The Law of The Dead

Chapter 138: Burn trial (8)


Everyone was plunged into the deep silence like the cold current of the abyss, it was a kind of dark and frightened heart, as if the heart of conviction had been swallowed by a huge shadow.

Bone Mist's superb strategy and the vicious intentions made everyone couldn't help feeling a bone-chilling chill.

After the husky voice commented, they suddenly realized what a ridiculous and dangerous situation they were in!

Their thoughts were guided, just like obedient children, and in this way the burn trial of Ashin was initiated.

They themselves didn't notice anything wrong at all, and even some people were complacent about their judgment that they could come to the conclusion of "Axin betrayal", thinking that they were the wise men who were truly aware of their mistakes!

But they don't even know that they are like a doll being played with at random, they have long been firmly controlled by the terrible puppeteer Bone Mist!

Now, not only do they feel ashamed, they also feel angry at being played with. And what is even more profound is the great fear of Bone Mist's silent, terrifying and ingenious manipulation of the human heart!

Even if they are sitting in the heart of conviction with high combat power, they still have an illusion: the bone mist is on their heads, like smoke that cannot be dissipated, they are smiling and controlling them with the silk thread in their hands...

However, there are also a few more calm participants. Although their expressions are ugly, they refuse to fully agree with this speculation. One of the participants broke the silence and asked: "Is this... a bit alarmist? Will it really be so serious? Even if this kind of conflict really occurs in the heart of conviction, I believe there are still many brothers and sisters who will take it calmly. Things, rather than suddenly losing their minds, and then turning the situation into an inexplicable chaos. After all, there are many outstanding talents in our league. For example, you have already seen through this conspiracy, and will you let it happen then? ?"

This idea has been approved by many people: "Yes, everyone in the Conviction League can't all turn into cannibalistic lunatics all at once? Not to mention, there are many others like Granny Tang Ni and Jun Zifeng as calm and fair. The characters are there, and they will definitely stand up and preside over the overall situation when that time comes!"

The hoarse voice chuckled: "I, indeed, I just said the worst possibility! But, have you ever thought about this: If there is a hidden spy, you have been waiting in secret for this opportunity that Bone Mist throws out. Once. , Conflicts begin to fuel the flames, and to instigate the unity of the people who are executed by the law and punishment. Then, what will it be like?"

The participants took another breath: "Are you saying... The Conviction League has spies planted by the Tyrant Club?!"

The hoarse voice said: "Oh Xin's, the report has long been written clearly! Bone Mist, even in front of Asin, revealed that there are undercover secrets lurking in the Conviction League!"

A participant stood up, his voice a little anxious: "But, bone fog is old and cunning, why is he willing to disclose such important news to Ashin, and let him come back alive? This is also one of the doubts we suspected at the beginning!"

The hoarse voice said: "Hey... I, I was so stupid that I couldn't breathe! Bone Mist throws this sentence, not for Axin, but for you!"

The participant asked: "Tell us? What does this mean? He deliberately exposed himself and had a rape in the Conviction League. Is this important information?"

The hoarse voice said: "This, is the scary thing. I know that there are spies lurking in the alliance. People will be suspicious, and even suspect the best comrades around them! Bone Mist, let Ashin bring back this sentence, the purpose , Is to achieve the purpose of making everyone doubt each other, and finally, to split the unity of the entire alliance! At that time, the members of the alliance will no longer trust each other. Once a conflict occurs, they will inevitably think that the other party may be a hidden spy and deadly enemy! Then, Hate and kill each other! So, plus my previous speculation about the Bone Mist conspiracy, you, tell me, is this still alarmist?!?!"

"Ah!! So dangerous! So insidious!! This, this conspiracy is intertwined, step by step!" The participant's face was distorted, tearing at the corner of his clothes: "It turns out...the bone mist set... could be so terrible. The serial plan!"

The hoarse voice added: "Even if this most terrible result does not happen, bone fog will not be disappointed! On the contrary, he will appreciate it like watching a funny show. You are on the burn trial, doubting, and yourself. His innocent colleagues even caused unnecessary harm! This, for him, was nothing but another farce that made him happy!"

A participant with red eyes, he looked like he was about to cry: "The Conviction League really has spies? Everyone is obviously a good brother... I am so sad to hear you say this! I can hardly accept this inference. !"

The hoarse voice said: "Then, I, I have to ask a question: The Conviction League, is there really no spies?!"

