The Law of The Dead

Chapter 136: Burn trial (6)


The participants sitting in the niche saw that the sword of condemnation did not engrave the magic pattern on Ashin. They themselves were very happy to see that there was no defector among the executioners.

After all, a young man who is prosperous and prosperous should have a promising future. If he is beheaded before his eyes because of going astray, it will be a heavy picture that will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

But at the same time, when they were reviewing Ashin's dossier, they found a lot of doubts, and because of the result of this judgment, they became even more confusing!

Because only when Ashin Zhen rebelled, could he explain the very suspicious places they reviewed.

However, the premise of this hypothesis has been overturned, and it is impossible to explain it clearly: why there are so many incredible suspicious things in the crusade against the soul tree.

Those dozens of pairs of eyes stared at Ashin in the flames of conviction. When they saw that the sword of conviction was unresponsive, the whispers of the participants gradually turned into a loud noise.

They started to debate the questions they had in their hearts, and some even quarreled with each other because of differences in opinions.

"Quiet! Quiet!" Mother-in-law Tang Ni asked with her hammer: "The fairness and accuracy of the burn trial is beyond doubt! Ashin did not join the Tyrant Club! Fellow colleagues, there is no need to argue about this!"

"Host, it may be that the question I just asked was very general, so now I can only think: Ashin did not join the Tyrant Club! Please allow me to ask Ashin again!" The participant who questioned Ashin just now is not waiting. Granny Ni replied and asked Ashin directly: "Axin, although you did not join the Tyrant Club, you may also collude with other hostile forces with the Alliance! I want to know: Have you betrayed the Conviction Alliance!"

Ashin also replied uprightly: "I have never betrayed the Conviction Alliance!"

The Sword of Conviction still didn't respond, and this time Ashin was completely proved innocent.

The participant frowned and thought: "Since there is no betrayal at all, why are there so many doubts? This situation is really weird!"

The doctor rolled his eyes angrily and said: "Innocence has been proved passionately and fiercely, what else is there to be verbose? No rebellion means no rebellion! Check it out for any doubts and weird things. It's not a matter of my faith? Look, let's end this burn trial that shouldn't have started at all!"

Granny Tangni tilted her head and looked at the doctor: "Doctor Lowering the head, didn't you swear not to make trouble again? Or say... you want more punishment?"

The doctor shrank a circle: "Uh... I'm very sorry! I'm a bad mouth. It was an instinctive reaction just now. Please ignore it..."

Another participant asked her mother-in-law Tangni: "Host, although Ashin has been proved innocent, there are still many doubts about the crusade against the Lihun tree, but we still can’t get a good explanation. We all think that I’m afraid of this. Some more important information is hidden. So, can we ask Ashin some more questions about these doubts, so that we can understand the reasons for these doubts? Will appear?"

Granny Tangni thought about it for a moment, then nodded and said, "Well...this is also good!"

The doctor was afraid of being heard by Tang Ni's mother-in-law, so she secretly whispered in annoyance: "I'm going! Where is so suspicious? Are you endless?"

The prince asked coldly: "Since the burning trial was initiated because of the suspicion of Ashin's rebellion, now that his suspicion of rebellion has been eliminated, why hasn't the conviction flame been extinguished?"

The participant replied: "Prince of Persia, we have no doubts about Ashin's loyalty. But we hope that the following question and answer will be fair and transparent, so I hope to injustice Ashin for the time being." He turned to Ashin and asked: "Axin, do you agree with our approach?"

Ashin nodded: "Agree, I didn't do anything wrong, just ask what you want!"

Granny Tangni said to Ashin: “Axin, some of the previous problems are not so serious that the burn trial is to be initiated. The participants use these questions to ask you questions. On the surface, it seems like a waste of time. Because they are using these questions to help you "warm up"! So that you can understand how harsh the burn trial is, so that you don’t accidentally tell a lie that violates your heart, and then trigger the sword of conviction, and you should not be subjected to it. The damage. If that's the case, it would be too wrong! So you have to understand everyone's care for you!"

