The Law of The Dead

Chapter 121: Final·Although the world is still so beautiful (eighth)


When Ashin was still feeling at a loss for the sudden change of the Lihunshu, the sharp whip and the crazy sword energy rushed out from the Lihunshu, tearing the thick fleshy trunk of the Lihunshu under his feet. Swirl up!

Axin hurriedly avoided the sudden upward attack, retreated to a safe place and stabilized his heels, and then Annie and Wan Ezhan jumped out side by side from under the torn ground.

"Oops, why are these two perverts again?!"

As soon as he saw the two evil officials who had fought twice before jumped out, Ashin couldn't help but screamed a headache. These two guys, one is a lunatic who only knows to kill, he was almost hacked to death by him on the same name as Faeu; the other is even more terrifying, every time I see myself will be entangled like an ivy, I don’t know why He blushed and heartbeat when touched by her, just seeing that face would make him feel his scalp numb.

Seeing the two evil officials rushing towards each other, Ashin swallowed his saliva with a guilty conscience: "Come on, perverts of the Tyrant Club! I, Ashin, are not afraid of you!"

However, Ashin was ignored, and Annie and All Evil passed him with a heavy face. It seemed to treat Ashin as air at all, and he didn't even fall his eyes on him.

"Uh...Don't you fight anymore?" Ashin stood there staring, stunned like a fool. The other party didn't attack, which was good for him who was exhausted, but instead he felt a little lost, just like he was deceived by feelings when he was full of expectations.

On the other hand, Annie and Wan Evil Slash, they used their body's potential to the limit. Exhibiting a strength that is completely superior to usual, destroying the Li Soul Tree without hesitation and hesitation.

"Huh? What's going on?" Ashin felt even more confused. Whether it was pure-blooded real ghosts or Tyrant's Club, it took a lot of effort to work together to cultivate the Eternal Soul Tree. It was before this. They obviously have to desperately to protect their good existence.

Why is it suddenly starting to wreak havoc, and there is no expression of pity, such a completely opposite change is totally unreasonable

Just in Ashin's mind, he hadn't made a reasonable explanation for the scene that came into view.

A strong cyclone rose from the wounds torn apart by Annie and All Evil Slash, and a large number of souls hovered and broke free from the confinement of the Lishun Tree with a distorted whistling sound, and converged in one place to form a huge soul tornado upward. rising.

Then from the wound, a figure exuding a terrifying magical power slowly floated up.

Seeing the figure, Ashin felt that his whole body was emptied, only his heart beating restlessly trying to jump out of his throat: "Xinyi!"

Zhou Xinyi looked around worriedly. After hearing Ashin's call, she almost collapsed as if she was about to melt. She opened her hands with mixed sorrow and joy, and threw into Ashin's arms like a homing bird: "Axin! It's really you! Woo..."

Ashin was so happy that he hugged Zhou Xinyi and jumped straight on the spot. He danced and looked at Zhou Xinyi roughly and asked: "Xinyi, are you okay? Why are you with the people from the Tyrant Club?"

After Zhou Xinyi heard Ashin’s question, her originally ruddy face turned pale, and she steadily said, "Um...that...I was framed by them!"

Ashin breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh! I guess so, the Tyrant Club is your big enemy, no matter what, you can't become a partner with them!"

Zhou Xinyi's heart was cold when she heard the words, and she secretly bit her lower lip: "Um...Yes! They are big enemies! I hate them before it's too late, how can they become their accomplices?!"

A Xin looked at Annie and Wan Ezhan, who were still wrecking the Li Soul Tree, with some caution, and asked, "What's the matter with those two perverts? Why did they suddenly become lumberjacks?"

Zhou Xinyi seemed to be looking for something in fear. She whispered: "They are controlled by me. I gave them the order to destroy the Lihunshu, so before the Lihunshu is destroyed, they Won't stop!"

"Oh... it was controlled by you..." Axin opened his eyes wide, and murmured as he grasped Zhou Xinyi's boneless shoulders: "When I was recovering from the Conviction Alliance, I read the report and records summarized by the Intelligence Department's investigation. , The above said you ate the core of Befrons' power! Seeing that you can even use Befrons's power now, it turns out to be true!"

Zhou Xinyi nodded worriedly. She hugged Ashin's arm and patrolled the surroundings with full and fearful eyes: "Axin, wait until it's safe to talk about this. I want to destroy the Lihunshu, the witch and her children must Come to kill me! The Devil Mother is very scary, her power is older than Bone Mist... the old thief is stronger! Let's hide first!"

Axin smiled and comforted Zhou Xinyi: "Don't be afraid! Whether it is the witch, or the two monsters of the witch cow and the soul eater, they are all dead! Look!" He showed the witch horns and magic pattern claws.

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Zhou Xinyi stared at Ashin in amazement, as if he were a stranger, she hid her cherry mouth: "Ah! This is their...the witch...Axin, has the witch been defeated by you too? You...have become like this. Amazing!"

Ashin scratched his head with embarrassment: "Hey... How can I be so good? Someone has been helping me, otherwise I would have died several times!"

"Oh..." Zhou Xinyi's eyes suddenly blurred, she frowned: "Axin, you said the two monsters Wu Niu and Soul Eater..."

Axin was a little puzzled: "Oh...what happened to them?"

"Two... You saw Wu Niu and Soul Eater, two pure-blooded true ghosts. But..." An ominous sense of fear rose between Zhou Xinyi's eyebrows: "But... the witch has three children! Soul Eater! Er are twins, there are two of them? If one of Wu Niu and Soul Eater dies...Where is the other Soul Eater?!"

