The Law of The Dead

Chapter 141: Shengyan distinguishes loyalty and traitor


The doctor concealed countless mischievous and dangerous smiles, the prince who came over murderously carrying the magic silver coffin, and the participants on the Senate seat who looked like a torch and seemed to be angry with a group of tigers.

The sense of crisis of the spy's end is screaming and biting his panicked heart.

The spy's breathing was disordered and weak. He tried his best to turn his head and yelled to Tang Ni's mother-in-law: "Lord, host! I'm wronged! I'm not a spy at all!"

The doctor looked up to the sky and slapped haha: "What? You are not a spy? You still don't give up? Then I ask you, since you are not a spy, why do you want to escape with enthusiasm?"

The back of the agent was pinched by the doctor and his neck was severely painful. He struggled and called out: "You just said that I was the agent. The Prince of Persia and the others are about to kill me immediately. Not to mention so many masters. Armed forces are about to be attacked. How many people dare to take the attack from the Prince of Persia? That's why they have to flee desperately! Host! Please be aware of it!"

The doctor shook his head and cocked his mouth and asked: "Oh? Kill you? I haven't heard anyone say that I want to kill you~ Everyone is just shouting to take you down! After all... it's you. Is there a ghost in Lin Hongyi's heart?"

The agent called Lin Hongyi by the doctor immediately replied: "This is the sacred and inviolable heart of conviction. At that time, everyone of you regarded me as an agent. In the case of anger, what if someone kills me by mistake? I don't want to take this risk with my life!" It seems that he not only has good skills, but also has a top-notch mental reaction. The sophistry under the crisis caused some participants to be shaken.

It turned out that this spy was called Lin Hongyi, and he joined the Conviction Alliance a long time ago. During his period in the Conviction League, he has always acted in a low-key manner. Apart from everyone knows that he is good at stealth and martial arts, he has never had a sharp performance and record.

But every time he performs crusade missions, he can return to the headquarters without incident.

Not only that, every time the Alliance assigns a new person under his leadership, there has never been any casualties, and they can pass the internship smoothly and smoothly.

There has never been a record of casualties-this is a very remarkable feat!

And this has led Lin Hongyi to receive praise and support from many imprisoned criminals, and has successfully obtained the right to freely enter and exit the heart of conviction, and participate in the trial of burn marks.

Now, Lin Hongyi was suddenly accused of being a spy, and he was identified by the "unlimited conspiracy" doctor. This is equivalent to almost 100% sure of his identity, but there are still a few people who still have it in their hearts. There are doubts.

Several of the participants who had worked with Lin Hongyi whispered to her mother-in-law Tangni with some hesitation: "Host, Lin Hongyi has also made a lot of credit. Although the behavior just now was suspicious, it is also love to hear him say this. There is excuse, is it a bit too arbitrary to say that he is a spy suddenly? Can you give him a chance to defend?"

"Stupid!" The hoarse voice suddenly said again: "Doctor, you know what to do!"

After hearing this, the doctor issued a horrifying sneer that made Lin Hongyi sneer: "Ha~~ Excuse me? Why does it take so much trouble? Doesn't this happen to have the hottest polygraph tool in the world now? Axin! Catch him! "

Lin Hongyi finally realized what the doctor wanted to do. He suddenly straightened his whole body. Before he could make a sound, he was suddenly kicked by the doctor and flew into the holy flame of the conviction!

Lin Hongyi was severely injured by the prince and was already at the end of the force, so as soon as he fell into the scope of the Sacred Flame of Sentencing, he was immediately suppressed by Ashin.

The Sacred Flame of Conviction made a terrifying whistling sound, burning more and more fiercely like fuel that was thrown into it to anger it!

An icy suffocation hit Lin Hongyi's whole body, and he understood: The Sacred Flame of Sentence is judging whether he, the person who entered the burning range for the first time, is eligible to survive! Then, the unimaginable tearing pain like a knife cut axe and chisel made him let out a sharp and desperate scream!

Everyone can see clearly: The Sacred Flame of Sentencing is burning Lin Hongyi to ashes alive, which shows that he is not even qualified to stand in the Sacred Flame of Sentencing to be judged! Yes, he must be a spy!

Just as Lin Hongyi was about to be buried in the Sacred Flame, Tang Ni's mother-in-law struck the magic hammer violently, making a thunderous sound, and then sternly said: "The burn trial is over now!"


With the fall of Tang Ni's magic hammer, the sacred flame of the conviction quickly dissipated. On the ground covered by the sacred flame, the symbol of the conviction alliance gradually lost its light and turned into an ordinary pattern on the ground. A scorching sensation appeared in A Xin's whole body, and the magic lines on his body also disappeared without a trace.

However, Lin Hongyi was burnt to a terrible state of being burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. His whole body was scorched and burnt. Only two eyes that kept turning in horror made it clear that he was alive .

I have to say that Grandma Tang Ni’s timing is very clever. She didn’t let the Sacred Flame of Sentence directly burn Lin Hongyi to ashes. At the same time, she took advantage of the characteristics of Sacred Flame of Sentence to severely inflict him on him, causing him to lose all ability to move, so that he could be imprisoned slowly. Interrogate slowly.

The doctor opened his hands and asked the people in the Senate: "Now, who else thinks he has been wronged?"

A participant sat down heavily on his seat: "Oh! Why are spies mingled with the conviction heart? Is there any loophole found in the magic detection outside? It's impossible! Isn't it something? What's wrong?"

