The Late Night Train

Chapter 6: The first story Death Confession (5)


Liu Wen said: "He and Jin Shuang are both paranormal enthusiasts. The two of them and Gu Jun spontaneously formed a paranormal investigation team to collect all kinds of paranormal incidents in the world, and they never tired of it. One day, Gu, who was traveling from other places, Jun came back, and he excitedly told him and Jin Shuang that he had brought back a supernatural item, which was the music box known as the Death Notice. They made an appointment at a place and wanted to verify the authenticity of the box."

"How to verify?" Luo Yan suddenly asked after hearing this.

Liu Wen smiled bitterly and said: "It is true that ignorant people are fearless. They actually wanted to experience the authenticity of the box for themselves. In name, they were doing experiments, but in fact they were using the prop to play a courage test game. Although they were very enthusiastic about paranormal events, But I never took it seriously."

"What happened that day!" Luo Yan asked nervously.

When Liu Wen recalled the scene that day, he was shaking all over. He showed unprecedented panic, his eyes widened, and he screamed at the top of his lungs: "He didn't hear anything! He didn't know anything! Don't ask for more." Tortured him!”

Liu Wen was extremely excited, his body twitched violently, his pupils contracted, his teeth clenched, and red foam overflowed from the corners of his mouth from time to time. Seeing Liu Wen's crazy appearance, Luo Yan was afraid that he would accidentally hurt Ai Yun, so he immediately rushed over and held him down. Ai Yun shouted from the side: "Is he having an epileptic seizure? If you don't hold him down, he will be injured!"

Luo Yan remembered that Ai Yun had learned first aid. Did he follow the advice and let go of Liu Wen's leg? Luo Yan struggled with Liu Wen's legs and feet for a long time, trying to figure out whether to loosen his collar or press his body. Finally, Liu Wen gradually calmed down. Although he was unconscious, his breathing was still stable. Luo Yan and Ai Yun were relieved.

I don’t know how long it took before Liu Wen woke up.

"Is he finally dead?" That was Liu Wen's first words after waking up.

"I'm very alive." Luo Yan replied.

Liu Wen sighed in disappointment, walked slowly from the ground, and said, "Why did you ask for help? It would have been better if he had died at that time."

Seeing Liu Wen so negative and decadent, Luo Yan felt pity in his heart, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

"Then why don't I die?" Ai Yun's sudden words surprised Luo Yan.

"What did I say!" Liu Wen was furious and glared at Ai Yun.

Ai Yuncuo and Luo Yan quietly winked and continued: "Aren't I afraid? If I die, I won't suffer anymore. Of course, if I die, there will be no hope. At least I am alive and saved. Hope. Do I hope to die in such an unknown way?"

Liu Wenqiu had a seizure. After hearing what happened, he gradually fell into deep thought.

"I was wrong." Liu Wen's tone became firm, "At least he is alive, and they will definitely be able to find a way to rescue him." "

"None of the things that happened when Donglai was picked up were his own personal experience. I hope it can provide us with useful clues."

Luo Yan knew that the most important part was coming.

"Gu Jun asked them to meet in a dilapidated factory. Jin Shuang had something to do that day and did not show up. He walked to the door of the factory, and Gu Jun suddenly appeared in front of him, giving him a weird smile. At the same time, he heard a burst of music The sound came, and the tune was cold and weird, which made him shiver all over. Then Gu Jun asked him: "Did I hear it?" Gu Jun shut up, as if he was expecting something.

He looked at him with a strange expression, as if he was a different person. I don’t know if it was related to the music box, but Gu Jun, who was once cheerful and lively, became very frightening that day. He didn't think much at the time and replied: 'No, he heard it. '

After hearing this, Gu Jun immediately took a few steps back, as if there was something unclean about him. After that, he didn't shut up, his legs were holding the box, and he stared at him from time to time. He looked at him and got goosebumps all over his body, but no matter what he asked him, he didn't answer him, as if he didn't exist.

After a while, Gu Jun finally shut up, but there was a vibrato in Fu's voice. He asked him, 'Did I feel anything?' '

'What on earth am I talking about? '

After all the trouble, he had already forgotten the purpose of coming here and felt a little scared. He turned around and begged to leave, but Bao Qinjun held him tightly.

'I have heard the voice of death calling me red, I can't leave! Gu Jun was afraid that he would leave, so he shouted loudly.

He was even more frightened when he shouted, so he struggled to break free. Gu Jun seemed to have stepped on the steel pipe and fell to the ground.

Gu Jun seemed to wake up a little after being thrown that way, muttering to himself something like 'no' and 'no no'. Gu Jun suddenly became very depressed and said another sentence.

He said, 'His time has come. '"

"What does that sentence mean?" Luo Yan asked.

Liu Wen took a deep breath and said slowly: "That sentence, he is now bright red. If Gu Jun meant it, he is about to die. He still remembers that incredible scene! Gu Jun suddenly jumped from the ground to the ground. He stood up, pinched his leg and said, "I can't afford to make a mistake. I beg you to be careful."

After saying that, he walked out. A gust of wind blew for no reason, and he seemed to hear the death call again. Gu Jun was also stunned. He looked at the death notice and made sure that the spring was completely loose. Then he asked him, "Did I hear anything?" ’ He nodded and said, ‘It’s like the music he heard when he entered. ’ He became nervous, with panic in his tone, ‘Not now! he… '

Before he finished speaking, the chandelier in the factory building suddenly crashed. He even tried to remind Gu Jun, but he didn't react quickly enough and actually dodged it. But he ran too fast, stepped on the steel pipe again, and fell backwards. The end of the chandelier just hooked on the steel frame next to it, bringing the steel frame down, right on top of Gu Jun. Although he avoided harm, he was so pressed that Gu Jun couldn't get up, so he shouted for help. He ran over without thinking, but didn't see the steel pipe rolling to his feet. He tripped and fell on the steel frame. The fall was so hard that he lost consciousness even after his legs were pierced into several pieces of broken glass. He struggled to push away the steel frame, but Gu Jun was silent. His chest was bright red, but with that fall, he pressed the protruding end of the steel frame in. Unexpectedly, he unintentionally became the accomplice of the box! "