The Law of The Dead

Chapter 129: Achilles' heel


Although he lost the vision of his eyes, he gained even more powerful senses thanks to the holographic enchantment engraved on his body by the prince.

Ashin has been at the bottom of his mood for this period of time, feeling gloomy and unhappy in the darkness that enveloped him. But now, as if he was about to suffocate, he suddenly inhaled fresh air, and he was dancing like a magpie stealing honey. When he heard the prince's words, he just asked indifferently: "Huh? Disadvantage? Such a powerful magic, even if it has shortcomings, is just a small flaw, right?"

The prince shook his head: "No, it is a fatal weakness. Once mastered by the enemy, it will be passive and even life-threatening!"

For Ashin, the prince’s words were very weighty, and he began to get scared: "A fatal it so cruel?" He rolled his misty eyes: "I am now connected behind and under the ground. I can see everything, I just think it's stronger than before. What fatal flaws does this magic that doesn't even have a dead end?"

The prince thought a little: "Well, since you think so, let's experience the Achilles' heel of the holographic enchantment." He turned to the doctor and said, "Doctor, open the enchantment."

The doctor muttered a little reluctantly: "Huh? Untie the barrier, maybe after the dead lunatic catches up with the witch horns, he will come back enthusiastically and pester Asin again!"

Ashin was depressed when he heard it, and he nodded like a garlic, "Yeah, yeah! Her big or small ability is really hard to guard against, I don't want her to get into any place."

"You don't want to be drilled, do you?" The doctor grinned badly: "Just let the prince set your ears, nose, and mouth, all of which are enchantments. In this case, if she wants to drill holes in your body again..." he The wretched gaze moved to Ashin’s crotch, and then he let out a beating laugh: "Ha~ha~ha~! Only those two holes are left!" Then he suddenly considered seriously, "But... Others will surely retreat, she is not easy to say that she is perverted..."

The prince was expressionless, but he exuded an air of contempt towards the doctor: "You are so noisy! She can become the size of a particle and get into the pores!"

The doctor seemed to be punched by a prince, and the off-line laughter stopped abruptly: "Uh... indeed..." He shrugged and said to Asin gleefully, "Then you can only be tenacious under her brutal plunder of your body. Survive, my passionate disciple~ Come on and bear it!"

A Xin grinned with angrily bitter face: "Take it up, the apprentices have been targeted by lunatics, but you can still be so happy, how can you be such a master?"

The doctor touched his chin thiefly: "Oh...Axin! You must understand me, I am compelled! Since she stared at you, the members of the entire conviction alliance are free! Because the lunatic is the most emotional now. Only you are interested. As long as you are willing to sacrifice yourself and ask her to take something away from her from time to time, then we can all cleanse passionately in the future!"

The prince's face moved slightly, and he agreed with the doctor's words, but he did not express any opinions.

Through the holographic enchantment, Ashin sensed that the prince’s expression was a little shaken, and he complained like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law: "Prince! How come you agree with the doctor?"

The prince made an unnatural "grunt" sound in his throat, and he scowled and said coldly, "I'm just a little shaken!"

The doctor's eyes beamed straight and pointed at Asin and said to the prince: "Huh? Have you seen it? Can you perceive the subtle changes on your face, and you have begun to master the use of the holographic enchantment!"

The prince nodded in agreement: "Well, very good concentration." He took out the witch horn in his arms and said to the doctor: "Anyway, let's open the barrier first!"

The doctor and Ashin stared at Wu Niu Horn unexpectedly: "Huh? Didn't you fly away? Why is it still in your hands?"

The prince threw the witch horns back to Ashin: "The thing that the particle girl is chasing now is a false phantom I created. She will have to catch up for a long time before discovering it is a fake. Therefore, Ashin is safe now. You can open the barrier."

The doctor gave a thumbs up: "It's a good way to get rid of the cicada, clever! I won't be able to change it."

A Xin's pouting mouth can hold a wine bottle: "You can't? Actually you like to look at me unlucky, so I can't bear to drive her away!"

The doctor glared: "Where is it?! I wish she disappeared quickly and passionately!" He waved his hand to unlock the barrier.

Seeing that the barrier disappeared, the prince pressed on Ashin's shoulder: "Axin, experience the Achilles heel of the holographic barrier!" Then he and the doctor jumped into the high mid-air together.

The doctor and the prince jumped out of the maximum range that the holographic enchantment can perceive, and Ashin's vision immediately lost their image and specific location.

As a condemned person who has been sideways with death and danger all day, Ashin immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. He understood what the prince said was the fatal weakness: if someone looked beyond the scope of the holographic enchantment. If you have the support of the holographic enchantment, you are still blind, because the scope of the holographic enchantment is limited! Outside of this small space, anyone can peep at him unscrupulously, and there may be unknown dangers at any time, but he himself is unaware!

