The Law of The Dead

Chapter 132: Burn trial (2)


Burn trial.

The Conviction Alliance is the most severe, authoritative, highest-ranking, and at the same time the most terrifying trial method.

In the burn trial, no one can conceal any secrets by any means. Therefore, the result of every burn mark trial is absolutely fair and transparent.

It is precisely because of the fairness and authority of this trial that almost every burnt trial will be included in the history of the Conviction Alliance.

Ashin has always dreamed of becoming an excellent underworld executioner, and hopes that one day he will be included in the history of the Conviction Alliance forever like a doctor and a prince. But he never expected that this wish would come true so quickly, and he would still be judged in a very disgraceful way by being burned.

A Xin stood there in cold sweat, racking his brains and couldn't think of: What sin was he sent to the burn trial

In the small clearing where Ashin was standing, the blazing symbol of the Crimes Alliance appeared out of thin air.

As the sign appeared, the entire space of the clearing was suddenly filled with raging flames, and the panic-stricken Ashin was suddenly swallowed by the fierce flames!

The doctor and the prince stared at the flame at the same time: The first stage of the burn trial, and also the most dangerous test link is here!

This flame is sacred and full of pure magic. It is a kind of super high-level flame magic that has been tempered by generations of magisters who have worked hard and absorbed the awe-inspiring righteousness of the heart of conviction. It can only be burned in the heart of conviction. .

It is not an ordinary fire that ruthlessly burns artifacts, but a conviction sacred flame that uses the magic contained in the flame to judge those who enter it.

As long as the burn mark trial begins, the person on trial who is surrounded by the divine condemning sacred flame will be directly discriminated by the divine condemning sacred flame: whether he has the need to continue to be judged.

If the person on trial who has been baptized by the magical power of the condemned sacred flame is already a wicked person with unforgivable sins, then he has no right and qualifications to be judged at all. The moment the convicted sacred flame has determined its essence, he will be convicted. The burning of the holy flame turned into ashes!

If the person on trial was not burned to ashes in the Sacred Flame of Conviction, it means that he may be innocent, or he may not die, so the Sacred Flame of Conviction judges that he is qualified to defend himself.

Although the person on trial at this time is in the sacred flame of conviction, he can survive unscathed.

So next, we will enter the next part of the burn mark trial.

After Ah Xin entered the Conviction League, he had heard a lot about various legends about this mysterious and severe ancient trial. Of course he knew that the burn trial was very dangerous, so he was as if he was being held in his mouth by a fierce beast, for fear that a slight movement would stimulate the sacred flame of conviction and swallow himself.

The ferocious conviction flame, although in the form of soaring flame pillars, completely occupied the space on the open ground, but the burned Ashin in it did not even burn a piece of clothing. It's just that the heat waves around his body made him feel warm, and the raging sound of flames continued to be heard in his ears. The feeling was quite similar to the heart source fire gifted to him by the Five Elements Taoist priests when they were generating power in the magma.

It can be seen that the conviction Shengyan judged that Ashin had the qualifications to defend himself.

The doctor and the prince knew that Ashin was not a wicked person and would never be burned to death by the Sacred Flame of Conviction, but they still breathed a sigh of relief in secret, after all, this is a very dangerous trial of burn marks!

Seeing that Ashin was safe and sound in the sacred flame of the conviction, the Ming law who came to participate in the execution of the people began to whisper in whispers.

"Axin has nothing to sin at all, and of course he won't be burned to death by that crappy thing! It is also necessary to talk about it? Let me hear what you guys are secretly talking passionately?" The doctor looked indignantly behind his back Quietly stretched out his hand, releasing a series of long lines of transparent beetles from the cuffs.

These transparent beetles climbed up the column along the shadows that no one had noticed, like a group of special troops performing missions secretly, and then quietly landed in the gaps between the seats and the niches and lurked.

The prince was of course aware of the doctor's behavior, and the flames of conviction reflected in his verdant eyes: "What do you want to do?"

With a look of a chicken thief, the doctor winked his eyebrows and said: "Hush, just look at it~~ There will be warm and hot surprises for you and the old woman in the next few moments!"

The crow's feet wrinkled at the corner of the host's mother-in-law Tang Ni's eyes. She seemed to perceive the doctor's small movements, but she didn't reveal it. Instead, she smiled at the doctor with a "I know you're doing a ghost". She tapped with a hammer several times and loudly Said: "Quiet!"

Granny Tang Ni's gentle but powerful voice made everyone quiet instantly, and she cast inquiring glances at the other people sitting in the chair.

Under the dazzling fire light, the chair judges who could only see the outline, all nodded slightly to Granny Tang Ni.

Granny Tang Ni raised the hammer and asked the surroundings: "Axin, who was called to be tried, has survived the first stage of the burn trial! He was judged by the holy and just conviction flame: he is qualified for himself. Excuse me! Colleagues who came to the meeting, do you have any objections to this result?"

