The Late Night Train

Chapter 66: The fourth story Rain Town (65)


Yang Bochuan's mouth felt a little dry as he spoke, his throat felt itchy, and he couldn't help but cough. Seeing this, Pang Jiaojiao went to pour a glass of water and handed it to him. After taking a sip of hot water, Yang Bochuan's breath returned to calm and he continued: "My father is a man of integrity and loyalty. This is not his advantage, but it also gives some insidious villains an opportunity. He remembers whether that person is named Zhu. Ming. He persuaded my father to invest in a new project and defrauded a lot of people. As a result, my father's fishery could no longer be maintained and was declared bankrupt. Since then, our family has been in decline. Although he wanted to help, could he just do that as a teacher? A meager salary is really a drop in the bucket.”

"Later, he went away for a few months for a research project. When he came back, he found that our family's life had improved again."

"Are you feeling better?" Guo An asked, recalling. After all, childhood memories are too vague, and the fragments in the memory can never be mistaken with Yang Bochuan's story.

Yang Bochuan nodded and said: "It is indeed a very strange place, but did he see with his own eyes that our family moved out of the dilapidated house and lived in a new house. My father's clothes were no longer patched. The whole person became sunny and confident, and was about to regroup and start a big fight. He once asked Guo Dahai, but my father assured him that his money would never be obtained through illegal means. My father never Liar, he believed him in that. He originally thought that our family's ordeal was finally over, but who knows, it might be a precursor to tragedy."

"Could it be..." Pang Jiaojiao covered her mouth and exclaimed softly.

"Guo Dahai's comeback has aroused the jealousy of some people. People began to spread rumors that Guo Dahai's money came from illegitimate sources, and even included my mother in the rumors. Many of them were extremely ugly. I would rather not seek to know. .”

Guo An didn't shut up. He clenched his fists quietly and a thick vein popped up on the back of his leg. Pang Jiaojiao couldn't bear it and gently held his leg. She felt the hard fist on the palm of the leg slowly loosen.

Yang Bochuan didn't say much on that topic, but he paused for a long time before saying with difficulty: "After that, tragedy happened!"

Pang Jiaojiao looked at Yang Bochuan, who looked sad and almost choked up when she closed her mouth.

"Early one morning, Guo Dahai suddenly came to him and handed him something. He felt strange and asked him if he could. My father told him that there were often thieves in his house recently. That thing was very important. He asked for it ten million times. Don't let the bad guys get it. After thinking about it, he decided that it would be safest to give it to him."

"What is that?" Guo An asked.

Yang Bochuan replied: "It's an ancient map."

Guo An frowned: "Map? Is his father's money of unknown origin related to that map?"

"He didn't think much about it at the time, so he helped him hide the things. But that morning, he received a call from my father, who shouted for help. He died before he even finished speaking!"

Pang Jiaojiao felt that the fist on the palm of her leg was clenched again, and she was trembling. Pang Jiaojiao looked at Guo An worriedly. The latter's face was expressionless, but his eyes were already red.

Yang Bochuan fell into memories and said to himself: "He panicked at the time and didn't think of calling the police, so he ran to Guo Dahai's house. When he arrived at the door of his house, he found that the door was open and no one was inside. No, but there were some bloodstains on the ground. He shouted my parents' names loudly, but no one responded no matter how much he shouted. Only then did he remember and beg to call the police. Three days later... the police finally found him My father’s body, is the death state really... too tragic... just like the recent case!"

Pang Jiaojiao was afraid that Guo An would be too excited, so she stood up and poured a glass of water and handed it to the wrong person. Guo An did not pick up the cup, but asked in a calm tone: "What about his mother's Dongluo?"

Yang Bochuan shook his head and said, "After that, he never saw my mother again." He used his connections to find a police officer who was involved in that case and learned some information from him. "

Guo An and Pang Jiaojiao leaned forward almost at the same time, as if they wanted to hear more clearly.

