The Law of The Dead

Chapter 142: Adverse policy


Participants discussed: "The method of lowering the head of the doctor is indeed feasible. If it is only to expand the burning range of the Sacred Flame of the Conviction, and work together, this project may only take a few months from research and development to completion."

Granny Tang Ni's crow's feet stretched out, and she asked the participants: "It seems that all of my colleagues agree to the doctor's method of lowering the head?"

A participant said: "This method is very good. The conviction flame is used to screen the members participating in the project. This ensures that this vital project can be carried out safely and secretly. Moreover, after the project is completed, it can be solved once and for all. The hidden worries of the Heart of Judgment!"

Another participant asked: "Then, during this period of time, the administrative functions of the Heart of Conviction will be suspended. What should I do with so many things that the Alliance needs to handle?"

The hoarse voice suddenly said: "It's okay, so many things will be handled by my mother-in-law and Tang Ni!"

A person sitting in the main seat alongside Tang Ni’s mother-in-law said: "It seems that the emergency plan for everything has been discussed. But there is one more thing I care about..."

Those who sit in the main seats are the Senate officers second only to the host of Tang Ni's grandmother, and they have a higher level of power among the participants. But from the beginning of the burn trial to the present, these people have never made any remarks, so the Senate officer's words naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Mother-in-law Tangni asked: "Oh? What does this Senator care about?"

The senator said: "Just now the doctors who had lowered their heads mentioned the words'strategy, plan, and information collection', and then suddenly pointed out that Lin Hongyi, who was indeed a spy, had already been noticed. The spy is hidden among us." He looked at the doctor and asked: "So I am very curious that there is such a security loophole in the heart of conviction. Your method has just been proposed. Before implementation, you passed it. What method did you find this spy? I hope you can share the experience and ideas in this, so that we can all learn from it, and strengthen our ability to adapt and analyze in this respect, so as not to encounter the same thing in the future. passive."

"Yeah!" a participant said excitedly: "Unexpectedly, so many of us, today are all being tricked like fools! If it weren't for you here, either Bone Mist's poisonous tricks, or Lin Hongyi's spy status, We may not notice anything until now!"

The doctor shrugged and said with a smile: "Although I heard the news that Ashin is going to be tried by the burn marks, the prince and I were also very surprised. But it is also very easy to notice something wrong! There are many doubts in Ashin's case report. , You attribute the cause of these doubts to the basis of'Axin has rebelled'. And I know that Ashin is absolutely innocent, so I base my analysis of the matter on the basis of'Axin has not rebelled'. Then Reverse thinking: Why is Ashin clearly innocent, but someone wants to secretly promote the start of the burn trial? So, immediately and passionately come to the conclusion that “someone wants to frame Ashin”! Then Just think about it: Why do people framing each other when executed by the law? It's impossible, right?" He spread his hands with a smile on his face: "Here, the answer is obvious, right? Of course: Yes The inner ghost wants to take advantage of this opportunity to make waves! Now, the big guy thinks about it, who has the right to participate in the first proposal to initiate the burn trial against Ashin? It seems that you can use the back heel. If you can imagine it, that person must be...hehehehe..." He touched his chin and smiled at the half-coke-like Lin Hongyi.

"The suggestion was made at the time... Oops!!"

Upon hearing this, including the Senator who asked the question, all the participants couldn't help but fought a cold war!

"Ah!" a participant screamed: "Yes! It is Lin Hongyi! He found out these doubts and then convinced me to agree to start the burn trial!"

The other participant also nodded bitterly: "Yes, I was attracted by the doubts he pointed out at the time, plus this person's usual reputation is very good, so he didn't doubt his real purpose at all. Now Thinking about it, his proposal to start the burn trial at that time was really suspicious!"

The senator continued to ask: "However, the speculation you made was only to the point where you noticed that there was a spy who was involved in the referee. He was secretly pushing for the burn trial step, but he did not specifically lock it in a certain referee’s. Body, isn't it? Then how did you determine from the many participants that Lin Hongyi was the spy?"

The doctor said slowly: "Well...that's what the deadly tongue just said: I have collected enthusiastic information! I have sent a lot of excellent undercover agents to work~~" He raised his hand. Released, the transparent beetles hiding silently in the niches of the participants flew back to the doctor like agents who were ordered to evacuate.

The doctor held up a transparent beetle with the belly of his finger and said to the Senator: "Hey! I have released these enthusiastic little things a long time ago to secretly monitor your heartbeat, blood flow rate, and liver temperature, etc. !"