"This...what does this mean?" The participant grabbed the thick hair and exposed two pointed wolf ears. It turned out that he was a werewolf.

The hoarse voice said: "Since ancient times, our conviction alliance has implemented the law of justice, and the tyrant club is doing whatever it wants to kill the innocent! The two forces, like the deadly enemies designed by the heavens, want to eliminate each other. Then hurry up! The two sides have been in constant conflict for thousands of years, with each other and each showing their wits and courage! How can a tyrant club that achieves its goals and does everything possible and will not send undercover agents to the Conviction League? It is normal to have spies, but it is a miracle that there are no spies!"

"Hey hey hey!" The doctor suddenly pointed to Ashin who was still standing in the Holy Flame of Conviction, and stared at Granny Tangni and the participants very dissatisfied: "It doesn't matter if you like to play intellectual games, you can be enthusiastic and hot. Play. But can you release the innocent Ashin first?!" He deliberately emphasized the word "innocent" with a very high voice.

Granny Tangni nodded, and she raised the magic hammer: "Indeed, the truth is now revealed, and the burn trial should end!"

"Axin?" A participant raised his hand and asked, "Axin, can I ask you a more personal question?"

Ashin glared at this far-away place, staring into his vast white eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't answer, but just nodded.

The participant asked: "I want to know what kind of thinking you hold until the end of the Crusade against the Soul Tree? Because facing so many powerful enemies, it can be said that you will definitely die! Why are you here? In such a dangerous situation, can you still choose to continue the crusade? Why didn't you retreat at that time, what are you thinking?"

Ashin recalled the various battles in the Lihun Tree crusade, tears in his eyes: "I...I just wanted to rescue Shirley when I first started, so that he can be reunited with the big bald head and live happily! Later Xue Xue Li is dead...I...I was thinking that it was because I was too weak. So, if I can't protect her anymore, I must take revenge for her!"

The hoarse voice suddenly asked: "Axin, they, just want to know, why do you face the fate of death without being timid? Tell them, when you face death, what are you thinking in your heart?"

Ashin straightened his chest, as if making a passionate announcement to the world: "I...I'm thinking about... the law of punishment... will never give up!"

"Okay!" said the hoarse voice: "This is the most fundamental difference! Therefore, most of you have been and cannot reach the height of a monster crusader! Because, our monster crusaders! Forever! No! Retreat! Let! This! Generation!"

Mother-in-law Tang Ni smiled comfortingly, she raised the hammer in her hand: "Then, it's time to end..."


To everyone’s surprise, just when Granny Tangni wanted to announce the end of the burn trial, the hoarse voice that initially thought it was just a farce suddenly interrupted Granny Tangni: "Host, I think : The burn mark trial is not over yet!"

The doctor and the surprised prince looked at each other, and then walked quickly to the side of the Saint Flame of Crime. His face had turned green, like a big frog about to be suffocated by an inflatable tube: "Hey! What are you suddenly sending? Nervous? How can you continue if there is no suspicion?"

The participants were also very puzzled. They all cast inquiring glances at Tang Ni's mother-in-law: "Host...this..."

The hammer held high by Tang Ni’s mother-in-law slowly fell again: "Do you think the burn trial should continue? But you are not a participant, and you do not have the right to participate in the trial. If you want to continue the trial, you must give an order. Everyone is convinced of a reasonable explanation!"

The hoarse voice said: "I think, Axin, although he did not rebel, he is indeed guilty! Moreover, it is a serious crime that cannot be forgiven!"

The doctor was so angry that his facial features were about to jump out of his face. He pinched his waist and jumped straight: "You, you are a deadly tongue! I asked you to help! Why are you embarrassed by Ashin?"

The hoarse voice said: "Doctor, although you taught Ashin very well, you have missing a very important realization! That is, let Ashin understand his mistakes and learn from them! But you are too fond of him! It makes him unable to truly grow!"

The doctor pulled his hair: "What enlightenment taught you?! Isn't Ashin already very good?!"

"Doctor, don't say anything! I'm fine!" Ashin raised his head and asked in a hoarse voice: "I heard what you said and knew that you are a very powerful figure in resourcefulness. What you say must be It all makes sense. So, I want to know, what was the felony I committed?"

"Stupid!" The hoarse voice suddenly shouted: "Your sin is your hopeless stupidity!!" (End of this chapter)