All the participants sitting in the niche immediately replied in unison: "Our righteous participants have no objection to the Holy Flame of Conviction!"

The result of the conviction saint flame is absolute and sacred, how could anyone object to this

The doctor rolled his eyes, and whispered in anger, "Huh! Who dares to object, I will stuff the whole colony of poisonous needle ants... well... into... his ass!"

The prince sighed and turned to look at the doctor: "You are so noisy..."

Granny Tangni nodded after hearing the participants' answers: "Then, I declare: The burn trial of Asin, the gloomy-seeker, has officially entered the next stage!" She said to Asin who was standing blankly in the flames of the conviction. Said: "Axin the Gloom, take off your shirt!" The magic hammer in her hand fell heavily.

With the loud noise of the hammer, several whirlwinds blew in the Holy Flame of Conviction, and those whirlwinds condensed into a fireball surrounding Ashin's body.

A Xin began to take off his shirt according to Tang Ni's words. He sensed the existence of the fireball through the holographic enchantment, looking around and looking at a loss.

The doctor said loudly to Ashin: "Axin, take off all your coat!"

A Xin was shocked when he heard the doctor's words. Like a cramping rabbit, he tore all his upper body clothes to the ground and asked, "Is this all right?"

A Xin hadn't finished speaking yet, the fireballs surrounding him in the air suddenly surrounded him at the same time and entered him.

As soon as the fireball submerged into his skin, Ashin felt a strong scorching sensation walking across his skin, and then his upper body showed a fiery magic pattern imprint!

At the same time, a sword engraved with exquisite dragon patterns slowly fell from the high dome, making a dangerous sound of the sword floating above Ashin's head.

The second stage of the burn trial:

The magic power of the Sacred Flame of Conviction will enter the body of the person under trial, and a magic pattern capable of recognizing lies will appear on the surface of the body.

If the person under trial tells a lie every time in the next interrogation, the sword that hangs above the head (the sword of conviction) will be like a tattoo, which will permanently engrave part of the magic pattern that appears on the surface of the body. The body of the person on trial.

If the engraved area of the magic pattern covers most of the upper body's skin, the person on trial will also be burned to death by the conviction sacred flame because of dishonesty.

Even if the person under trial proves that he is innocent or not guilty of death after this, he will also carry this, because of the shame of dishonesty in the burnt trial, he will always be in the eyes of other people's contempt and suspicion. Stay alive.

Seeing the magic lines appearing on Ashin's body, Granny Tangni said loudly to everyone: "It records the history files of Ashin the Phantom-seeker since joining the Conviction Alliance. I believe all my colleagues have already been here before they came here. I've read it carefully. So, my colleagues, what do you think about the performance of Asin the Gloom?"

The participants in the niche began to whisper and comment.

"I heard it's a rookie?"

"Who told you? Can a rookie beat Befrons? Try it for you?"

"That crusade wasn't the only one! That was the result of the joint attack between Dr. Gotou and the Prince of Persia! I heard that in the end even Kyuubi ran out to join the battle? Also, this young man’s regular assessment of his strength stated It’s clear and plain—his skills belong to the middle and lower levels."

"Intermediate and low-level? You believe it? Don't you look at who his mentor is?!"

"That's it! The young people in the entire conviction alliance, only his mentor is a demon crusader! How can it be only a middle-lower level under the guidance of Doctor Lowering?"

"Yeah! Have you heard? He killed all the ancestor Guidao! You pat your chest and ask yourself, how many people can have this ability?"

"Maybe it's a rumor? That's the ancestor Guidao! If you fight alone, even the demon conqueror may not be the opponent, right?!"

"Moreover, what the hell is this promotion test? How can the children who have been promoted to the Spirit Walker crusade the ancestor Guidao?! Isn't this task to send people to death? There must be a problem!

"You have not been at the headquarters during this period. There was a major error in the intelligence analysis of this crusade mission. The Minister of Intelligence's particle girl has personally apologized publicly!"

"Huh?! Can that lunatic apologize publicly? I don't believe it!"

"Don't believe it? Let me tell you, as long as it's a matter of getting along with Doctor Jiangtou...whatever it is, I believe it! Axin's strength and the difficulty of the crusade may be secretly covered up by him!"

"But what does he cover up? Doesn't make any sense?"

"The ghost knows, everyone in the whole alliance knows: Dr. Drop Head has always been a thief..."

"right… "

"Is it right?"

All of these participants were talking about Ashin’s question, but in the end they didn’t know why, and they all focused on the doctor.

The doctor suddenly noticed that everyone had stopped the discussion, and then cast his gaze on him in unison, making it as if he was the one being tried by the burn.

The doctor jumped up on the spot like a provoked monkey, pinching his waist and staring at a strange cry: "What are you looking at? Although I am a great celebrity who is truly admired by you...but I would be embarrassed!"

He actually said the sentence that he had said in the guards before, here again... (End of this chapter)