The Law of The Dead

Chapter 137: Burn trial (7)


That voice, although full of unlovable exhaustion and frustrated hoarseness, has a strange strength of its own, which makes people never dare to despise the owner of that voice.

After hearing the voice, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief: "Hey, just right, everything will be fine if he comes to the rescue!"

Granny Tangni was looking at the doctor, with a look of "So your kid had already planned it."

After hearing the voice, the participants made a small confession.

The participant who asked the question was a little surprised: "It's you? Your duty is to guard the entrance to the heart of conviction. How can you leave your post without authorization?"

The hoarse voice said: "Now, there are four demon crusaders in the heart of conviction, and the security is half higher than usual! So, I decided to come here and take a look. You, the participants who initiated the burn trial, in the end, How stupid and ridiculous?!"

The participant asked: "Pay attention to your 31 novel app download address words! Are you defying the burn mark trial?"

The hoarse voice said: "Don't change the concept! I, I am just despising you, not despising the burn trial! You are not qualified to represent the burn trial, let alone the majesty of the conviction heart!"

Being so bluntly expressed by that voice of contempt, the participants were a bit dissatisfied and protested: "You, the guilty man of the conviction alliance, have any qualifications to despise us?!"

The hoarse voice said: "Because, the stern and fair burn trial, by you stupid participants, has suddenly turned into a lame farce that wastes time!"

One of the participants sneered angrily: "Farce? Ashin has such a major suspicion, and the case report is full of doubts! Why do you say that the burnt trial that was initiated is a farce?!"

The hoarse voice said: "Stupid! If you really have something wrong, you will surely and fully erase all kinds of suspicious traces. How come there are so many loopholes? Is it that Ashin deliberately made you suspect so that he could be successfully Kill?!"

"This..." The participant was choked for a long time and could not speak.

Another participant immediately asked: "Then I would like to hear, how do you, the number one wise man of the Sentence League, explain these loopholes and doubts?!"

"Stupid!" The hoarse voice was slightly angry: "Axin, now that your innocence has been proven, do you still have to struggle with these things?"

The participant said: "Because these doubts are too obvious, if we don't explain all of them clearly, it will be hard for us to let go!"

The hoarse voice said, "Okay! Then I, I will explain these doubts clearly now! Before that, I, I want to ask: Why do you see so many doubts in Ashin's report?"

The participant waved the dossier in his hand: "Why? Because these doubts are so obvious, they are simply obvious!"

The hoarse voice asked with a trace of contempt: "In that case, I, I have to ask one more question: Exposure, so many doubts, is it that Tyrant Clubs are all idiots?!"

The participant: "All idiots? What does this mean? Everyone knows that the Tyrant Club has always been tricky!"

The hoarse voice said with a cold snort, "Huh! So, since the Tyrant Club has so many tricks, how can it make so many obvious low-level mistakes and loopholes? Have you ever seen any case related to the Tyrant Club? Will there be so many doubts and dissonances?"

The participant hesitated: "This..."

"Stupid!" The hoarse voice despised: "The truth has shattered your faces, but you are so stupid! Nothing! Knowing! Feeling!"

The face of the participant was a little stiff: "You mean...the Tyrant Club deliberately...Ah! Is this the doubt they deliberately left?!"

"Exactly!" said the hoarse voice: "The Tyrant Club deliberately left a lot of botched doubts. One of the purposes is to make you doubt Ashin!"

A participant said: "We have made this kind of inference before, but... the Tyrant Club left such obvious doubts as if they were inviting us to doubt Ashin. Did they just make us doubt Ashin? What to do? Inferring from this question, Ashin is probably deliberately framed by them, then he must be innocent!"

Another participant went on to say: "However, "Axin was deliberately framed, he is innocent." Is this kind of result the tyrant club, deliberately through these seemingly botched doubts, to guide us finally How about the judgment? In this way, it is as if they are covering for Ashin, then Ashin is even more suspicious in our eyes! So we finally decided to start the burn trial!"

"Stupid!" said the hoarse voice: "But, have you ever thought: starting the burn trial is exactly what the Tyrant Club wants?!"

The participant was very confused: "However, starting the burn trial will only prove Ashin's innocence. What good is this for the Tyrant Club?"

The hoarse voice said: "Benefits? Don't forget, in this crusade, who is the tyrant that Ashin is facing? The chief tyrant who will execute the law of the law, and play with the applause several times! The first wise man of the tyrant club-the misty Marrow-eating ghost·Bone Mist! And you, all of you have fallen into his trap stupidly, but still! No! Not! Not sure!”

