The Law of The Dead

Chapter 123: Final·Although the world is still so beautiful (10)


"But... this volcano is about to erupt!" Bingmou felt embarrassed, because it cared more about Ashin's safety, not to mention that Ashin is now blind. It would be too dangerous to leave him here alone.

Ashin hugged Bingmou's legs tightly, and his voice became stern: "Bingmou! If you really treat me as a brother, go and save her, I owe her too much! I beg you..."

Bing’s eyes patted his forehead: “Hey! I’m stupid enough, why not take you to find her?” It stretched out his hand to lift Ashin up and put it on his shoulder, but suddenly his whole body became stiff, and he suddenly stopped Ah. Put the letter on the ground. Then put on an unusually nervous posture and turned around and asked: "Who are you?!"

The Five Elements Taoist clasped a fist: "A proud fearless warrior, the fangs that are not afraid of the cold winter wind, the proud son who gallops on the ice field, the king who is king in the north. You do not need to guard against the poor roads, under the Five Elements Taoist, the leader of the merchants of righteous killings, He is also the foster father of Ashin!"

Bingmou did not relax its vigilance because of the words of the Five Elements Taoist priest. Instead, he asked Ashin for confirmation: "Axin, there is a Taoist priest who is very handsome and wears a color-changing robe. He said it is your foster father. Is there such a person? "

Ashin crawled on the ground like found a life-saving straw: "Foster father, foster father! It is great for you to be here! Xinyi and Xinyi are gone! Hurry up..."

The Five Elements Taoist roared in angrily in his heart: (What a demon! I actually confuse Axin to such a degree! It's not to be blamed!) He leaped forward to help Axin up, and suddenly he almost jumped up in shock, sternly. He roared: "Ah! Child! Why did your eyes hurt so badly?! Who did it? The foster father wants to crush his bones and ashes!"

Axin shook his hands weakly: "It was caught by Soul Eater. She has been killed by Bing Eye...Foster father!" He clutched the Five Elements Taoist priest tightly: "Foster father help me save Xinyi!"

There was boundless anger in the chest of the Five Elements Taoist. Not only did he track the bone mist and return without success, he also left his son here and was brutally blinded!

He didn't have the courage to face the doctor, he couldn't imagine what kind of expression the doctor would use to accuse him, and there was no way to explain to the third brother and wife under Jiuquan!

He really wanted to slap himself to death right here!

(But that witch! Ashin is so obsessed with her, what kind of black magic did she use?!)

Bing Mou sensed the murderous aura of the Five Elements Taoist priest, and said in his heart: (The leader of the righteous killing brigade merchant... The Five Elements Taoist! This man has such a great ability! It is absolutely no problem with him staying by Ashin, but what is going on with this terrible anger? ?)

It stretched out its hand to put on the shoulders of the Five Elements Taoist priest: "The leader of the mercantile killing brigade merchant, if it is a warrior like you to take care of Ashin...should be okay?"

The Five Elements Taoist met Bingmou's gaze. He naturally understood why Bingmou had such a question, so he said with shame: "Ah! Poor Dao left Ashin here on his own impulse, so... Alas! This I blame Pin Dao for being too arrogant! But don’t worry, Pin Dao will send Ashin to a safe place!"

After hearing this, Axin said with a heartbroken: "No, no...Foster father, you have to save Xinyi first! I beg you!"

"You don't need your adoptive father!" Bingmou grabbed Axin's hand: "Good brother, don't worry. You saved me once, and now is the time for my Bingmou·ibuprofen to repay you! I take my ancestors Assure you in the name of "I will find that girl and bring her safely to you!"

The Five Elements Taoist was shocked when he heard the words, he looked at Bingshou, feeling a little surprised: (Ibuprofen?! Looking at the appearance, it is indeed the royal blood of the Frost Troll, but he did not expect it to be the King of the Frost Troll?! It Why are you here? How did you meet Ashin? Huh? Immeasurable Heaven! Where are its fangs?!)

Bing Miao sensed the questioning gaze of the Five Elements Taoist priest, and with a wry smile, he pointed at the fractured part of his fangs and whispered, "You must be strange? Alas! That's a long story!"

After hearing Bingshou’s assurance, Ashin finally nodded with confidence, “That’s great! I’m sorry to let you accommodate my waywardness. You must also take care!”

Bingmu didn't speak, it just grabbed A Xin's hand and shook it heavily, and this grip of the Frost Troll King was far more reliable than any rhetoric!

The Taoist priest of the Five Elements could not wait for Zhou Xinyi to die here, but he did not dare to speak directly to Axin’s heart, so he said to Bingmou profoundly: "Icemou·ibuprofen! Poor admiration for the King of Frost Trolls You must find that girl!" Although he said so, he condensed a line of small characters in the air with flames: "That demon named Zhou Xinyi is definitely not a kind person, and this volcano is about to erupt, your Excellency. Sui Pindao left here immediately, regardless of her life or death!"

