The Law of The Dead

Chapter 125: The sequel, the panic that enveloped the whole family



Catherine’s innocent and happy laughter echoed throughout the villa. She gave Linda a warm hug, who was backing away, rubbed the blood on her skirt to her thighs, and then whispered: " Mom, mom! Do you know? People can live without a spleen! So Matt doesn’t die because of this! But..." She turned her head and smiled at Colin who was about to rush over, "His blood It should be drained now, right? Grandpa, before Mart died of blood loss, I still let him live a little longer! You see how kind and obedient I am! Isn't it? Isn't it?"

"Matt... God..." Linda slumped on the ground with a "puff", her eyes lost the luster of hope, and she looked like a walking dead with no soul.

" grandson..." Colin stared at Venus, his vision blurred with grief and anger, and staggered towards Catherine, who was smiling sweetly at him.

But Emma pulled Colin tightly behind her. She lifted up the desperate Linda and smiled fearfully at Catherine: " Catherine! Baby, what you did...really good!"

Catherine smiled more happily. She raised her head, her innocent eyes with a cruel provocation: "Mom! I'm very hungry now, can we eat?"

Linda nodded dullly as if she had just been awakened from a dream: "Of course my dear. But..." She looked at Catherine's little son's blood-stained dress with grief, and said with tears: "Let's first Would you like to change into a clean suit?"

Catherine viciously dipped a bit of blood into her mouth with her finger, and smiled and asked, "But why? I really like this dress!" She turned around in a circle: "Mum, look, am I cute? ?"

Linda almost fainted, her red and swollen eyes squeezed into a slit: "'s cute. But you don't want to be seen by are all bloody, right?"

Catherine rolled her eyes, then threw herself on Linda and shouted softly: "Oh! Mom, you are so thoughtful! I love you to death!"

Linda stroked Catherine's head, her eyes like dry wells: "I love you too..." She suddenly became crazy and pinched Catherine's neck suddenly: "Go to hell! You little bitch! Hurry up! Go to hell!"

Catherine showed a distorted face that a child of that age shouldn't have: "Huh? Mom, don't you love me? Are you like me? Then I will love you in this way too!" She stretched out a delicate and tender face. Holding Linda’s hair and pressing her to the ground.

Linda is a middle-aged woman who pays great attention to fitness and maintenance. She can run five kilometers without effort every morning.

But in Catherine's young body, there is a creepy power hidden. Linda can't resist the horrible power. She is now like an oversized rag doll, helplessly ridden underneath by Catherine.

Catherine was riding on Linda, with the look of "Where should I cut this cake?" Linda was so afraid that she even forgot to scream.

Emma was so scared that she knelt on the ground and raised her hands, begging as if she was praying: "Catherine baby! Please don't! We all love you very much! Your mother loves you very very much too... She was just a little bit energetic Confusion●31 Novel app download address●That’s it! As you know, we haven’t slept for days! Trust me, she won’t do it again!"

"Oh?" Catherine stared at Linda with a terrifying smile: "Mom? Is this true? Do you really love me very, very much?"

Linda sobbed and said, "Yes baby! Mom loves you so much... I'm sorry..."

Catherine still didn't mean to let go of Linda. She asked insidiously: "Then...whatever I want, can I?"

Linda nodded in horror: "Yes, yes! Whatever you want!"

Catherine closed her eyes and thought for a while, and then said happily: "Then let's eat! I'm going to starve to death!"

Emma got up from the ground tremblingly, and she twisted Colin and made a "moving" wink.

Colin forced his angry muscles to move, his face sullenly tidying the table and setting the tableware.

Emma put all the dishes she cooked on the table, and finally brought a large pot of stew to the center of the table wearing thick anti-scalding gloves.

Catherine was holding a knife and fork, knocking on the table excitedly and shouting: "Oh yeah! Meaty! I like meat the most!"

Emma tried to put on a smile: "It's all for you, my baby!" She took off the lid of the stew pot, and the rich smell of meat suddenly filled the restaurant.

On the table of Colin's family, grilled meat, bacon, braised meat, stewed meat, the whole seat is full of various large pieces of meat dishes!

Catherine stared at the table full of meat with staring eyes. She suddenly closed her eyes and tilted her head: " do you feel that something is missing?"

This sentence made the other three people who had been worried about it even more terrified, because they didn't know if Catherine's evil little head had to conceive of a more cruel way to harm them.

"Oh!" Catherine snapped her fingers: "My doll!" She jumped off the chair and ran to the living room sofa to search for a few times, and then picked up a spooky puppet: "Let's eat together!"

Almost every child will talk to his doll or puppet during childhood. This is a normal situation, but...