Hearing the taboo name, all the participants were silent for a long time, and finally Granny Tangni said: "Since you said that, I must have seen Bone Mist's strategy. Then, can you tell everyone your detailed inference? ?"

The participants also nodded one after another: "Indeed... I would like to hear the details!"

The hoarse voice said: "First of all, bone fog, leaving all kinds of seemingly stupid doubts, is to guide the thinking of all of you. Secondly, no matter which conclusions you draw based on these doubts, you, in the end, will The burn mark trial was initiated because of uncertainty! This is the first purpose of Bone Mist! And this is just the beginning!"

A participant said: "Like the one who said just now, the initiation of the burn trial will prove Ashin's innocence. Why would Bone Mist hope to get such a result?"

"Huh!" said the hoarse voice: "How dangerous is the burn trial?! Even the innocent people have been or have been branded with magic patterns by the sword of conviction because of a momentary negligence! These, you guys I know it all in my heart! And, the doctor loves the temper of the disciple, you must have learned it. If Axin suffers any damage at this time, the doctor who has always been hard to self-discipline is likely to be completely irritated, and you will take action. What serious consequences will this cause?"

"Ah..." The participants couldn't help but stare at each other.

Indeed, the doctor's energy to protect the calf, they can be regarded as a thorough understanding.

If Ashin suffers grievances and injuries that he shouldn’t have suffered...

What kind of terrible behavior would a doctor who has always ignored all kinds of disciplines and rules

Once in the sacred and inviolable heart of conviction, there is a situation where colleagues are fighting... what serious consequences will this lead to

The hoarse voice said: "To irritate the doctor to make a move in the heart of the conviction will surely cause an uproar in the conviction alliance! And this is the second purpose of Bone Mist! But...the truly dangerous purpose will not be fully developed until after this. !"

A participant looked very ugly and asked: "The really dangerous purpose? Set up a trap to injustice Ashin, and then provoke the doctor to take action and commit an unforgivable crime! Bone fog can actually grasp the doctor's psychology and accurately calculate it to such a point. Frame him... Isn't that dangerous enough?"

"Of course, not enough! Doctor, just *!" the hoarse voice said: "Doctor, if they really act like bone mist calculations, there will definitely be a large number of people who will be punished in order to defend the conviction. The sacred and majesty of the heart, they will come upon hearing the news, yes, the doctors will attack together! With the doctors, the prince who has been friends with for a hundred years, they will inevitably and will fight against them! At this point, the seven monsters will be Get involved! The scale of the battle group will rapidly expand! In the end, even all the members of the Conviction Alliance will, because of personal feelings, have to choose a lineup they support!"

After listening to the husky voice commentary, the participants felt an extremely terrifying chill in their hearts.

Although the members of the Conviction Alliance are close to each other, the Seven Demon Crusaders also have a deep emotional foundation.


If Ashin is wronged, the doctor is provoked, and then he is besieged by other prisoners who maintain order...

The prince will definitely be the first to stand on the side of the doctor, and the other five demon crusaders will definitely start to have cracks because of their different opinions on this matter.

And if the demon crusaders disagree with each other, once the group representing the highest combat power of the Conviction Alliance split...

That would be the most terrifying and devastating blow to the Conviction Alliance!

Because, for all the people executed by the underworld law, the seven monsters crusaders are living myths and legends!

They are the super idols of the Conviction League!

Almost a god-like existence worshipped by all members!

If these seven superstars split into two groups antagonizing each other.

So many people who are executed by the law of the underworld, it is very likely that they will choose to join the camp of those monsters because they want to support the monster crusaders they worship.

Then the situation...

Axin couldn't help but swallowed his saliva in fear: (Ah! No wonder he didn't kill me! This old and cunning bone fog... he is terrible! I didn't know it... he turned it into such a dangerous tool!)

Everyone, even the doctor himself, broke into a cold sweat!

The doctor gasped angrily: "Okay... what a hot and hot bone mist! He and I haven't met each other before, but I can understand my temper! This, this guy is really extraordinary. Danger! What a risk! If Ashin is really injured, he might already be..." He scratched his face with bare hands, as if he was trying to catch the fright and anger in his head and throw it away.

"So..." the hoarse voice said proudly: "You, no matter how stupid you are, you should understand: If, the situation develops to that point... then it means: the chaos and division of the conviction alliance, the final outcome is: cannibalism. Civil war! And this is the really sinister intention of Bone Mist!!" (End of this chapter)