After seeing the flame text, Bing Miao thought: (Although I don’t know what that girl is, as the king of the frost trolls, I have promised in the name of my ancestors, how can I say to my good brothers like this? And no faith? Even if that girl is the illegitimate daughter of the devil, I must bring her back to my good brother!)

It clenched its fist and placed it at the heart position: "Five-element Taoist priest, thank you for your concern! I promised in the name of an ancestor that I will help Ashin find that girl!" It meant to tell the Five-element Taoist:( The King of Frost Trolls must do what he says, let alone what he promised Ashin in the name of his ancestors? Don't interfere in this matter!)

The Five Elements Taoist nodded solemnly, and said in his heart: (Yes, as the King of Frost Trolls, things that are guaranteed in the name of ancestors, then you must make a result. The poor way persuades it to stop, doesn't it force it to be deceived A Xin, shame your ancestor’s reputation? Five elements, five elements, how many times have you made such low-level mistakes today?) He clasped his fist and said, "In this case, the poor way is gone!"

Bingmou nodded, and said with a serious expression to the Five Elements Taoist priest: "The Five Elements Taoist priest, the leader of the merchants of the righteous killing brigade, goodbye! Frost troll, make good friends!"

After all, it turned into a blue cold wind and ran towards the mountain of corpses.

The Five Elements Taoist stared at the back of Bingshou leaping up to the Shishan Mountain: "It's really a hero of faith and righteousness, I hope it will be safe and sound..."

At this moment, the sound of rock crashing sounded all around!

A large amount of seawater pours into this place from the cracks in the rock, and then flows onto the hot magma, which instantly evaporates into thick water vapor at the super-high temperature.

Against the backdrop of a mountain of corpses, the suffocating smell of blood, a large number of souls howling crazily because of their inability to vent their anger, and the thick mist rising everywhere...

Rao was a Taoist priest of the Five Elements who had a wide range of knowledge, and was still frightened by this scene and couldn't help but fought a cold war.

He supported Axin and shouted loudly in the direction where Bingmou was leaving: "Bingmou! It's almost impossible to hold it here! Let's leave first!"

Ashin suddenly said anxiously: "Foster father, we can't leave yet! If this breaks out, it will cause a tsunami!"

The Five Elements Taoist suddenly said: "Oh! Why did you forget this layer?" He looked around, then smiled at Asin with a brazen expression: "If this is the case, then give this to..."


Just when the Taoist priests of the Five Elements were preparing to perform their unique skills and wanted to suppress the eruption of this volcano.

Suddenly Bingmou's roar came from a distance!

Bingmou heard the call of the Five Elements Taoist priest from a long distance, and it stopped and touched the fractured part of its fangs, muttering to himself: "There should be some strength? There should be more? So far, it can only bet. A bet on luck!"

It held its breath and slowly thought of the ancient secret spell passed down from generation to generation by the Frost Troll King, and then suddenly yelled and spread the incomplete power to the surroundings!

The bitter and majestic frosty wind suddenly danced outward from Bingsou's body!

Whether it is fog, corpses, water poured in, or flowing lava, as long as you touch this frosty wind, you will be immediately frozen by that unimaginable cold current!

The entire submarine volcano instantly turned into a silver-clad frosty world, and the volcano with blazing flames suddenly turned into a cold and windy glacier, just like the two gods of ice and fire are joking here!

Bingmou let out a sigh of relief: "Hoo! Just fine! Let's continue!" It began to smash the frozen corpse, looking for Zhou Xinyi's figure below.

The Five Elements Taoist stared at the changing scene in front of him in amazement, and exclaimed from the bottom of his heart: "Even a volcano can be frozen firmly... Immeasurable Heaven! Good method! Good skill! Seeing is not as good as hearing, it is worthy of being proud of Jibing. The frost troll of the earth! Only the freezing technique in the water system, the power it exerts is still above the poor way! It is a big world, there is a sky outside the sky! Hahahaha..." He was flying in his robe, taking Ashin into the sky. Rising up, breaking through the hard rock formations, cutting through the dark sea, and finally breaking through the sea and standing in the air.

It was already in the middle of the sky at this time, and the sea below was shining with a little silver light under the embellishment of the moon, as beautiful and tranquil as it was covered with a dreamlike veil.

However, the souls who screamed frantically from below the sea, as well as the infant spirits and ghost roots who lost the leader of the ghost mother and luckily survived the large-scale magic of the ice eye, also emerged from the deep sea.

The Five Elements Taoist looked at the cruel and wicked souls howling under the moon, and said bitterly: "Oh! So many resentment souls and ghost monsters, I am afraid that they will only flow into the world and cause countless disasters! As a Taoist disciple , Poor Dao can't just stand by!" Seeing his expression, it seemed that he had made a major determination.

The Five Elements Taoist condensed an ice boat with sea water, and gently placed Ashin on it. Then he knotted his hands and yelled at the ghosts flying in the sky with heavy apologetics: "Blessed God! Everyone! You are wronged, you are in debt! Blame the people who killed you are too cold and poisonous! This is the poor way. It's helpless to kill the killer!" His starry eyes flashed with mighty spirit, and he shouted with a deafening roar: "The soul is gone!!!"