"Ah? Are there two Soul Eaters?!" Axin couldn't help but was stunned. He suddenly remembered Soul Eater's dying song: "Ah tree...Two Soul Eaters!"

A black shadow suddenly rushed towards Ashin and the others from mid-air, and uttered a breathtaking spiteful scream: "Here!!"

The spiteful voice was extremely fierce and cold, so that they would think it was the rebirth of the witch mother when they heard it, roaring at the two enemies who had killed and destroyed the tree.

A Xin and Zhou Xinyi were so startled by the sound that their bodies became soft, and together they raised their stiff necks and looked up...

Due to the tremendous psychological pressure exerted by fear, the reaction speed of both people became slower than usual.

And at this moment when the fatal dullness was born...

A huge evil shadow has descended on their heads, covering their vision and taking away the light of the world...

It turned out that the second Soul Eater was originally a twin with the other, and she had been outside for the magic mother during this period of time to plunder the'nourishment' of the Lihun Tree. But when she returned to this submarine volcano with full load, she not only found the bones of her brother, but also heard the dialogue between Ashin and Zhou Xinyi!

(How can a human be able to defeat the brother of a pure-blooded real ghost? Not to mention the mother of the ancestor Guidao? This human cub just wants to brag and show off in front of the little lover, right?)

Soul Eater (No. 2) had this idea in his mind in an instant, but it was completely shattered the second after Ashin revealed the witch horns and magic pattern claws!

In any case, it is impossible for Soul Eater to be unrecognizable by the stumps of his brothers and sisters!

(Oh my God! Did both the elder brother and the younger sister really be killed by him? The mother...) Soul Eater was holding back sadness and anger and carefully observing the abnormal condition of the Lihunshu, and finally she accepted the fact desperately in her heart— -Although not sure who made the move, her mother is indeed dead!

Soul Eater, who lost her family and her family for a moment, went mad. She swooped down from the heights at the fastest speed in her life. By the way, Zhou Xinyi asked questions while roaring and replied: "Here!!"

Blood splashed out of the eyes!

The unimaginable pain tore the body, and both A Xin and Zhou Xinyi were caught by the "touch and break" magic claws and burst their eyes! ! !


A Xin and Zhou Xinyi let out a heart-piercing scream together!

At the same time, after Soul Eater succeeded in the sneak attack, he flew into the air to adjust his posture, ready to attack downward again, vowing to bury his relatives and enemies under the claws!

Hearing the sound of the wings breaking through the wind, Axin immediately protected Zhou Xinyi under his body, and blocked Soul Eater's fierce scratching with his back!

Soul Eater grabbed Ashin's back and blasted the flesh and blood, and she snarled ferociously, "I want to kill my mother with this kind of ability? It must have been a despicable method! Mother... see how the child hates you. !!!"

Zhou Xinyi endured the terrible pain. She struggled to shout to Ashin: "Run Ashin, leave me alone!"

A Xin pressed Zhou Xinyi tightly: "Xinyi don't move, or she'll be caught by her! Be quiet, be quiet first... I can't hear where she is anymore!"

Zhou Xinyi cried out loudly: "Axin, I order your eyes to heal immediately! I order you to run away! Run away! Annie, All evil! Come back and save us!"

Axin shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Little fool, Befrons's power is of no use to me! Ha... It's a nasty irony. At this time, I really hope that its power can restore my eyes!"

Listening to the conversation between the two humans, Soul Eater made a sharp and evil laugh on the sky: "Hahahaha! Humans are really stupid things! Are you still thinking about running at this time? None of you can run away! I have to slow down! Slowly torture you, grab the meat from your body piece by piece and eat it!"

Suddenly, Annie and Wan Ezhan, who received Zhou Xinyi's order, slammed and stopped in front of Soul Eater, and the blade whip and butcher knife rushed toward Soul Eater like waves under the cold moonlight.

Soul Eater laughed wildly and whirled and flew: "Just because these two broken puppets are covered in wounds, do you want to compete with me?!" She swooped up suddenly and grabbed Anne and Wan Evil's waist with her claws. go with.

At the moment when the light and shadow crossed, Soul Eater firmly grasped the belts of the two evil officials, and then slammed into the air and threw them far out of the scope of the Lishun tree crown.

As the chief tyrant's evil minister, originally Annie and Wan Evil Slash could defeat Soul Eater. But they have been severely injured by the Five Elements Taoist priests, and both their muscles and breath are extremely unsmoothly overloaded.

In addition, Zhou Xinyi, in panic, forgot to use her magical power to recover them, so even under the power of the Demon God, she couldn't exert her strength in a good state.

They were like two pieces of bacon and were thrown down by the Soul Eater. In their current situation, they would have to wait at least one minute to climb up again. At that time, I'm afraid Ashin and the others have already...

Soul Eater turned into a human form and landed near Ashin and Zhou Xinyi. She walked around Ashin and them on tiptoe with a grinning face, just as terrifying as she was swimming around her prey and attacking the devoured shark at any time.

Ah Xin's eyes have now become blood holes, and the gurgling blood makes him look miserable. He tried his best to look up his head to defend against Soul Eater’s attack by listening to the sound, but the other party has completely understood the sound and breath. Hidden away.

Death... depends entirely on the other person's mood, and it falls on Ashin and Zhou Xinyi's heads at any time.

Although this time the opponent is not the strongest, but the blind Ashin has fallen into the most desperate danger so far! (End of this chapter)