The Law of The Dead

Chapter 140: Inner ghost


The heart of conviction has reached an unprecedented quiet at this moment...

Everyone seemed to be shocked by the hoarse voice and the shocking words.

Although the participants in the niche had different feelings of consternation, doubt, admiration, contempt, and so on, none of them dared to refute.

Could it be that that mysterious hoarse voice really...

"Oh..." The doctor made a retching look with an unbearable expression: "This guy is too stinky! How can he show his IQ so passionately, so many years, how can he still be so hot for so many years!"

"Stupid!" said the hoarse voice: "I, I can see through your design at a glance! Repeated, long talks are delaying time, is it, to cooperate with you?!"

The doctor seemed to tear off his skin suddenly, and changed his face with a few outrageous smiles: "Oh~~ Have you seen it through? I guess you will see through this plan too! But...your wisdom is really passionate. It's so spicy that it makes people annoying!"

The crow's feet wrinkles at the corner of Granny Tangni's eyes tightened: (I'm going to show up, let me see who this ghost is...)

"Your information collection should have been completed! In that case—" the hoarse voice suddenly shouted: "Prince, don't you do it yet?!"

While shouting in a hoarse voice, the doctor smirked and stretched out his fingers to a niche: "The hot little mouse~Of course it is you! Do you want to continue to pretend to be?"

The other participants were baffled by this sudden change of situation: "What are you talking about?"

However, there were also a few participants who were more intelligent than the others, who immediately understood the doctor's actions, and then let out a thrilling roar: "What a bold spy! How dare to sway into the heart of conviction and sit with us!"

"What? He is a spy?!"

"Shame! The innocent person is standing in the sacred flame of the conviction, but the real spy is sitting on the Senate seat!"

"He is good at sneaking. If he escapes from the heart of conviction, he will be in trouble! Everyone will take him here soon!"

Although the other participants were slower, they were all veterans with extensive experience after all. After being called so little by the doctor and several other participants, they immediately understood the mystery, and they showed their weapons and prepared to do it.

But Granny Tang Ni suddenly raised her hand: "Wait! No one will take action! Colleagues, please bear with me for the time being, and I will naturally explain the cause and effect of the matter in detail afterwards!!"

"Not good!" Seeing that his identity was exposed, the participant pointed by the doctor immediately jumped out of the shadow of the niche like a swallow, and shot straight towards the exit of the Heart of Conviction.

However, it was too late. There was a roar of tearing the air in front of him, and a dazzling light like a meteor suddenly emerged in front of the spy. He fixed his eyes: it was a coffin exuding a sacred and awe-inspiring breath!

It's a magic silver coffin! The prince shot!

"Prince of Persia!!" The agent was obviously very afraid of the prince's prestige. As if he saw the liger's blood bowl, he suddenly stopped his body with a strange cry, and then cast a heavy drop in mid-air to quickly fall to the ground.


The prince immediately pulled the chain and smashed the magic silver coffin that made a strange whistling sound directly to the spy on the ground like a meteor hammer.

That spy is obviously also a very powerful master. While guarding the doctor who is staring at him, he rotates around the magic silver coffin like a snake, hovering along the chain, and from clinging to the side ribs. At the place, drew out a slender sword glowing with crystal blue light and pierced the prince's throat!

As soon as the slender long sword was drawn out, the prince immediately smelled a very sweet smell. He couldn't help but secretly startled: If the weapon can emit this sweet smell, it must have gone through strange poison. Refined!

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the long sword, the sword body is only as thick as chopsticks, light and flexible, and easy to hide. Those who are good at using this weapon must be very proficient in personal assassination fighting, a type that all warlocks are afraid of.

It's a pity that although he chose the right weapon, he encountered the super alien among the warlocks, the prince of Persia who can use martial arts and martial tyrants to fight inextricably!

The prince flicked his wrist and wrapped the chain around his fist to face the opponent's sword.


Between the gust of wind and fire, the long sword swept across the chains, igniting a series of dazzling sparks, reflecting the murderous aura in the eyes of the two people.

The spy wanted to withdraw the long sword, but suddenly found that it hadn't moved. It turned out that the prince had spotted the moment that was not allowed to send, and firmly wrapped the poisoned long sword with the gap between the chains.

At the same time, the prince's hand suddenly rose sharply, and the shining red magic circle rotated and enlarged from the palm of his hand, directly printing on the spy's chest.

"Ah!" The spy took a breath of air, and immediately let go and kicked on the hilt of the sword with a backflip, and then flew back to avoid the bombardment of the magic circle, and then drew a long sword and slammed towards the chairman standing in the chair. Granny Tangni stabbed!

The doctor showed a sympathetic look, and he clutched his forehead: "Hey! This guy is so enthusiastic and hot! Why do you choose the old woman? Are you crazy? Or tired of life?"

