The scene was extremely familiar, but it brought her to the edge of collapse, and she blurted out a shrill cry.


Du Xian lay upright, as if dead, and had no reaction to Xu Jinghao's screams. A colorful flower swayed in the air, spreading its petals full of sharp teeth toward Xu Jinghao.

In the corridor of the police station, the hurried footsteps were mixed with Ji Qiuhong's voice: "Not only Xu Jinghao, but also Luo Yong, an employee of their company, had a cold in the hospital a month ago. In other words... it is very possible that the two of them Everyone is the host of the seed!"

"I already know!" Feng Ye asked another policeman beside him, "Xiao Liu, have you found Luo Yong?"

Xiao Liu replied: "Tonight, Luo Yong opened a room at Jiangting Hotel. At that time, someone saw a man matching Luo Yong's description entering the room at 7:30 and never came out again."

"What did the hotel say?" Feng Ye continued to ask, "The hotel staff just knocked on the door, but no one responded."

Ji Qiuhong hung up the phone and said to Feng Ye: "This is from the hotel. Luo Yong was not seen in the room. There were glass fragments and blood stains in the bathroom. It seemed that something had happened. On the other hand, they said that there were staff members watching A woman in her late twenties entered the room and left again around ten o'clock."

"A woman in her twenties? Xu Jinghao!" Feng Ye's first reaction was this name, "Follow me! Go to Xu Jinghao's residence!"

The siren sounded, bringing up a plume of dust and smoke into the night.

The door burst open and Feng Ye was the first to rush into the room. At this moment, he saw a horrifying scene that he would never forget in his life. Xu Jinghao and a man were kneeling on the ground hugging each other. The piranha flowers on the backs of the two people's heads were tightly entwined with each other, as if they were fighting fiercely, but also as if they were fighting to the death. Both people and monsters have stopped making noises, like a strange and wonderful painting. Feng Ye saw that as the vines entangled each other, they also entangled the neck of the other host. However, the expressions of the two of them did not show the pain of suffocation at all, and there was even a smile of relief on the corners of their mouths.

Late at night, Annie walked out of the nightclub after playing all night long. She raised her head and breathed in the cool air so that the sleepiness would come later.

"Hey! What is this?" Annie opened her eyes curiously, watching a flickering light spot floating in the air. Annie was very fond of seeing it. She opened her hands to catch the light spot. She looked closer but it disappeared without a trace.

"Gone?" Annie looked around, looking a little disappointed. Suddenly she felt her body going cold and hot, and then started coughing.

"It must be because I stayed up all night and caught a cold again." Annie rubbed her small nose, rolled her big black eyes, and then shouted happily, "Yeah! You can call in sick!"

On the streets at night, with few pedestrians and dim street lights, Anne's innocent prayers could be heard from afar.

"Great God of Disease, please bless me to recover from my cold later!"