The Law of The Dead

Chapter 128: Holographic enchantment


The doctor gloated at the particle girl who was lying on the ground, and grinned irritably: "Haha! Eat it, let me die a pervert? It's the mother of the earth-yeah! (Gaia)"

The particle girl rubbed the back of her head, pouted and glared at the doctor, then picked up a few scalpels scattered on the ground: "You are a pervert! I just want to take a look at the internal structure of Asin's body..."

When Axin heard this, he immediately protested with a frightened and shrill voice: "You, you lunatic! Don't violate my territorial sovereignty!"

The prince asked suddenly: "How long have you been hiding?"

The particle girl's expression was a little sad: "It's only a few seconds! I saw you were interrupted by the doctor to cast the spell, so I took advantage of that time to get into Ashin's ear."

The prince and the doctor looked at each other, and then asked, "Do you want to check Ashin's optic nerve?"

The particle girl shrugged: "Yes, if it is a problem with the optic nerve, then I can help. And..." She licked her lips frantically: "You can also go sightseeing! Huhuhuhuhu..."

The prince shook his head: "I checked with the doctor carefully, and the optic nerve is okay!"

"Oh?" The particle girl blinked, "What do you think of Ashin's current situation?"

The doctor said tiredly: In short, it is now certain that Ashin is not physically blind due to physical trauma. "

The particle girl stretched out her index finger to hold the frame of the frame: "That's it... Since the blindness is not caused by physical trauma, you can only find clues from Soul Eater's paws. But..." She pointed to the bridge of the doctor's nose, and then wondered. Looking at the prince with his eyes: "Never mind his sloppy ghost. The spells of pure blood real ghosts are not too difficult for you, right? Can't they be purified or dispelled directly?"

The prince shook his head and said: "In A Xin's body, a nether power that does not belong to him was introduced. This power is attracting the curse power of pure blood true ghosts. Judging from the fluctuations in the magic power emitted, the nether power seems to be that curse. The source of the technique. So these two forces have already begun to fuse in Ashin's body. If you want to forcefully disperse or purify, you don't know what the consequences will be."

The particle girl also found it difficult: "Oh...that's it...maybe it will tear the soul! Huh? Wait a minute!" Her spectacles flashed a dangerous light: "I read the case report of Asin, then Nether power... isn't it the power passed on to him by the ancestor Guidao? Let me cut it open and have a look!" She rushed to Ashin, whose face was earthy.


A dazzling cold light flashed like a meteor, and the magic silver coffin exuding a sacred and inviolable atmosphere suddenly slammed into the marble beside the particle girl's feet.

The particle girl was so frightened that she dropped her scalpel, curled her neck and raised her hands: "Huhuhu...huhu...I'm just kidding..."

The prince was expressionless: "You are so noisy!"

The doctor also rolled his eyes and waved his hands like a puppy and said: "The prince and I have important things to do. We need an environment where we can't be disturbed. You should go back to the Intelligence Department! Your chief executive is absent. , I'm not afraid that your group of nine-headed subordinates almost burned the entire archives in order to have a barbecue like last time? Huh?" He suddenly touched his chin and stared at the particle girl.

The particle girl, who has always been sick, rarely makes eye contact with the doctor. Now she is blushing and coyly said: "Look...what do you look at? Haven't seen a beautiful woman?"

"Beauty? The moldy girl is almost the same!" The doctor smiled wryly: "You, the intelligence minister, are crying all day long and have no time. Why do you suddenly have such idle time to drill Ashin's ears? Say, what are you here for?"

When the doctor said this, the particle girl showed a somewhat dazed expression: "Huhuhuhuhu... almost forgot to do business!" She walked briskly between the doctor and the prince, and then said in a low voice that Axin could not hear. : "They want to put Ashin on trial for burn marks!"

The eyes of the prince and the doctor condensed at the same time, and they whispered in a low voice, "Burning trial?"

The doctor suddenly became impatient: "I want to put Ashin on trial for burns? Is it so serious?"

The particle girl sticks out her tongue: "I don't know what the elders are thinking, but because everyone is very close to each other, I secretly rushed to tell you. Hush... don't let other mothers-in-laws know. , Otherwise my position will be very troublesome..." After speaking, she tiptoed to the other end of the courtyard and made a "please" gesture.

The doctor squinted at the particle girl: "What? Are you planning to stay here?"

The particle girl grinned and said: "Woohoohoohoo...Since you are looking for a quiet place to cast spells, you must have found some temporary solution? I won't bother you! So let me download the 31 novel app download address. Take a look here!" She opened the notebook enthusiastically, looking like she was going to observe and learn.

The prince refused directly: "No!"

The particle girl seemed to be splashed with cold water on her face. She put her hands together and said pitifully, "Just let me stay here for a while, isn't it OK for a while?"

