The Late Night Train

Chapter 8: The first story Death Confession (7)


Opening the diary, Luo Yan carefully analyzed the remaining contents and finally found some clues.

"On September 25, I read a legend about death confession from Lu Shang. Driven by my interest, I recorded it... "

Seeing this sentence, Luo Yan perked up and found that there was indeed a piece of paper in the diary. Unfortunately, most of the paper was burned, leaving only the last part.

"... The American Civil War broke out, and the Confederate Army attacked Lane's hometown. Lane rushed home and found Leah lying in a pool of blood. It is said that the Confederate Army was extremely brutal, and when the musician returned home, he found the body of his wife He was disheveled and covered in blood, hanging upside down from the big tree in front of his house. ... Ryan was heartbroken and prepared to end his life in front of his wife's grave. For some unknown reason, Ryan came back from the cemetery again, holding a Death confession. Some villagers said that Ryan was talking to himself next to his wife's grave, and seemed to be talking to someone... "

"Conversation? Who is he talking to? Is it... the devil?" Luo Yan felt the hairs on his body stand up when he saw this. The fear drove him to continue reading, trying to find evidence from this legend that the devil did not exist.

"Seven days later, Lane appeared in the Confederate army camp. He did not bring a weapon, but opened a death confession in front of the major. Weird music spread throughout the military tent, but Lane gave out a sinister smile. He said:' I won't die in your hands, and you will all die!' The major was enraged, and pulled out his gun to kill Ryan. Unexpectedly, the gun suddenly went off when he pulled it out, hitting the tent support. The tent was suddenly It collapsed, and the shelf fell on Ryan's head. Ryan was killed instantly, and he was right, he didn't die at the hands of anyone."

"...Seven days passed, and the major's unit was defeated one after another due to accidents. On the night of the last day, it seemed that everyone heard the music of death confession ringing in their ears. That night, everyone died unexpectedly, and the reason turned out to be that the cannon of one's own army misfired. The artillery shell hit the ammunition depot, and everyone in the army happened to pass nearby for various reasons. After a big explosion, there were broken corpses everywhere, but the music box lay on the ground without any damage. More than a hundred years later Now, Death Confession has gone through many hands, and every one of his masters died unexpectedly, and no one was spared... "

Luo Yan let out a long sigh, threw the notebook on the table, and leaned on the chair in trance.

Ai Yun flipped through the notebook, trying to find other useful clues in it. Luo Yan whispered: "No need to look for it. Except for this incomplete story, all other contents have been burned."

Ai Yun still refused to give up, and kept moving his hands, saying: "There must be something else! There must be hope..."

Ai Yun turned to the last few pages and read out loud: "September 27, Qing... I could no longer suppress my curiosity, ignored Lu Shang's warning, and finally launched a death confession. The moment the music sounded, I felt extreme fear..."

Ai Yun's reading stopped abruptly because the rest of his reading was already burned.

"September 27th?" Luo Yan suddenly realized something and asked Ai Yun, "What's today's date?"

"Today is October 9th." Ai Yun replied in confusion.

Luo Yan murmured to himself: "Gu Jun heard the death confession on September 27, and then he let Liu Wen hear the death confession and then died, and then Liu Wen also died on the seventh day. According to this calculation, Gu Jun died That day is also the seventh day after hearing the confession of death!"

"You mean..." Ai Yun had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Luo Yan said slowly: "I asked why Gu Jun knew the time of his death. It turned out that these had already been arranged. Do you still remember the legend of death confession? Those Confederate soldiers who heard the death confession were also the first He died in seven days.”

"It's been the third day since I heard my death confession." Luo Yan took a deep breath, as if he was extremely reluctant to say this conclusion, "I only have four days left at most in my life."

"No, that's not necessarily the case! Then how to explain Jin Shuang's death? If Jin Shuang got the death confession one day after Gu Jun's death, even if he heard it for the first time, he would not have died before Liu Wen. "Ai Yun said.

"Maybe Jin Shuang didn't escape the first accident." Luo Yan recalled Jin Shuang's words before his death and said: "Or... he found something! Maybe it was the clues he got from the diary, but the diary had been burned. Got to be incomplete…”

"The diary is gone. We can find another insider, Lu Shang." Ai Yun pulled out a business card from his notes.

"Lu Shang's business card! That's right! Gu Jun also learned about the death confession from Lu Shang. As long as he finds him, there is still hope!" Luo Yan saw the business card and hugged Ai Yun excitedly.

Ai Yun's body trembled, and then he slowly responded to Luo Yan's hug.

The phone was connected, and a lazy voice rang, "Who is it?"

"Are you Lu Shang?" Luo Yan asked, "I want to ask about death confession."

"Did you hear that?" the other party asked.

After receiving Luo Yan's affirmative reply, the other party was silent for a moment and said briefly: "Come to City B, I can help you."

Luo Yan held the hung up cell phone and felt an indescribable weirdness in her heart.

It takes a day to get to City B by train. The two bought sleeper tickets and boarded the train to City B. At this time, there are still three days before the curse comes true.

After putting away the luggage, I heard my cell phone ringing. It was Yang Su.

"Do you still remember the thief who died unexpectedly in your house?" Yang Su asked.

Luo Yan said: "What's wrong?"

Yang Su said: "His identity has just been verified, and he is not an ordinary thief. This man's name is Du Chunsheng, and he is a member of the underworld organization Qinglang Club!"

