The Law of The Dead

Chapter 143: Into the same number as Farre


A thick white mist quietly appeared and spread on the high dome almost close to the clouds, like a heavy thunder from the ancient times through the cracks of time, with a rumbling with a sense of mystery, as if in a fairy tale The ghost ship that shuttles through the mysterious waters is breathtaking, and a huge streamlined sailing vessel carved from a huge piece of white marble emerges from the fog.

On the three huge masts surrounded by wildfires, the broad horizontal sails, like the wings of a dragon, formed a huge shadow that enveloped everyone in them.

The sculpture on the bow of the ship looks like a dried-up giant (Among the people present, I am afraid that only Ashin knows: that is actually "half" of the second general!), staring at the wrinkled but imposing eyes, Down looking down at all the condemned men of the same name as Faer dumbfounded. He put his two arms, which were thin, but still wider than ordinary door panels, together to form a treadle that could be walked toward the ground.

"Oh, oh! Is the burn trial over? The spy must have been caught, too? It seems that I missed a very exciting scene!" On the bow of the Faeuton, there was a man wearing an ancient Roman purple and gold robe. Although his face is as beautiful as the sun, he cannot tell his true age; the brown pupils under the golden curly hair are unpredictable, and his gentle smile makes him unable to resist his charm.

That was the highest peak of the Black Belly, the captain of the Phaertong who had signed the agreement to "be a slave once" with Ashin.

The faces of the translators are almost turning black, and it is already embarrassing and unbearable to be mixed into the ranks of the participants by spies!

Now even the same number as Faeu, who was not invited at all, is as casual as a walk in the back garden, just swiftly and easily broke in!

When Ashin heard the words "God and Ghost Qihang, and Fare Same Number", he thought it was his own hallucinations. After all, the heart of conviction is not a place where everyone can come by. But when he heard the gentle voice of the black-bellied captain again, the scriptures on the same ship as Faeu were shocked and frightened like recurring old injuries.

A Xin jumped up and shouted: "Ah! That black-bellied Captain! How did he get into the Heart of Conviction?!"

In fact, he was curious before: Can the well-guarded Heart of Conviction be able to enter the same name as Faeu, which claims to be reachable from anywhere

Although as a member of the Conviction Alliance, it feels very bad to see that the Heart of Conviction is so easily penetrated by the same name as Faeu. However, this indisputable fact that happened before us also provided the most vivid answer to Ashin's long-standing question in his heart.

The doctor and the prince did not show the strong hostility of others. They looked at the black-bellied captain with complicated eyes, full of joy and perplexity, like seeing an old friend they hadn’t seen for a long time, and suddenly did something. The same thing unexpectedly.

The doctor even blew a loud whistle like a cheer: "My dear! Although it has been known that the magic of the same number as Faeu is not covered, but even the heart of conviction can break in, it would be too passionate and hot. !"

Granny Tang Ni’s eyes quickly flashed a trace of danger, and she said in a slow and slightly angry voice: “It seems that the rumor that you can go anywhere... is not an exaggeration! Fae, the ghostly sailing. The same number really deserves its reputation!"

Suddenly an angry storm threw off the Senate!

"Too arrogant! Even if you are our loyal ally all the time, you can't break in so rashly, right? What do you take the heart of conviction for?!"

"If today's events are spread out, wouldn't the underworld punishment be reduced to the laughing stock of the entire spiritual world!?"

However, some people smiled bitterly. The heart of conviction that has never been invaded, unexpectedly appeared twice in a day outsiders. It seems that the safety of the heart of conviction is not as reliable as they thought before. !

"Host! He must be punished as he deserves! The captain seems humble, but he doesn't have the heart of conviction in his eyes at all!"


A senator stood up suddenly, staring at the captain with bloodshot eyes, staring straight at the captain with a blade-like gaze, and then roared with a terrifying roar: "Everyone! You should not care about your reputation now. It’s time to face these details! Didn’t you find out? The biggest passenger transporter in the supernatural world...can enter the heart of conviction! Think about what this means?! So...Today, for our alliance to fight to the death! Even if you carry a name that makes the entire spiritual world despise! Even if we get the hands of our condemned person! Even if you lose the qualification to stay in the alliance! He must not be allowed to leave here alive!"

This Senator's words, like a thunderstorm, smashed into the hearts of every Senator, causing them to suddenly feel a huge sense of horror!

