The Law of The Dead

Chapter 134: Burn trial (4)



The smashed hammer made a thunderous sound. Granny Tang Ni announced to everyone: "This is the end of the interrogation of the first accusation. Ashin the Phantomseeker believes that it is correct for him to attack Ji Yang and his gang. Come to the meeting, everyone. Colleagues, please give your judgment on Ashin below!"

The doctor held his shoulders and stared at the participants in the niche with his bright eyes like a cockfight preparing to fight. Although he didn't say anything, it was already clearly expressed in that appearance: "Hmph~ You have done some things yourself, I would like to see who dares to say guilty!"

The participants whispered a few sentences, and then unanimously came to the conclusion: Although Ashin's actions would not be convicted, he still had faults, so a small punishment was required.

The doctor's tongue and muscles were all soothed. He closed his eyes and said to the prince strangely: "By the way...Assaults on ordinary people are usually done with a warning and punishment. The start of the burn trial is so passionate. The hot battle is not just for such a trivial matter, right?"

The prince nodded silently, his hollow eyes looked at the participants in the niche, not knowing what he was thinking.

Granny Tangni looked around, and then said loudly: "Does anyone have any objections to this verdict?" She asked three times, and after confirming that no one had any objections, she asked Ashin: "Axin the Phantomseeker, Regarding your accusation of assaulting ordinary people in the name of the Conviction Alliance. After a collective discussion among the participants, all members of the verdict of the Burn Trial will impose a penalty on you to disqualify you from being promoted to the spirit walker. If you want to do it again If you submit an application to be promoted to Spirit Walker, you need to achieve better results than ever in the future tasks. Do you have any objections to this judgment?"

When Ashin heard that his qualification for promotion this time was cancelled, he was very depressed. He replied with a groggy face, "I have no objections."

The doctor comforted Ashin from the side: "Don’t be discouraged, Ashin, but he was disqualified from this time, so he overslept for the exam! And next time! Next time, I will do it all with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Look!"

Ashin sighed heavily: "Oh, I can only wait for the next time..." He raised his head and asked, "Is the burn trial over? Can I leave?"

Granny Tangni said to Ashin: "No, the question and answer and debate just now are just to judge your first accusation. You must explain all the questions raised by the participants. The burn trial will continue until then. Keep going. This process may take a few hours or dozens of days! So, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Ashin's eyes covered with snow became more blurred. He stood here for the burnt trial, indicating that his character was being questioned, which was already a shame for him. Moreover, he has to face all kinds of questions that will be constantly raised by the participants who are invisible outside the holographic enchantment.

The fierceness and severity of the burn mark trial, the disappointment of being deprived of qualifications, the whistling sound of the sacred flame of the conviction, and the sword of condemning that sharply penetrated the neck bone...

The pressure that Ashin feels now is even heavier than when he knew that the black hand might be the ancestor Ghost Dao, or directly faced the chief tyrant's bone fog!

Granny Tang Ni asked everyone at this time: "The debate and ruling on the first accusation has ended. Colleagues, do you have any other questions and accusations that you want to raise against Ashin?"

"Host, I have a few questions I want to ask!" A participant stood up from the niche.

Granny Tangni knocked the hammer: "Okay, please ask questions!"

The participant leaned forward and asked Ashin, “According to the record of the Demon God’s Annihilation War: Your adoptive father has been secretly colluding with the Tyrant’s Club, and in order to revive Befrons, he will have several fellows of the same race. The whole family was killed and smuggled back to the Prime Minister’s Village, but you, as the torturer of the Dark Law, were unconscious. It was not until all of his plans were finally unfolded that you discovered their true colors. I want to know, for your adoptive father Liu Xuan, who is the Zhou clan Zhou Xuan of Zhou Xuan. You really didn't notice his actions and true intentions at all, or did you care about nurture, so you have been deliberately helping him to cover it up?"

Ashin felt ashamed when he heard such doubts: "I didn't deliberately help Dad... No, help Zhou Xuan cover up his crime... I always thought he was a very upright hero that I admired so much! I was there. After the crusade... I realized some suspicious details of his past." His voice became smaller and smaller: "So I never doubted him at all. I never thought he would collude with the Tyrant Club. It's true. I don’t know that he did so many bad things secretly..."

After listening to Ashin’s answer, the participants quieted down unanimously, staring at Ashin standing in the holy flame of the condemnation, and the sword of condemnation that hung in the air and whispered, seeming to be waiting for something. occur.

Suddenly, in the silent air, only the blazing sound of the Sacred Flame of Sentence was plucking people's hearing.

The doctor saw the participants staring at Asin, his face suddenly changed, and he furiously pointed at the participants and shouted: "Hey! What the hell do you want?! Waiting for the sword of condemnation to engrave the magic pattern on Asin. Open your dog's eyes and see clearly, Ashin is safe and sound now! So what he said is all the enthusiasm and truth!"

The participant who asked the question said to the doctor: "Doctor lowering the head, I hope that Ashin is innocent as you do. But such a huge and vicious plan was quietly carried out by his side, and Ashin himself did not notice any signs. This is incredible to me! So I still have some doubts about Ashin."