In front of the Five Elements Taoist priest, a huge spiral flame vortex appeared out of thin air!

The whirlpool exudes an awe-inspiring aura, it produces a weird attraction that only works on those ghosts, and it rolls all the souls, infant spirits, and ghost roots that escaped from the bottom of the sea without mercy. Enter it, and burn it with that kind of flame that does not have any temperature, but it will make you feel strangely blazing!

Countless souls caught in the vortex of fire let out a sharp and bitter cry: "Why? What did I do wrong? Isn't it enough to kill me, kill my child, torture me?"

When Axin heard such bitter and bitter crying, he fumbled and stood up nervously and asked, "Foster father...what are you doing? Why are the ghosts crying so hard?"

The Five Elements Taoist looked at the crying pregnant women’s souls, and remembered the grief-stricken past. He shook his head sadly with tears in his face: "My child, you don’t understand... These wronged souls have already begun to demonize, if they are allowed to flow into In the world, it will only bring more harm! they can only be destroyed here...completely!"

"Ah!" A Xin trembled: "Foster father, is there really no other way?"

The Five Elements Taoist shook his head painfully: "The world is so great that there are many strange people! There may be ways, but the foster father... has nothing to do!"

At this time, countless Guigen Yingling cries even more resentful, as if to tear this cold world apart!

"I was originally going to be a general! Why did my parents kill me? I can let them shine! What a hate! What a hate!!!"

"Spare me! I am destined to be a famous doctor, and I will save the lives of many patients! If I am not born into the world..."

"I want to defend my family and the country! Please forgive me!"

"I'm here to take revenge! Why should I die, but those bad guys can be at ease? It's not fair! You bastard quickly let me go!!"

Suddenly, the ice boat shook violently, and a naked man climbed onto the side of the boat. It was surprisingly the first fake Gu Xiaohua who reincarnated successfully!

"Gu Xiaohua"'s miserable face was full of tears. He desperately grasped the Taoist robe of the Five Elements Taoist priest, and said with the sad voice of the hearer, "Please...please! I have an appointment with my lover." Born into the world... We will find each other, and then we will love each other, and finally we will live together and never separate! I only have this wish when I came to this world! If I die now, she should be alone in this world. What to do? Will she be deceived by other men? Will she be bullied by those men?! What would she do without me? She would not find me! I want to be with her! I must be with her Together! Please! Let me go! I beg you! Ahhhhhh!" He was suddenly pulled from the ice boat by the huge attraction, and then he was drawn into the whirlpool of fire and disappeared.

"Foster father!" Ashin's heart was almost torn apart by the cry of "Gu Xiaohua". He wailed and hugged the thighs of the Taoist priest, howling and crying bitterly: "Foster father! Please let them go! Please let them go. ...They...they are so pitiful!"

The Five Elements Taoist did not stop because of Ashin’s pleading. He continued to hold the operation, his eyes blurred by tears looked deep into the sky, "Silly boy! It's too late! Listen... listen carefully to them at the end. The voice full of jade hope! Love and hate, life and death, ideals, jade hope, belief, will, that is love! That is man! That is ghost! That is the source of all the joys and sorrows in the world! It is precisely because of this that the world is so cruel..." He Stop and wipe away the tears gently...

In the next second, the words spoken by the Taoist priests of the Five Elements, as if all the stars of the Great Thousand World were shattered at the same time!

In Ashin's mind, there was a voice that was indelible for a lifetime: "It is also because of this...the world is so...beautiful!!!"


Gu Xiaohua's influential Yuwang...

Gu Renqing protects the family's Yuwang...

Shirley looks forward to the birth of a child...

The big bald head protects my sister and Asin’s Yuwang...

The witch’s mother is a ghost in the world...

Yuwang that Bone Mist is hard to comprehend...

And even Yu Wang, who Axin wants to solve the case...

Jadewang is colorful, countless jadewang appeared in countless creatures, and then collided with each other to weave a huge world.

Yuwang, embellished the world so magnificently and beautifully!

Although the world is still so beautiful, Ashin's heart is quietly changing...

"If... if I can't protect you... then I will take revenge for you!!"

In the moonlight, on the sea, crying...

Ashin swears to his heart...

Yuwang, conspiracy, joy and sorrow, finally turned into a heart-wrenching sob here, like an illusion in a rainy night... Yu Yan ended...

Yuwang burned some people and warmed others, just as fire can make people painful and comfortable. It depends on whether people are in the fire or in front of the fire.

Life in this world is like a house of fire. Happiness or pain, birth or destruction, will all turn into smoke and dust in the raging flames called Yuwang.

Are you the one who fetches wood and burns it, or is it burnt in the fire

Are you enjoying Yuwang or being enjoyed by Yuwang? (End of this chapter)