Ashin said calmly: "I understand! The previous questions are just paving the way for the question of'Am I rebellious?' Right?"

Granny Tangni said: "Yes!"

Ashin raised his head: "In this case...just continue to ask questions. I also want to know, what are the doubts that everyone said? Why on earth was I suspected of being betrayed?!"

A participant stood up and asked, "Axin, why do you use the authority to punish people with each meditation law and have the authority to board the same name as Faeu once in your life? Is it really just for a never-be-acquainted victim?"

A Xin's face was a little sad: "Yes, I didn't have any traces at the time. I only knew the three words "Living Soul Tree". Thinking of the abducted victims...the situation may be critical, so I only have to rely on Phae. Find the Lihunshu with the same number, and then go to save people this way!"

The participant continued to ask: "But you were on the same title as Faeu, but you met two dangerous men, Wan Ezhan and Annie, and survived the conflict with them. This is one of the doubts: why face A wicked minister who is several times stronger than you, but can you survive safe and sound?"

Ashin replied: "The reason I survived is because someone saved my life!"

The participant said: "Junzifeng and Yizhan? These two monster crusaders have not yet returned to the headquarters, so they are temporarily unable to verify from them. So they still can't prove..."

At this time, another participant interrupted and said: "Sorry to interrupt you, I can't agree with your statement! Faeu's rule of not allowing private fights with the same name is well known. Even if there is no gentleman and injustice, Ashin will be there. Under the protection of the captain, nothing happened!"

The participant slowly nodded and said, " is true, I almost forgot this detail, because my thinking was not meticulous!" He looked at the Sword of Conviction, and then asked, "Axin, there is another one here. Doubt: You said that you rescued a Frost Troll on the same ship as Phar, and you are also the Ice Eye Ibuprofen of the Frost Troll King?"

Ashin nodded and said, "Yes, I also rescued a drought by the way."

All the participants looked at the Sword of Conviction at the same time, and then made a loud noise after confirming that Ashin did not lie!

"Before I thought this report was fabricated, it turned out to be true! Bingmu·ibuprofen was attacked by the Tyrant Club and was almost sent to the ghost black market... This is an incredible event!"

"Have you seen it? Ashin didn't lie! Actually saved Bingmu Ibuprofen! When I first saw his report, I thought he was bragging!"

"I heard that the Frost Trolls have already turned the sky, and their king has been missing for a long time. I didn't expect to be caught by the Tyrant Club and then imprisoned on the same name as Faeu?"

"The people in the Tyrant Club really dare to start! I heard that Bingmu·ibuprofen is very powerful, how can you become a prisoner?"

"It's hard to say if the opponent is Bone Mist!"

"In that case, Ashin should have just happened to ran into the evil official who escorted Bingmoo Ibuprofen, and then secretly rescued it. Then this child has done a great job!"

"But this is the suspicious point! Bingmu·ibuprofen is still missing!"

Suddenly a participant raised his tone: "But there are still strange things!" He asked Ashin, "Axin, do you know that Faeu's same account has a high degree of confidentiality for the privacy of customers, and the warehouse above? Is it a top secret place sealed by the captain himself? So, like you, without the captain’s permission, you accidentally entered it by coincidence and rescued Bingmu·ibuprofen at all. possible?"

Ashin replied: "I don't know that the warehouse on the same ship of Fah is confidential. But I can be sure that I can save Bingshuo by the captain who guided it in secret. So, it is better to say that I saved Bingshuo. It was the captain who borrowed my hand to save Bingmu."

"Um... This makes sense!" Granny Tang Ni nodded: "It's not good to offend the Tyrant Club publicly, and I don't want to see the King of Frost Trolls in danger, so I secretly guided Ashin into the warehouse to rescue him. This is true. Like that black-bellied style!"

The participant who asked the question said: "This is the second question: Why did Ashin rescue the missing Frost Troll King Bingmu·ibuprofen, but it still hasn't appeared yet?"

