The Law of The Dead

Chapter 131: Burn trial


Under the sharp gazes of the guards, the prince is still walking forward unwaveringly like a piece of walking ice, while the doctors are like "wretched switches" stimulated by their gazes.

The doctor waved his hands at the guards like the leader of the military parade, and said with a happy spring breeze: "Oh, everyone, everyone has worked hard! Big guy, don't stare at me with such enthusiasm, even though I'm caught by you. A celebrity who really admires the wise and martial arts, but I would be embarrassed~~"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the reverent and fanatical eyes that shot at the doctor turned into full of "I'm feeding the dog with the feelings of Lao Tzu", "You fucking misunderstood you", and "It's so awesome. Shameless" and contempt.

"You are so noisy..." The prince sighed a little helplessly at this old friend who had hardly changed his bad habits.

At this time, Ashin's footsteps were a little vain, and his mind felt dizzy. Even with the assistance of the holographic enchantment, he didn't even notice what the doctor was saying or doing.

In fact, from the time he followed the doctor and the prince to the floating cold iron corridor, Ashin has always had a dreamlike unreality.

(The heart of conviction! Even the demon crusaders, who are not summoned, cannot enter and leave the heavy ground at will! Phantomists like me are not qualified to enter, okay? Is it a dream? Is it a dream...)

Ashin asked himself several times if he was dreaming. He suppressed the itchy excitement that rose to his throat, and then whispered to the doctor, "Doctor, here is the heart of conviction." , Why did you bring me here?" He grinned silly: "Hey...Is it finally agreed to approve me to be promoted to Spirit Walker?"

The doctor rubbed his chin: "Well...Axin, wait no matter what you are asked, you just need to tell the truth honestly."

Asin smiled and nodded: "Oh!"

The three of them walked to the end of the corridor, and what stood in front of them was an astonishingly huge solid iron wall.

This iron wall is more magnificent than the Arc de Triomphe, and the only entrance on it is a circular arch about three meters high.

The prince took out his conviction alliance token and placed it in the recess of the arch that fits perfectly with the token.

Inside the unangry and mighty lion relief on the arch, a clicking sound was made, and then the lion's head opened its mouth and turned back, giving way to a narrow road that could only accommodate three horses passing side by side.

After passing through the narrow passage of the arch, the next thing that unfolds in front of you is an open space.

The vastness of the space here is astonishing. On the ground with faintly cold light, the carefully carved patterns are cold and exquisite, concise yet elegant, but not excessively gorgeous and luxurious, exuding a breath that perfectly fits the iron and blood style of the Conviction League.

The huge steel pillars that play a supporting role all around stretch up to the dome that almost reaches the sky. The pillars are burning day and night. I don’t know what kind of pure white dazzling fire light is used as fuel. It is originally cast mainly of cold iron. Cheng's place was plated with an even more solemn brilliance.

Ashin silently counted his steps, and after about a kilometer or so, the prince and the doctor finally stopped.

Directly in front of the three of them is a hundred steps. At the end of the long steps, there is a circular open space that can only accommodate five people standing side by side.

Approximately five meters higher than the small open space, surrounded by several main seats arranged side by side on a high level. The seats are huge in size, and the structure resembles a tower covered with a spire, and it is as brilliant as the throne of the gods under the light of pure white fire.

Behind the main seats, there are countless small seats. Like the boxes of the opera house, they are arranged in layers from low to high in the shape of petals, presenting a layout that surrounds the place where the three people such as Ashin are standing.

At this moment, the main seats and all the niches behind were already full of figures of different shapes.

Although they were very large in number, they were also silent at the same time. Under the intense firelight, they looked like a solemn statue. Only the sharp eyes gleaming in the eye sockets would let people know that they were actually living individuals.

Now, these condemned people from different ethnic regions are now staring at Ashin standing behind the prince and the doctor with their own different thoughts.

Standing in front of the steps, Ashin was scrutinized by hundreds of condescending gazes at the same time. Even if he was blind, he could still clearly feel the extremely heavy pressure.

(I rely on... a lot of great people!) Then Ashin smiled happily, the conviction alliance is like a cloud, so he is sincerely proud and happy for this.

At this time, the person sitting in the main seat in the center, in the shadow formed by the spire shingle covering the fire, asked in an old and loving voice: "Are all the people who have come to participate in the execution of the law of the law have arrived?"

All the punishers sitting in the niche behind the chairman replied in unison with a steady and firm voice: "We who have come to the meeting have all gathered in the heart of conviction!"

"Very good..." The old voice turned to the doctor and the prince and asked, "Doctor lowered head, Prince Persia, have you brought the person under trial, Oshin, the Phantom-seeker?"

