The Law of The Dead

Chapter 127: The lunatic in the left ear


Under the sun, there was a strong wave of power. Outside the long corridor, the weak leaves were agitated to fall from the ends of the branches, and they were thrown into the blue sky by the turbulence of magic.

This is a square courtyard with a pool shrouded in mist in the center. Above the hot air bubbles, there is a sculpture floating. It is a huge code that ruthlessly smashes money, scepters and swords.

Wealth, power, and violence are shattered under the iron rule of justice-that is the symbol of the conviction alliance in the spiritual world that no one knows.

If you look closely, you will find this white marble courtyard, without any splicing gaps!

Including the ground, the cloister, and the symbol of the Conviction Alliance, they were all carved from such a single piece of white marble.

White marble is not uncommon, but such a large volume is rare in the world, and people can't help but wonder whether this is a spectacle that can be triggered by some kind of powerful magic.

Our protagonist, A Xin, whose face is always full of sleepiness is gone. At this moment, he looks lonely as a stone statue, sitting slumped under a sycamore tree.

His body exudes a strong sense of grief and frustration. He has witnessed many tragedies but he is helpless, unable to save Shirley, losing his big bald head, unable to crusade the bone fog, unable to save all the victims, Bingshou and Zhou Xinyi. Also unknown, the battle of Lihunshu left a very huge wound in his heart.

After eliminating all the historical souls, the Five Elements Taoist and Ashin did not wait for Bingmu to converge, and the Five Elements Taoist did not see Bingmu after searching, so they had to take Axin and leave first.

As Ashin’s righteous father, the Five Elements Taoist priest, the former demon crusader of the Judgement Alliance, he sent the blind Axin back to the Judgement Alliance with shame, and then disappeared like an escape under the curious gaze of many underworld criminals. In situ.

Now the injuries on Ashin's body have been healed with his own miraculous and extraordinary resilience.

Only his eyes, under the influence of Soul Eater's powerful claws, were always turbid like a thick fog, showing no signs of improvement.

Dr. Jiangtou continued to research various medicines in his studio day and night, and the Prince of Persia also constantly consulted various rare and obscure ancient books and devised many healing magic.

They are also issuing an announcement for help from the Conviction Alliance, gathering almost all the top physicians and warlocks among the underworld executioners.

For the eyes of Ashin, these two monster crusaders used almost all the resources and knowledge they had at their disposal.

But even after mobilizing this kind of dream lineup that even the gods would envy when they saw it, they were still at a loss for the condition of Ashin's eyes.

In the end, even the prince of Persia, an arrogant man who has never been willing to lose and no one can match in magical attainments, admitted extremely unwillingly: "Axin's eye injury... no solution!"

And the words of the strongest demon crusader in the contemporary era, the super magister known as the "curse of natural disaster", is tantamount to nailing the last nail of despair in this matter.

Everyone thought in their hearts: If even the prince of Persia, who is proficient in countless magic, is incomprehensible, then Asin's eyes are truly incomprehensible!

After Doctor Jiangtou heard the words of the Prince of Persia, he left the Conviction Alliance without a word and disappeared for several days.

During that period of time, several shocking cases occurred in the spiritual world, and several famous celebrities were silently killed by the very powerful nightmare enchantment technique.

The tragic death of these celebrities has caused a big disturbance in the world of spirits.

But only a few people who have access to the secrets of the Conviction League know that the dead are actually just scumbags, and they are all members of the tyrant club that is very hidden.

And the doctor, at the same time that this self-defeating uproar was set off, he returned to the Conviction League with a smirk on his face and humming a wretched little song.

Although the eyes of the beloved disciple are still making no progress, the relaxed look at the doctor must have found a very happy decompression method during that time, right

Only a few people who know the doctor best know it clearly in their hearts: it is just a little spark that radiates from the raging anger in the doctor's heart.

Now, the doctor and the prince are standing in this exquisite courtyard, with heavy and thorny eyes, staring at Asin, whose heart is leaning against the plane tree as if staring at a difficult problem that cannot be overcome for a long time.

"I said..." The doctor broke the silence here. He touched his unshaven chin, doubts gleaming behind the glasses, couldn't help but suddenly asked quickly: "Prince, this method is a bit too enthusiastic, isn't it? It’s better to perfect the magic circle? Is it guaranteed to be effective? Will there be any side effects? How likely is the chance of failure? If you find a way to recover in the future, don't make any magic conflicts!"

Suddenly, the doctor asked a series of questions, making the prince who was preoccupied to cast the spell froze uncontrollably, and the hand extended to Ashin also stopped abruptly, and then drew an embarrassing trajectory in the air and retracted back. Condensed with cold irritability in his green eyes: "You! It's so noisy!!"

