The Law of The Dead

Chapter 133: Burn trial (3)


The doctor's resounding scream still persisted in the air of the Palace of the Heart of Conviction for a long time.

I am a wise man...

Big celebrities...

I would be embarrassed...


The air in the entire trial scene seemed to be condensed by the doctor's magical tone, and then the participants who looked at him dumbfounded, suddenly issued angry protests like a tsunami!

"Ah! He is too, too shameless!"

"The conviction league's biggest slut!"

"You are simply the shame of the demon conqueror!"

"Profanity! This is outright blasphemy! How dare you be so presumptuous in the heart of conviction, hurry up and drive this bastard out!"

Granny Tang Ni shook her wrist a little irritably, she didn't know where to take out a pan from her body, and then smashed it into the doctor's face with perfect speed.


Seeing that the dark bottom of the pot was infinitely magnified in front of his eyes, the doctor couldn't even block it, so he was smashed and fell on his back. He got up from the ground waving his hands and feet, clutching his nose and screaming to Granny Tangni: " Dead old woman! I used this thing to shoot again, and the bridge of my passionate nose was almost collapsed by you!"

Mother Tongni’s kind smile cast a shadow: "Doctor Lowering Head, as a demon crusader, you should set a good example for other colleagues! Please respect the standpoint of the burn trial, and not be like a gangster. The sacred heart of conviction is playing temper! This is the last warning. If you commit another crime, you will be immediately deprived of your hearing qualifications!" She didn’t know where to bring up the terrifyingly big saucepan, and then she drew a cold sweat at the doctor and her face. Said: "As for the bridge of the nose... don't worry, after the burn trial, let the mother-in-law take care of you..." Her warm smile revealed a few sharp anger.

Under the huge shadow of the iron pot, the doctor lost his temper like a plucked rooster. He wrinkled his mouth and walked back to the column, and then said to Ashin: "Axin, no matter what. Don't lie here!"

Ashin had already calmed down a lot at this time: "Don't worry! I haven't done anything wrong!"

Mother-in-law Tangni tapped the hammer: "Okay! The trial continues, and colleagues can ask questions to Axin the Phantomseeker!"

A participant immediately said, "Axin the Gloom, I have read your resume carefully. You have never surrendered and rebelled during the crusade. This fearless spirit is very precious! However, I noticed such a record. : When you didn’t receive any assignments, you attacked the evil party that kidnapped your adoptive father: Ji Yang and the others. My question is: As a prisoner, do you know that the Conviction Alliance does not allow ordinary people to be treated Is it the law of action?"

When this question was raised, Ashin's heart was shocked: (Ah! Has this matter been recorded?)

At the same time, the sword hung over the head made a powerful and intimidating sound!

A piece of goose bumps formed on the back of Asin's neck, and he felt a sharp sword aura. If he dared to lie, the sword would soon be "splashing ink" on him!

Ashin raised his head and opened his blindfolded eyes: "I know!"

The participant asked, "Since you know, why do you still shoot them?! Is it because your adoptive father was abused by them, so you want to retaliate privately?"

"I..." Ashin Gang wanted to answer, but he suddenly covered his mouth like an electric shock, because he suddenly realized that he wanted to say, "I am not!"

But in fact, Ashin did have a vengeance against Ji Yang's group at the time!

A person with fear in his heart will instinctively find all kinds of excuses and lies to avoid and escape when faced with accusations and questions.

But if Ashin really obeyed this instinct to deny just now, the sword hanging over his head might already be...

Ashin realized more deeply: the real burn trial is far more severe and dangerous than he imagined in his heart!

Ah hung his head down with confidence: "I..."

"Hey! It's not kind to say that, right?" The doctor who had just been taught by Tangni's mother-in-law suddenly said again: "Although the Conviction League has this kind of law, there are a few prisoners who are executed when they are on duty. , I won’t just pick up a few scum? Who dares to say that I haven’t done it a few times?" He pointed at all the participants sitting in the niche: "If anyone dares to say no, come here. , Now come down and stand in the Holy Flame of Sentencing, pat your conscience and say: No!"

The participants were quiet. They were speechless by the doctor's questioning. Even the person who questioned Ashin bowed his head.

Indeed, the Convictions Alliance does not allow the condemned person to take action against ordinary people.

However, almost all of the people who were executed by the law of the law had been unable to help but punish some evildoers when they were performing their tasks. This has long ago become an act tacitly approved by the conviction alliance.

Especially after the tragedy of the Five Elements Taoist priest...

The doctor opened his hands and said loudly, "Look! No one would dare? Then don't stand and talk without back pain! Teaching a scum is something that everyone tacitly knew a long time ago. You can do it, why can't you? Ashin do?! Ah?" The doctor's tone gradually became serious: "Or, you all feel that you have the privilege to treat others with double standards?"

After the trial fell into an awkward silence, the senator who questioned Ashin said: “This is undeniable. But I don’t want to convict him through this incident. I want to make sure: Is Ashin committed? A mistake that discredited the league?"

The doctor touched his chin, frowned and asked, "What? Discredit the Alliance? A Xin would never do such a thing!"