The doctor's whole body was shaking terribly: "You still suspect a big-headed ghost! If Ashin is a person who can shelter the monstrous evil, then he must be judged as an unqualified person by the conviction of sin, and he would have been burned to ashes long ago. Now! How can I live to the present? The sword of conviction did not engrave the magic pattern on Ashin, which is the best proof! Do you dare to doubt the fair judgment of the conviction? Yes, that’s the adoptive father who pulled him up! Of course Ashin won’t be suspicious of him anymore! Do you suspect that your parents have problems if you are fine all day long? Ah? And you guys are waiting to see Ashin being carved Assholes engraved with magic patterns! Starting today, you will go back and doubt your whole family passionately!"

One of the participants flicked his fist and said angrily: "It's a nonsense! How can my family be the perpetrators?"

"You are so noisy!"

The prince, who had been silent, suddenly stared at the participant and asked, "Your family can't be a villain... Since you would think so, why should you accuse A Xin for not doubting his adoptive father? Zhou Xuan was hiding deeply. Even the doctor did not see it, and the Intelligence Department did not analyze the abnormality. Before the incident, the entire alliance was unaware! If the blame for oversight is to be pursued, everyone should be held accountable! Therefore, you should not just suspect and blame. letter!"

Compared with the quarreling doctor, the words of the cold and reticent prince held more weight in the hearts of all the participants.

" is true. If we seriously reflect on it, we have actually oversighted!" The participant who asked Ashin nodded in agreement with the prince, and said to Granny Tangni: "Host, my question is asked. It's over." He laughed self-deprecatingly: "This is a really stupid question. Xin, please forgive me!"

Axinwei shook his head: "It's me who is stupid, I am indeed wrong..."

Granny Tang Ni sighed slightly: "The result of the judgment of the Sword of Conviction is already obvious: it did not engrave a permanent magic pattern on Ashin's body, so Ashin did not conceal the crime for Zhou Xuan! And it shouldn't be. Plus the charge of oversight! Because Ashin has a deep affection for the father and son of Zhou Xuan, who is kind to nurture. And this kind of affection blinded him to the keenness that he should have as a prisoner, which is human nature. It's not a crime. If we must condemn someone, then all of us who are not aware of Zhou Xuan's motives should collectively reflect on their own faults!" She hammered the hammer: "My colleagues, I believe everyone will respect the Holy Flame of Conviction. So I skip the collective voting step here! I declare that the second accusation against Ashin is not established! Are there any other accusations and questions to be raised against Ashin

"I'm here to ask a question, but it's just my personal question: Axin, in the battle of the Devil's Annihilation, when the prince and the doctor met enemies and were in danger, why did you leave the doctor and escape? Was it because you were so timid at the time that you abandoned your companions?"

The doctor tilted his head and yelled, "Hey! The report is not written clearly. I lowered my head on Ashin, wanting him to investigate Prime Minister's Village first. Isn't that right?"

The participant said: "The report is correct, but you are Ashin’s mentor, and you will inevitably have suspicion of sheltering your disciples. After all, from the start of the burn trial to the present, you have shown an abnormal attitude towards Ashin. A strong desire to protect, this is obvious to everyone here." This sentence was supported by almost all the participants.

The doctor straightened his waist nonchalantly: "You can just say that I care for the calf? You are really right! I just care for the calf and protect the calf with enthusiasm! What's the matter?!"


The swift punch, condensed with dizzying and powerful magic power, suddenly hit the doctor's head, everyone was startled, because it was the prince who shot it!

The prince said to the doctor who was knocked to the ground by him: "You are so noisy!" He reached out his hand to pick up the doctor, attached to his ear and whispered: "What are you doing? The more arrogant you are, the more they doubt Ashin. The heavier the suspicion, the more problems, if this drags on...Huh?"

But to the prince's surprise, the doctor raised his head with a smile on his face and said, "You really made me wait for a long time. I usually greet me a long time ago. How can I endure until now to beat me this time?"

The prince was a little unsure, so: "You... oh!" He showed a suddenly realized expression.

The doctor smiled thiefly, and he whispered: "Hey...this is my brother~~you guessed it! Everything is a passionate act, also a passionate calculation!"

After speaking, the doctor pretended to be very painful and raised his hands and yelled: "Oh! Don't fight, don't fight, it hurts me! Can't I admit my mistakes? I swear, I swear I will never make trouble again. Whoops...why are you so passionate and hot..." He shook his head and walked over to the column and sat down, with a pathetic look of a painful review of his mistakes.

Seeing that the prince took action to teach the doctor severely, the participants sitting in the niche all let out a sigh of foul breath.

"I interrupted the inquiry several times, and I wanted to propose to kick him out!"

"Forget it, I want to come too, but you see how miserable he is, it is not a joke after the Prince of Persia! I have started to pity him a little bit. Let him stay here, after all Ashin is his disciple, and he is forgiven for making such trouble."

"Yeah, but he is really resistant..."

Granny Tangni looked at the doctor and the prince, and the crow's feet in the corner of her eyes crept up with an imperceptible smile...

(When I was about to arouse public outrage and I was about to be kicked out, did I play a bitter plan to stay? These two boys, really look like I'm dizzy...) (End of this chapter)