The Law of The Dead

Chapter 135: Burn trial (5)


In the Sacred Flame of Conviction, A Xin heard that the doctor had been beaten by the prince in order to defend himself, and he said loudly and ashamed: "Doctor, stop protecting me! I know you are good to me, but...I...I Have been hiding behind you long enough!"

When the doctor heard what Ashin said, he lowered his head with some relief, and let out a low smile that no one heard: "Haha, the little rookie also knows to fly solo with passion~"

The participant who asked the question continued to ask: "Axin, please answer my question."

Ashin replied, "It was the doctor who lowered his head on me, so I ran away, but my original intention was: people who are tortured by the law should live and die together!"

This time, the Sword of Conviction only rang slightly, and it still hung quietly above Ashin's head without any movement.

The participant lowered his head: "The Sword of Conviction judged that Ashin did not lie." He apologized to the doctor, "Sorry, doctor, it seems that my villain's heart has crossed the abdomen of a gentleman! Host, I The question is over!"

Granny Tang Ni knocked the hammer: "According to the verdict of the Sacred Flame of Conviction and Sword of Conviction, Ashin was not subjectively abandoning his companions because of cowardice. Therefore, this accusation is unfounded, so there is no need for you to give an answer. Ashin's judgment! Next, are there any other colleagues who have questions about Ashin?"

"Host, I have a question to ask." A referee flipped through the file in his hand and asked Ashin: "Axin, I want to know: When you are promoted to an important assessment task like Spirit Walker, you The mentor of Dr. Head Down, has used his power and experience as a monster crusader to help you. In the promotion assessment with the help of high-level members, this is a very serious act of cheating, and you are upholding justice. Cheating is absolutely not allowed. Please answer: Did you ask Doctor Jiangtou to cheat for you?"

A Xin shook his whole body. He suddenly raised his misty eyes, his face full of panic and surprise: "Ah! Is that cheating? I don't know! I didn't ask the doctor to cheat for me! Even though I did it at the beginning. I think something is wrong, but I thought it was because the doctor wanted to observe my performance in the assessment, as usual, just guiding me in handling the case!"

This time, the Sword of Conviction still did not respond...

The doctor just wanted to jump up and shout, he was blocked by the prince moving the magic silver coffin: "Calm down! Ashin didn't know what you were doing at the time, so the sword of conviction won't be triggered. What are you afraid of?"

The doctor’s throat squatted like a frog, making a "cuckoo cuckoo" sound: "That’s right, I was trying to help Axin secretly, but first I met with the girl, and then I was caught by the Five Elements. The guy ran into him, so he had to leave in the end. As for the rules of the promotion assessment, I never told Ashin at all, so he didn't know at all: if I was helping him, it would be cheating." He was vicious. Rubbing his beard-stubble chin: "However, why do they always ask about such trivial things? Then when will this burn trial be delayed?"

The prince turned his emerald eyes to look at the doctor: "There must be a major reason for the start of the burn trial! The trial will continue until all the questions are explained. This is the tradition of the burn trial, and you and I must respect it!"

Under the eyes of the prince, the doctor shrugged like a surrender: "Respect, and of course respect passionately..."

The participant saw that the sword of conviction on top of Ashin's head did not respond, so he cast his eyes on the doctor: "Axin did not lie, he has no intention of cheating. So it must be secretly misleading him, right? ?"

The doctor shrank his neck: "I admit! I didn't tell Ashin the relevant rules, and I planned to secretly help him complete the assessment. This is all to blame, it has nothing to do with Ashin. He is also a victim in this matter. So, no matter what kind of ardent punishment I accept, you don’t have to continue to embarrass him on this matter! OK?"

The participant said to Tang Ni's mother-in-law: "Host, my question is over!"

Granny Tang Ni smashed the hammer: "Let me speak! I think: Ashin did not subjectively want to cheat, and he has been deprived of his qualifications for promotion. This matter is mainly due to Dr. Jiang's head and can be done to him. Certain punishment, so this accusation that Ashin cheated cannot be established! Do colleagues have any objections to my views?"

The participants unanimously answered: "No objections!"

Granny Tangni stared at the doctor and said with a smile: "Doctor Lowering Head, you, as a demon crusader, want to cheat for your disciple. This can almost become a scandal for the Conviction League. Since you are willing to accept punishment. Really? Um... Then you will be punished to be a research assistant by the Minister of Intelligence..." She said the word "research" loudly, and then added: "No matter what the Minister of Intelligence asks for, you must Unconditional obedience!"

As soon as Tangni's mother-in-law's voice fell, the doctor immediately hugged her shoulders and screamed: "Ah! You dead old woman... Isn't this killing me?! That dead scientific lunatic will swallow me alive!"

Even the participants who were disgusted with the doctor's repeated disturbances in the trial could not help but utter sympathetic comments.

"It's miserable, it fell into the hands of the lunatic girl particle..."

"Especially him, the particle girl has always coveted him!

