The Late Night Train

Chapter 58: The fourth story Rain Town (57)


Z City Police Department.

Pang Jiaojiao was tired all night and was about to lie down on the table and take a nap when a strong figure suddenly appeared at the door. Pang Jiaojiao was startled and complained: "You are a cat, you can't make any sound when you walk."

"Sorry, I'm used to it." Guo An apologized expressionlessly and asked straight to the point: "How was the autopsy result?"

"Sorry, no further information." Pang Jiaojiao replied lazily.

Seeing Guo An's expression of embarrassment, Pang Jiaojiao finally became a little happier and said: "It is basically confirmed that the time of death was around four o'clock in the morning. After examination, the blood alcohol content of the deceased was relatively high, and there was a large amount of meat left in the stomach, as if he had eaten it before death. A great meal.”

"Oh?" Guo An's eyes lit up and he said to himself: "Looking at the situation at the scene, Sun Fengen's life must be very tight... In other words, it is very likely that the murderer invited him to have a meal. But if he wanted to kill him, Why do you want to invite him to dinner again?”

Pang Jiaojiao was still thinking about continuing to lie down for a while, but she was disturbed by Guo An's soliloquy, and protested with a straight face: "Comrade, when you are working hard, can you not disturb others' rest? "

Guo An looked at Pang Jiaojiao holding her neck with her hands and finally came to her senses: "Oh! It affected your rest! Sorry!"

Pang Jiaojiao watched Guo An leave the laboratory, imitating Guo An's speech with a pout, "Sorry, sorry... Tsk!" Pang Jiaojiao was amused by herself, stretched out, and lay down nicely.

"Captain Guo!" Fang Xuhui's urgent cry suddenly sounded at the door, and Pang Jiaojiao was so shocked that she almost fell off her chair.

"What's the fuss about?" Pang Jiaojiao shouted at Fang Xuhui, covering her cheek that hit the table.

Fang Xuhui apologized quickly, and Guo An, who had just left, came back and asked loudly: "What's wrong?"

Pang Jiaojiao was about to cry and covered her head without tears.

It seemed that the matter was really urgent. Fang Xuhui immediately replied: "There is news about Sun Hui. Just the day before yesterday, Sun Hui died accidentally on the construction site!"

"What?" Guo An couldn't suppress his surprise, and his voice became a little louder.

Fang Xuhui also looked in disbelief and said: "Within twenty-four hours, the father and son died one after another... This is too weird!"

Guo An nodded and said thoughtfully: "I always feel that Sun Hui's death was not an accident. By the way, where does Sun Hui work?"

"In City S, it's not that far from City Z. It's about three hours' drive." Fang Xuhui replied.

Guo An frowned and said, "We need to go to the scene to take a look. It's raining heavily now, so maybe all the clues have been destroyed!"

"You mean... Sun Hui might have committed suicide?" Fang Xuhui asked.

"It's hard to say yet." Guo An shook his head and said: "But there are too few clues in Sun Fengen's case at present, and we cannot let go of any possibility. Let's set off now!"

"Yes!" Fang Xuhui, a young police officer, seemed a little excited when he heard that there was a new mission.

Seeing that the two of them were finally leaving, Pang Jiaojiao shouted in her heart, thank God, and said in her mouth: "Comrades, come on, keep an eye on you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Guo An and Fang Xuhui came back, and Pang Jiaojiao suddenly felt an ominous omen.

"What do you want to do?" Pang Jiaojiao asked anxiously.

Guo An said seriously to Fang Xuhui: "We seem to be missing a technician."

Fang Xuhui felt the same way, "Yes, after all, it's not easy to go there. It's best to sort out all the information at once, so..."

The two of them looked at Pang Jiaojiao at the same time, without knowing the meaning in their eyes.

"Do you still have humanity?" Pang Jiaojiao really cried this time.

Night, mountain town.

The heavy rain fell endlessly. Yang Mo and Chen Jue had nothing to do and stayed in the house all day. Maybe it was because they had been busy for too long during the day, but the two of them were tossing and turning now, unable to fall asleep.

"What the fuck! I really can't sleep!" Yang Mo gave up trying, sat up from the ground, and kicked Chen Jue with one foot, "Get up, don't pretend to be asleep, it's useless!"