"Oh my god, I can't do it!" The doctor suddenly cried out strangely, and he said to Granny Tangni: "Let me say a few words? Just a few words, it doesn't matter if the punishment is aggravated!" He didn't wait for her mother-in-law to express her opinion. , He sneered directly at the participant and said, "Why are you not stupid yet? Ashin's report made it very clear that all the fangs of the hapless guy were taken away by the bone mist. Everyone on earth knows: The strength and status of the Frost Troll are all on those two fangs! It must be very weak, even if it shows up now, will those of the same clan still obey it? I think it is probably hidden now, waiting slowly Is your strength restored?"

The participant was a little embarrassed by what the doctor said: "This... indeed as you said, it is very possible. Then this doubt makes sense!"

The doctor snorted in a weird tone: "Huh! This will actually become a doubt. I think you have all the so-called doubts that you have thought up indiscriminately, right?"

The participant shook his head: "Doctor Lowering the head, maybe you don't know yet, because you can't determine whether Ashin's report on the same number as Faeu is true, and you can't get the testimony of Jun Zifeng and Injustice. So the Ministry of Intelligence once sent out. The postmen, I want to contact the passengers on the same Feuer to find out the situation. But..." He took a deep breath, and then said heavily: "But, all the passengers on the same Faere who could be witnesses at the time...all Has been killed by the Tyrant Club!"

"Oh...that's the case. You think this is to cover up a lie and silence, that's why you suspected it would go to Ashin?" The doctor frowned, "But, have you thought about it? The Tyrant Club will definitely do it!" If news of their attack on Bingmu·ibuprofen spreads out, wouldn’t it be tantamount to offending all righteous ways with enthusiasm? Of course they are going to kill people! And ah, your question after question is too stupid!" Turning to Ashin and asked, "Axin, is there any case report you handed in that was made up?"

Ashin immediately replied: "No, all the case reports I submitted are true descriptions of the crusade against the Lihunshu!"

The doctor looked at the participants who were staring at the Sword of Conviction, making funny gestures like a clown on the sidelines: "Aha! Look, fellow enthusiastic colleagues, the Sword of Conviction is not moving at all~ ~So what Ashin's report is telling the truth, and the doubts you find out from those truths are basically your own fantasies~~"

The participant was still very confused and said: "However, whether it is Wu Niu, Soul Eater, Ten Thousand Evil Slayer, Annie, or even the witch of Bone Mist and the ancestor Guidao! In front of these prestigious first-class powerhouses, Even if it is you, the "infinite conspiracy" demon crusader himself, facing such a frightening lineup, let alone the odds of winning, it is simply a rare miracle in the world to survive! Not to mention such a young You Viewer? He defeated Wu Niu and Soul Eater, who were invincible by his own strength, and defeated Ten Thousand Evil Slash, which even some tyrants were afraid of. He even came back to life several times! This...It's like the opponent doesn't want to kill at all Instead, he protects him everywhere! No! This is like playing a plug-in game! Everyone, let alone the magic mother, just the brutal bone fog, how many brothers and sisters did he harm us?! He People who are tortured against us have never kept alive, so why do they only speak to"

This passage speaks the aspirations of all the participants, and also summarizes the question that all the doubts ultimately point to: Why can Ashin escaped death several times, and even survived from the dead? Unless... he has the incorruptible body of King Kong! And this is simply impossible! The only possibility left is that he joins the Tyrant Club!

But this has also been proved to be a wrong judgment. In that case, why on earth...

The doctor, the prince, and Tang Ni’s mother-in-law made a quick eye contact at a speed that was difficult for others to detect: “It’s not time to disclose that Ashin is the armor of the gods! What should I do?”

At this moment, everyone felt the darkness in front of them, as if the surrounding space was being quietly compressed.

It was not a visual illusion, but the entire shadow of the Heart of Judgment surged like life.

A hoarse voice full of exhaustion, uplifted and arrogant, replied in the dark: "Stupid! Stupid! Really stupid! You, stupid, ridiculous, thinking, lowered the IQ of the entire conviction alliance! This stock The breath of stupidity pervades the heart of conviction, it makes me, nothing! Dharma! Breath! Breath!" (End of this chapter)