Obviously there is a field of vision, but you can't wait and see at will. This passive feeling of being caught in awaiting death is really terrible!

The doctor’s strange voice came from the darkness outside the barrier ●31 novel app download address ●: "How about? Do you feel that you are as passionate and scared as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered?"

The prince and the doctor stepped in the air and walked down to Ashin as if stepping on an invisible step.

The doctor stretched out his index finger and gestured to Asin and said, "Although you can perceive any subtle changes within the range of the holographic enchantment, the enchantment cannot extend as far away as your natural gaze, so you are even like Ordinary people can't do the same distant vision. The space outside the holographic enchantment is tantamount to a dangerous unknown darkness for you."

The prince then added: "After engraving the magic circle of the holographic enchantment, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Ashin nodded: "Yes, I feel like I want to faint!"

The prince nodded: "Yes, that's because although the holographic enchantment was imprinted on you by me, the operating energy of this magic circle must be obtained from your own body. And the size of the holographic enchantment depends on the magic you put into it. The power of the array. If you want to see a wider range, you have to put in more power. From your current state, the visible range is at most a circle with a diameter of ten meters."

Ashin asked with a bit of shock: "Then...If I encounter an enemy who is good at long-range attacks... Am I going to wait to die?"

The doctor gave a big weird laugh, and the prince looked at the doctor and asked, "Is this a question of comprehension?"

The doctor shrugged: "Oh~~Yes! This kid's terrible insight can move the goblin!"

When the doctor said that, Ashin felt very shameless. He asked unconvincedly: "What's the matter with comprehension?"

The doctor patted Ashin's shoulder comfortingly: "You, your savvy as a martial artist is quite good, but if you talk about the savvy of magic spells, you can't stand it with enthusiasm! Don't believe it? Okay, Look!" He stepped back and caught a leaf that was blown down by the wind. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he poured the leaf into the force and shot it towards Asin.

Ashin immediately sensed the leaf through the holographic enchantment, and then raised his hand to catch the leaf: "What are you looking at? Isn't it just a leaf?"

The doctor sighed exaggeratedly: "Oh! That's why I said you were terrible! Anyone who encounters a long-range attack, no matter what form of attack, after touching the holographic enchantment, you can see the opponent's attack and direction. Get it clear and then resolve it. This kind of tactics of static braking is very beneficial to you!"

Ashin opened his mouth wide and said "Oh": "That's right... Whether it's a hidden weapon or a bow and arrow, I can detect it when I touch the holographic enchantment. As long as it is not too cruel, it can basically be resolved."

"But..." The prince suddenly moved outside of Asin's holographic enchantment, and his cold voice like a clear spring passed into Asin's ears from the air: "The holographic enchantment is very suitable for warriors like you who are mainly engaged in hand-to-hand combat. But they are not good at dealing with sorcerers. Many sorcerers can reach the realm of killing people silently. Especially some conjurers who can cast curses as long as they see your face."

Ashin's face wrinkled again when he had just recovered, and he bent down in frustration: "Ah? What should I do if I meet a warlock?"

The doctor opened his hands and said helplessly: "Look at you, little rookie, you are not convinced by your poor understanding!" He flicked the magic circle between Asin's eyebrows with his finger: "You are now trying to tie the holographic knot Closed."

"Oh..." According to the doctor's request, Ashin tried to cut off the power linking his body to the magic circle, so the holographic enchantment was turned off like a light bulb without electricity.

The doctor asked Asin, "Well, now you don't have a holographic barrier, how do you perceive the dynamics around you?"

"Then I will..." A Xin took a deep breath and increased his concentration, and then through other sensations that were magnified several times, he carefully absorbed the surrounding smells, sounds, and skin's tactile sensations to the changes in the airflow. …Perceive it delicately.

Then, Ashin heard the rubbing sound of the wind blowing by the prince and the doctor, smelled their scent, and inferred their specific location from this.

"It turned out to be like this..." Ashin showed a relaxed smile that suddenly realized: "In a very dark environment, I would also listen to the voice to judge the surrounding situation. But just now I relied too much on the holographic enchantment, but it made others. This sense has become dull, so you can't just rely on the holographic enchantment!"

The doctor nodded slowly, and said with satisfaction: "Yeah, you finally got a better idea!"

The prince looked at Ashin and thought: (But it’s just a little tricky... However, he can’t always teach Ashin like taking care of a baby, otherwise he might not think about self-improvement because of dependence. So , To further grow in the use of holographic enchantment, let him comprehend it in actual combat!) (End of this chapter)