Chen Jue sighed and sat up from the ground, "It's so boring. I always feel like I need to do something to sleep well."

"When I asked you to bring a deck of playing cards, it was too heavy for you. Now you know that I have a lot of foresight. What do you think... what should two grown men do?" Yang Mo held his head and slowly turned his gaze to his side. , grinned and said with a smile: "Yes!"

"What are you going to do?" Chen Jue retreated subconsciously.

Yang Mo stood up, walked past Chen Jue, and held the oil lamp between the two of them. Through the light, Yang Mo saw Chen Jue's frightened expression and said with appreciation: "Very good, you got into the mood so quickly."

"What the hell!" Chen Jue shouted.

"Telling ghost stories! People get tired easily when they are frightened, so they can have a good sleep." Yang Mo said matter-of-factly, "What do you think it is?"

"Hmm, ghost story, ghost story is good!" Chen Jue nodded like garlic.

"What story should I tell?" Yang Mo touched the stubble on his chin and fell into thinking.

"Yes!" Yang Mo regained his energy and put the oil lamp in front of him. His whole face was illuminated with a horrible smell.

Chen Jue began to feel a little nervous and couldn't help but hug his backpack tightly.

Yang Mo lowered his voice and finally began to speak.

"It is said that there was a group of people who went out for an outing. They had nothing to do in the evening and began to play a game of courage. Not far from where they camped, there was a mass grave. A group of seven people began to draw lots, and finally decided on Liu Da Go exploring the mass graves with Zhang Ming. The content of the adventure is also very simple. Just take a photo of the tombstones with your mobile phone, and the task is completed. The two of them took their mobile phones and set off. But Zhang Ming was a bold one, and his steps were very fast. Hurry, Liu Da has already fallen far behind after a while. The further he walked, the more frightened Liu Da became, so he stepped up his pace and tried to catch up with Zhang Ming, but he tripped over a branch and fell. When Liu Da got up, Zhang Ming has disappeared..."

When Chen Jue heard this, his teeth began to chatter. Yang Mo smiled proudly and continued: "Liu Da was shouting there, 'Zhang Ming... Zhang Ming, where are you?' No one responded. Liu Da had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk on. Let's go. Arriving at a tomb, Liu Da suddenly heard..."

Yang Mo's voice when telling the story became smaller and smaller. Although Chen Jue was scared, he still wanted to know what happened next, so he leaned forward.

"Ah!" Yang Mo suddenly shouted, scaring Chen Jue to lean back suddenly and rolling around on the ground. Before Chen Jue came back to his senses, he heard Yang Mo laughing.

"Look at you like that..." Yang Mo laughed so hard that he was out of breath and said intermittently: "Quickly...check your pants quickly, don't...don't be scared...hahahahahaha!"

"What's so funny!" Chen Jue said in shock, "If someone shouts in your ear, you will be shocked!"

Yang Mo said disapprovingly: "I won't do that to you. If you don't believe me, come and try."

Chen Jue was still about to argue, but suddenly froze, pointed outside, and said in horror: "What is that sound!"

Yang Mo listened attentively. There were only bursts of rain outside the window, and there was no other sound.

"You must have been frightened to the point of hearing hallucinations, right?" Yang Mo shook his head, "I didn't expect you to be quite timid."

"No, I clearly heard it!" Chen Jue said seriously, "It's definitely not an auditory hallucination, that voice seems to be..."

A scream passed through the rain curtain and reached Yang Mo's ears clearly, and Yang Mo's expression suddenly changed.

"Then... what is that..." Yang Mo couldn't speak clearly.

"It seemed like a scream." Chen Jue pushed up his glasses and replied.

"Nonsense! Of course I know it's a scream!" Yang Mo stepped back and leaned against the wall, "I mean... how could there be a scream?"

"Could it be..." Chen Jue thought and said slowly.

"What the hell! You should tell me quickly!" Yang Mo's words were filled with tears.

There was another scream, the sound seemed to come from the distant mountains, and it sounded very painful.

"Someone was in danger? Maybe it was a wild animal or something. I have to go and see!" Chen Jue stood up as he spoke and was about to walk out.

Yang Mo pulled him and said in panic: "Don't... don't! What if..."

"What if it is?" Mr. Bao suddenly poked his head out from outside, scaring Yang Mo so much that he howled like a wolf.