The doctor also imitated the prince’s cold expression, but it looked even more wretched: "No, no, just no! It’s not enthusiastic for a moment~"

The particle girl cried out: "You, you, you! You are too ruthless, right? I just told you very important news! It's so shameless!"

The doctor spread his hands: "Of course we thank you for breaking the news! But the magic that the prince casts this time is very difficult, and the structure of the magic circle is also very complicated. It needs an environment where the mind can be concentrated, so the fewer people around, the better. "He twisted his eyebrows and smiled: "Like you, he will rush to dissect the extremely unstable abnormalities of others at any time, hehehehe..."

The particle girl suddenly hugged the pillars of the corridor with her limbs like a shameless monkey: "I won't go, I won't go, I just won't go!"

"You are so noisy!" The prince seemed to have no patience with the particle girl, and a gleam of magic power appeared in his lowered hands.

"Hey, look what this is?" Ashin, who had been clinging to the plane tree, suddenly spoke, and he took out a horn full of runes from his arms.

Seeing the horn, the particle girl was stunned as if she had had a fixation technique, her saliva almost gushing out of her mouth: " that the horn of a witch cow? Has it been preserved by you? Huhuhuhuhu! Axin, you are great! Show me quickly!"

Ashin did not directly hand the witch horn to the particle girl, but raised his hand and threw it into the air, and then said to the prince: "Prince, let it fly farther!"

The prince understood what Ashin meant, and quickly threw the witch's horns out with magic.

The particle girl was on all fours, and she stared at the witch horns greedily, with a strawberry-like pointed and small tongue sticking out her lips, and like a dog chasing flesh and bones, she followed the witch horn and jumped into the air, leaving a sound of warning. Xin felt hopeless in life and cried out: "Axin, I will always follow you!"

The doctor looked at the girl’s back and made a gesture of knocking the baseball into the air. He gave Ashin a thumbs up: "Good job Ashin, I finally got rid of this boring little pervert! Also, look at her. The'care' for you is so enthusiastic and hot, you will have to carry more of this stuff with you in the future~~"

The prince patted the doctor on the shoulder: "Let's hurry up."

The doctor nodded, he looked left and right, waved his hand to set up a very powerful barrier, and then knocked on the solid barrier of the barrier with his knuckles: "Now you are not afraid of being disturbed. Do your best to cast spells!"

The prince grabbed Ashin's shoulders to make him stand up, and then said briefly: "Stand firmly, relax, and clear away distracting thoughts!"

Ashin nodded: "I see, come on!"

Surrounded by the breath of the prince and the doctor, it instantly became very quiet, only the soothing sound of the leaves swinging slowly. Ashin can even hear: the blood in his carotid artery makes a "cooing" sound in accordance with the frequency of the heartbeat.

The prince took a deep breath, releasing a sticky texture in his palm to envelop Ashin. Then from his green eyes, hundreds of magic circles of different colors and sizes flew out in the blink of an eye, and fell into the center of Ashin's eyebrows.

Those complex magic arrays were put together in a precise order and angle, and a coin-sized red magic pattern was carved on Ashin's forehead.

The magic pattern, which was composed of hundreds of magic circles, gleamed with condensed magic light on Ashin's forehead.

Ashin felt like someone had broken a cold egg on top of his head. After a cold war, he suddenly let out a scream, jumped more than three meters high, and forcibly broke the tree trunk above his head!

He saw it!

Asin’s vision has never been so clear, the prince’s hair fluttering in the wind and the light from the magic silver coffin, the doctor’s greasy chin and the holes in the white coat, the veins on the leaves of the sycamore tree and the texture of the breaks. , The tiny water droplets condensed on the sculpture on the pool, even the dust rubbed off the tree trunk behind me...


Ashin held his forehead and was slightly startled by his vision: "What's the joke? Is this an illusion? Why can I see what is behind me?" He suddenly felt violent dizziness, and the power in his body seemed to be constantly flowing. The magic lines on the center of the eyebrows gather together.

Ashin is now sure that his vision has not recovered, but he can "see", and he can see more clearly than ever, and even has an almost full range of vision, just like three hundred and sixty degrees up and down the whole body. It's like having eyes!

"This is a holographic enchantment." The prince who was done said flatly: "I set up a magic circle of holographic enchantment in the center of your eyebrows. This magic circle will create a circular enchantment all around you and enter this knot. All objects in the realm will form a clear holographic image and reflect in your thinking. Now you can see anything that enters the holographic enchantment."

A Xin said to the prince in amazement, "So that's it! No wonder I can see the back of my head clearly! Then, isn't my visual senses better than when I was not blind?"

The prince nodded: "You can say that, but the holographic enchantment has several shortcomings!" (End of this chapter)