Yang Bochuan said: "It is said that the police suspected that the case was related to a wealthy businessman named Zou Zhiguo. But when the police wanted to pursue it, they found that Zou Zhiguo encountered a shipwreck, and even his body has not been found. That case is so unsolved, There is no more originality.”

"Xian Zhiguo?" "Pang Jiaojiao didn't see that information in the file. She didn't expect that the unsolved case from twenty years ago would be so complicated.

Pang Jiaojiao asked out of curiosity: "Could it be that Zou Zhiguo chose to cheat his death to evade his guilt?"

Guo An shook his head and said, "No way. At that time, the police had no clues about Zou Zhiguo's crime, so they knew through Zhu Ming whether he was behind the fraud. Even if he was caught, whether Zou Zhiguo was charged with fraud would still be unrelated to the murder case. It doesn’t matter.”

"It turns out I already knew it!" Pang Jiaojiao glared at Guo An.

Yang Bochuan sighed, "He should have known that since I chose to come back, I must have come prepared. I must have put a lot of effort into my private affairs for that case."

Guo Ancuo said to Yang Bochuan: "Thank you very much for letting him know more details about that year."

Time passed by quietly. The three of them had dinner and walked back.

Guo An and Pang Jiaojiao walked side by side. There were no other pedestrians on the path, so it seemed unusually quiet. Pang Jiaojiao peeked at Guo An from time to time, and Zuiqi looked at the surrounding scenery absently.

"If you have any questions, just ask. I'll be at the police station in a moment." Guo An's words came suddenly.

When Pang Jiaojiao had her feelings revealed, she no longer tried to hide it and asked, "Why should I bring him with me tomorrow?"

Guo An said coldly: "Don't I want to know the truth? Now that I know everything, my curiosity should be satisfied."

"No!" Pang Jiaojiao stopped and stared at Guo An. "He felt that the matter was not that simple. He could feel that there was always a secret hidden in my heart, a secret that could not be told to others. "

Guo An also stopped. He looked at Pang Jiaojiao with a stern face and said, "Some people are destined to carry some secrets from the time they are born, which can never be made public."

"What's the secret?" Pang Jiaojiao asked loudly.

Guo An frowned, a look of anger flashed across his face, and he said: "That's enough, I..."

"I want to say that he is right for making unreasonable mistakes!" Pang Jiaojiao interrupted her opponent and said, "Is he worried about me? I ask you to remember that I am a policeman. I must not seek revenge and break the law!"

Guo An's expression softened. He patted Pang Jiaojiao on the shoulder and walked back.

"Thank me."

An inaudible thank you was engraved in Pang Jiaojiao's heart.

When Yang Mo woke up, it was already morning. He found that Chen Jue hadn't come back and started to panic. Yang Mo stood up and ran out, almost bumping into the oncoming Mr. Bao. Mr. Bao glared at Yang Mo and shouted: "Don't you have eyes?"

Yang Mo had no intention of arguing with Mr. Bao, and said in a panic: "Where is Chen Jue? Have I seen him?"

"Did I say another boy?" Mr. Bao noticed that Yang Mo was alone in the room and asked seriously: "Where are the others?"

"He asked me very much!" Yang Mofu was really anxious. Thanks to him being the fastest, Ye Changnao said: "Didn't he go out to look for me? I didn't see him? It was so late outside. It's raining in the east, where can he go? Is he lost in the mountains? What should I do if I encounter a wild beast... "

When it came to the latter part, Yang Mo was almost incoherent. It seems that Mr. Bao was very calm and stopped Yang Mo from talking about going east. He said in a deep voice: "Then go out and look for him. I won't go anywhere while I stay there!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Bao walked into the rain curtain outside the door with the harpoon in hand.

Although Yang Mo and Chen Jue often quarrel, there are few people in the university with whom they can talk. Chen Jue was nowhere to be seen at this time, and Yang Mo was as anxious as an ant in a hot pot. Seeing the darkness outside, all kinds of bad guesses came to mind, Yang Mo finally couldn't walk anymore, and ran out in the heavy rain.