The Law of The Dead

Chapter 144: Debt collection black belly


The Heart of Conviction fell into a dumb silence once again, and everyone was shocked slightly from ear to ear, and even Ashin, who thought he knew the doctor well, was a little bit at a loss.

The Senate seat was clearly filled with astonishing murderous aura just now, but now it is full of anxiety, confusion, and even frustration!

No one had thought that the two monsters who should be attacked the most would use their lives to protect a huge threat at the same time.

A participant stared at the two demon crusaders who stood in front of the captain with a reproachful look: "Doctor lowered head, Prince Persia! Why do you protect him like this? Your talents should understand that once he colludes with the Tyrant Club Yes, what terrible harm will it cause to our conviction alliance?!"

After hearing this, the captain suddenly raised his head and said in his gentle voice: "You can rest assured about this. Although you have had business dealings with the Tyrant Club in Xia, you can guarantee that it's all past tense!"

A senator made no secret of his suspicion of the captain: "Huh? How could he be willing to cut his own money suddenly with the same number as Faeu, who has always refused to come to business?"

The captain pretended to mourn and said: "Speaking of this, I am afraid that everyone here does not know that now is the biggest victim of the Tyrant Club! Their evil officials have not only broken the rules, and killed people on the same ship of Faer! What's more frantic is that after that, all the distinguished passengers on the ship were killed one by one! This caused serious damage to the reputation of Xia, and even the business performance of the same ship on the Faeu plummeted! So the next decision, The Tyrant’s Club will be permanently blacklisted on the same number of Fah, and will never have any formal contact with these lunatics!” He turned around and seriously said to the dry giant on the same Fah (the second general’s “half”). ") said: "In the future, you must not respond to the call of any tyrant club member or related power groups!"

The air-dried giant twisted his neck, making a sound of dry joints rubbing, and nodded slightly to the captain in response.

The participants thought about what the captain said...

Indeed, the passengers who can board the same ship as Faeu are all big people who are wealthy if they are not powerful and powerful. This time the passengers on the same ship on the Faeu were collectively killed, and so many big people died at one time, and many closely related forces will also change drastically. This will definitely set off a storm no less than a war in the spiritual world. !

As the joint and severally responsible Phaertong, it will naturally be criticized and doubted from many parties. It is conceivable that the captain is under tremendous pressure.

Under this circumstance, the Faeux naturally had a huge grudge with the tyrant club as the culprit, so the captain just said "permanently included in the Faeux blacklist" also has a very high level. Credibility.

But there are still very vigilant people who refuse to easily believe in the highest peak of the black belly, staring at the still hostile eyes and saying, "Who knows if this black belly is telling the truth? Everyone has read the report of Ashin. , This guy is a master who even dared to cram cargo into the cargo hold and lock it up as the King of Frost Trolls!"

The captain couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “You’re too wrong to say that! You should also know that the Faeux has always attached great importance to the privacy of passengers, so the cargo carried by every passenger on board is self-stored. When the two hateful ministers boarded the ship, they only explained that there were rare magical creatures inside, and they didn’t want others to watch them at will. Then they stored the cages in the cargo hold of the same ship as Faeu. Later, I also wanted to inspect them by accident. It was only after a cargo hold that these two unscrupulous guys secretly took the King of the Frost Troll as a cargo and carried the same name on the same name as Faeu! Dear men of the underworld, you should also know that the Frost Troll is in a spiritual world. How lofty is their status? What's more, it's their king-Ice Eye Ibuprofen?! No matter how much you want to die, you don't dare to imprison it on your ship as a cargo!"

A senator raised his eyebrows, leaned forward and asked: "In that case, why didn't you release Bingmu·ibuprofen immediately after discovering this, and open the truth to the public?"

The captain still had a smile on his face, but it was not the gentle smile he had before. Instead, he replaced it with a smile full of courage that could not be questioned by others: "Although the ice eye ibuprofen was used as cargo, it was imprisoned on the same ship as Faeu In the cargo hold, it was a big mistake made by Xia Xia’s negligence. But helplessly, before discovering this big error, Xia Xia had already completed a deal with the evil minister! Now that a deal is established, no matter what the price is, Faeu will do his best to complete it! This is the principle and dignity that a businessman must adhere to! And..." He stretched out his thumb, and gestured to Asin who was standing beside him stupefied: "Although the principle is That’s right, but after all, it’s a matter of great importance, so I have taken some measures, isn’t it true that Bingmu·ibuprofen is not saved?"

Hearing the captain's words, the participants couldn't help showing tangled expressions as if they were looking at a wicked hedgehog.

The space and road inside the Phaertong was controlled by the captain's magic, so the reason why Ashin was able to meet and rescue Bingmu Ibuprofen at that time was because the captain secretly guided him to the cargo hold.