"Green Wolf Club? What is that?" Luo Yan knew very little about the underworld.

Yang Su explained: "It is an international antique reselling organization with members all over the world. What have you done recently to actually attract the underworld?"

Luo Yan didn't know how to explain it for a while.

"Anyway, be careful lately and don't go out if you have nothing to do." Yang Su warned Luo Yan.

Luo Yan made a few perfunctory remarks and only said that he would go to City B to relax. Yang Su felt relieved and ended the call by saying a few words about paying attention to safety. Luo Yan looked out the window worriedly. The scenery along the way was rapidly retreating, and he felt as if he was embarking on an uncertain road.

The small carriage made people feel breathless, so Luo Yan and Ai Yun walked out. The hard-sleeper compartment was relatively spacious. Luo Yan hesitated for a while and then walked in. The little girl in front seemed to be awakened by Luo Yan's footsteps, staring at him with wide eyes, but Luo Yan didn't seem to notice her presence. The little girl watched for a while, feeling a little bored, and actually started to play with bubbles. Her mother shouted at the side, but what she responded to was a string of laughter like silver bells.

"Melon seeds, instant noodles, drinks..." the train salesperson shouted weakly, pushing the cart slowly from the opposite side.

Luo Yan and Ai Yun had no choice but to find an empty seat nearby and sit down. Luo Yan noticed that just across the aisle, a middle-aged man was carefully peeling an apple. After peeling for a while, his face suddenly turned blue, he stood up and ran to the toilet behind him. After only two steps, he saw someone getting there first, with an annoyed expression on his face.

At this time, the train salesman's cart was next to Luo Yan. The bubbles blown by the little girl seemed to fly into his eyes, and he was rubbing his eyes with a grin on his face.

The middle-aged man turned around and ran to the toilet on the other side. Perhaps because his stomach was upset, he couldn't control his steps and bumped into the cart.

At this moment, the music of death confession sounded in Luo Yan's ears again.

As soon as the train salesman could see clearly, he saw a man rushing toward the cart. The middle-aged man bumped into the cart, lost his balance and fell to the side. His body was pressed against the table where the apples were placed. Perhaps the table was not strong to begin with, but the middle-aged man bumped it up, and even the apples and the knife flew out.

"Be careful!" Ai Yun saw the knife flying towards him and reminded him quickly. He stood up and waved his hand, trying to fend off the knife. I don't know if Ai Yun was very skilled or just lucky, but he actually knocked the knife away. As if the knife had eyes, it flew diagonally towards the car window behind him, hit the edge of the window and bounced back, this time aiming directly at Luo Yan.

How could Luo Yan react so quickly? He stood up in a hurry, but his palm was still cut open by the knife.

"The curse has appeared again!" Luo Yan was so panicked at this time that he couldn't even notice the pain in his palms.

Seeing the blood flowing out of his palm, Ai Yun felt extremely distressed and blamed himself: "It's all my fault. If I hadn't blocked the knife, I wouldn't have..."

"This curse seems to be arranged. No matter how careful we are, we can't escape it." Luo Yan said with lingering fear, and his voice trembled unconsciously.

Not wanting to stay any longer, the two of them got up and walked back. When he walked back to his seat, he saw that the carriage was in a mess, as if a thief had just come. Luo Yan walked out of the carriage and saw the figure in front of him flashing and disappearing from sight.

"How could this happen?" Ai Yun quickly checked his things and found that nothing was missing.

Luo Yan probably understood at this time, and he said: "They are here for this." He took out something from his pocket, which was a death confession.


"Yang Su is right, the Green Wolf Club is targeting me. No, to be precise, it is targeting Death Confession."

"The Green Wolf Club? That underworld organization that specializes in reselling antiques?" Ai Yun said in a serious tone. Obviously, she knew much more about the Green Wolf Club than Luo Yan.

"If such a dangerous thing falls into their hands, the consequences may be disastrous." Luo Yan looked around nervously, as if every passerby might be a member of the Green Wolf Club.

Luo Yan took a few deep breaths, tried not to panic, and said slowly: "But here, they should not dare to take action openly. The time for them to really take action should be after getting off the car."

This day was extremely difficult, and the two of them did not dare to relax at all. The slightest noise could make them nervous.

In the evening, the train pulled into the station.

The passenger next door didn't know who broke the perfume bottle, and the whole carriage was filled with the smell of inferior perfume, which made people sick. Luo Yan covered her nose and looked out the window at the night, becoming more and more eager to leave here.

Luo Yan and Ai Yun rushed to the door immediately, and almost at the same time, a figure followed closely behind. Luo Yan boldly looked at that person, but the other person subconsciously turned around to avoid him. Needless to say, Luo Yan already knew the identity of the other party. The train stopped slowly, and more and more people gathered at the door, forming a barrier between the two.

When the car door finally opened, Luo Yan and Ai Yun rushed out immediately. When the person following them saw this, they immediately pushed their way towards the crowd, still shouting something.

Luo Yan pulled Ai Yun and ran all the way out, rushing to the entrance of the station, and saw two men in black chasing after them. Luo Yan looked around blankly, trying to find a way out in this strange place. At this time, a middle-aged man in a vest walked towards the two of them and whispered to them: "You are being targeted by the Green Wolf Club, come with me."

"Who are you?" Luo Yan asked hesitantly.