The Late Night Train

Chapter 55: The fourth story Rain Town (54)


After hearing the story, his first reaction was to look at the back of the young woman's head, as if a terrifying piranha would suddenly emerge from it and devour all the passengers present. His fearful scene did not happen. The young woman walked quietly to the ticket vending machine and took out her own ticket.

The young woman looked at the ticket with a focused expression, as if what was on her legs was not the ticket but a book with rich contents.

"What's included in the ticket?" he couldn't help asking.

The young woman looked up at him, her eyes were calm and gentle, containing puzzling pity. He looked back at her in confusion, and found a smile on her lips, but a glimmer of light in her eyes. He was not sure whether they were tears or not, but the young woman had already lowered her eyelids and walked past him. The seat completely blocked her figure, and the young woman hid in it without any movement, as if she had disappeared.

He didn't want to ask any more questions for fear of offending the wrong person, otherwise he would just look at the screen of the ticket vending machine stupidly.

There was a slight sobbing sound on the screen, and he thought he heard it wrong. Then he heard the conductor shut up, with a choked voice, "Sorry, he was moved by the story just now."

"Touched?" Before that, he had always thought that the conductor was a cold and mean lunatic, but he didn't expect that he actually had that kind of side. Just when he was about to believe it, the conductor's signature weird laughter suddenly sounded, "Okay! Two seconds is enough to be moved. Let's start a story!"

At that moment, he had the urge to pull the conductor out of the screen and beat him up.

"Dong, dong." He heard the sound of a hard object hitting the ground, and an old man with red hair and beard walked forward on crutches.

"Old man, do I have any questions?" The conductor's tone was impatient, "One story comes with one ticket, and I am not responsible for answering other questions."

The old man didn't feel sorry for the conductor's disrespect. He walked slowly to the seat closest to the ticket vending machine and said, "I have a question. Can he just walk and talk about it?"

"Oh?" the conductor became excited, "You can't believe that I am so old and my thinking is so quick. I am not the fourth person to think of the story."

"No? Maybe he was a mental worker before." At that time, the old man was actually very thoughtful in teasing, and he couldn't help but admire his demeanor, which made him even more contemptuous of the conductor hidden in the screen.

"Old man, he suddenly appreciates me!" the conductor urged with a smile, "Then let them get to the point quickly!"

The old man nodded, cleared his throat with a dry cough, and looked as if he had traveled through time and space and arrived at a strange yet familiar place.

"That story is called... let's call it 'Rain Town'!"

The sky was gray and sultry. Logically speaking, it is the rainy season now, but it has been gloomy for more than a week that day, but it just doesn't rain. Looking at the dark clouds, they seem to be filled with lead. They are getting thicker and thicker above the head, making people gasp for breath.

There is a country road, and old man Lu is limping home while burping and humming. I don’t know if it will be a good confinement tomorrow, but Huang Gouer from the village next door finally paid him a lot of the money he owed him, and he was so happy that he returned to the restaurant with it, as if he had picked up the money.

At noon, he drank a few cups of yellow soup. Old man Lu drank until his face was red, and then he walked home contentedly. The rice wine didn't feel anything at the time, but it had a lot of stamina. After walking back for a few minutes, Old Man Lu felt too hot, so he took off his clothes in the street.

"Rogue!" A peasant woman walked by and cursed in a low voice.

Old man Lu is a bit old. If nothing else is good, he must have sharp ears. The voice sounded familiar to Old Man Lu. He looked back at the peasant woman's back and saw that she was indeed a familiar person. The peasant woman, Old Man Lu, recognized Widow Zhang, who was less than two miles away from his home. She had an average appearance, but her figure was rather hunched forward and backward. Old Man Lu was also a bachelor, and he had some thoughts about Widow Zhang. He especially liked her aggressive temperament. She would tremble when she scolded people, and she looked particularly energetic.

Thinking of that, Old Man Lu grinned and said to himself: "I'm a little widow, let me see if I make a profit! What are you pretending to be? Let me see enough another day!"

After saying that, Old Man Lu became even happier and couldn't help but raise his neck and start swinging. Everything will be fine tomorrow, except that the weather is uncooperative. May it rain or clear up? If it's always so gloomy and appetizing, then that's nothing.

As if he heard Old Man Lu's thoughts, the sky suddenly darkened, as if it had entered the night a few hours earlier. A strong wind suddenly picked up, causing the grass and trees along the edge to tremble. Old man Lu also sobered up a lot. The dark clouds in the sky seemed to be getting lower, and Old Man Lu felt his eardrums bulging faintly, knowing that a heavy rain was coming. Did he come back from the next village? He was more than ten minutes away from home, so he might not be able to get home before the rain.

After walking for a few minutes, the wind became stronger and stronger, making it difficult for Mr. Lu to walk. Just when he thought he was going to be soaked in water, he saw a small house on the edge of the field. There were not many families in the village who all knew each other. Old Man Lu knew that the family's surname was Sun, but Old Man Sun had a bad temper and could hardly get along with the villagers. Old Man Lu and Old Man Sun had many quarrels and fights. After all, it was not the alcohol that caused the two of them, and the two of them became even more estranged from each other because of this.

The sky was thundering, and there was fear of a heavy rain coming in an instant. Old Man Lu ran to Old Man Sun's house before he had time to think about it. That time he made up his mind that at worst it would be better to have a fight with Old Man Sun in the house than to be caught in the rain outside. I only have one piece of clean clothes, and if I get wet, I will go shirtless.

God finally gave him face and made way for the old man to arrive at the door of Sun's house safely. Old man Lu was also a poor man, so he hurriedly opened the door and entered without even saying hello. There were no lights in the house, so Old Man Lu shouted at the top of his lungs: "Old Sun! He came to my place to hide from the rain and then left!"

