The Law of The Dead

Chapter 115: Final·Although the world is still so beautiful (Part 2)


The witch passed away with the wind under the engulfing of the dark flames, perceiving the infant spirits and ghost roots of the ancestor's ghost road, and because of fear of the ancient power and the sense of deterrence of the dark flames, she had to hover around the Lihun tree and explode from the air. There was a mournful cry of tears and blood.

The pattern of the mandala flower on the center of Axin's eyebrows, as well as the ancient runes that condensed powerful strength on his body, slowly lost its original light and sank into the skin, and the jet black flame on his body gradually faded into invisible.

That ancient will once again returned to silence with its irresistible power. As this power beyond fantasy faded, Ashin’s internal organs were affected as uncomfortable as being torn by a hook, and he knelt again. He fell to the ground and began to retching desperately.

Without any strength, Ashin immediately became the target of Yingling and Guigen's eagerness to vent their anger.

"Broken!" The Taoist priest of the Five Elements roared, and rushed to blast the infant spirit and ghost roots of Ashin away. He shook Ashin's shoulders: "Boy! How are you? Is there any sanity? Is there consciousness? If yes, answer quickly! Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, don’t just have a body left..."

Ashin let out a heart-wrenching retching again, and he barely suppressed the strange discomfort in his body: "Senior... Nah! I'm okay..."

The Five Elements Taoist startled slightly. He raised his index finger and said seriously: "My child, you can't be called'senior' anymore. Your father and I are friends of Jin Lan's marriage. So, you want to be called a foster father, understand? Foster father!"

A Xin looked at the Wuxing Taoist priest with difficulty returning to his normal vision: "You...really belong to my father...?"

Ashin swallowed back the question that had just arrived, because the answer to this question was self-evident, let alone the words and deeds of the doctors in Strasbourg enough to explain some things. In this world, how many people can give directly to Ashin, the most important force, which is equivalent to the heart, when they meet for the first time? Even the biological parents of many people may not be able to show such deep love to their children.

It can be seen that the care and care of the Five Elements Taoist priests to Ashin is sincere and strong, and there is absolutely no false element in it.

A Xin steadied his weak body. He clung to the shoulders of the Taoist priests of the Five Elements, and his eyes were shining, staring at the star and moon-like eyes: "Foster father! Tell me, who are my biological parents? They are. Haven't they been killed?! I... I feel... I seem to have been a long time ago... I can’t tell that feeling! Anyway, were they killed by someone... Didn’t they?" He asked, his voice suddenly changed from sorrow. It's violent, that kind of sudden change in mood is terrifying!

The Five Elements Taoist hesitated. He couldn't help holding the smoke ball left by the bone mist in his arms. After a moment he pondered and asked Ashin: "My child, if you know the enemy who killed your parents, what do you plan to do?"

A sin's eyes flashed with frightening darkness and fierceness in an instant, and his face was distorted like a bloodthirsty lion: "There is no need to plan! I will..."

"Blessed Tianzun... so heavy hatred!" Seeing Ashin's expression on the Five Elements Taoist priest, he couldn't help but secretly startled. He condensed an ice mirror in mid-air: "Child! Restrain your hostility, look at yourself... It's all done. What does it look like?!"

Ashin suddenly saw his malicious face in the ice mirror. He was so scared that he took a few large steps back, and he couldn't help wondering in his heart: the ugly and evil face in the mirror, that strange and familiar face. The feeling, is that really me? !

A gloomy voice sounded in his heart: (If you can get revenge, it doesn't matter what you become, right?)

A Xin's pupils shrank. He knew that although the voice was made by the dark side of his heart, it was also a voice that was truly loyal to his inner thoughts!

Ashin shook his head and asked the Five Elements Taoist priest in a voice that was almost pleading: "Foster father! Please tell me, who is my enemy who killed my father and mother?!"

The Five Elements Taoist squeezed a layer of sweat on the palm of the bone mist smoke ball, and he looked a little guilty under Asin's gaze: "Ah! This...oh...child, if you know who the enemy is..." His eyes also showed. The dark anxiousness, that is the look in the eyes after suffering from the fire of hell: "Do you think...I will wait until today?!"

Seeing the eyes of the Five Elements Taoist priest, Axin was a little bit lost: "Ah, yes...Foster father is right..." He seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked: "Foster father! What is the armor of God? Why—"

The Five Elements Taoist stared, and suddenly shouted at Ashin: "Child!!"

Ashin was scared and shrank his neck: "Yi, foster father...what's wrong with you?"

The Taoist priest of the Five Elements held A Xin's face tightly, his expression was extremely solemn and solemn: "Child! You don't know what the three words God's Armor represent! You don't know anything related to the God's Armor, which has something to do with this world. Important! No matter the doctor or everyone in the Conviction Alliance, they don’t let you know anything, they are just to protect you! So don’t worry, the foster father promises you that when you understand, they will naturally let you know. Understand! Before that, you are never allowed to search for any information related to the armor of the gods! If you really regard me as your foster father, promise me now!"