After the puppet heard Catherine's words, it suddenly gave people a feeling of "alive"!

I don't know what material it was made of, but the sharp and terrifying eyes had emotions in it, and then "creaked" shaking and nodded to his master!

The three people at the table all took a breath when they saw the puppet, because the puppet felt so horrible, it was like something that shouldn't appear in this dimension!

Catherine returned to the dining table with the puppet in her arms, holding a knife and fork and shouting: "Yeah! Grandpa, grandma and mother, let's start eating!" She pulled her neck and looked at the corpse (Tom) lying on the floor: Dad is not hungry! Hahahaha...Huh? Grandpa? Grandma? Mom? So many delicious meat, why don't everyone eat it?"

Emma looked timid, and said embarrassingly: "My baby Catherine... these are all for you! As long as you are happy!" This poor old man has only been eating large pieces of meat for several days. The weak intestines and stomach can no longer bear this kind of torture. But looking at her eyes, there seems to be something more ulterior concealed...

Catherine shrugged: "Okay, then!" She jumped to the dining table, and under the dumb gaze of the other three people, she raised the cast iron stew pot, raised her head and raised the bubbling stew that could burn alive. Swallow it all!

Holding the emptied meat stew pot, Catherine wiped her lips with satisfaction, and burped with satisfaction: "Ah! What a pleasure!"

Emma's hands are tangled together: " you...happy now?"

Catherine blinked her big eyes and said seriously: "Yes! I'm so happy now!"

"Then..." Emma clenched her hands tighter, her expression was like a gambler who would lose her life, desperately asking: "Then...can you...allow us to leave here?"

Catherine's face suddenly became sinister: "Why? Don't you love me anymore?"

"No, no! Of course we love you very much!" Emma and Linda shook their heads quickly and denied, only Colin stared at his dinner plate with a tight face, not knowing what they were thinking.

Catherine pursed her lips and said unhappily: "A lie, you don't love me at all!"

Emma was almost crying: "Oh my baby, why do you say that?"

Catherine pointed to Colin with a cute but angrily gesture: "Then why does Grandpa go to Mr. Jerry for help?"

Colin's face turned red in an instant, and quickly turned back to pale white. He felt a chill on his back, because his shirt had been soaked by cold sweat, and his body was shaking with extreme fear and anger. Finally, he secretly pulled out the deboning knife under the dining table.

Emma reached out and grabbed Colin's hand firmly. She shook her head and denied: "Your grandpa didn't. He just went out to get the newspaper and envelope."

Catherine pinched her waist and stared at Emma fiercely: "Grandma is a big liar! You are the one who loves me the least!"

Emma asked in horror: "Baby, why do you say that? Grandma loves you the most!"

Catherine turned her head angrily: "Since she loves me, why would grandma secretly put rat poison in the stew?" At the same time, the puppet raised her head strangely and made a terrible posture that would rush to bite at any time.

Linda and Colin looked at the bloodless Emma at the same time. She was the most obedient to Catherine in the family, but she did not expect that she also had a murderous intention towards Catherine, and she boldly acted!

Emma looked around at her husband and daughter-in-law. She also saw the despair in their eyes. Her trembling hands dragged the dining table hard, and then suddenly overturned the dining table and screamed like crazy: "We fight you. Up!"

At the same time, Linda rushed to Catherine and hugged her, Colin also stabbed Catherine with an eviscer while Emma picked up the knife and fork from the plate...

But then, everything in the restaurant was still, whether it was the sweat that Colin threw out, the dishes that were lifted above the heads of everyone at the table, or the fat body of Emma lying in the air, it all seemed like a video press It still stays in place like the freeze frame key.

It is not frozen here, nor is time standing still.

It was the countless shreds of tobacco that were so indifferent to barely visible, everything in the room was firmly controlled, even the soup splashing out of the bowls was kept in perfect shape and stopped in the air.

Colin first noticed the strangeness. He wanted to break his head and didn't understand it. It was just some soft smoke. Why was there such a strong force to make him unable to move

"Ha ha ha ha... the leader is playing this kind of affection game again." A large amount of light smoke floated from the cracks in the floor, and then aggregated into a translucent body of bone fog. He smoked his pipe and glanced at the other three people: "It looks like a toy. They are not very cooperative!"

"It's Xiao Bone here? Let's stop playing, let's talk about business! Anyway, I'm not happy at all! Humph!" Catherine, who was called the leader by Bone Mist, raised her hand, and the heads of Colin, Emma, and Linda At the same time, there was a terrifying crackle, and their heads were all screwed to the back, and then they fell heavily to the floor and lost their breath. (End of this chapter)