No one responded, and Old Man Lu muttered, "Isn't Old Sun at home?" The man usually didn't go out, and even if he didn't go out, he would lock the door tightly, for fear that someone would miss his little belongings. Why did you forget to lock the door that time? Old man Lu felt strange and stretched out his legs to touch the light button on the wall.

When his legs and arms touched the wall, Old Man Lu felt a little sticky on his legs, as if some viscous liquid had been smeared on the wall. "Then the old boy finally thought of painting the wall?" Old Man Lu pulled back his legs and smelled the smell of liquid rust.

Old Man Lu felt something good, it must be paint, it smelled like blood no matter what. The more Old Man Lu thought about it, the more he became panicked. He even looked around for the light button, just to see what happened. While walking, I was unprepared and tripped on something, causing me to fall down and gnaw on the mud.

"What the fuck!" Old Man Lu yelled, and a bolt of lightning from the window behind him connected the sky and the earth, illuminating the front of him. Through the light of lightning, Old Man Lu could clearly see a man lying on the ground half a meter in front of him, with eyes wide open, a ferocious face, and dark brown blood all over his body.

Old Man Lu felt like the hair all over his body was exploding. Cold currents rushed from his back to his forehead, and hot fluids spurted out uncontrollably between his legs.

"Something... something big has happened!" Old Man Lu yelled at the top of his voice, and ran out of Sun's house like a frightened cat. The sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling echoed through the fields, as if the end of the world had arrived.

"Boom!" Thunder filled the sky and earth, completely covering up Old Man Lu's voice. A heavy rain finally poured eastward. The mountains and forests in the distance are all hidden in the rain.

In the heavy rain, Yang Mo and Chen Jue were walking hard.

Yang Mo touched the rainwater on his face and complained: "I don't care! As soon as I heard the news, I was as anxious as anything! I had to go into the mountains tomorrow, and I got wet in the rain with me. Now I'm satisfied !”

Chen Jue kept his head down, and it took him a long time to say: "He doesn't have much time, so he was wondering if he could come earlier."

Yang Mo replied angrily: "A sharpening knife will keep you from chopping firewood, do you understand? I told you that the weather will bring rain sooner or later, but I don't believe it. I don't even bother to bring a raincoat! It's so deep into the mountains now!" It’s a miracle they can go back tomorrow night!”

Chen Jue knew he was wrong, looked down at the old map with yellowing legs, and whispered: "It's too late to go back the same way. After crossing the small bridge, it's not far outside."


Yang Mo got angry when he thought about it. The two of them lost their way as soon as they entered the mountain. They wandered around in the mountain for an entire afternoon, until his legs almost broke. Fortunately, the two of them bumped into each other by mistake and found a small stone bridge. The stone bridge spans a deep ditch, and a small stream meanders to the east of the deep ditch. Chen Jue compared the wrong map and said that the stone bridge was marked on the map. Yang Mo thought to himself at that time, if he had a reference, he would go back quickly. But that guy just wanted to cross the bridge and have a look at the wrong side, saying it wouldn't be too late to go in and have a look before leaving. It turned out that the heavy rain came unexpectedly, and the two of them did not bring rain gear at all, and they were caught off guard and fell into a trap.

"Wait until we get back and see how I deal with me!" Yang Mo said bitterly, looking up and stopping involuntarily.

There was supposed to be a deep ditch ahead, but now it turned into a long river seven or eight meters wide. The water was rushing, but there was no sign of the so-called small bridge.

Chen Jue followed and said in surprise, "How could that happen? There was a small river before! What about the bridge?"

"What kind of bridge! The heavy rain fell suddenly and the river swelled, covering the small bridge. In other words, they were trapped and died in the mountains!" Yang Mo was so angry that he stepped hard to the river. A tree squatted to hide from the rain.

"I'm like that..." Chen Jue looked at Yang Mo and hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Yang Mo glared at Chen Jue.

Chen Jue pushed up his glasses and said, "Didn't I know that hiding from the rain in the east of a tree can easily get struck by lightning?"

"I'm in the mood to joke!" Yang Mo's nose was so angry that he was crooked.

Chen Jue shook his head: "He just thinks about my safety."

"Let's just chop him to death!" Yang Mo said angrily, "Anyway, if we can't go back tomorrow night, they might freeze to death there. It's better to come here and do it more easily."

As soon as those words were spoken, a thunder exploded above his head, causing Yang Mo to urinate and run back into the rain. He glanced at Chen Jue, but he immediately put away his smile-like expression, and looked back with a straight face, which made him even more sarcastic.

"Go to the woods, the chance of getting hit is smaller." Chen Jue suggested in a low voice.

Yang Mo curled his lips and went into the woods with Chen Jue. With trees blocking the wind and rain, Yang Mo finally felt better, and people followed An Fendong. He was no longer in the mood to argue with Chen Jue, so he just stared at the rain curtain in a daze. It was the rainy season at this time, and the heavy rain might last for several days. Both of them were children who grew up in the city, and they might not be able to survive even a day in the mountains.

Thinking of that, Yang Mo felt sad and couldn't help but sigh. While sighing, he suddenly saw a Yongxuan looming in the rain curtain, and he was approaching there. There was no village or shop in front of this place, and there was no way anyone would show up. Could it be Yongxuan... Yang Mo felt a little guilty, patted Chen Jue hard, and pointed in the direction of Yongxuan.

I don't know if it was cold or not, but I was scared. The sharp-tongued Yang Mo stuttered when he shut up, "Then... what is that?"