Ashin was a little silly by the Five Elements Taoist's momentum. He opened his eyes to look at his adoptive father's serious and terrifying face, and it took a long time to squeeze out a sentence from his throat: "Okay...Okay..."

The tense body of the Taoist Wuxing eased, and he brushed his forehead from sweat, not knowing whether it was due to the heat or a guilty conscience, and glanced at Asin who was a little embarrassed by this state like himself: "My child, you master how to use your own particularity. Is your skill?"

Ashin is inexplicable: "My particularity?"

The Five Elements Taoist used a laser-scanning line of sight, and carefully examined Ashin's whole body: "So far, how much powerful force has been poured into your body?"

Ashin grabbed the back of his head, and muttered a little embarrassedly: "How much power is poured in? This means... how many beatings have I suffered?"

The Five Elements Taoist couldn't help but chuckle: "Haha! This statement is also correct!" He raised his hand and sucked a crystal bead full of fiery vitality from Ashin's body. It was in Strasbourg. Heart source fire for Ashin. Then he said to Ashin: "Now, you try to pull the residual power of the heart source fire in your body to your hands, and then play it out. If you master this technique, you have the capital to compete with the top masters. Up!"

"Compete with the top masters?!" After hearing this, Axin's eyes lighted up, but after a while, he wrinkled again, and the boss was embarrassed: "Ah? I don't know how to do that?"

The Five Elements Taoist smiled and encouraged: "You don't need to know how to do it. The doctor should have taught you how to control your concentration, right? Sharpen your concentration and then follow the instincts in your body."

Following the instructions of the Taoist priests of the Five Elements, A Xin closed his eyes and concentrated on his soul, exploring the inside of his body.

Then he felt three different power fluctuations. One is scorching flame, the other is thunder and lightning, and the strongest and most mysterious is...

That power suddenly produced a powerful attraction, and almost directly tore Ashin's mind and absorbed it!

"Wow!" A Xin let out a strange cry and fell on his back, and suddenly pale electric energy and scarlet flames shrouded his body.

The Taoist priest of the Five Elements had been prepared for a long time. With a wave of his hands, he waved out the power of the five elements. He looked at the frightened Ashin, and wondered in his heart: (It seems that this child really doesn't know how to manipulate spiritual power and magic! The guys in the Crime Alliance do not teach Nightmare Charm or teach magic. Surgery, but let this child study martial arts... Doctor, this oversized chicken thief, what on earth is he upsetting?)

A Xin looked at his hands in amazement. He couldn't even dream that these hands would actually lead out a power that he almost swallowed: "Foster father...what was that just now?!"

The five-element Taoist frowned: "It seems that with your current cultivation level, you can't control this kind of power. In this case, you must be more diligent in cultivation. Because in the future, you will be a prisoner of the law. There are all kinds of unexpectedly powerful enemies appearing. If you don't take the initiative as soon as possible, no matter how strong the doctor, the prince, or my foster father is, there is no guarantee that you can survive safely in this supernatural world."

Ashin remembered all the tragic situations he had encountered along the way, whether it was the defeat of the witch cow with the help of Xinyuanhuo, or Shirley, who was unable to save after racking his brains, let alone being helpless under the confinement of bone mist Watching Hill (big bald head) die...

These tragedies that happened in front of me were all because my strength was too small in front of a strong enemy, so I could helplessly watch the lives I wanted to defend disappear before my eyes!

The pain and resentment caused by being too weak are stimulating Ashin's desire for strength like never before! His eyes were a little straight, and he nodded in agreement: "Foster father is right! I must work harder and be stronger in the shortest time! Then...Bone Mist!!!"

The Five Elements Taoist looked worriedly at Ashin's distorted face again, his eyes flashing with complicated expressions, whether he was happy or worried. He patted Ashin on the shoulder: "Oh! How hard is it to practice? My child, this is the real world. Don't think you are the protagonist of a fantasy novel written by a third-rate idiot. It only takes a few months and a few years. It can surpass the accumulation of many masters for decades, hundreds, or even tens of millions of years! Even human beings, the most savvy race among the six realms, have to go through untold hardships. You can reach the ultimate state! What's more, in the supernatural world, countless powerful races are born with unique abilities?! If you really want you to be above the peak, then you must guard against arrogance and rashness and practice down-to-earth!"

The words of the Five Elements Taoist gave Ashin a big drink, and at the same time injected a light of enlightenment into his anxious heart. He suddenly thought of witch cows, soul-eaters, and ice eyes, these powerful people who are born with powerful power, and he couldn't help thinking: (Ah! Yeah...those races that are born with power...There are also like bone mist and all evil Such a strong person with hundreds of years of skill and practice...How can I surpass them just by a moment of emotional excitement?)

A Xin looked at the Five Elements Taoist priest who knew him for less than a few minutes. His every word and every action was full of his great care and teaching. This kind of long-lost warmth feels like... father

A Xin's nose was sour, and he almost cried: "Foster father is too right! Thanks...Thank you for his teaching!"