"Stupid!" said the hoarse voice: "If magic detection can identify loyalty and traitor, then, the ancestors of the alliance, why bother to develop the sacred flame of conviction? Axin, successfully passed the test of the cold iron corridor, you , Isn’t it the same suspect that he is suspected of rebellion?!

The participant was reprimanded by the hoarse voice and suddenly realized: "Oh... yeah!"

The doctor touched his chin and thought: "The magic detection on the cold iron corridor can be said to be the most perfect security defense system. It's just that these detections are aimed at those who want to sneak into and convict through various abnormal methods. The outsider of the heart of mind. Because the predecessors who originally designed these magical defense systems did not think that there would be traitors inside us. So like him, he joined the alliance very early, and he has indeed acquired the status of the executioner of the law, but The guys who are actually psychologically unkind are naturally enthusiastic and will not be discovered."

Some things seem plain, but they are extremely scary after careful consideration.

Just like the mental state of the participants, after listening to the analysis of the above two people, they suddenly felt the chill like an ice cave!

On the cold iron corridor of the Heart of Conviction, although there are the most rigorous and terrifying layers of magic detection and defense in the world, it is really only a defense against those "outsiders" who want to sneak into the Heart of Conviction by unruly means.

If it is like Lin Hongyi, who has not been possessed, impersonated, spiritually manipulated, or controlled by the soul, his own identity as a prisoner is recognized, and he is betraying the alliance according to his own will, naturally he will not be affected by those outsiders. The magic against illegal means is detected.

Therefore, the predecessors of the Conviction Alliance must have spent a lot of time and resources in order to make up for this shortcoming caused by imperfect logic to develop a conviction flame that can distinguish lies, right

These participants then thought: God knows before, was there someone like Lin Hongyi who swaggered in and out of the conviction heart among the participants? !

If... even the most important central system of the Conviction Alliance is infiltrated...

Before that, according to the hoarse voice analysis of Bone Mist’s attempt to split the alliance, if there is Lin Hongyi, a spy with higher expectations in the alliance, secretly provoke...the conviction of the alliance’s civil war is by no means alarmist!

Tang Ni's mother-in-law's face was covered with a layer of bleakness: "I didn't expect him to be the lowest-key and simple... I really know people and don't know my heart..."

A participant stood up with a grim expression: "Compared with this, host, we have a more urgent situation to pay attention to!"

Other participants also echoed: "Yes! If the heart of conviction can be penetrated by the enemy, then we must come up with a countermeasure as quickly as possible!"

Granny Tangni stroked her snow-white sideburns: "I understand that this is the most urgent priority now! Colleagues, let me think about it..." The crow's feet at the corner of her eyes were stained with heavy fatigue.

The doctor and the prince saw that Tang Ni's mother-in-law was tired, and they knew that she had worked too hard on the affairs of the conviction heart. They admired and regretted.

The doctor raised his hand and waved wildly like a mental patient: "What the hell! Old lady! I have a solution. See if you are enthusiastic enough?"

Mother-in-law Tangni smiled kindly: "Oh? Did you think of any horrible idea? Let's just listen, if you can solve this problem quickly, you will be exempted from the previous punishment!"

"Order!" When the doctor heard that he had a chance to escape from the particle girl's clutches, he happily turned a somersault: "Although this guy was caught, who can guarantee that there are other guys in the middle of the big guy? Do you think it?"

The participants agreed with the doctor's statement: "Yes! It is impossible to guarantee that there will be fish that slip through the net!"

The doctor said with a smile on his face: "So, wait for the old lady, you activate the Sacred Flame of Sentencing again. All the people present must pass through the Sacred Flame of Sentencing if they want to leave the heart of Sentencing! See if the rest of the people can do it. Reliable."

Granny Tangni glanced at the magic hammer in her hand and asked to the left and right: "My colleagues, although the doctor's method of lowering the head is rude, it is simple and effective. It is an extraordinary period, so why don't you feel wronged for the time being?"

The participants looked at each other, and then all agreed: "It's okay! We have a clear conscience, let alone clear the suspicion, why not do it?"

The doctor exaggeratedly nodded his head: "Aha~ the feeling of being united as one is good! But the next thing is the main thing! After everyone gets out from here...haha! Of course I am talking about everyone who succeeded in getting out of the Sacred Flame~~ Keep these passionate things that happened today a secret~~ As someone asked about Lin Hongyi’s whereabouts, they said that he was sent out to perform the task. After that, the old woman and the prince immediately issued a summoning order to convict us in the alliance. , All the most enthusiastic and hot top warlocks gathered together. Everyone immediately began to carry out a project, that is: to expand the burning range of the sacred flame of the conviction to cover the entire heart of conviction! In this way, any in and out of the conviction in the future People who are executed by the heart's secret law must first pass the judgment of the Sacred Flame of Conviction before they can enter. Then everyone can breathe a sigh of relief!"

The prince added coldly: "One more thing! During the internship, all the prisoners who have been assigned to Lin Hongyi by the Alliance to guide Lin Hongyi must be thoroughly investigated!"

Granny Tangni looked at the prince and nodded silently.

A participant asked: "Then... what if there is someone like Lin Hongyi among these assembled warlocks?"

The hoarse voice suddenly let out a long sigh: "I, I can't breathe!"

"Uh..." The doctor grinned and said to the participant: "I said your head was carved out of chicken wings and wood? Let them stand in the Sacred Flame of the Conviction, too! Then he asked the question: "Have you betrayed in any way? Conviction League? And want to do anything to harm the Conviction League? "We are good brothers who can answer it but it’s okay! We can’t answer... Humph~~ Fuck the hot watermelon! )