(In the current situation, you can only hold the emperor in order to make the princes! If Granny Tang Ni succeeds in becoming a hostage, you can safely leave the heart of conviction! No, this decision is wrong! Although she has never seen her act, but It is said that this old woman is the real strongest in the Conviction Alliance! Even that shrewd doctor can't escape her attack, and it is undoubtedly a dead end to treat her as a target! least first hold a referee as a hostage!)

In an instant, accurate and fast judgments flashed through the spies one after another, and he stared at the Senate seat intently, trying to find the weakest attacker from it. But his eyes suddenly appeared the last thing that shouldn't appear as an assassin-hallucinations!

His eyes actually saw a huge mountain wall towering into the clouds in front of him!

The spy is sure that his speculation about Tang Ni's mother-in-law is correct. Only a truly powerful master can exude this breath that can produce almost real illusions!

Granny Tangni is an insurmountable mountain between him and the participants!

The moment the illusion appeared, the spy knew very well that the momentary delay under the attack of the Prince of Persia was fatal!

He immediately bit his lip and stimulated his nerves with severe pain to dispel the hallucinations.

Then, what appeared in front of her was the kindly smiling face of Tang Ni's mother-in-law, farther and farther away.

Why, he tried his best to pounce on the seats, but strangely feel that the distance between the opponent and himself is getting farther and farther!

How is this going? !

This strange change in spatial distance makes the spy instinctively aware of a huge sense of crisis.

Escape without a single blow is a code of action that any assassin understands. This master-level master who is proficient in this way naturally understands this truth better.

But the spy immediately realized that everything was too late, because he understood why he would be farther and farther away from the Senate: The prince was raising his hand to his back, and there was a black magic circle in the center of his palm. , Is releasing a huge attraction, sucking his body flying in mid-air like a small black hole!

The spy was frightened and frightened, he suddenly shot the sword in his hand towards the prince's palm, and then took advantage of the opportunity of the prince to close his palm, turning over and breaking away from the attraction.

The prince caught the long sword accelerated by the attraction and threw it aside, and then coldly watched the spy and stopped taking action, and the doctor who had been smiling around didn’t mean to do it, let alone those who were stopped by Tang Ni’s mother-in-law Senators.

The spy put on a defensive posture and looked around in a panic. He didn't understand why the prince stopped, let alone why the others didn't attack.

At this time, the doctor touched his chin, and the smirk on his face became even more presumptuous: "Aha~~ The enthusiastic magic show is about to begin!"


Before the spy had time to react, the hot flame column appeared out of thin air where he was standing!

The spy evaded the flame column at an almost invisible speed, and the quickness and agility of the body skills made even some of the participants who hated the spy could not help but applaud in his heart.

However, just as the spy evaded the Yan Zhu, his head suddenly made a loud "bang", and a thunder light burst into the air and fell towards him!

"Ah!" the spy screamed. He tried his best to twist his body and remove his shoulder joints at the same time. He was finally able to get past the deadly thunder and lightning technique, but before he could relax, he was removed from the soles of his feet. The iron thorn that came out silently pierced the left foot!

The spy forcibly endured the pain in his heart, and immediately clamped and broke the iron thorn with the muscles of the foot, and then hovered and flashed like a butterfly among the iron thorns that emerged from the weeds.

But those sharp iron thorns suddenly issued a roaring vibration!


The spy was hit by the shock wave generated by the shaking, and he suddenly sprayed blood from his mouth and nose and fell to the ground, and then was beaten mercilessly into the air by the huge magic circle that suddenly rose on the ground!

At the same time, in the mid-air around the spies, there are many magical arrays of different colors and varieties, like a large encyclopedia exhibition of the magic circle, enclosing the spies in the center!

Then, with the exception of the invisible Axin who dared not leave the Sacred Flame of Severing Sin, and therefore could not perceive the situation in the distance with the holographic enchantment, everyone who saw the sight uttered admiration and admiration one after another!

The huge burst of magic, the dazzling and dazzling magic light...

The magic that the prince displayed was as gorgeous and shocking as a kaleidoscope split under the sun!

The spy's figure has been swallowed in the light of magic, only his hoarse pleading came out through the light curtain: "Stop! Please stop! I surrender, I surrender!"

"Host?" The prince looked at Granny Tang Ni with questioning eyes, who nodded slightly.

With a wave of his hand, the prince canceled all the magic circles that had not yet been triggered, and the spy's body in scorched smoke fell miserably to the ground from mid-air.

The doctor walked to the spy, and, like a hunter who finally caught the target, he firmly grasped the back of his neck and lifted him up, and then smiled at the scorched face: "Tsk tusk tusk! Look at how miserable you are~~ If a good person speaks out, it’s okay to beg for mercy earlier? But ah, you can do so many tricks in the hands of the prince, you are really a passionate little mouse~~" (End of this chapter)