The participants froze for a moment, staring at each other with a look of astonishment, and then all shook their heads and smiled bitterly. After being under surveillance for so long, I didn't notice it at all. This time, whether it was skill or resourcefulness, I was convinced that I lost firmly!

The doctor retracted the transparent beetle with his sleeve: "I monitored your physical state, and then I began to make sure that Ashin would not have any accidents, while acting as an unreasonable troublemaker in order to protect the calf. Kind of trouble!" He made a grimace to the participants on the Senate seat: "Haha! Admit it! Most of you hate me, and you think I am a problem bear kid! No matter what, anyway. I don’t have a good image, so I just come to a enthusiastic performance. And the guy who hopes to convict Ashin, sees me jumping out and making troubles several times, and he will see me as a thorn in his eyes. I’m not calm! I only need to notice who is in an abnormal state, and then I can basically lock that spy’s identity! But..."

The doctor rolled his eyes and showed a bitter expression: "But the result was beyond my expectation! Most of you are very uncomfortable. You all expressed enthusiasm and anger because of my problem. The idea at the beginning was different! So at this time, I suddenly reversed thinking again: Since many people are not calm to me, what is going on with that calm guy? This guy has a steady heartbeat and smooth breathing. , The blood flow rate and the body surface temperature are always the same, it is almost as calm as sleeping! In a big environment where everyone is not calm, this person is not affected by group emotions at all, he is calm a bit too weird , It’s weird as if you are deliberately suppressing your own emotions and physical activities! Haha! Little mouse! You were finally discovered by me passionately!" He began to applaud: "Huh? Such a wonderful and brilliant resourcefulness, Didn’t it impress you... Actually, I have already admired me so much? There should be warm applause here~~"

"Papa Papa..."

Reluctant applause rang out sparsely from the Senate seat.

The Senator sighed: "Wonderful! What a wonderful thing! Deserving of the "Infinite Conspiracy" doctor, he immediately locked the spy's true identity and thwarted the conspiracy of Bone Wu to take this opportunity to split the alliance!"

The doctor shook his hands and denied, "No, no, no, no! I only noticed that Lin Hongyi is a spy. As for the conspiracy of Bone Mist... Although I was pretending to be a calf protector, if Axin suffers some harm, I can Tell you: According to my temper... I will definitely do it with you! Look! Even myself was almost used as a pawn by Bone Fog, so I didn't expect his conspiracy at all! And, see through Bone Fog The conspiracy wasn’t me at all, but our passionate conviction league’s first wise man! I only asked him for help, and came out to save Ashin when the situation was not good for Ashin. In the end, he didn’t expect him to expose it. After such a terrible conspiracy, even I was shocked with enthusiasm!"

The senator felt a little surprised: "Oh? So you didn't communicate with each other in advance? I thought it was after you discussed together that you set up a trap against Lin Hongyi!"

The hoarse voice suddenly snorted: "Humph! Such a simple and easy-to-understand thing, you can see the conspiracy at a glance, there is no need to gather for discussion!"

The Senator closed his eyes for a moment, and then asked humbly: "I still have something I don't understand, please give me some advice from the first wise man!"

The hoarse voice said: "You, as the prisoners of the underworld law, although most of you are extremely intelligent, you are all skilled at fighting but neglecting calculations. Very few people are willing to think in reverse! This matter, In fact, you only need to look at the overall situation, and then consider all the causes and effects with reverse thinking!"

The Senate officer then asked: "Considering the reverse thinking? Can you elaborate on it?"

The hoarse voice said: "I, I have explained Bone Mist's conspiracy in detail before, so I won't repeat it here! So, if you think backwards, since Bone Mist hopes that the conspiracy of splitting the alliance will proceed smoothly, then I absolutely must guarantee one. Things must happen! This, what must happen is-the burn trial of Ashin must be started! Only when the burn trial is started, can Ashin be hurt, and then, the doctor will be angered to take action, pass, and the spy. Let the ** ferment, and finally, achieve the goal of splitting the alliance. Thinking in this way, you will get a question: Bone Mist, as the enemy of the alliance, what means must be used to ensure that the burn trial can be initiated 100%? Answer, There is only one: he must have inserted a spy who has the rights and identity of a participant, and can promote the initiation of the burn trial, as and should be lurking in the alliance! In this way, it will be easy to conclude that there are spies among the participants. Conclusion!"

The senator was dumbfounded, and he couldn't help applauding, "So that's it! Is this the so-called adverse policy? I'm really ashamed!"

At this moment, in the heart of the heavily guarded conviction, an old voice that should never have appeared here: "God and ghost, with the same number as Phae, come here, please forgive me!" "(End of this chapter)