However, this kind of righteous talk about principles and dignity was discussed before, and then immediately under the guise of Ashin’s hand, he secretly sabotaged his so-called "will complete it with all his strength" transaction, but it was wrong Like a hedgehog covered in prickles, it is impossible to refute, this captain's nasty black belly has really reached the extraordinary realm of gathering three flowers!

Granny Tangni looked at the captain with a smile, and said: "You have explained your current relationship with the Tyrant Club in detail, but this is not a reason for your trespassing and conviction! Didn't you just say that the situation is very urgent? What kind of a very urgent situation can make you risk the risk of being killed, so unreasonably break into the place we are defending to the death-the place of glory and majesty, the heart of conviction!?"

The captain patted his forehead, and said with a look of sincerity but insincerity, "Oh! You see this memory! I came here today for two very urgent things! The first is Suddenly Xia realized that Bone Mist might be promoting a conspiracy to split the conviction alliance! And for this conspiracy to be successfully realized, there must be an undercover to secretly promote the burnt trial of Ashin. So Xia, as your most loyal ally, Willing to risk being killed and come to convict to expose his conspiracy!"

Speaking of this, all the participants suddenly remembered: The highest peak of the black belly world, the captain of the same ship of Faeu, has the profound wisdom not lost to the bone mist and the first wise man of the Broken Crime Alliance, and is one of the four greatest wise men in the world One of them!

But he didn't put his outstanding wisdom into full play in his ambitions. Instead, he is willing to use extraordinary magic to be a black-bellied passenger and cargo transporter.

Therefore, his identity as a wise man, who should never be underestimated, was concealed by his more brilliant aura of black abdomen, and his due light was gradually ignored by people over time.

The doctor smiled weirdly, and squinted at the captain. He thought in his heart: (Hey and eagerly come to help the Alliance? If you are so kind, then I will cry and thank you for correcting evil!)

"Huh!" The hoarse voice, who had never known where he was hiding, suddenly said unkindly: "You are here, guard here, the Alliance, naturally will not be poisoned by any conspiracy! You don't need you at all here!"

The overtone of this sentence is obvious: I am here, so there is no need for an outsider to worry about you! Your so-called first very urgent matter is just an excuse for trespassing the heart of conviction!

The captain showed a slightly arrogant look. It was a smile when he met a tough opponent. He sighed exaggeratedly and said: "Oh, oh! What a rude! I almost forgot that you, the first wise man of the Conviction League, is here. Bone Mist’s conspiracy will definitely be exposed beautifully! It’s because I am too self-righteous, and I ask you to forgive me." He glanced at Lin Hongyi, who was lying painfully at the feet of Asin: "It seems that even the undercover of the alliance is lurking. It has also been found out, so the first very urgent matter will be solved!"

Granny Tang Ni naturally understood the meaning of the hoarse voice. She maintained a vague attitude that was neither friendly nor disgusting and asked slowly: "What is the second very urgent matter?"

The captain shrugged: "The second thing... it's a more personal issue!" He glanced at Ashin: "Here, I'm here to take away his own property!"

Granny Tangni tilted her head, deliberately pretending to not understand what the captain was talking about and asked: "Take your property? I don't understand. How could there be your property in the Conviction Alliance?"

The captain showed an exaggerated expression of greed as if performing, rubbing his hands like a profiteer who was about to get huge profits: "Well...I remember that every person executed by the law will write a detailed report of the case and hand it over. The Intelligence Department of the Conviction Alliance has archived it. So you should be very clear that the agreement signed by Ashin and Xi is correct, so why pretend to be ignorant?" He glanced at Ashin again.

"Damn! You, what do you want to do?!" Through the holographic enchantment, Axin sensed that the captain was looking at him, and he suddenly felt an irresistible trembling chill all over his body.

The captain smiled and said, "Of course I want to come and take you away, because you are the important property!"

A Xin's trembling voice sounded like a desperate scream: "What property?! I am not your property! That's not what I said at the beginning!"

The doctor couldn't bear to cover his face and whispered, "Hey...this little rookie is so passionate and easy to fall into the trap!"

The captain smiled like catching the prey: "Oh? Didn't you say that at the beginning? Then how did you negotiate with him?"

Axin blame shouted: "Slave! I am your slave! We said yes!"

The captain’s smile became darker: "Look, isn’t slave also a type of property? So it’s not wrong to call you property~~" He said to Granny Tangni again, "Look, Axin I admit it: I am your slave! And I shouted loudly~~"

Ashin was dumbfounded, and sat on the ground with a puff and muttered: "You black-bellied demon... So you are forcing me to say something like this..."

Granny Tang Ni sneered: "I said so many beautiful things before, but the real purpose is to come to collect debts!"

The captain smiled brightly: " can also be said to be debt collection! So, the dignified underworld executioner, shouldn't it be with me, a weak, conscientious, dedicated, loyal and friendly businessman? "(End of this chapter)