Powerful space magic was applied inside the hull. The Faeuton, which can carry tens of thousands of passengers and countless supplies at a time, just proved its outstanding ability in front of their eyes: this ship is capable of voyages. The ghost unknowingly entered the headquarters of the Conviction Alliance, and even without triggering any alarm, easily entered the most important administrative center of the Conviction Alliance-the Heart of Conviction!

Hidden behind this fact... is the hidden danger that makes every participant shudder!

Anyone, if they want, they can board the same ship as Faeu... and enter the Heart of Conviction as easily as sitting on a sightseeing car, even without much physical effort!

I'm afraid... as long as someone can afford the price, Faeu, who has always focused on interests, is likely to abandon the covenant with the Crime of Crimes Alliance, carrying a heavily armed army at any time, surpassing the defenses of the Crime of Crime Alliance, and directly Kill from the Heart of Conviction located in the center of the headquarters!

Once that happens, it will be a disaster for the Conviction Alliance!

The existence of the same number Faeu itself has already constituted a great security threat to the Heart of Conviction!

and so…

Can't let this ship and this captain continue to exist!

A bloody cold storm suddenly blew up on the Senate seat!

Everyone was staring at the captain with a decisive look, and the weapons in their hands had already uttered restless whispers because of the upsurge in killing intent!

Breaking into the Heart of Conviction is not guilty of death, and Faeu has always been a cooperative ally of the Conviction Alliance. If this ally is killed here, he will definitely be despised by the entire spiritual world.

Moreover, the captain himself has a vast network of contacts in the spiritual world. Once he is killed, it will inevitably cause many strong figures and groups to oppose the Conviction Alliance.

Killing the captain of the same ship Faeu had very serious consequences!

But even so, in order to protect the alliance they love like a family; in order to protect those who are thriving, sooner or later they will take over the burden from their predecessors and build a brighter future for the conviction alliance. We...

At this moment, the participants all made a very firm and painful consciousness in their hearts, obliterating their pride and dignity as a prisoner of the law, and would rather use the blood of their allies to fight for justice. Hand, I would rather put the dirty eternal infamy on your back, and also get rid of this huge threat here!

The whole heart of conviction seemed to be contaminated with muddy murderous aura. All the participants looked at Granny Tangni with terrifying eyes. As long as her host gave an order, they would immediately turn into evil dragons whose nests were invaded! The captain shredded in a swarm!

The captain of the same ship of Faeu, faced with such a terrible killing intent, was as comfortable as walking head-on in the spring breeze. He slowly walked off the pedals with a smile, and then Shi Shiran kneeled on the ground, facing everyone The participants with horrible expressions saluted: "Dear convicts, please forgive me for breaking into the heart of conviction so abruptly. Although this is very rude and rude, please believe that I do not want to insult this. The idea of a place of glory and majesty. The reason why I will do this is because the situation is very urgent, so I have to do it!"

A participant sneered and said in a file-like voice: "The situation is very urgent? You are too right. The current state of affairs...! Indeed! Very! Very often! Urgent! Urgent! Ah!"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, all the participants began to urge their skills to gain momentum. The tense atmosphere here immediately rose to an even more suffocating level!

"I said... big guy~ don't you need to be so passionate, right?"

At this time, the doctor put a "big" posture with his limbs and walked slowly to block the captain. Then he made a move that surprised everyone-he actually knelt down!

The frivolous smile on the doctor’s face disappeared, and his face looked very sincere: "Everyone, although the magic of the same number as Faeu is very threatening. But I promise, this black-bellied black has no morals, and he likes all kinds of things. Playing human, but he will never do anything to harm the alliance!"

A participant immediately retorted: "Doctor lowering the head! The number of people who have been counted by him is countless, and the dad he has pitted can go around the earth eight times! How can you guarantee that he will not suddenly see benefits and harm the alliance one day? !"

"Oh! Look at your notoriety!" The doctor glanced at the captain, sighed exaggeratedly, and simply lay down on the ground: "Use my head, right? If he really does something unfavorable to the alliance Anything, you can cut off my passionate head right away!"

The participants couldn't help their breath stagnating. They never expected that a doctor who has always been frivolous and presumptuous would not hesitate to use his life to protect an outsider!

What the hell is this for? !


Before everyone's brains had time to react to the doctor's actions, the prince suddenly pulled the magic silver coffin and smashed it on the ground. He quickly walked over to block in front of the captain, kneeling on the ground and looking at Tang. Granny Ni said coldly and firmly: "There is still mine!" (End of this chapter)