"Yeah, I usually chase and run around behind with a scalpel all day long... Now it's like sending it directly to her mouth! Now he's done!"

"Oh? Do you think he is very pitiful? I'm looking forward to it. These two live treasures are tied together, and maybe they will come up with a farce of the century that can be recorded in the history of the Conviction League..."

"Huh? What you said... I also want to see the follow-up plot! Hahahaha..."

"Yeah, I also want to know..."

"This guy has disturbed the trial several times, so he should have given him... a passionate lesson... just as a sigh of relief! Haha..."

"Puff! Then everyone will wait and see..."

Granny Tangni knocked the hammer: "Quiet!" There was a mischievous mischief in the corner of her eyes: "Do you have any objections to the punishment of Doctor Jiangtou?"

Several participants replied in excitement with a strong smile: " objections!"

It seems that these participants really want to see: After Dr. Drop Head falls into the hands of the particle girl, what terrible jokes will be made.

"Oh...I'm really overwhelmed..." The doctor groaned in a low voice, his face turned dark, looking like an oversized pickled eggplant with a frowning face.

Instead, Ashin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: (Ah...The doctor was sent to Miss Xie...If this is the case, then she shouldn't come to me for the time being.)

If the doctor knows that Ashin, the precious disciple he has been maintaining, is thinking about what is in his mind, I don’t know what expression he will show...

Granny Tangni asked everyone, "Okay, the burn trial continues! My colleagues..."

"Host!" A participant stood up suddenly and interrupted Tang Ni's mother-in-law. He said in a fierce tone: "Because of the presence of Doctor Jiangtou and the Prince of Persia, everyone has been asking irrelevant questions. This way. If you go down, wouldn't it be against the original purpose of starting this burnt trial? In that case, let me rip through this skin! Axin the Gloom, did you secretly take refuge in the Tyrant Club?!"

The doctor and the prince stared at the same time—Axin was suspected of betraying? ! Was this the real reason for starting the burn mark trial? After so long, the topic finally surfaced!

Ashin was shocked at first, and then the unquenchable anger suddenly raised his head from the bottom of his heart!

Someone would doubt him... Suspect that he secretly took refuge in the tyrant club he hates most in the world! ! !

This makes him more uncomfortable than killing Ashin!

Because all the tragedies he has experienced so far are the monstrous sins created by the Tyrant Club!

This is an insult! It is an insult that cannot be tolerated! !

With a roar of boundless anger, Ashin suddenly teared everyone's hearing: "I don't! I am at odds with the Tyrant Club! Who is spitting blood?!" His astonishing vicious breath aroused the air around him. The storm is raging.

A young gloomer actually exudes such a fierce and explosive atmosphere. Even if all of these participants have experienced battles, they will inevitably show incredible horror.

"How can this young man... have such a ferocious hostility?"

Ashin stood in the sacred flame of the conviction, and raised his chest like an enraged lion: "Who is it?!" His expression was murderous, as if he wanted to jump out of the sacred flame of the conviction, and then he caught the questioning participant and killed him. field.

And Ashin's movements stimulated the conviction sword hanging quietly above his head.

The Sword of Conviction suddenly uttered a long and long cry, aiming its sharp blade at the back of Ashin's neck!

The doctor hurriedly shouted: "Axin, what do you want to do?! The burn trial is not over, you can't get out of the Holy Flame of Conviction! The Sword of Conviction will chop off your head!"

If the person on trial leaves the scope of the Holy Flame of Conviction before the burn mark trial is over, then he will be immediately beheaded on the spot by the sword of condemnation hanging over his head as if he wanted to escape in fear of sin!


Granny Tang Ni smashed the magic hammer hard, and made a huge roar that shocked A Xin!

A Xin, who was originally ready to go, was stiffened by the roar of Fahammer that surpassed the anger of the thunder, and his mind that had fallen into a frenzied killing intent was abruptly awakened!

Granny Tangni said to Ashin solemnly: "Axin the Gloom! Although in the burn trial, there are many problems that may be unbearable for the person on trial, but those problems are legitimate reasons for suspicion. If you want to To prove your innocence, then please understand your position, respect the majesty of the conviction heart, and abide by the tradition of burnt trial!"

The green veins on Axin's forehead pulsated frantically. He forcibly suppressed the inexplicable frenzy and ferociousness in his blood, and returned to the place where he was originally standing, staring angrily at his white eyes: " I! I’ve never joined the Tyrant’s Club! I will never! Not only won’t, I have to completely eliminate the cancer of the Tyrant’s Club from the world! This is my answer!"

A Xin's voice echoed in the heart of conviction that stood majestically.

The air here, like a lake in winter, is cold and clear and solidifies Ashin's firm will.

The Sword of Conviction was still hovering quietly on top of Ashin's head, and it vibrated softly as if he was admiring Ashin.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because the answer to the question was very obvious: this accusation of secretly surrendering to the Tyrant Club is also unfounded! (End of this chapter)