The participant did not continue talking to the doctor, he turned to Ashin and asked: "Axin, did you say at the time:'You will be punished in the name of punishable by the law of the law!' This sentence?"

Ashin nodded and said, "Yes, I have said this."

Participants began to whisper again: "This kid is really careless, and it's nothing to cure the bad guys, but how can you attack ordinary people in the name of the conviction alliance? If it is spread out, our alliance might be detained for bullying. Your hat!"

The participant then asked: "Axin, our conviction alliance has always acted secretly, but you named the person who was executed by the law of the law, and you also attacked a group of ordinary people in this name. This behavior is undoubtedly publicly discrediting the conviction alliance. . Excuse me: What do you think of the Condemned Alliance and your own identity as the person who is to be executed?"

The doctor stared at the participant, "Hey! Isn't that wrong?"

"Doctor lowering the head!" Mother-in-law Tang Ni interrupted the doctor suddenly: "This is a burn trial, not your debate meeting! From now on, the participants' questions will be answered by Ashin himself!" She seemed to think again. Bring out more terrifying kitchenware.

The doctor shrank his neck and whispered unwillingly, "What kind of identity, position, and slander? Does this count as a matter? The trial is on trial, and it's a silly word!"

"The Conviction Alliance... is my home!" Ashin said sincerely: "The executioner of Minglu is the identity I am most proud of!"

The participant asked: "Then why do you want to do such a thing?"

A Xin's expression was a bit passionate: "Because this is my principle of life!"

The participant asked: "Your principles of life? Do you think personal principles are higher than those of alliances?"

Ashin shook his head: "No, I don't think my principles are in conflict with the principles of the alliance!"

The participant was slightly startled: "Oh? Is there no conflict? Then I want to hear your thoughts and explanations!"

Ashin straightened his chest: "The basic purpose of our conviction alliance is to punish the evil that is difficult to punish by the law in the world? And I think that Ji Yang and the group are evil that is difficult to punish by the law in the world! So this does not conflict at all, right?"

Another participant suddenly asked: "After investigation, Ji Yang and his gang are just a wicked party composed of ordinary people. Why do you think they are evils that are difficult to punish by the world's laws?"

Ashin's look was unwilling to sullen: "But, the world's laws...really punished them? Because they have many dog officials hiding in the dark, although they do a lot of evil, they can sway with impunity! No matter what they do. Anything that hurts the world and reason will eventually escape the blame! Such an unbearable situation! Isn't it the evil that the world's law is difficult to punish?!"

The participant was silent for a few seconds and then said: "Well, then, your principles do not conflict with the principles of the alliance. But the situation of Ji Yang and his group is only a very few special cases, and you have recklessly interfered. The actions of the surface world are very inappropriate."

Ashin suddenly raised his stubborn head and yelled at the people in the niches that he couldn't see: "You said you shouldn't? But you are not the one who suffered misfortune! You were not the one who was robbed of the property! You were not the one who was killed and destroyed You are not the raped woman! That's why you can say such painless words so easily! I tell you the truth, if you give me another chance, I will still clean up those bastards! I’ve long wanted to take action against them! Why should I turn a blind eye to their evil deeds? Why should I let them go? Should I keep them...and then...and continue to harm other innocent and kind people? If I do this, Then what am I to be a punisher?! A punishable person, a sword of sin! Isn't this empty talk?!"

A Xin's hoarse roar made everyone gasp!

Because, a few years ago, there was also a young man who stood in the Sacred Flame of Conviction with a grievance, and sent out a roar of questioning exactly the same as that of Ashin at this moment to Tie Ze, which has been passed down from generation to generation in the Conviction Alliance!

"This, isn't this exactly the same as what the Five Elements Taoist priest said?"

"Yes, this kind of concept is already very close to the mercenary killing brigade merchants!"

"If the next generation of underworld executioners are like this child, then the Conviction Alliance would simply change its name to the Justice Killing Travel Merchant Alliance!"

"I don't agree with what you said! Ashin is obviously out of righteous indignation, and he is very different from the merciless brigade merchants who collect money for their lives!"

"In fact, the merchants of the righteous killing brigade rarely charge money. The price they charge is a condensed object of resentment. Those are all the people of the righteous killing!"

"As a torturer, how can you openly support the organization established by the Five Elements Taoist priests of the Rebellious Alliance?!"

"Don't say that, he's just talking about things..."

At this moment, the scene of the trial was messed up like a swarm of bees was boiled in a pressure cooker.

"Quiet!" Granny Tangni said loudly as she knocked on the hammer: "Axin is not a Taoist priest of the Five Elements, let alone a merchant of a righteous killing brigade! Please don't talk about issues that have nothing to do with the burn trial!" She looked at Axin and asked. "Axin, to sum up, when you shot Xiang Jiyang and the others, you thought about revenge and righteous indignation, right?"

Ashin lowered his head in silence, and said solemnly as if examining his own heart: "No, when I attacked those people, my mind has actually changed! There is neither revenge nor righteous indignation. …"

Granny Tangni narrowed her eyes: "Oh? What were your thoughts at the time?"

A violent and violent breath suddenly appeared on Asin, and his face was full of sharp determination: "I was thinking... if killing one wicked person can save a thousand good people... then... then kill!!!" (this chapter Finish)