When Axin heard this, his heart jumped in surprise: (Ah! Interrogated? What does this mean? Didn't the doctor come to take me to verify my qualifications?!)

The prince was surrounded by an icy atmosphere. He didn't open his mouth to answer the question. Instead, he looked at the seat with a hollow and cold gaze and nodded his head. Then he carried the magic silver coffin and walked silently to the side, holding his shoulders against a column. A lonely look that is no longer interested in anything.

The doctor's reaction was more intense. After he heard the problem, he was like a long-lost friend, his nostrils squirting heat like an angry horse, and angrily said to the seat with a sour face: "Hmph! Old lady! Who are you better than? You are all clear, okay? The living person of Ashin is standing here, do you need to ask such a long question? I think you are really old and dizzy!"

The doctor's presumptuous words caused the participants in the niche to boo dissatisfied.

"How dare to say such a thing here, you are really arbitrarily acting!"

"Doctor Jiangtou, what do you think this place is? Why are you so presumptuous?!"

"I have endured your hooliganism for a long time!"

The doctor's frivolous personality made him offend some people in the Conviction League, but his strength and achievements are obvious to all. Therefore, those who were very disagreeable with him had no choice but to call him "the biggest bitch in the conviction league" in private.

The doctor raised his eyebrows: "Huh? It's been a long time, right? I can't bear it anymore!" He pointed to one of the niches: "Come on! Let me see your enthusiastic Baji cut-off method! "


The master of the old voice raised the magic hammer in his hand and smashed it heavily, and suddenly a very strong shock wave and loud noise were emitted. The sound was like a thunder from the sky, and all the noise was blasted away at once.

"Quiet!" The figure holding the magic hammer said in a kind but more dignified voice: "Doctor Lowering the head, we all understand the excitement of your guarding your disciple. But as an outstanding condemned person, now you have stepped into it. This piece of heart that condenses the glory of countless martyrs, please respect the authority and tradition of this sacred place!"

The doctor stared at the figure like a mouth with an invisible glue for a long while, and finally turned his head aside like a naughty bear kid: "Humph!"

"So..." The figure sitting on the chairman of the central committee looked around, and then slowly said in a serious and heavy voice: "I will announce the following: The burn trial, now begins!"

"Ah!" Ashinru was struck by lightning: "What?! Burning trial?!" His legs were soft and he collapsed on the ground, and asked the doctor with a helpless expression: "Doctor! Is this something wrong?" ??! Why is the burn mark trial?! What did I do wrong?! Even if there is a mistake, I won’t be subject to the burn mark trial?!"

The doctor's face was like a snake underneath. He patted Ashin's shoulder vigorously: "Axin, believe me, you are not wrong! So don't be afraid, just tell the truth! If anyone dares to frame you..." His fierce gaze scanned the colleagues who were sitting in the shadow of the niche: "Then he will bear the enthusiasm of my doctor..." He suddenly showed a very bright smile like a trick: "I'm kidding. !"

Although the doctor was smiling, there were a few people in the niche who couldn't help taking a breath, and some other people who didn't seem to respond were actually secretly frightened. Because the malice contained in the doctor's smile is more chilling than the vicious threat!

The host holding the Hammer smiled kindly and said, " kid, don't rush to protect the calf. I ask you, when did the heart of conviction wrong the good guy?"

The doctor wrinkled his nose and said, "No!"

The host sighed with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "Then why do you still mess around in such a place where presumptuousness is not allowed?!"

The doctor tilted his head angrily and said, "Because Ashin did nothing wrong, this burn trial is inexplicable, and it shouldn’t happen at all! Old lady Tangni, if others don’t understand Ashin, it’s fine. Why did you even get into trouble with them?"

The host said: "Oh? That's what you think. It's better to listen to other colleagues, what do you think of Ashin's performance so far."

The doctor still twisted his neck angrily: "Huh...I would like to see, these people can see from Ashin what kind of hot and hot Huahuayao moth comes out!"

"Doctor!" The prince suddenly raised his head and looked into the doctor's eyes: "I believe in the justice of the convicted heart!"

The doctor stared at the prince, his chest bulging like a ball, and when everyone thought he was going to burst into chaos, he suddenly raised his hands like surrender and cried out strangely: "Ah! Good! I don't Say it! Go ahead!" He walked out of the small circular open space where Ashin was, with his hands resting on his head, and leaning against the column side by side with the prince: "Axin, it's still the same thing, tell the truth!"

Now, Ashin’s body was soaked in cold sweat. He didn’t know when there were thick dark circles around his eyes. He said weakly like a frightened child: "All were judged by burns. Now, dare I not tell the truth?" (End of this chapter)