"Hey!" The prince's stern gaze stared at the doctor. Like a monkey with his tail caught, he grinned and scratched his hair and turned around in place for a few times: "Isn't I irritable? Well, well! I stay away. ! Do it!" he said as he quickly ran to the other side of the courtyard.

The prince stared at the doctor with a black hole-like gaze, and his thin, white jade-like face twitched slightly, as if he was saying: "Do you think I am easy?" Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Shrouded in the aura with a high concentration of thought power.

After covering Ashin's body with magic power, the prince's eyebrows wrinkled and he stopped casting the spell again. His face like an iceberg for thousands of years still couldn't see any mood swings, but the doctor knew that the prince was very angry now.

"Come out!" The prince said to Ashin coldly, with undefeated determination in his tone.

The prince’s voice was like a clear stream, awakening Axin who was in a trance and sorrow. Although he had lost his vision, he habitually raised his eyes and asked in a daze, "Huh?" The eyes were surprisingly similar to the hollow and cold eyes of the prince.

The prince still said coldly: "Come out!"

"What's the situation? Why did it stop again?" The doctor didn't know, so he came over curiously and took a closer look at Asin. Then he suddenly got a neck and yelled at Asin's nose as if he had caught a chicken thief. Get up: "Hi! Why are you here? Come out quickly! Otherwise, you will be enthusiastic and rude!!!"

Ashin became even more inexplicable, and asked in confusion and hesitation: "Ah? What came out? Am I here?"

"..." The prince sighed unbearably. He snapped his fingers at Asin, and a fierce current flashed through his whole body mercilessly.


Ashin was hit by the electric current that the prince suddenly released for no reason, so he kept sitting and bounced as high as a person!

The doctor's eyes almost bulged out, and he suddenly clutched his head and laughed: "Puff! Hahaha! Did you see the prince? He just jumped up with just the gluteus maximus! This kid's butt is so enthusiastic and elastic. Ah! Why didn't I find out before? Hahahaha!"

The prince raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his gaze to an angle that no one could see, and then said in a trembling voice, "You... are so noisy!"

"Wow! Wow! It hurts! You really dare to do it!" A Xin suddenly complained loudly. No, A Xin did not complain. The voice came from him, but it was not him at all.

A very horrified expression appeared on Ashin's face: "Damn! Who is it? How did I hear someone talking in my head?!"

"Oh! It hurts me to death! I didn't sleep well yesterday! Really! Don't you know how to take a pity on Yuxiang?!" A Xin's ear complained very dissatisfied.

After losing his vision, Ashin felt helpless and desperate. This time he was frightened again. He screamed like crazy, "Wow! Doctor! ears! What the hell is this!" ?!"

The doctor looked at Ashin with an expression of "I am not responsible": "Okay! You won't come out, are you? Then I'm going to do it. Oh, you must hold on, don't be enthusiastic. Kill it!"

Ashin broke down and pulled his left ear and said, "Do it! Doctor, get this monster out of my ears. No matter how cruel it is!"

The doctor's face was suddenly covered with a layer of black malice, and his spectacles were turned against the dangerous white light: "Oh~~It doesn't matter how cruel is, right? Does this count as permission for bombing! Hehehehe, this time I I want to experiment with the newly researched..."

Seeing the doctor shaking his sleeves, he didn't know what terrible things he would release soon. The voice that came out of Asin's ears suddenly told mercy: "Stop! I surrender! You guys don't do it anymore, I will come out! Don't do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, from Asin's left ear, a pink spark the size of a bee flew out. The beautiful spark leaped on Ashin's shoulders, and then quickly grew in size like being inflated by an air pump, finally revealing the true body of the deity.

The thick retro glasses were shining with a sickly cold light, and he was holding a cowhide notebook with many scalpels in his hand, and the orange sportswear tightly wrapped the slightly skinny body.

This pretty beauty stared at Ashin with almost crazy greed, as if she would jump on him at any time and bite a piece of meat off him.

The head of the Intelligence Department, known by the doctors as: the most dangerous bloodthirsty, perverted, flat-chested, lunatic particle girl in the Conviction League, she said to Asin with a passionate and terrifying laugh: "Huhuhuhuhu...It's me." , Axin! Don’t you remember my voice? I’m not malicious~~ I just want to..." Her throat suddenly made a hungry "grunt": "I just want to see the structure of your brain!" She suddenly rushed towards the shocked Asin, but was slapped directly on the ground by the prince with a slap in the back of the head.

The prince looked at the particle girl as if looking at some dangerous germ: "You are so noisy!"

A Xin slumped on the ground as if he was suddenly taken away from his bones: "Little girl, little girl...what's a joke?"

Thinking of such a dangerous lunatic, who has been hiding in her body silently, but she is unaware, and she also wants to take a look at her brain structure...

Ashin suddenly felt a severe chill and almost fainted... (End of this chapter)